DOJO drop down selection is not working - dojo

After migrating to DOJO 1.8.14 in the dropdown even though I am selecting different one it is selecting by default different option than that is present before.
You can see the dropdown after close button that should select different one and also one more issue is few functionalities are working in IE browser and not working in the mozila firefox browser
Someone help me out.

In code it had return to sort by label and the particular element is disabled so it is not selecting once after I had added sortbylabel id as false and then it is working fine.
The problem is DOJO migration that I had done will sort the label by default we need to apply the label to false then it will work fine.


Selenium xUnit not working consistently with IE

I'm creating tests using Visual Studio/Selenium/xUnit and I've just come across a command that doesn't work in IE. I have a screen with a list of items, each with a checkbox to it's left and I need to check that checkbox and then click on Save. I've tried CSSSelector and XPath and neither works. The command executes but neither the checkbox nor the Save button is clicked. If I run the same test in FireFox it works perfectly.
This is the first test I've written (of maybe 25) that doesn't work in IE. Anyone else have this problem? Know of a workaround (other than just test in FireFox)? We need to test in IE since that's what most of our customers have installed.
It appears that this only doesn't work while debugging (stepping through the code). If I just run it it seems to work.

Is there any way to change focus of browser tabs in robot?

I am using robot framework+python+selenium to create an automation framework.
I am stuck at this point.
On this website. When the link 'a' is clicked, a new tab is opened. On this new new I want to test functionality. My problem is I'm not sure how to change the focus from one tab to another. I tried the switch browser keyword as well as the select window keyword. No luck.
You can make use of the following code change focus of the windows using selenium2Library.
#{windows_num} = List Windows
${nWindows} = Get Length ${windows_num}
${latest_window} = Evaluate ${nWindows}-1
Select Window #{windows_num}[${latest_window}]
Found a simple solution here, that worked for me:

In IE elements are get hide then after hover on them they get visible

I am working with IE11. After loading my website elements like checkbox, radio button, drop down arrow get automatically hidden then after hover on them they get visible then after click anywhere in page they again get hide. All this element are present and style are applied tested with developer tool but still they was giving problem. Then after check "use software rendering instead of gpu rendering" option from settings->Internet option->Advanced->"use software rendering instead of gpu rendering" everything got ok. Now my website element not getting hide all style applied perfectly. But I doesn't understand why this happen? How this setting fixed issues. Please any idea help!

Drop Down Form for Date is Deformed

I use sharepoint 2010 and I get a deformed pop up menu for Date selection. Nothing fancy here. Just a simple form to enter some data with date.
Have you seen this before? I get the same effect in Chrome/Firefox latest versions.
Thank you in advance
This is a problem with your SharePoint site's CSS (or possibly with JavaScript that affects the CSS).
That big image is a spritesheet; CSS is supposed to crop the visible region so that you only see the specific sprites that are relevant to the current control.
You can pull up the developer tools with F12 and inspect the image element and its containers to see what CSS is currently applied, as well as check for any errors in the JavaScript console.
Clear your browsers cache and reload page. Delete the datetime column and create a new.

Selenium not working with JQWidgets listbox or Datagrid

I am testing my web site using Selenium IDE 2.9.0 for Firefox.
My web site uses JQWidgets.
Selenium seems to work fine until you need to simulate clicking on a list item or selecting a row from a data grid.
I have seen other posts similar to this problem like this one
Selenium webdriver ‘jqwidgets – jqxgrid ‘ data grid with java: How to scroll and get the rows visible?
but I can't work out the problem.
When I use the record button to record my interaction with the website it shows the following :-
When I double click on this to execute the command it does not select the line in my list.
I have tried mouseDown and clicking on the outer div first and every combination.
Any ideas ?