no api for file system even with broadFileAccess in uwp - xaml

I am trying to create a File Explorer like uwp app, it will be an app like traditional file explorer in windows 10 but it will mainly show only video files, so for that I want to use BroadFileAccess capability.
Usually when I use a capability related to FileAccess I have a simple API like KnownFolders.VideoLibrary and others like that to get the root folder of that library, but in this case broadfileacccess claims to give access to complete file system which is available to the user, but in the docs there is not a single method or api reference something likeKnownFolders.FileSystem which can give us the root folder of the file system of the user so we can build apps like file explorer etc. How can I actually go on and use this broadFileAccess capability if there is not even a api method to use it ?

From official document:
This is a restricted capability. On first use, the system will prompt the user to allow access. Access is configurable in Settings > Privacy > File system. If you submit an app to the Store that declares this capability, you will need to supply additional descriptions of why your app needs this capability, and how it intends to use it.
This capability works for APIs in the Windows.Storage namespace
Currently, it does not provide proprietary Windows.Storage API. But you could use present Windows.Storage API to get higher access. For example, you could invoke GetFolderFromPathAsync method with absolute path(#"D:\PersonImages"). You could use GetFolderFromPathAsync with SystemDataPaths or UserDataPaths.
var folder = await StorageFolder.GetFolderFromPathAsync(UserDataPaths.GetDefault().Desktop);
Prior to this, this kind of access was illegal.


is there a full Nextcloud API accessable from outside?

I use Nextcloud as a normal user to store and share files.
I decided to use it as a backend for a web application I am developing so that I can store the files in Nextcloud while the frontend is done by me.
I spent some hours on the API docs
and, with some disappointment, unless I have not made a mistake, I realized that the only API that can be used from outside Nextcloud is the WebDav API.
This is a minimalistic API that allows doing basic things such as uploading a file by passing the full path like with this GET statement (authenticated by basic auth passing username and password in the headers:
This will download the file located in /FolderOne/SubFolderTwo/HelloWorld.txt
with a PUT request, it is possible to overwrite the file by passing the file content in the raw body request
This is very effective but minimalistic.
I was expecting to have a full REST API to access more properties and perform complex operations.
Could you please tell me if I missed some important information?
There is the OCS API but it works only from inside Nextcloud.
A full REST API is avaiable -
Create a Share -
The OwnCloud documentation also offers more examples
You can register an App id and use that to login or passthru a username and password in the authentication header.

Connecting within ArcGIS application with resource

I have following dillema:
Using ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8, I have added a new item – Application – to a users content.
This generates an Application item, with an App ID and APP Secret, along with App type and redirect URIs defined.
These can be used to generate an access token via the OAUTH2 token endpoint:
using the parameters :
ESRI States in their documentation:
“Successful authentication directly returns a JSON response containing the access token that allows the application to work with resources that are accessible to the application (that is, have been shared with the application). Use of the client_secret as previously described is mandatory.”
Question is: how do we share resources with the application?
The overall goal is to grant an external application (unknown user) access to portal ressources (ie.a layer item) via OAUTH2 app login.
Do you have any suggestions?
This is certainly confusing documentation, but I have found it useful to review this page: Limitations of App Login.
Applications cannot create, update, share, modify, or delete items
(layers, files, services, maps) in ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise.
... If you want to access private content within an organization or
content that has been shared with a user, you must use the named user
login pattern for authentication.
For what you want to do, you'll most likely want to create a non-expiring refresh token based on a specific user, and store that in with your external application.

How do I pass credential in custom search command Splunk

My custom search command required some credentials to work (third party lib auth) and I don't want to have it hardcoded.
What is the best practice to pass the credentials inside this custom search command?
 I'm looking to do some similar to set-up page from add-on builder.
Any thought on this?
Assuming there is a script running behind the custom search command, you can have your credentials stored in a file(eg: json format) and then encrypt the file using a key(GnuPG library). your hard coded credential file will not be required after this.
In the script, decrypt(use GnuPG library) the encrypted file using the key used for encryption and then use it for authentication.

How do I access Google Drive Application Data from a remote server?

For my application I want the user to be able to store files on Google Drive and for my service to have access to these same files created with the application.
I created a Client ID for web application and was able to upload/list/download files from JavaScript (client side) with drive.appfolder scope. This is good, this is half of what I want to do.
Now I want to access the same files from Node.js (server side). I am lost as to how to do this. Do I create a new Client ID for the server? (if so, how will the user authenticate?) Do I pass the AuthToken my user got client-side and try to use that on the server? I don't think this will work as the AuthToke is time-sensitive (and probably not intended to be used from multiple IPs).
Any direction or example server-side code will be helpful. Again, all I want is to access these same files the user created with my application, not any other files in the user's Google Drive.
CLARIFICATION: I think my question boils down to: "Is it possible to access the same Application Data on Google Drive both client-side and server-side?"
Do I create a new Client ID for the server?
Up to you. You don't need to, but you can. See below.
if so, how will the user authenticate?
Up to you. OAuth is about authorisation, not authentication.
Just in case you meant authorisation, the user authorises the Project, which may contain multiple client IDs.
Do I pass the AuthToken my user got client-side and try to use that on the server?
You can do, but not a good idea for the reason you state. The preferred approach is to have a separate server Client ID, and use that to request offline access, which returns (eventually) a Refresh Token, which you store in your server. You then use that Refresh Token to request Access Tokens whenever you need them.
AuthToken is ... (and probably not intended to be used from multiple IPs).
It is not bound to a specific IP address
Is it possible to access the same Application Data on Google Drive both client-side and server-side?"
Most of what you need is at

JAAS Authentication to Windows Domain

Using a provided username, password, and domain name, how can I retrieve a boolean value indicating if a user has successfully authenticated with a primary domain controller? Authentication should be performed using the Kerberos protocol for windows domain controllers. Thanks in advance, Dan
There's a free implementation of a windows-only JAAS login module and of an SSO Negotiate (Kerberos/NTLM) authenticator: Waffle.
You need to either write your own or use third party Authentication Module for that. When I was doing this, there was nothing available from JDK, so I used this tool. Note that it's GPL, but you can learn from there. You will have to create conf. file describing your authentication module and feed it into your JVM with property (e.g. using -D, or either way). In case of Tagish it looks something like this:
com.tagish.auth.win32.NTSystemLogin required returnNames=true returnSIDs=false defaultDomain="domain";
Another thing you will need is to specify kerberos configuration file via property. I don't have the details of this file handy, but you can easily find it on the net -- google about for krb5.conf. Settings in this file will have to match your windows domain and other windows specific settings.
It's a bit tricky to configure, but for me it worked very well, pretty robust.