FirebaseStorage Completion block not called. Objective-C - objective-c

I am trying to simply load in a picture from firebase storage into my IOS app, but my completion block is not being called.
I use a TableViewController initially which loads plenty of pictures just fine. When I click on an item in the tableview it presents a simple view controller modally. I use the same code that successfully loads pictures in the TableViewController. In this modally presented view controller, my FirebaseStorage completion blocks do not execute. When I exit this view controller, the TableViewController can still load load pictures as necessary as I request.
I have enabled logging with -FIRAnalyticsDebugEnabled
and still do not receive any errors in my log.
I have allowed all read and writes temporarily in my rules for FirebaseStorage.
I have seen this question iOS setValue withCompletionBlock not called which states in the comments that a specific version of firebase had some issue with FirebaseDatabase blocking some other completion blocks.
The documentation said "Fixed a race condition where performing a transaction or adding an event observer immediately after connecting to the Firebase Realtime Database service could cause completion blocks for other operations to not be executed." from
In the above question the asker fixed the problem by upgrading to Firebase 3.7.1, I am using 5.0.1
Here are the versions I am using
Using Firebase (5.0.1)
Using FirebaseAnalytics (5.0.0)
Using FirebaseAuth (5.0.0)
Using FirebaseCore (5.0.1)
Using FirebaseDatabase (5.0.0)
Using FirebaseInstanceID (3.0.0)
Using FirebaseStorage (3.0.0)
Using GTMSessionFetcher (1.1.15)
Using GoogleToolboxForMac (2.1.4)
Using leveldb-library (1.20)
Using nanopb (0.3.8)
Generating Pods project
I have logged all along my code to find that my code is being called, but the completion block is never executed. I am using the proper children ids, so I know that the storage reference does exist. I also know it is not a connection problem because the other pictures load fine just seconds before.
- (void)loadPicture {
NSLog(#"Attempting to load picture");
FIRStorageReference *ref = [[self.storageRef child:self.detailItem.faction] child:[self.detailItem firebaseEntry]];
[ref dataWithMaxSize:1024*1024 completion:^(NSData * _Nullable data, NSError * _Nullable error) {
NSLog(#"Got a result!");
I am completely lost on what steps to take next. Has anyone experienced something similar or have any advice?
I appreciate any feedback that might help! Thanks!

Import this first
#import "UIImageView+FirebaseStorage.h"
and then for load image From reference use this
FIRStorageReference *gsReference = [[self.storageRef child:self.detailItem.faction] child:[self.detailItem firebaseEntry]];
[yourImage sd_setImageWithStorageReference:gsReference placeholderImage:nil];

I have solved the problem by creating a new ViewController to do the same action from scratch. Unfortunately I don't know what the original problem was or how to reproduce it. My original ViewController was about as simple as possible. The problem seemed like a strange glitch/flaw in the API, xcode, or emulator since no errors were present and it fixed itself in the new ViewController using the same exact code.
Everything else I saw online pointed to a issue involving Firebase 3.6.0 and below. Make sure you are using a recent Firebase version and then recreate the same ViewController and your problem will likely be fixed.


iOS9 storyboard what is unhandled action (handleNonLaunchSpecificActions)?

