How to keep or check Apache Livy connection? - apache

As we know create Apache Livy connection is expensive. It will create new applications and upload task files.
My case is user can submit job use my web Api write with Java, then i use Apache Livy Client to submit job to spark.
I want to keep one or fix number Livy client instances, and i can check client state like Connection Pool.

If your job is a finite unit of work, then you should be using Livy's Batch abstraction and not Session. Sessions are for interactive work (e.g., Jupyter Notebook or Apache Zeppelin), where users submit some queries, evaluate the results, and submit some more. Batch, on the other hand, most closely resembles what you'd generally submit using spark-submit executable; it will also end on its own when the job tasks are done, and will clean up after itself, so there's no need for a connection pool. That said, a connection pool makes little sense for a Session, either, as each session have a state (variables defined in the past statements running in said session), and that state is not (and shouldn't be) shared


How to make Dataproc detect Python-Hive connection as a Yarn Job?

I launch a Dataproc cluster and serve Hive on it. Remotely from any machine I use Pyhive or PyODBC to connect to Hive and do things. It's not just one query. It can be a long session with intermittent queries. (The query itself has issues; will ask separately.)
Even during one single, active query, the operation does not show as a "Job" (I guess it's Yarn) on the dashboard. In contrast, when I "submit" tasks via Pyspark, they show up as "Jobs".
Besides the lack of task visibility, I also suspect that, w/o a Job, the cluster may not reliably detect a Python client is "connected" to it, hence the cluster's auto-delete might kick in prematurely.
Is there a way to "register" a Job to companion my Python session, and cancel/delete the job at times of my choosing? For my case, it is a "dummy", "nominal" job that does nothing.
Or maybe there's a more proper way to let Yarn detect my Python client's connection and create a job for it?
This is not supported right now, you need to submit jobs via Dataproc Jobs API to make them visible on jobs UI page and to be taken into account by cluster TTL feature.
If you can not use Dataproc Jobs API to execute your actual jobs, then you can submit a dummy Pig job that sleeps for desired time (5 hours in the example below) to prevent cluster deletion by max idle time feature:
gcloud dataproc jobs submit pig --cluster="${CLUSTER_NAME}" \
--execute="sh sleep $((5 * 60 * 60))"

Can single CPU core work with multiple clients using Distributed Tensorflow?

In Distributed Tensorflow, we could run multiple clients working with workers in Parameter-Server architecture, which is known as "Between-Graph Replication". According to the documentation,
Between-graph replication. In this approach, there is a separate
client for each /job:worker task, typically in the same process as the
worker task.
it says the client and worker typically are in the same process. However, if they are not in the same process, can number of clients are not equal to the number of workers? Also, can multiple clients share and run on the same CPU core?
Clients are the python programs that define a graph and initialize a session in order to run computation. If you start these programs, the created processes represent the servers in the distributed architecture.
Now it is possible to write programs that do not create a graph and do not run session, but rather just call the server.join() method with the appropriate job name and task index. This way you could theoretically have a single client defining the whole graph and start a session with its corresponding; then within this session, parts of the graph are automatically going to be sent to the other processes/servers and they will do the computations (as long as you have set which server/task is going to do what). This setup describes the in-graph replication architecture.
So, it is basically possible to start several servers/processes on the same machine, that has only a single CPU, but you are not going to gain much parallelism, because context switching between multiple running processes is going to slow you down. So unless the servers are doing some unrelated work, you should rather avoid this kind of setup.
Between-graph just means that every worker is going to have its own client and run its own session respectively.

