significance of "trainable" and "training" flag in tf.layers.batch_normalization - tensorflow

What is the significance of "trainable" and "training" flag in tf.layers.batch_normalization? How are these two different during training and prediction?

The batch norm has two phases:
1. Training:
- Normalize layer activations using `moving_avg`, `moving_var`, `beta` and `gamma`
(`training`* should be `True`.)
- update the `moving_avg` and `moving_var` statistics.
(`trainable` should be `True`)
2. Inference:
- Normalize layer activations using `beta` and `gamma`.
(`training` should be `False`)
Example code to illustrate few cases:
#random image
img = np.random.randint(0,10,(2,2,4)).astype(np.float32)
# batch norm params initialized
beta = np.ones((4)).astype(np.float32)*1 # all ones
gamma = np.ones((4)).astype(np.float32)*2 # all twos
moving_mean = np.zeros((4)).astype(np.float32) # all zeros
moving_var = np.ones((4)).astype(np.float32) # all ones
#Placeholders for input image
_input = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(1,2,2,4), name='input')
#batch Norm
out = tf.layers.batch_normalization(
training=False, trainable=False)
update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)
init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer()
## 2. Run the graph in a session
with tf.Session() as sess:
# init the variables
for i in range(2):
ops, o =[update_ops, out], feed_dict={_input: np.expand_dims(img, 0)})
print('out', np.round(o))
When training=False and trainable=False:
img = [[[4., 5., 9., 0.]...
out = [[ 9. 11. 19. 1.]...
The activation is scaled/shifted using gamma and beta.
When training=True and trainable=False:
out = [[ 2. 2. 3. -1.] ...
The activation is normalized using `moving_avg`, `moving_var`, `gamma` and `beta`.
The averages are not updated.
When traning=True and trainable=True:
The out is same as above, but the `moving_avg` and `moving_var` gets updated to new values.
moving_avg [0.03249997 0.03499997 0.06499994 0.02749997]
moving_variance [1.0791667 1.1266665 1.0999999 1.0925]

This is quite complicated.
And in TF 2.0 the behavior is changed, see this:
About setting layer.trainable = False on a BatchNormalization layer:
The meaning of setting layer.trainable = False is to freeze the
layer, i.e. its internal state will not change during training:
its trainable weights will not be updated during fit() or
train_on_batch(), and its state updates will not be run. Usually,
this does not necessarily mean that the layer is run in inference
mode (which is normally controlled by the training argument that can
be passed when calling a layer). "Frozen state" and "inference mode"
are two separate concepts.
However, in the case of the BatchNormalization layer, setting
trainable = False on the layer means that the layer will be
subsequently run in inference mode (meaning that it will use the
moving mean and the moving variance to normalize the current batch,
rather than using the mean and variance of the current batch). This
behavior has been introduced in TensorFlow 2.0, in order to enable
layer.trainable = False to produce the most commonly expected
behavior in the convnet fine-tuning use case. Note that:
This behavior only occurs as of TensorFlow 2.0. In 1.*, setting layer.trainable = False would freeze the layer but would not
switch it to inference mode.
Setting trainable on an model containing other layers will recursively set the trainable value of all inner layers.
If the value of the trainable attribute is changed after calling compile() on a model, the new value doesn't take effect for this
model until compile() is called again.

training controls whether to use the training-mode batchnorm (which uses statistics from this minibatch) or inference-mode batchnorm (which uses averaged statistics across the training data). trainable controls whether the variables created inside the batchnorm process are themselves trainable.


Calculating gradients in Custom training loop, difference in performace TF vs Torch

