How to prevent concurrent login for a web application using express-session - express

I am creating a web application which will be used by App's Administrators and for security reasons we don't want to allow multiple active logins from a single user at any point of time.
I am storing session data in the web browser's cookie and want backend to have active user's information who are currently logged in to the application so that on successful login request I can find out if this particular user already has an active session. If that is possible then I can block the login for that user.
One way to do that is storing IsLoggedIn in the Database with LastLoginTime and on each login, I can use this two flags to identify if an active session exists.
Open to other better solutions if any

I think a more robust solution than checking last login times would be to generate and store an id for each new login and then include a middleware to make sure the session's id for each user matches what you expect. That way every time the user logs in on another device the previous one will be invalidated and only one session will be valid at a time. You may even just be able to use express-session's


how to restrict multiple login of the user

We want to restrict users to multiple login sessions at a time, there should be a single active login session.
Users should be allowed to be logged in to one application from only one browser at a time. When the user log in the server should check his current active sessions to the same application from other browsers. If there is then log out from everywhere else and keep only the newest session.
ASP.Net Core's default authentication cookie middleware has a handy hook (via the CookieAuthenticationOptions.SessionStore property and ITicketStore interface) to allow you to implement custom backend storage for the cookie payload (claims). The end result is a protected cookie containing just basic AuthenticationProperties values and the session ID as a claim and everything else stored in the DB, keyed off the user ID and session ID etc.
With this in place you can automatically invalidate any existing session for a given user account (the ID of which being an indexed field/property in your backing store) by deleting or otherwise expiring any other sessions.
This also has the advantage of allowing you to invalidate sessions based on other circumstances like a password or other security settings changing.
You could also implement something to trigger back channel logout calls to client applications if you also track which clients they've signed into in the given session in the backing store too.
Note: The SessionStore property is a singleton concurrently accessed instance so ensure your implementation handles database connectivity appropriately if you go this route. Note also that the wireup is best done via an implementation of IPostConfigureOptions<CookieAuthenticationOptions>
Change the security stamp SecurityStamp.AbpUsers when the user logins.
The previous logins becomes invalid.

How to handle logged in state of user authenticated via 3rd party OAuth1.0a?

I am building a website using Node.JS/Express.JS that will allow a user to log in using a 3rd party provider (Discogs via OAuth1.0a).
I have successfully implemented the authentication process so that a user grants access to their Discogs account and I am returned an Access Token for future API calls. The Access Token does not expire. The user is classed by Discogs as an "authenticated application".
At the moment I am storing the Access Token in a session, which persists even when the user restarts the browser, or my server is restarted, so the user stays logged in. Great.
However, when I log the user out by destroying their session and they repeat the authentication process, the 3rd party provider treats the user as a newly authorised application, leaving the old authorised app behind. How can I get around this? Is it better to not destroy the user's session on log out and instead store the logged in state of the user? Discogs do not provide a method for de-authentication.
Also, there is some config to be set against a user once they are logged in. Should I created a dedicated DB table or equivalent for this, or would storing this in the session suffice? It seems like a dedicated user table may be superfluous as I am relying on the user's session id to identify them.
Generally, you will probably want to save some info about your users permanently on your own servers, so probably in a database.
In your specific case, that database should probably save some kind of unique user ID that you get from Discogs (do not save the access token itself for security reasons), which you can use on subsequent logins to identify which access tokens belong to the same user.
Your flow would probably be something like this:
User logs in via Discogs for the first time, you get an access token, put that in session
You figure out a unique user id somehow, you save that to your DB along with any other user info you might need
You put that ID in the session as well
User logs out, you destroy the session, but keep the info in your DB
User logs in via Discogs again, you get a different access token, put that in session
You figure out the unique user id, which matches the ID in your DB, so you write that ID into your session - now you can treat the user as the same user, just with a different access token
The unique user ID can be anything that is, you guessed it, unique. Might be an actual ID, a username or email address - I'm not familiar with Discogs but I'm sure you can figure something out and how to obtain it.

