How can I force iPad to always Request Desktop Site? -

At my new company I am maintaining a VB.Net webforms application. We are seeing an issue when viewing the site on an iPad that can be fixed by Requesting Desktop Site in either Chrome or Safari.
Is there a way to force this in code so the user does not have to hold the refresh button in Safari and request the desktop site?
We are using Telerik controls and the functionality changes when its displayed on an iPad vs a browser on a desktop. When I pull up the page on an iPad the textbox filters will not work until I select Request Desktop Site, see below for wrong incorrect version.
Here is what it looks like after that is selected and normally on a desktop browser.
So I need a way to force the browser to request the desktop site/version when viewing on an iPad.

Without some examples its tricky to comment on this, but I think I know how to get the result you want. In the HTML of the page(s):
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
Source here.
This should fix the issue you're seeing in all browsers, if it is what I think it is.
Edit: Question has been significantly updated, this is definitely not the right answer.


Spotify Play Button is not working - playing only previews in recent Chrome

I was going back and forth with Spotify Cares Twitter for over four days. Finally they directed me here, so I hope one of the devs from Spotify will answer.
I am trying to put Spotify Play Button on the website. I was following the instructions from the documentation. Then I also found on the Spotify blog, that some details had changed in July 2018. So I have tried this code as well.
Whatever I did, the Play Button embed player plays only preview (30 seconds) when accessing website in the Chrome (version 68 and 69).
The code is simple and straight taken from the documentation/blog:
<iframe src="" width="300" height="380" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe>
This code I have put into the empty HTML, so completely no other code interfering. You can check it in the example on Codepen.
I have tried to isolate the issue and here's what I have found:
In Chrome it never works: neither when I am logged into Spotify nor when I am not and log in with the button that shows up in the player
In Chrome with/without SSL - in both cases it didn't work
In Firefox it works properly. When I log into Spotify on the browser, go to the page, it plays full tracks
Also asked my friends to go to the page with this code and - being logged into Spotify - it didn't work for them as well
The play button works properly in the examples on blog and documentation of Spotify - which is in their domain, so it is the same domain as the iframe content - this is a hint I think.
I have checked also recent changes in Chrome, but only one concerning iframe was adding allow on microphone and camera. Even using this one didn't help (but this should not be related actually).
I have also checked on recent Safari / MacOS - the issue is there as well (but not on Firefox/MacOS)
What can be the reason for the issue? How to solve this? Or maybe Spotify devs team need to fix it?
So the answer is quite obvious if you know where to look.
Under chrome://settings/content/cookies Google Chrome has this option Block third-party cookies. I had it enabled and that was the cause of the issue.
But why I didn't think of it before? It's because Google Chrome in such case adds to all non-white-listed (see below) sites a cookie icon with red X to the right side of the Address Bar. When one clicks it, it shows two options:
Always allow [url of the site] site to save cookies
Keep blocking the cookies
And since I had the first one selected it looked good to me back then.
But this option is not the same as "allow use of the third-party cookies", which is not available in the popup options window.
In fact to allow sites to use cookies from Spotify, you have to either:
Disable the option Block third-party cookies in the Chrome Settings in general
or add [*.] to your white-list (I recommend this one)
And that way, any site can access cookies to check if user is logged in to properly play music (full tracks or just previews).
And one final note: the site with the embed play button code must be accessed with SSL, so via https.
I didn't check how to change that for Safari on MacOS, but probably the solution is similar to this one.

Asynchronous KendoUI Upload in IE 10 windows authentication

I have a Kendo File Upload control on a page that uploads some files to the server.
The control is working fine on Chrome or Firefox, but on IE 10 there is a weird bug. It works if I upload files continuously, but if I leave the window inactive for like 1-2 min, the browser gets into a pending state.
Looking with Fiddler at what is actually happening, I can observe a 401 response received. There seems to be an issue with the Kendo control (or the specific environment I have) that has some sort of timeout and cannot authenticate the user, therefore we see that 401 response.
Environment specifics:
Kendo UI Upload Control
Windows Authentication
browser: IE10
Do you have a suggestion regarding this issue ?
Kindly appreciated.
I am having the same problem. The problem seems to affect only IE10 and IE11.
After some investigation and guesswork, I found a workaround that works for me.
Add this into the <head>
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=9" />
I must warn that this may introduce other incompatibilities so please test everything else thoroughly.

Web Page Development with IntelliJ - Auto Preview?

If I want to develop a web page in IntelliJ, is there a web to automatically preview the results in a browser, for example, so I don't always have to manually force a browser refresh?
hello world.
I'd like to see the browser refresh...
as I type
Use the Web Facet
Please note usually it's a bit annoying, as it's refreshing everytime you type or pause (this is what you want, but that means some delays will occur if your page is complex)
More details here:

facebook like button script for off site not working in any of the options, HTML5, iframe, or other (XBML?)

