How to disable HATEOAS in production? - spring-data-rest

My REST API is consumed only by our own mobile apps and it also has some restricted endpoints to be used by an admin UI. It is easy to get the point of entry by observing communication of the mobile app. From there it is very easy for a malicious user to discover all possible endpoints using HATEOAS.
Even if the API is properly protected by Spring Security, there are known security leaks like which allow modification to read-only data.
During development, HATEOAS is useful, but I want to disable it in production to make discovery of endpoints more difficult.

Your proposed solution implies that you intend to rely on Security through Obscurity to protect your admin functions. This is a bad idea, because a malicious actor could still guess the relevant functions that they shouldn't have access to, or simply remember what they learned by traversing your link hierarchy when you last exposed it.
You should definitely implement a robust authentication and authorization mechanism to protect your resources, and then even if a bad actor can discover the routes to those protected resources through the links structure of an unprotected resource, they won't be able to access them. Links are meant to be discovered and even if they are discovered by someone they aren't intended for, security best practices should still ensure they do no harm.

Rather than disabling HATEOAS (your app should be using it as a lookup for endpoints!) you should trust your security layer to do the best job it can.
Here are some considerations:
Add user authorisation to your admin endpoints. Perhaps you can achieve this with your existing API key infrastructure.
Move the admin endpoints to a separate, protected API
Neither of these suggestions are quick fixes but I can't recommend disabling HATEOAS. Once it is gone, you will find an issue where you need it.


Best practices for inter-microservice authentication on Kubernetes?

I'm writing a service to be deployed on Kubernetes. Clients will be other services, not people, and those services may be in other namespaces or even clusters. My goals are:
Authenticate the calling services
Authorize the calling services
Apply some policies based on the identity of the calling service (like quota)
I understand that Kubernetes doesn't provide services that really help with any of these, and I'll need to build something explicit into my service. I'd like to understand what the current best practice is and how to maximize what's available in Kubernetes or in the ecosystem to make these goals achievable while minimizing the coding and administrative burden. A few options that I've considered:
Custom username / shared-secret. I could just pass out shared secrets to all of the calling services, and write my own custom code to verify that the shared secret matches. I assume passing these around as Bearer tokens would be the right move. Would using Kubernetes serviceaccount and role objects be reasonable containers for these shared secrets? If so, are there libraries that make the lookups, associations, and policy work easier?
JWT. JWT seems more intended for passing around claims, like end-user identity, and would seem to require that all of the participating components share the same JWT secret. Since I don't want calling-service-foo to be able to authenticate as calling-service-bar, it's not clear that JWT is the right move. Thoughts?
mTLS. I could issue TLS certificates for all of the participating services. Are there components I can use to automate the issuance of these certificates? Should I try to use Kubernetes serviceaccount or role objects to manage these, or maybe roll my own CRDs?
Istio. It seems like Istio can do a lot of this transparently, but so far all of the resources I've found that explain this seem to assume transparency is a goal. Since I will need the identities of the calling services, though, is it possible to get that out of Istio? Can this work if my callers aren't in my cluster?
SPIRE ( This looks like it matches well for my use cases, but it seems new and I don't know how much experience people have with it.
Do any of these options (and please correct my understanding of any of them) stand out as best practices, or are there others I should be considering?
Thank you!
What you need is a component that acts as the gateway to the microservices API endpoints. That kind of component belongs to a category of software called "API management" (Wikipedia page) and its usage is not limited to Kubernetes only.
There are many choices of API management software such as listed in the Wikipedia page but my project uses Gravitee and so far we are loving it due to its simple administration UI. Feel free to explore it at
N.B. I'm not related in any way to apart from being one of the users (although I did contribute to one PR)
I know I'm late now but if anyone else is looking:
Istio has included Multicluster support and it makes the communication painless.

How to protect secrets properly?