I have attempted to translate pytorch implementation of a NN model which calculates forces and energies in molecular structures to TensorFlow. This needed a custom training loop and custom loss function so I implemented to different one step training functions below.
First using Nested Gradient Tapes.
def calc_gradients(D_train_batch, E_train_batch, F_train_batch, opt):
#set up gradient tape scope in order to track gradients of both d(Loss)/d(Weights)
#and d(output)/d(input)
with tf.GradientTape() as tape1:
with tf.GradientTape() as tape2:
#set gradient tape to watch Tensor
#pass D thru model to get predicted energy vals
E_pred = model(D_train_batch, training=True)
df_dD_train_batch = tape2.gradient(E_pred, D_train_batch)
#matrix mult of -Grad_D(f) x Grad_r(D)
F_pred = -tf.einsum('ijkl,il->ijk', dD_dr_train_batch, df_dD_train_batch)
#calculate loss value
loss = force_energy_loss(E_pred, F_pred, E_train_batch, F_train_batch)
grads = tape1.gradient(loss, model.trainable_weights)
opt.apply_gradients(zip(grads, model.trainable_weights))
Other attempt with gradient tape (persistent = true)
def calc_gradients_persistent(D_train_batch, E_train_batch, F_train_batch, opt):
#set up gradient tape scope in order to track gradients of both d(Loss)/d(Weights)
#and d(output)/d(input)
with tf.GradientTape(persistent = True) as outer:
#set gradient tape to watch Tensor
#output values from model, set trainable to be true to get
#model.trainable_weights out
E_pred = model(D_train_batch, training=True)
#set gradient tape to watch trainable weights
#get gradient of output (f/E_pred) w.r.t input (D/D_train_batch) and cast to double
df_dD_train_batch = outer.gradient(E_pred, D_train_batch)
#matrix mult of -Grad_D(f) x Grad_r(D)
F_pred = -tf.einsum('ijkl,il->ijk', dD_dr_train_batch, df_dD_train_batch)
#calculate loss value
loss = force_energy_loss(E_pred, F_pred, E_train_batch, F_train_batch)
#get gradient of loss w.r.t to trainable weights for back propogation
grads = outer.gradient(loss, model.trainable_weights)
#updates weights using the optimizer and the gradients (grads)
opt.apply_gradients(zip(grads, model.trainable_weights))
These were attempted translations of the pytorch code
# Forward pass: Predict energies from the descriptor input
E_train_pred_batch = model(D_train_batch)
# Get derivatives of model output with respect to input variables. The
# torch.autograd.grad-function can be used for this, as it returns the
# gradients of the input with respect to outputs. It is very important
# to set the create_graph=True in this case. Without it the derivatives
# of the NN parameters with respect to the loss from the force error
# will not be populated (=the force error will not affect the
# training), but the model will still run fine without errors.
df_dD_train_batch = torch.autograd.grad(
# Get derivatives of input variables (=descriptor) with respect to atom
# positions = forces
F_train_pred_batch = -torch.einsum('ijkl,il->ijk', dD_dr_train_batch, df_dD_train_batch)
# Zero gradients, perform a backward pass, and update the weights.
loss = energy_force_loss(E_train_pred_batch, E_train_batch, F_train_pred_batch, F_train_batch)
which is from the tutorial for the Dscribe library at
Using either versions of the TF implementation there is a huge loss in prediction accuracy compared to running the pytorch version. I was wondering, have I maybe misunderstood the pytorch code and translated incorrectly and if so where is my discrepancy?
Model directly computes energies E, from which we use the gradient of E w.r.t D in order to calculate the forces F. The loss function is a weighted sum of MSE of both Force and energies.
These methods are in fact the same, my error was somewhere else which was creating differing results. For anyone whose trying to implement the TensorFlow versions, the nested gradient tapes are about 2x faster, at least in this scenario and also ensure to wrap the functions in an #tf.function in order to use graphs over eager execution, The speed up is about 10x.

Better understanding of training parameter for Keras-Model call method needed

I'd like to get a better understanding of the parameter training, when calling a Keras model.
In all tutorials (like here) it is explained, that when you are doing a custom train step, you should call the model like this (because some layers may behave differently depending if you want to do training or inference):
pred = model(x, training=True)
and when you want to do inference, you should set training to false:
pred = model(x, training=False)
What I am wondering now is, how this is affected by the creation of a functional model. Assume I have 2 models: model_base and model_head, and I want to create a new model out of those two, where I want the model_base allways to be called with training=False (because I plan on freezing it like in this tutorial here):
inputs = keras.Input(shape=(150, 150, 3))
x = base_model(inputs, training=False)
outputs = head_model(x)
new_model = keras.Model(inputs, outputs)
What will in such a case happen, when I later on call new_model(x_new, training=True)? Will the usage of training=False for the base_model be overruled? Or will training now allways be set to True for the base_model, regardless of what I pass to the new_model? If the latter is the case, does that also mean, that if I set e.g. outputs = head_model(inputs, training=True), that this part of the new model would always run in training mode? And how would it work out if I don't give any specific value for training, when I run the new_model like this new_model(x_new)?
Thanks in advance!
training is a boolean argument that determines whether this call function runs in training mode or inference mode. For example, the Dropout layer is primarily used to as regularize in model training, randomly dropping weights but in inference time or prediction time we don't want it to happen.
y = Dropout(0.5)(x, training=True)
By this, we're setting training=True for the Dropout layer for training time. When we call .fit(), it set sets a flag to True and when we use evaluate or predict, in behind it sets a flag to False. And same goes for the custom training loop. When we pass input tensor to the model within the GradientTape scope, we can set this parameter; though it does not have manually set, the program will figure out itself. And same goes to inference time. So, this training argument is set as True or False if we want layers to operate either training mode or inference mode respectively.
# training mode
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
logits = model(x, training=True) # forward pass
# inference mode
al_logits = model(x, training=False)
Now coming to your question. After defining the model
# Freeze the base_model
base_model.trainable = False
inputs = keras.Input(shape=(150, 150, 3))
x = base_model(inputs, training=False)
outputs = head_model(x)
new_model = keras.Model(inputs, outputs)
Now if your run this new model whether .fit() or custom training loop, the base_model will always run in inference mode as it's sets training=False.