I have tried all possibilities, all scripts possible, even created a flash object with the appropriate api link. Nothing happens, nothing appears whatsoever when testing the page locally. What am I doing wrong?
Had the same problem. For me it was because I was placing it in a facebook app that was in sandbox mode. To get around this be sure to have an fb:admins meta tag on your page. Even still if you've been surfing the url without the meta tag, facebook probably cached it, so you'll have to do some cache busting to test it out.

Facebook Connect button not showing up in Safari/Chrome

My implementation of Facebook Connect (just a simple login button, fb:login-button) works perfectly on Firefox and IE.
But the same button is not showing up in Safari/Chrome (Webkit).
Here's what's ironic. In my debugging effort, I saved the page (that contains fb:login-button) up as a static page and then load it in Safari. And the button shows up, everything works!
The exact same page (with the exact same HTML source) rendered by my PHP has no way for bringing up the button.
I'm trying hard to support Webkit here but I'm close to giving up. Can anybody help?
I found one more way this can occur (the blame-myself-for-being-stupid way); it's probably not common, but in the event is saves anyone else the hassle, here it is:
This symptom can also be caused by various security tools blocking facebook resources.
In my case, I'd installed Facebook Disconnect ages ago in Chrome as a plugin and forgotten all about it being installed. I also had a second installation of Chrome that was seemingly identical (but did not have Facebook Disconnect). The first would properly load the fb:login-button, and the other would not; took me ages before I looked at the plugins, because Facebook Disconnect didn't have an icon and so its presence was pretty easy for me to miss.
Here's what you'll see if some sort of security plugin is preventing facebook resources from loading. Just look at the html that renders in the browser using developer tools.
In a normal chrome session you'll end up with something like this:
<fb:login-button><a class="fb_button fb_button_medium"><span class="fb_button_text">Your text here</span></a></fb:login-button>
But in the version with facebook's resources disabled you'll end up with this:
<fb:login-button>Your text here</fb:login-button>
Like I said, pretty obvious in retrospect.
Had the same problem but it was not related to anything like a plugin or malformed content. It seems if you enable country filtering on your facebook page it has an issue with the like button, this should be fairly obvious. Facebook gets your location from your profile and not your IP address.
Make sure to disable country locking if you plan on using the social plugins.
This can be due to having ClickToFlash installed. Either disable it, or check "Automatically load invisible Flash views" in the ClickToFlash settings.
What we found out is that Safari (and maybe some older versions of Chrome or other WebKIT browsers) have a problem with Facebook's code using the innerHTML JS function if your page arrives with an XHTML response header (application/xhtml+xml).
Using text/html solves the issue.
In case of JSF2, which we use, the implementing the fix was as simple as wrapping the FB button like this:
<ui:composition xmlns=""
<f:view contentType="text/html">
<fb:login-button>Login using Facebook</fb:login-button>
Facebook bug report here:
I had this problem with the Facebook button not showing at all and it took me forever to figure out what it was. Luckily after days of hair pulling I will now share the answer with everyone. In my situation I simply didn't have xfbml enabled. In my FB.init I had it set to false:
appId : 'app_id', // App ID
status : true, // check login status
cookie : true, // enable cookies to allow the server to access the session
xfbml : false, // parse XFBML
oauth : true // enable OAuth 2.0
I changed this to "true" (xfbml) and the login buttons works great now! :P Good luck!
This happened when I had the wrong domain in callback_url in config/facebooker.yml. Apparently it uses that to load the js files.
I had the same problem but I resolved it by making sure the URL in my app settings was exactly the same as the one for my site (i.e. it didn't work when I accessed my site without the www.).
I have tried every suggested solution here and it didn't work for me. But now I finally found the solution.
Facebook requires now a secured (https) for Canvas (Secure Canvas URL). The unsecured one will be deprecated soon.
Here is the main difference, Chrome doesn't like https connections with invalid certifications. On a localhost, it is very likely you have stunnel installed to allow https connection for the localhost. Firefox is ok with the self created SSL certificate and allows you to add an exception when trying to access that site. Chrome doesn't allow it out of the box.
When I load my app in Chrome the page is blank and I dont see any login button.
Click F12 and click the Netwrok tab in Chrome:
You see that the post request to your localhost is cancelled. DOUBLE Click on it.
Now you would see that chrome is blocking the localhost because of the certificate:
click on proceed anyway.
Now to back to your other tab and reload the page:
Chrome works now like Firefox and shows the login button.