I am using HERE api in both frontend and backend. If I try to put my app_id and app_code into the frontend code, it will be available to anyone seeing my site.
I can try to create a domain whitelist and put my domain in this. But still, if I set the HTTP header "Referer" to my domain, I am able to access the API from any IP.
So, what do I do?
The Difference Between WHO and WHAT is Accessing the API Server
Before I dive into your problem I would like to first clear a misconception about WHO and WHAT is accessing an API server.
To better understand the differences between the WHO and the WHAT are accessing an API server, let’s use this picture:
So replace the mobile app by web app, and keep following my analogy around this picture.
The Intended Communication Channel represents the web app being used as you expected, by a legit user without any malicious intentions, communicating with the API server from the browser, not using Postman or using any other tool to perform a man in the middle(MitM) attack.
The actual channel may represent several different scenarios, like a legit user with malicious intentions that may be using Curl or a tool like Postman to perform the requests, a hacker using a MitM attack tool, like MitmProxy, to understand how the communication between the web app and the API server is being done in order to be able to replay the requests or even automate attacks against the API server. Many other scenarios are possible, but we will not enumerate each one here.
I hope that by now you may already have a clue why the WHO and the WHAT are not the same, but if not it will become clear in a moment.
The WHO is the user of the web app that we can authenticate, authorize and identify in several ways, like using OpenID Connect or OAUTH2 flows.
Generally, OAuth provides to clients a "secure delegated access" to server resources on behalf of a resource owner. It specifies a process for resource owners to authorize third-party access to their server resources without sharing their credentials. Designed specifically to work with Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), OAuth essentially allows access tokens to be issued to third-party clients by an authorization server, with the approval of the resource owner. The third party then uses the access token to access the protected resources hosted by the resource server.
OpenID Connect
OpenID Connect 1.0 is a simple identity layer on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol. It allows Clients to verify the identity of the End-User based on the authentication performed by an Authorization Server, as well as to obtain basic profile information about the End-User in an interoperable and REST-like manner.
While user authentication may let the API server know WHO is using the API, it cannot guarantee that the requests have originated from WHAT you expect, the browser were your web app should be running from, with a real user.
Now we need a way to identify WHAT is calling the API server, and here things become more tricky than most developers may think. The WHAT is the thing making the request to the API server. Is it really a genuine instance of the web app, or is a bot, an automated script or an attacker manually poking around with the API server, using a tool like Postman?
For your surprise, you may end up discovering that It can be one of the legit users manipulating manually the requests or an automated script that is trying to gamify and take advantage of the service provided by the web app.
Well, to identify the WHAT, developers tend to resort to an API key that usually is sent in the headers of the web app. Some developers go the extra mile and compute the key at run-time in the web app, inside obfuscated javascript, thus it becomes a runtime secret, that can be reverse engineered by deobusfaction tools, and by inspecting the traffic between the web app and API server with the F12 or MitM tools.
The above write-up was extracted from an article I wrote, entitled WHY DOES YOUR MOBILE APP NEED AN API KEY?. While in the context of a Mobile App, the overall idea is still valid in the context of a web app. You wish you can read the article in full here, that is the first article in a series of articles about API keys.
Your Problem
I can try to create a domain whitelist and put my domain in this. But still, if I set the HTTP header "Referer" to my domain, I am able to access the API from any IP.
So this seems to be related with using the HERE admin interface, and I cannot help you here...
So, what do I do?
I am using HERE API in both frontend and backend.
The frontend MUST always delegate access to third part APIs into a backend that is under the control of the owner of the frontend, this way you don't expose access credentials to access this third part services in your frontend.
