Algebraic Data types in VBA - vba

I’m trying to make a set of functions and subs of basic algebraic operations like matrix product, vector product, finding the inverse of a matrix.
I have been using multidimensional arrays so far, and declaring them as variants, because for some reason, when you want a function to return an array value, by setting it equal to an array inside the function, it only works if they are both of type variant .
I want to declare a data type called vector which could be scalar, vector, matrix, or even something with more dimensionality, so when I declare a generic function like addition, I can say:
function addition (vect1 as vector, vect2 as vector) as vector
or maybe:
function addition (vect1() as vector, vect2() as vector) as vector()
and it works for every vector type (as long as vect1 and vect2 are the same size obviously).
I would like vector’s components to be addressed like arrays are e.g.
vect1(2,3) and not vect1.row(2).column(3)
Is it possible to create such data type in VBA? It's basically the data type you work with in mathlab or octave but I would like to create in VBA and to take values from MS Excel.


Typed lists vs ND-arrays in Numba

Could someone, please clarify that what is the benefit of using a Numba typed list over an ND array? Also, how do the two compares in terms of speed, and in what context would it be recommended to use the typed list?
Typed lists are useful when your need to append a sequence of elements but you do not know the total number of elements and you could not even find a reasonable bound. Such a data structure is significantly more expensive than a 1D array (both in memory space and computation time).
1D arrays cannot be resized efficiently: a new array needs to be created and a copy must be performed. However, the indexing of 1D arrays is very cheap. Numpy also provide many functions that can natively operate on them (lists are implicitly converted to arrays when passed to a Numpy function and this process is expensive). Note that is the number of items can be bounded to a reasonably size (ie. not much higher than the number of actual element), you can create a big array, then add the elements and finally work on a sub-view of the array.
ND arrays cannot be directly compared with lists. Note that lists of lists are similar to jagged array (they can contains lists of different sizes) while ND array are likes a (fixed-size) N x ... x M table. Lists of lists are very inefficient and often not needed.
As a result, use ND arrays when you can and you do not need to often resize them (or append/remove elements). Otherwise, use typed lists.

How To Represent and Equation Via Variables

I am trying to solve B-Spline equations using De-Boors method. All in all, the method will generate equations that will then have to be solved. What is the best way to represent an equation in code as a variable? I was thinking, just pushing each variable, coefficients, and operators in an array. I would also create a function to interpret these "equation" arrays for solving once variables are available for plug in. Is there a better way to represent equations that are not known until later in execution? Sort of like a variable but for an equation. Example, equation1 = [7,"xxx","+","(",2,"y","-","x",")",3,"yy"] representing 7x^3 + (2y-x)3y^2

What is the equivalent of numpy.allclose for structured numpy arrays?

Running numpy.allclose(a, b) throws TypeError: invalid type promotion on structured arrays. What would be the correct way of checking whether the contents of two structured arrays are almost equal?
np.allclose does an np.isclose followed by all(). isclose tests abs(x-y) against tolerances, with accomodations for np.nan and np.inf. So it is designed primarily to work with floats, and by extension ints.
The arrays have to work with np.isfinite(a), as well as a-b and np.abs. In short a.astype(float) should work with your arrays.
None of this works with the compound dtype of a structured array. You could though iterate over the fields of the array, and compare those with isclose (or allclose). But you will have ensure that the 2 arrays have matching dtypes, and use some other test on fields that don't work with isclose (eg. string fields).
So in the simple case
all([np.allclose(a[name], b[name]) for name in a.dtype.names])
should work.
If the fields of the arrays are all the same numeric dtype, you could view the arrays as 2d arrays, and do allclose on those. But usually structured arrays are used when the fields are a mix of string, int and float. And in the most general case, there are compound dtypes within dtypes, requiring some sort of recursive testing.
import numpy.lib.recfunctions as rf
has functions to help with complex structured array operations.
Assuming b is a scalar, you can just iterate over the fields of a:
all(np.allclose(a[field], b) for field in a.dtype.names)

Is it possible to build coo and csr matrices with numpy WITHOUT using scipy?

I have to operate on matrices using an equivalent of sicpy's sparse.coo_matrix and sparse.csr_matrix. However, I cannot use scipy (it is incompatible with the image analysis software I want to use this in). I can, however, use numpy.
Is there an easy way to accomplish what scipy.sparse.coo_matrix and scipy.sparse.csr_matrix do, with numpy only?
The attributes of a sparse.coo_matrix are:
dtype : dtype
Data type of the matrix
shape : 2-tuple
Shape of the matrix
ndim : int
Number of dimensions (this is always 2)
Number of nonzero elements
COO format data array of the matrix
COO format row index array of the matrix
COO format column index array of the matrix
The data, row, col arrays are essentially the data, i, j parameters when defined with coo_matrix((data, (i, j)), [shape=(M, N)]). shape also comes from the definition. dtype from the data array. nzz as first approximation is the length of data (not accounting for zeros and duplicate coordinates).
So it is easy to construct a coo like object. Similarly a lil matrix has 2 lists of lists. And a dok matrix is a dictionary (see its .__class__.__mro__).
The data structure of a csr matrix is a bit more obscure:
CSR format data array of the matrix
CSR format index array of the matrix
CSR format index pointer array of the matrix
It still has 3 arrays. And they can be derived from the coo arrays. But doing so with pure Python code won't be nearly as fast as the compiled scipy functions.
But these classes have a lot of functionality that would require a lot of work to duplicate. Some is pure Python, but critical pieces are compiled for speed. Particularly important are the mathematical operations that the csr_matrix implements, such as matrix multiplication.
Replicating the data structures for temporary storage is one thing; replicating the functionality is quite another.

Element-wise operations on arrays of different rank

How do I multiply two arrays of different rank, element-wise? For example, element-wise multiplying every row of a matrix with a vector.
real :: a(m,n), b(n)
My initial thought was to use spread(b,...), but it is my understanding that this tiles b in memory, which would make it undesirable for large arrays.
In MATLAB I would use bsxfun for this.
If the result of the expression is simply being assigned to another variable (versus being an intermediate in a more complicated expression or being used as an actual argument), then a loop (DO [CONCURRENT]) or FORALL assignment is likely to be best from the point of view of execution speed (though it will be processor dependent).