How to add a click function to an imported component in Vue - vuejs2

So I have a Vue2 app. I have create a component "u-button"
when i import this and use it in another component, I want to be able to add a click function to it. However at the moment it looks for a function on the u-button component rather than the component it is being used in.
so for example, in the below if i click the first button nothing happens, if i click the second button i get the console log.
<u_button #click="clicked">Click me</u_button>
<button #click="clicked">Click me</button>
import u_button from '../components/unify/u_button'
export default {
components: {
methods: {
clicked() {
However if i add a method on the u-button component, then it calls that. So how can i get my below example to work ? The only thing I can think of is to wrap it in another div and add the click function to that. but I'm wondering if there is a better way?? I dont want to use events to do this either as that gets messy very quickly.
As you can imagine having a reusable button that when clicked always performs the same function is a bit pointless.

It's because of the nature of components for example if we had a (virtual) iframe component which had a button in it and we'd like to detect click event on it we might name the event click and listen for it in the parent component; therefore, Vue introduced a feature called event modifiers for example in Vue, We have .native modifier (you can read more about the Vue modifiers here)
Now, to make your code work, You should add a .native after #click like this:
<u_button #click.native="clicked">Click me</u_button>
By the way, it's better to develop a naming convention for yourself It'd become handy when your projects get larger.


Making small components on runtime

I am having a problem working with JQuery DataTable. I had to use that plugin since I had no other choice allowed due to my project requirements.
So the problem is that, I am adding rows to DataTable and in the row there's a column with button HTML tag. Now I want to bind an on click handler to the button.
"<button #click='itsVueTime'>MyButton</button>"
Here dt is the DataTable's instance. Now the problem is #click won't work. I understand that its not being rendered by Vue thats why its not working.
Is there a way to bind click event in this condition?
Without knowing more context, I would recommend this way of doing it
In your component with the method you want to use, you can expose the component like this. (I use mounted, but you can use other lifecycle methods too like created)
mounted() { = this;
then you can use
<button onclick="app.holler()">Say Hello</button>
you can also expose just the function you want to use like so
mounted() {
window.itsVueTime = this.itsVueTime;

Cannot get DOM events on component in host component

I have a Vue component that contains a list of objects named lines. I build a table from those lines using different components based on the line type. This works perfectly. Here's a stripped down version of the component:
<tr v-for="line in lines"
:is="componentForType[line.eventType] || 'LogLine'"
export default {
name: 'DebugLog',
components: {
data () {
return {
lines: [],
selectedKey: null,
componentForType: {
'USER_DEBUG' : 'UserDebug',
'LIMIT_USAGE_FOR_NS' : 'Limits',
'EXCEPTION_THROWN' : 'FormattedLogLine',
'FATAL_ERROR' : 'FormattedLogLine'
mounted() {
// code that loads this.lines
Now I want to be able to click any row of the table, and have the row become "selected", meaning that I want store line.key in this.selectedKey and use CSS to render that line differently. But I can't get the events working. Here's the updated <template>; nothing else is changed:
<tr v-for="line in lines"
:is="componentForType[line.eventType] || 'LogLine'"
:class="{selected: line.key == selectedKey}"
#click.capture="selectedKey = line.key"
I've added the last 2 properties on the tr element - a dynamic class binding and a click event handler to set this.selectedKey to the active line's key. But it isn't working. I replaced the #click handler code with console.log(line.key) and nothing is logged, which tells me that my #click handler is never firing. I originally wrote it with out the .capture modifier, but tried adding the modifier when the original didn't work.
Is vue.js stopping propagation from the child component to the parent? Can I not bind the click event on the tr since it :is another vue component? Or is there something else going on? The examples I've found in the docs are much simpler and I'm not sure they correspond to my situation. The various child components are not binding any click events. I'd prefer to handle the event entirely in the parent as shown, since I will have a number of types of child component, and I don't want to have to implement click handlers in each.
Update: Looking at my child components, I note that each contains a tr tag that must effectively replace the tr in the parent template. For example, my most basic component is LogLine, shown here:
export default {
name: 'LogLine',
props: ['timeStamp', 'eventType', 'lineData', 'lineNumber'],
data: function () {
return {}
So I'm guessing that the binding in the parent isn't actually binding on the tr in the DOM; it's just binding on the Vue component, listening for a click event to be sent from the child with $emit; and that each child component will need to bind #click on its tr and emit it to the parent. Assuming I'm right, is there any shortcut I can use from the parent template to have vue forward the DOM events? Any other option I'm missing besides binding click in every child component?
Piggy-backing off of Jacob's answer here. Since you're essentially attaching an event listener to a dynamic component it expects a custom click event. So you have two options here:
Listen for the native DOM click event within that component (by attaching a click event listener to a normal DOM element within the component) and emit a custom click event to the parent.
Use the .native modifier to listen for the native DOM click event instead of a custom one directly in the parent.
Since you are using an :is prop, it's considered a dynamic Vue component, not a DOM element.
Events listener on a Vue component won't be passed down to its DOM element by default. You have to do it manually by going into the component template and add v-on="$listeners".
e.g. <div v-on="$listeners"> ... </div>
#Jacob Goh's use of v-on="$listeners" is simple and allows forwarding of all DOM events in one action, but I wanted to document an approach I tried on my own for completeness. I will be switching to Jacob's solution in my component. I am now using Husam's .native modifier in the parent as it is more suitable to my particular use case.
I was able to make my component work by editing each child component, capturing the click event and re-emitting it. For example:
<tr #click="$emit('click')">
export default {
name: 'LogLine',
props: ['timeStamp', 'eventType', 'lineData', 'lineNumber'],
data: function () {
return {}

is it correct global component communication in vue?