So the difference is that now is under your direct control how you will protect against abuse of HERE API access, because you are no longer exposing to the public the HERE api_id and api_code, and access to it must be processed through your backend, where your access secrets are hidden from public pry eyes, and where you can easily monitor and throttle usage, before your bill skyrockets in the HERE API.
If I try to put my app_id and app_code into the frontend code, it will be available to anyone seeing my site.
So to recap, the only credentials you SHOULD expose in your frontend is the ones to access your backend, the usual api-key and Authorization tokens, or whatsoever you want to name them, not the api_id or api_code to access the HERE API. This approach leaves you only with one access to protect, instead of multiple ones.
Defending an API Server
As I already said, but want to reinforce a web app should only communicate with an API server that is under your control and any access to third part APIs services must be done by this same API server you control. This way you limit the attack surface to only one place, where you will employ as many layers of defence as what you are protecting is worth.
For an API serving a web app, you can employ several layers of dense, starting with reCaptcha V3, followed by Web Application Firewall(WAF) and finally if you can afford it a User Behavior Analytics(UBA) solution.
Google reCAPTCHA V3:
reCAPTCHA is a free service that protects your website from spam and abuse. reCAPTCHA uses an advanced risk analysis engine and adaptive challenges to keep automated software from engaging in abusive activities on your site. It does this while letting your valid users pass through with ease.
...helps you detect abusive traffic on your website without any user friction. It returns a score based on the interactions with your website and provides you more flexibility to take appropriate actions.
WAF - Web Application Firewall:
A web application firewall (or WAF) filters, monitors, and blocks HTTP traffic to and from a web application. A WAF is differentiated from a regular firewall in that a WAF is able to filter the content of specific web applications while regular firewalls serve as a safety gate between servers. By inspecting HTTP traffic, it can prevent attacks stemming from web application security flaws, such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), file inclusion, and security misconfigurations.
UBA - User Behavior Analytics:
User behavior analytics (UBA) as defined by Gartner is a cybersecurity process about the detection of insider threats, targeted attacks, and financial fraud. UBA solutions look at patterns of human behavior, and then apply algorithms and statistical analysis to detect meaningful anomalies from those patterns—anomalies that indicate potential threats. Instead of tracking devices or security events, UBA tracks a system's users. Big data platforms like Apache Hadoop are increasing UBA functionality by allowing them to analyze petabytes worth of data to detect insider threats and advanced persistent threats.
All these solutions work based on a negative identification model, by other words they try their best to differentiate the bad from the good by identifying what is bad, not what is good, thus they are prone to false positives, despite the advanced technology used by some of them, like machine learning and artificial intelligence.
So you may find yourself more often than not in having to relax how you block the access to the API server in order to not affect the good users. This also means that these solutions require constant monitoring to validate that the false positives are not blocking your legit users and that at the same time they are properly keeping at bay the unauthorized ones.
Anything that runs on the client side and needs some secret to access an API can be abused in different ways and you must delegate the access to all third part APIs to a backend under your control, so that you reduce the attack surface, and at the same time protect their secrets from public pry eyes.
In the end, the solution to use in order to protect your API server must be chosen in accordance with the value of what you are trying to protect and the legal requirements for that type of data, like the GDPR regulations in Europe.
So using API keys may sound like locking the door of your home and leave the key under the mat, but not using them is liking leaving your car parked with the door closed, but the key in the ignition.
Going the Extra Mile
OWASP Web Top 10 Risks
The OWASP Top 10 is a powerful awareness document for web application security. It represents a broad consensus about the most critical security risks to web applications. Project members include a variety of security experts from around the world who have shared their expertise to produce this list.