I've noticed the following error popping up in the console when running my app on iOS 9 when using a storyboard. I'm using xCode7. Is this something I need to be concerned about?
-[UIApplication _handleNonLaunchSpecificActions:forScene:withTransitionContext:completion:] ** unhandled action -> <FBSSceneSnapshotAction: 0x176bfb20> {
handler = remote;
info = <BSSettings: 0x176a5d90> {
(1) = 5;
There is nothing wrong with your code. This is a logging message internal to Apple, and you should file a radar about it.
There are two hints that show that this is probably Apple's code:
The underscore leading the method name _handleNonLaunchSpecificActions:forScene:withTransitionContext:completion is a convention indicating that the method is private/internal to the class that it's declared in. (See this comment.)
It's reasonable to guess that the two letter prefix in FBSSceneSnapshotAction is shorthand for FrontBoard, which according to Rene Ritchie in "iOS 9 wish-list: Guest Mode" is part of the whole family of software related to launching apps:
With iOS 8, Apple refactored its system manager, SpringBoard, into several smaller, more focused components. In addition to BackBoard, which was already spun off to handle background tasks, they added Frontboard for foreground tasks. They also added PreBoard to handle the Lock screen under secure, encrypted conditions. [...]
I have no idea what the BS prefix in BSSettings is for, but
BS is shorthand for BackBoard Settings, and an analysis of this log message would indicate that it's not anything you did, and you should file a radar with steps to reproduce the logging message.
If you want to try and grab a stack trace, you can implement the category linked to here. Some would argue that overriding private API is a bad idea, but in this case a temporary injection to grab a stack trace can't be too harmful.
But, we still want to know what this action is. So I put a breakpoint on -[UIApplication _handleNonLaunchSpecificActions:forScene:withTransitionContext:completion] and started printing out register values and found a class called FBSceneImpl which had a whole bunch of information about my application:
We are able to find out which private method is called next (stored in the program counter, instruction pointer, register 15.)
I tried finding the un-handled FBSceneSnapshotAction referenced in the log, but no dice. Then, I subclassed UIApplication, and overrode _handleNonLaunchSpecificActions:forScene:withTransitionContext:completion. Now I was able to get at the action directly, but still, we don't know what it is.
Then, I looked at the FBSceneSnapshotAction again. Turns out it has a superclass called BSAction.
Then I wrote a tool similar to RuntimeBrowser and looked up all of the subclasses of BSAction. It turns out that there's quite a list of them:
The two method names we have (one from the log and one from the program counter on the devices) indicate that these actions are used under the hood for passing actions around the system.
Some actions are probably sent up to the app delegate's callbacks, while others are handled internally.
What's happening here is that there is an action that wasn't handled correctly and the system is noting it. We weren't supposed to see it, apparently.
AFAIK, the info above is related to iOS during snapshot the screen (i suppose for double click home multitask related behaviour).I deeply investigated my application and seems that it does not get any side behaviours. You can safely ignore it, for now.
You can use the following gist simple category to test yourself against the calls to the above function:
I have figured it out, it will happen when you have IBAction method declared in .h or .m file but you have not bind it to any control.
.m example:
- (IBAction)click:(id)sender{
but not assigned this method to any control in storyboard.
haven't find out why it happens in my app, but at least you can catch the exception, if you want to keep this from popping up in your log pane. It's not a solution, but it might give you more insight why it is happing by inspecting any of the arguments that are passed in the catch.
swift 2 version:
import UIKit
extension UIApplication {
func _handleNonLaunchSpecificActions(arg1: AnyObject, forScene arg2: AnyObject, withTransitionContext arg3: AnyObject, completion completionHandler: () -> Void) {
//whatever you want to do in this catch
print("handleNonLaunchSpecificActions catched")

Xcode: "Spurious Update" console warning?

I'm writing a pretty straightforward ObjC app. (The only minor complexity is that it uses an external library called Chilkat for some basic networking, but I don't think that that's relevant.)
Occasionally, my project spontaneously pops up this warning message:
May 14 01:24:01 Neovenator-2.local Project[22645] : void
CGSUpdateManager::log() const: conn 0x4b29b: spurious update.
And I have no idea how to handle or even interpret it. There's nothing in my project called CGSUpdateManager, and my project doesn't call a log() function anywhere. I can't even reliably reproduce it, but it's popped up often enough to raise my interest level.
Searches at both Google and here for the term "spurious update" reveals a lightly scattered set of conversation, but nothing relevant to my project. Meanwhile, a Google search for "CGSUpdateManager" reveals it's something to do with Swift, which I'm not using at all.
Can anyone help me understand what this means? Or should I just disregard it?
Make sure to call super in viewDidLoad, viewWillAppear and viewWillDisappear.
Sorry, my code with correct Highlight/indentation:
- (void)setNeedsDisplay
//#if 1 //TEST (suppose we are only called by us)
[super setNeedsDisplay]; // "spurious update" ?
It's an example (#see my full response), it helped me

libPusher + updating an open NSMenu

I have an NSMenu that I want to update with items pushed to my app through pusherapp and received using the libPusher client library. But events seem not to be received in NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode.
Given the following snippet:
[channel bindToEventNamed:#"my_event" handleWithBlock:^(PTPusherEvent *event) {
NSLog(#"event received");
And I wait for a push to occur while I maintain the menu open, I expect to receive the event immediately but I only receive it when I close the menu.
I also tried passing the main queue to bindToEventNamed:handleWithBlock:queue: (using dispatch_get_main_queue();), to no avail.
So I'm left wondering whether I'm doing something wrong or there's a bug in libPusher?
I'm the author of libPusher. The reason you are seeing this problem is because the underlying WebSocket library used by libPusher, SocketRocket only works in the default run loop mode.
The good news is that this has been fixed in the latest HEAD of SocketRocket. I have tested libPusher agains the latest SocketRocket and can confirm that it fixes this issue and I intend to roll these changes in to the next release.
Now, I've just checked the outstanding Github issue and realised that you were the original reporter of this bug, so you probably know all this already but I'm going to post this answer anyway for posterity.
libPusher issue
SocketRocket issue

App crash - "DiskImageCache: Could not resolve the absolute path of the old directory."