i make modal popup components myPopup.vue for global.
and import that in App.vue and main.js
i use this for global, define some object Vue.prototype
make about popup method in Vue.prototype
like, "show" or "hide", any other.
but i think this is maybe anti pattern..
i want to find more best practice.
in App.vue
<div id="app>
Vue.prototype.$bus = new Vue(); // global event bus
Vue.prototype.$popup = {
show(params) {
Vue.prototype.$bus.$emit('showPopup', params);
hide() {
Vue.component('my-popup-component', { ... });
export default {
created() {
this.$bus.$on('showPopup', this.myShow);
this.$bus.$on('hidePopup', this.myHide);
methods: {
showPopup() {
title: 'title',
content: 'content',
callback: this.okcallback
It seems to be works well, but i don't know is this correct.
Is there any other way?
I was very surprised while reading your solution, but if you feel it simple and working, why not?
I would do this:
Add a boolean property in the state (or any data needed for showing popup), reflecting the display of the popup
use mapState in App.vue to bring the reactive boolean in the component
use v-if or show in App.vue template, on the popup declaration
create a 'showPopup' mutation that take a boolean and update the state accordingly
call the mutation from anywhere, anytime I needed to show/hide the popup
That will follow the vue pattern. Anything in state, ui components reflect the state, mutations mutates the state.
Your solution works, ok, but it doesn't follow vue framework, for exemple vue debug tools will be useless in your case. I consider better to have the minimum of number of patterns in one app, for maintenance, giving it to other people and so on.
You somehow try to create global component, which you might want to consume in your different projects.
Here is how I think I would do this -
How do I reuse the modal dialog, instead of creating 3 separate dialogs
Make a separate modal component, let say - commonModal.vue.
Now in your commonModal.vue, accept single prop, let say data: {}.
Now in the html section of commonModal
<div class="modal">
<!-- Use your received data here which get received from parent -->
<your modal code />
Now import the commonModal to the consuming/parent component. Create data property in the parent component, let say - isVisible: false and a computed property for the data you want to show in modal let say modalContent.
Now use it like this
<main class="foo">
<commonModal v-show="isVisible" :data="data" />
<!-- Your further code -->
The above will help you re-use modal and you just need to send the data from parent component.
How do I know which modal dialog has been triggered?
Just verify isVisible property to check if modal is open or not. If isVisible = false then your modal is not visible and vice-versa
How my global dialog component will inform it's parent component about its current state
Now, You might think how will you close your modal and let the parent component know about it.
On click of button trigger closeModal for that
Create a method - closeModal and inside commonModal component and emit an event.
closeModal() {
Now this will emit a custom event which can be listen by the consuming component.
So in you parent component just use this custom event like following and close your modal
<main class="foo">
<commonModal v-show="isVisible" :data="data" #close- modal="isVisible = false"/>
<!-- Your further code -->

Put a slot in every component in Vue.js

I have a component called vue-select that is a third-party packaged that I installed. I want to put a slot template in every instance of this component.
I mean I want to do something like this:
<span slot="no-options">
<li>sample text</li>
and I don't want to do this in every v-select that I have in my project.
How can I do this to dry my code ?
thank You :)
The slot is useful when you want to make parts of component's template different. If you always want it to be the same piece of template, then don't make it a slot. Simply add the markup you want into the template of the component.
This is similar to not putting something as an argument of a function if you don't want to be possible to change it.
function spin (element) {
const angle = 360
If you want an option to have some common content but still change it sometimes, put the default content in the <slot> tags in the template of the component.
This is similar to adding a default argument in a function:
function spin (element, angle = 360) { }
If you already have a third-party component which has defined slots and their default content, and thus you cannot change them, wrap them in a different component firstly and then use the wrapper component in the rest of the code.
This is similar to adding a new function which calls the previous one, but hard-codes some arguments.
function halfSpin (element) {
spin(element, 180)

How to refactor repetitive attributes in Vue.js

Suppose I have a form and many fields in it. I want to subscribe to change for each form field. I will have to add #change="doSome" for every field. If I have many fields it gets somewhat repetitive. How do I refactor it?
You can listen for the change event on the form tag itself instead of listening on the individual inputs.
<form #change="doSomething"> will run the function doSomething() when something inside the form has changed eg: if you type in an input and release focus
In the doSomething function, you want to find out what element changed. We get this info from the event parameter provided from the input event:
methods: {
doSomething(event) {
this.lastEvent =;
You can see this in effect on this Codepen example
If the form element is a child of an element inside a component like so:
the #changeevent-listener will not work as there is nothing that changes on the root element (div) on the component.
In this case, we need to add the .native modifier, like so: #change.native="doSomething".