How to secure a web API with public key from unauthorized access?

While understanding the nature of web API, Some questions regarding its safety were raised. What are the best practices to design web API such that only authorized user should be able to access it. I tried to check below options, but none was able to achieve perfect safety.
1) I cannot rely on request origin, referrer or user agent string since they can be easily spoofed.
2) Web API requires just a public key to access it so CSRF token is also not suitable to implement.
Is there any other way I can ensure request is coming from trusted source only?
My use case is I would like to implement client side API like google map, where any one who has purchased an access to API, will whitelist their website domain and can include my plugin on their website. Plugin will then make request to my API on behalf of user.
Is it a good idea, if I apply some request signature logic on web API so my server can validate the requester and reject the unauthorized origins. I assume I would have to keep my request signature logic secret and so I may need some obfuscation on code.
You do not mention anything about the usecase, especially if the client is a system or a person?
First off, security by obscurity is never a good choice. Second, it is considered bad practice to "create your own security system", it is much better to stand on the shoulders of others who has the knowledge and experience in security.
Without knowing the exact usercase, it is hard to come with a lot of suggestions... however, i'd suggest you look at at stuff like jwt tokens(i'm guessing that you have a person behind a webclient as the user of your webservice)... since you've tagged the question with i'd also suggest you have a look at project ... I've previously used IdentityServer4 with success in a large webapi project...

User management and single-sign on over REST

I am building a web application with front-end coded in angular. The front-end will access a bunch of web-services coded in Java/Spring. There might be other ways that people may try to access the webservices such as from a desktop tool. Now I need to secure the whole infrastructure.
I need a way to maintain a user repository, i.e. provision users and manage users, roles etc.:
users should be able to register themselves and have their emails verified.
admin should be able to approve users and assign them roles, delete users, update them etc.
I also need single sign on functionality. So once you login through the webfront end, you should be able to access the REST based webservices seamlessly (depending upon the role you have).
I do not need to support millions of users, so something light-weight will be preferable.
I am looking for open-source solution(s) that can:
allow user management (ideally over REST based API and have its own user interfaces as well)
allow single-sign-on functionality for web frontend and webservices, and potentially for desktop apps that may need to be implemented.
I have tried Apache Syncope which seemed promising as it provided REST based APIs. I am thinking of using it with CAS. However, the default UI seemed kludgy and CAS doesn't directly support REST.
I am looking at Shibboleth and OpenIDM as well - but none seems to be meeting my requirement directly.
I'll appreciate any suggestions on what options/stack can I consider for this. Ideally, a single solution or a well integrated solution on Java/Spring stack might work better for me.
you should have a look at for Java and Springs RESTFull Web service.
and for there AngularJS web app.
plus you can also find a live demo link on there repository.
username is mifos and
password is password.
it is ment for microfinance but you can study its architecture implementation and use there core functionalities, it is really amazing.

How to authenticate an application, instead of a user?

In the context of WCF/Web Services/WS-Trust federated security, what are the generally accepted ways to authenticate an application, rather than a user? From what I gather, it seems like certificate authentication would be the way to go, IE generate a certificate specifically for the application. Am I on the right track here? Are there other alternatives to consider?
What you are trying to do is solve the general Digital Rights Management problem, which is an unsolved problem at the moment.
There are a whole host of options for remote attestation that involve trying to hide secrets of some sort (traditional secret keys, or semi-secret behavioural characteristics).
Some simple examples that might deter casual users of your API from working around it:
Include &officialclient=yes in the request
Include &appkey=<some big random key> in the request
Store a secret with the app and use a simple challenge/response: send a random nonce to the app and the app returns HMAC(secret,nonce))
In general however the 'defenders advantage' is quite small - however much effort you put in to try and authenticate that the bit of software talking to you is in fact your software, it isn't going to take your attacker/user much more effort to emulate it. (To break the third example I gave, you don't even need to reverse engineer the official client - the user can just hook up the official client to answer the challenges their own client receives.)
The more robust avenue you can pursue is licencing / legal options. A famous example would be Twitter, who prevent you from knocking up any old client through their API licence terms and conditions - if you created your own (popular) client that pretended to the Twitter API to be the official Twitter client, the assumption is their lawyers would come a-knocking.
If the application is under your control (e.g. your server) then by all means use a certificate.
If this is an application under a user control (desktop) then there is no real way to authenticate the app in a strong way. Even if you use certificate a user can extract it and send messages outside the context of that application.
If this is not a critical secure system you could do something good enough like embedding the certificate inside the application resources. But remember once the application is physically on the user machine every secret inside it can sooner or later be revealed.