stop_gradient in tensorflow

I am wondering if tf.stop_gradient stops the gradient computation of just a given op, or stops the update of its input tf.variable ? I have the following problem - During the forward path computation in MNIST, I would like to perform a set of operations on the weights (let's say W to W*) and then do a matmul with inputs. However, I would like to exclude these operations from the backward path. I want only dE/dW computed during training with back propagation. The code I wrote prevents W from getting updated. Could you please help me understand why ? If these were variables, I understand I should set their trainable property to false, but these are operations on weights. If stop_gradient cannot be used for this purpose, then how do I build two graphs, one for forward path and the other for back propagation ?
def build_layer(inputs, fmap, nscope,layer_size1,layer_size2, faulty_training):
with tf.name_scope(nscope):
if (faulty_training):
## trainable weight
weights_i = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([layer_size1, layer_size2],stddev=1.0 / math.sqrt(float(layer_size1))),name='weights_i')
## Operations on weight whose gradient should not be computed during backpropagation
weights_fx_t = tf.multiply(268435456.0,weights_i)
weight_fx_t = tf.stop_gradient(weights_fx_t)
weights_fx = tf.cast(weights_fx_t,tf.int32)
weight_fx = tf.stop_gradient(weights_fx)
weights_fx_fault = tf.bitwise.bitwise_xor(weights_fx,fmap)
weight_fx_fault = tf.stop_gradient(weights_fx_fault)
weights_fl = tf.cast(weights_fx_fault, tf.float32)
weight_fl = tf.stop_gradient(weights_fl)
weights = tf.stop_gradient(tf.multiply((1.0/268435456.0),weights_fl))
##### end transformation
weights = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([layer_size1, layer_size2],stddev=1.0 / math.sqrt(float(layer_size1))),name='weights')
biases = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([layer_size2]), name='biases')
hidden = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(inputs, weights) + biases)
return weights,hidden
I am using the tensorflow gradient descent optimizer to do the training.
optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate)
global_step = tf.Variable(0, name='global_step', trainable=False)
train_op = optimizer.minimize(loss, global_step=global_step)
Stop gradient will prevent the backpropagation from continuing past that node in the graph. You code doesn't have any path from weights_i to the loss except the one that goes through weights_fx_t where the gradient is stopped. This is what is causing weights_i not to be updated during training. You don't need to put stop_gradient after every step. Using it just once will stop the backpropagation there.
If stop_gradient doesn't do what you want then you can get the gradients by doing tf.gradients and you can write your own update op by using tf.assign. This will allow you to alter the gradients however you want.

What does batch normalization do if the batch size is one?

I'am currently reading the paper from Ioffe and Szegedy about Batch Normalization and im wondering what happens if the Batch size is set to one. The computation of the mini-Batch mean(which is basically the value of theactivation itself) and variance(should be Zero plus constant epsilon) would lead to a normalized Dimension of Zero.
Yet this small example in tensorflow Shows that something different is Happening:
test_img = np.array([[[[50],[100]],
[[150],[200]]]], np.float32)
gt_img = np.array([[[[60],[130]],
[[180],[225]]]], np.float32)
test_img_op = tf.convert_to_tensor(test_img, tf.float32)
norm_op = tf.layers.batch_normalization(test_img_op)
loss_op = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels = gt_img,
logits = norm_op))
update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)
with tf.control_dependencies(update_ops):
optimizer_obj = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(0.01).minimize(loss_op)
with tf.Session() as sess:,
while True:
new_img, op, lossy, trainable =[norm_op, optimizer_obj, loss_op, tf.trainable_variables()])
So what is TensorFlow doing differently(moving average?!)?
Thank you!
Because of beta, the learnable parameter for translation which is enabled by default, the normalized output will not necessarily be zero.
Moving averages for input mean and variance will be computed during training and can be used at testing (if you set is_training accordingly).

Tensorflow forward pass with dropout

I am trying to use dropout to get error estimates for a neural network. This involves running several forward passes of my network during not only training but also testing, with dropout activated. Dropout layers seem only activated while training but not testing. Can this be done in Tensorflow by just calling some functions or modifying some parameters?
Yes, the easiest way is to use tf.layers.dropout that has a training argument, which can be tensor that you can define by true or false in a any particular session run:
mode = tf.placeholder(tf.string, name='mode')
training = tf.equal(mode, 'train')
layer = tf.layers.dropout(layer, rate=0.5, training=training)
with tf.Session() as sess:, feed_dict={mode: 'train'}) # This turns on the dropout, feed_dict={mode: 'test'}) # This turns off the dropout