I am working on an app, where I display the data entered by user in a PDF file. PDF File is also created dynamically.
All this is fine.
I have implemented QuickLook framework to display the pdf file. When I call the QL framework, PDF file id displayed quite fine but when come back to the calling screen, my app crashes without any crash log or memory warnings.
I am calling QL with below code:
[[self navigationController] presentModalViewController:qlPreviewer animated:YES];
logs created are
DiskImageCache: Could not resolve the absolute path of the old directory.
[Switching to process 3070 thread 0x17603]
[Switching to process 3070 thread 0x15503]
This is quite interesting.....
When I run the same program in Instruments to check for leaks and Memory Management, i can only find leaks when PDF document is scrolled and all the pages are viewed.
However, interestingly there is no app crash that I can see.
Also, I did try with ZombieEnabled = YES and without it but no app crash with Instruments.
I am quite clueless on how to interpret this and have been trying different things to solve this. Also, I have tried UIWebView but the result is the same.
I was again trying something to check out the issue and found something interesting.
When i execute the code directly from X-Code - i get the crash in as explained above.
In other instance, if I execute the app by clicking on the app in the sim... no crash
I am yet to check this on device. Can someone confirm the crash on the device?
Also, Google does not have answer to this question.
Thanks in advance for your answers.
Can anyone shed some light on this?
I'm having the exact same issue.
As a workaround, you can disable or remove your 'All Exceptions' breakpoint. This might make debugging a little more difficult, but it's not as bad as having to relaunch the application all the time.
This is the breakpoint causing the issue. I had set it so long ago that I'd forgotten it was there
Deleting application from device helped me to solve this problem.
Maybe also at first you should try "Product > Clean" to ensure that all resources will be copied to your device.
I was able to fix mine with this code:
NSURLRequest* reqObj;
#property(nonatomic, retain) NSURLRequest* reqObj;
reqObj = [NSURLRequest requestWithUrl:url cachePolicy:NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringCacheData timeoutInterval:60.0];
NSURLConnection* conn = [[NSURLConnection alloc] initWithRequest:reqObj delegate:self];
then instead of loading it on my view after this line i waited for the connectionDidFinishLoading then load it to my view
Interesting: This has just started with my app too. No errors when checking for leaks but running the app in the sim actually is causing a Breakpoint, not a crash. I can hit the continue and the app keeps running, no problem.
My issue also is relating to a PDF, but I'm just using a web view to display a PDF from the app bundle. I've checked everything in the dealloc, it's all good, this may be a iOS 5.1 bug. I will update as I learn more.
#JimP, It isn't an iOS 5.1 bug. It has just started happening to my app as well, on iOS5.0. It seems to only affect pdfs of more than one page length, and seems to trigger most commonly on scrolling past the end of the document (although sometimes earlier also). It also seems to happen more often on a second load.
This could happen when you delete the object reference in code but having its reference in xib. Delete the outlet that you no longer need.
Just ran into this problem of loading a pdf file in an App I am converting to iOS 8. This App has been running fine since the first iPhone. I just removed the All Exceptions breakpoint to work around it.
I don't know if it's the same problem but I had an issue where switching from a PDF view to another more than three times via the tab bar controller caused a crash.
Turned out that embedding the views I was switching to within Navigation controllers put a stop to the crashing.

localitics & comScore memory leaks

I'm using Localitics and ComScore libs for collecting some statistic for my app. And I have a problem with memory leaks. If any body use such libs, and know how to solve this problem. Or, maybe, it's not a problem?
in more details: after, when i commented
// [[LocalyticsSession sharedLocalyticsSession] startSession:LOCALYTICS_KEY];
// [[CSComScore census] notifyStart:COMSCORE_ACCOUNT_ID andSecret:COMSCORE_SECRET];
in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions in my appDelegate, all leaks disappear.
I'm using only base functions: in app there no code related to comScore except "notifyStart".
I used for integration this lib. My appDelegate looks exactly as said in instruction. for loging i'm using -
[[LocalyticsSession sharedLocalyticsSession] tagScreen:#"Near Me."];
//here I have warning: ... may not respond to ...
here you have screen shot of my Performance tool:
hope it will help.
I am not sure exaclty what is wrong with your memory there. I use for analysis, it has some great interaction analysis for iOS like heatmaps and more