How to handle temporary unreachable online api

This is a more general question, so bear with my abstraction of the following problem.
I'm currently developing an application, that is interfacing with a remote server over a public api. The api in question does provide mechanisms for fetching data based on a timestamp (e.g. "get me everything that changed since xxx"). Since the amount of data is quite high, I keep a local copy in a database and check for changes on the remote side every hour.
While this makes the application robust against network problems (remote server in maintenance, network outage, etc.) and enables employees to continue working with the application, there is one big gaping problem:
The api in question also offers write access. E.g. my application can instruct the remote server to create a new object. Currently I'm sending the request via api, and upon success create the object in my local database, too. It will eventually propagate via the hourly data fetching, where my application (ideally) sees that no changes need to be made to the local database.
Now when the api is unreachable, i create the object in my database, and cache the request until the api is reachable again. This has multiple problems:
If the request fails (due to not beforehand validateble errors), I end up with an object in the database which shouldn't even exist. I could delete it, but it seems hard to explain to the user(s) ("something went wrong with the api, we deleted that object again").
The problem especially cascades when depended actions que up. E.g. creating the object, and two more requests for modifying it. When the initial create fails, so will the modifying requests (since the object does not exist on the remote side)
Worst case is deletion - when an object is deleted locally, but will not be deleted on the remote site, I have no way of restoring it (easily).
One might suggest to never create objects locally, and let them propagate only through the hourly data sync. This unfortunately is not an option. If the api is not accessible, it can be for hours. And it is mandatory that employees can continue working with the application (which they cannot when said objects don't exist locally).
So bottom line:
How to handle such a scenario, where the api might not be reachable, but certain requests must be cached locally and repeated when the api is reachable again. Especially how to handle cases where those requests unpredictable fail.

Running multiple Kettle transformation on single JVM

We want to use to execute multiple kettle transformations. After exploring the script I found that it internally calls script which runs in PDI. Now the problem is every time a new transformation starts it create a separate JVM for its executions(invoked via a .bat file), however I want to group them to use single JVM to overcome memory constraints that the multiple JVM are putting on the batch server.
Could somebody guide me on how can I achieve this or share the documentation/resources with me.
Thanks for the good work.
Use Carte. This is exactly what this is for. You can startup a server (on the local box if you like) and then submit your jobs to it. One JVM, one heap, shared resource.
Benefit of that is then scalability, so when your box becomes too busy just add another one, also using carte and start sending some of the jobs to that other server.
There's an old but still current blog here:
As well as doco on the pentaho website.
Starting the server is as simple as: <hostname> <port>
There is also a status page, which you can use to query your carte servers, so if you have a cluster of servers, you can pick a quiet one to send your job to.

nServiceBus : How do I make a non-transactional call to a database from within the context of a transactional operation

Quick overview of our topology:
Web sites sending commands to an nServiceBus server, which accepts the commands and then publishes the correct pub/sub events. This service also has message handlers that can do some process against the DB in response to the command, for instance:
1 user registers on web site
2 web site sends nServicebus command to nServicebus service on another server.
3 nServicebus server has a handler for that specific type of command, which logs something to the database and sends a welcome email
Since instituting this architecture we started to get deadlocks on the DB. I have traced it down to MSDTC on the database server. If I turn that service OFF on the database server nServicebus starts throwing up errors, which to me shows that nServiceBus has been enlisting the DB update in the transaction.
I don't wish this to happen, I want to handle the DB failing myself, I only want the transaction to ensure the message is delivered to my nServicebus proxy service. I don't want a transaction from the web all the way through 2 servers to the DB and back.
Any suggestions?
EDIT: this post provides some clues, however I'm not entirely sure it's the proper way to proceed.. NServiceBus - Problem with using TransactionScopeOption.Suppress in message handler
EDIT2: The reason that we want the DB work outside the scope of the transaction is that the intent is to 'asynchronously' process these commands on another server so as not to slow down the web site and/or cause users to wait for these long running aggregation commands. If the DB is within the scope of the transaction, is that blocking execution on the website at the point where the original command is fired to the distributor? Is there a better nServicebus architecture for this scenario? We want the command to fire quickly and return control to the web site so the user can quickly proceed and not have to wait for our longish running DB command, which is updating aggregate counts and sending emails etc.
I wouldn't recommend having the DB work outside the context of the NServiceBus transaction. Instead, try reducing the isolation level of the transactions. This can be done by calling:
in the fluent configuration. You'll have to put this after .MsmqTransport() in v2.6. In v3.0 you can put this call almost anywhere.
Just using NServiceBus will achieve your objective of not slowing down the website, regardless of the level of the transactions run on the other server. The use of transactions is to provide a guarantee that messages won't be lost in case of failure and also that you won't have to write your own deduplication logic.