I want make a new file to call a ticket replies from db and adding feature for showing a single reply only by reply id or reply time for example if called a URL like
How I can do that?
I am trying delete a database and any associated replicas using LotusScript adminp calls. This is basically the code:
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim adminp As NotesAdministrationProcess
Set adminp = session.CreateAdministrationProcess("Software_Server")
noteid$ = adminp.DeleteReplicas("Software_Server", "Guys1")
If noteid$ <> "" Then
Call adminp.ApproveReplicaDeletion(noteid$) 'This is where the error is thrown
End If
The first adminp call is successful and returns a noteid, and if I look in the admin requests database can see the document. The next call to ApproveReplicateDeletion results in the error "Invalid Approval Request note"
The documentation doesn't contain any examples for the adminp approve methods. I have a feeling that maybe the second request cannot be called until much later when adminp has processed the first request?
Also related question, do I only have to make this request on a single server and it will remove replicas on all other servers, or do I need to make this request for each server?
So this is a bit more complicated than the help gives any indication of, and might explain why I couldn't find any examples on the internet on how to do it. So the Workflow for using AdminP is as Follows:
Create the request to get the noteID for the initial noteid of the DeleteReplicas request. The returned noteID is not the one that is used to approve the delete replica request. noteid$ = adminp.DeleteReplicas("Software_Server", "Guys1")
This creates a document in the admin.nsf db for the initial request, but the approval docs don't yet exist, for the server to create those, the adminp process must run.
So in the code send a Console command to the Server "tell adminp process now"
Sleep the agent for a few seconds to give adminp time to process the request (this will also fire off any other waiting adminp requests unfortunately)
Now new documents will have been created in the admin database, that are awaiting approval by an admin. These documents contain the noteids that should be sent the approvereplicadeletion
To get them, first lookup the notes document by the noteID in the admin db obtained in step 1
Using that noteid for the document, get the field value ProxyOriginatingRequestUNID from the document.
using this UNID value, perform a getalldocumentsbykey on the view ($AllRequestsbyOriginatingUNID)
if the returned document has a ProxyAction field with a value of "82", this is an approval request document. This documents noteid can be passed to approveReplicaDeletion to have adminp remove the database next time it processes requests.
You can either send a console command to process adminp again, or just wait for the database deletions etc. to happen next time around.
Is there a way to disable the creation of a "log note" when I send an email using the send_mail() method of mail.template?
Basically what I'm doing is sending an email to all team members every time a ticket is opened in the helpdesk. the problem is that in the ticket itself, it creates as many log notes for me as there are emails I send.
How can I disable the creation of log notes?
Thanks in advance
I had the same issue which you are facing so my solution :
mail_id = template_valuess.with_context(
ctx).send_mail(self.id, force_send=True)
if mail_id:
mail_obj = self.env['mail.mail'].sudo().browse(mail_id)
mail_message_id = mail_obj.mail_message_id
mail_message_id.res_id = False
It worked for me as i unlinked the res_id.
Note: If someone has better option, please add as i'm looking for alternative too.
I found the solution add auto_delete:True on template's value
This SO question answers part of my question - when I save an email I can retrieve its ItemId but as soon as it's sent the ItemId is invalid and a request to to the Outlook rest api to retrieve the email returns a 404.
My question then is how do I subsequently identify the email I just sent if the ItemId is different?
You can stamp the message with your own custom property - it will be preserved when the message is moved to the Sent Items folder. You will be able to search on that property.
I am totally new to Parasoft virtualize. I created a virtual asset and added three fields in my data source correlation, My request xml has 4 fields. I am getting this error after processing the request.
<Reason>Failed to respond to incoming message using data source row correlation</Reason>
<Details>Values in incoming message did not match values in the data source "GetSubscriptionOperationsRequest"</Details>
Any suggestions on what might be the problem here?
The message which you are getting explains your problem.
The virtual asset cannot correlate your request with data in your data source to build response.
Try to send request with one of the values from column used for Datasource's corelation in your responder.
That value should be in request's filed used by correlation.
Maybe you should try to add catch all responder to see if you have correct corelation between incoming requests and your responder.
You can also ask Parasoft's technical support for help.
I have created & called a custom service in my custom template to send mails to users when document gets sent/reject/approve. I want to copy myself in BCC in these mails so that in case of any issues, i could cross check. is there a way i can enter a specific mail address in this code. below is the code i 'm using. Will "wfNotify" be of any help?
code used
<$loop IS_PILOT_USER$>
<$if strEqualsIgnoreCase(userValue,"1")$>
P.S- when i use wfNotify -> , i get the error
Caused by: intradoc.common.ServiceException: !csScriptMustBeInWorkflowContext,wfNotify
*ScriptStack !csDynHTMLStackDumpStart,pbhati,(datasummary)IdcService=WORKFLOW_SENDTO\,dDocName=D_1247583\,dID=1421894!$
As far as I know, wfNotify can only be called from inside a workflow event which is why you are receiving the csScriptMustBeInWorkflowContext error.
As to a service or Idoc Script function (besides wfNotify) that can be used to send an email to a specific user/alias/token and use a custom template, I could not locate one.
You could create your own scriptable service (which you can then call from Idoc Script) or an Idoc Script function that would allow for this.
You can call wfNotify with the specific username.
But the user must have their email details completed in the user table.
Your second error with the wfNotify call - are you calling wfNotify with a 3rd param for the template?
If so - eliminate this as a source of your problem by just calling wfNotify with the first two params.
wfNotify Oracle Documentation