Preserving authentication cookies, but disallowing concurrent access at different sites

I have a web application where I want users to only be able to use it from one location (meaning a user can't actively be using the application at two locations). Currently I got this working in a very common way by only allowing 1 cookie session to be valid and removing any existing ones when a user logs in. Unfortunately I've been told that my method of only allowing 1 cookie is unacceptable because my users move around a lot to different sites and are tired of having to login every time. An easy solution would just be to allow more than 1 cookie, but I can't do this because I need to make sure a user account is not being used at two locations at the same time.
I'm wondering what is the best way to implement a system like this where a user can't be active at more than 1 location, but shouldn't necessarily have to login at every location they visit.
One possible idea I had was to allow multiple cookies to be recorded, but once a cookie becomes active (meaning I notice that session navigating the application) all of the other cookies are locked out for a certain timelimit like 15 mins. If no cookie session has been active for 15 mins then allow any cookie to login and gain dominance over the others untill it exceeds the timelimit.
Edit: It's ok for them to remain logged in after they leave a location
One way to do this is to log their last ip address and at what time that access was. On each access, you can check their last access.
If the last access is from the same ip, let them through.
If the last access is from a different ip, check how long ago that was. You can then define a cut-off point for how long they need to be idle before they can access it from another location. 15 minutes seems reasonable.
All of this can be done on the backend and this would possibly provide a higher level of security.
The browser allows users to store their credentials. Let them use this feature to log back in without hassle.
No need for a timeout. Allow multiple cookies, but only one active one.
Instruct your users to close the application when they leave their workstations. Make this something that's easy to do. Put a close button on each page or perhaps catch onBeforeUnload and notify the server that the page is no longer being displayed. Do keep the session when the user closes the application, but mark it as currently inactive.
When you get a request with a cookie that belongs to an inactive session, activate that session without complaints if the user has no other session active.
If the user still has another session active, something fishy is going on. So remove all sessions and send the user to the login screen.
(That'll teach them :) )

how login works?

Well, you type username and password in form, hit "OK" button. Then data going to server side and check users database if that user is existed. Then it return user id. And what next?
That data is saved in cookies?
Does it mean, that with every clicked link, site login you to website again?
I mean,
you click some link on site
browser redirect you to that page
site checks your cookies
site grab username and password from cookies
site checks is that data is valid (via connecting to database)
show page to you
Is that correct?
User enters credential.
System validates credential.
Upon successful authentication, server saves user object into session.
System grabs user info from session.
System displays webpage.
Tadaa!! :)
To add a little more...
User visits the secured webpage.
System checks if session contains a user object.
If user object exists in session, allow user through to visit the page.
If user object doesn't exists, redirect user to login page.
You don't need to store user password in the session. In fact, it is highly discouraged. Checking to make sure the user object exists in the session is sufficient.
When the user clicks the logout page, then proceed to invalidate the session... that's it. :)
Almost correct. You rarely go to the database with every request. You usually set a cookie with a expiry date and save the user session and info in memory. So every time a request is made, if the user is not authenticated, you authenticate him, generate and send him a cookie with, say, 5h expiry. So, in the next 5 hours, whenever a request comes in with that cookie, you trust that the user is an authenticated, valid user and you don't have to check the database.
It's not how every site does it nor it is the only way to manage session and cookies but I think it is the most widely used.
You should probably use sessions, but that's pretty much the gist of it. That way the data doesn't accidentally persist.
I mean, for my simple site at home, that's how I do it. But it's still locally hosted, so the security is guaranteed to be crap.
Oh, and no need to check with the database whenever you click on another link -- too much time wasted.
Typically, an application takes advantage of the session that is established between the browser and the web server, and makes a note that that session is "authenticated". "session" is a built in feature of HTTP. If the browser is closed, or after a certain period of time passes, the session is automatically closed. If the user does an explicit logout, the application marks the session as not-authenticated.

Do I need to query the database to verify logged in status when user views private pages?

.. Or is it enough to just check for a session variable that indicates a successful login has in fact been performed?
What are different ways to go about this? The ideal and not so ideal?
Third alternative: HMAC-ed cookie. No need to hit database/session-store at all.
Even if a user has an active session that is restores via cookie for example, you need to verify his account data.
If you don't check the current database entries for a user, he could possibly login although his profile has been banned or something like that.
The reverse situation can happen if your user opens a session in one browser (at home for example), upgrades his account to some "premium" (or whatever) account with another session (maybe from his office). When he returns home, he would get his old session that has no "premium" privileges.
So, always check the data for your user profiles. I would recommend to check them on EVERY request to your website. Your session data should only say WHO the user is and not WHAT he is allowed to do.