ActiveMQ - How do I ignore undelivered messages - activemq

I have a queue producer(NON_PERSISTENT) and a queue consumer connected to my ActiveMQ server. If a producer sends a message to a queue while the consumer is not connected to ActiveMQ, it seems it is stored and delivered when the consumer is up and connected to ActiveMQ.
I want ActiveMQ to ignore the message if the consumer is not connected at the time of delivery. How can I achieve this?
Thanks in advance.

Use a topic instead of a queue - this is the default behaviour for topics (unless a durable subscriber is used).
Otherwise, for queues, you can set a message expiry when sending the message. It will be discarded if not read within that time frame. Make sure to set enough time frame so that clock sync issues between servers won't be a factor. Let's say 2 minutes or so.


How do I make my Last Image Recovery Policy topic survive broker restarts?

I have configured a topic in ActiveMQ with lastImageSubscriptionRecoveryPolicy. It works as expected in that the broker persists the last message sent to the topic and when a new consumer subscribes to that topic it receives that last message:
producer publishes N messages
consumer A subscribes to the topic; 1 message is received
consumer B subscribes to the topic; same 1 message is received
However, the message is lost when I restart the broker. This is the sequence of events:
producer publishes N messages
broker is restarted
consumer subscribes to the topic; nothing is received
Is it possible to enable persistence of that last message (Last Image) so that it is persisted even across broker restarts?
No this is not possible. If you need message durability then you either need to use a Queue, or use a Durable Topic subscription in order to keep messages around after restart. The broker has some convenience features for Topics such as recovery policies but they are no real substitute for the stronger guarantees that exists for Queue based messaging, so if you need that then you must use those mechanisms.

Some essential question about using RabbitMQ?

After reading documentation about what is Rabbit and what does, I have some common questions:
Case is: Producer sends one message to some consumers (subscribers).
I need a short explanation for all points of list below, what to use, and what to dig further.
How to clear queue and stop sending message to consumers after
specific time/date?
Can I include to confirmed message user's data like JSON?
Where is stored this data? In the same queue?
How to filter confirmed messages and then clear queue?
How to clear queue after specific time/date?
What happens if not one consumer no confirms message, how long they are stored?
Does consumer subscribe on queue or can subscribe on exchange too?
Using model one to many for sending message, how to set who have to
get message first/last or at the same time, here described that, but not clear is it on client or server side?
If no consumers, how to re-push message to another queue and close
Each consumer has own queue?
Thank you in advance and any comment to this question!
If you can elaborate some of your questions and include what is your use case, I can edit the answer.
1 - As long as consumer is alive rabbitmq sends incoming messages to consumer. You can give TTL to messages/queues if you want them to expire after some time.
2 - What you mean?
3 - Rabbitmq stores the data in mnesia database.
4 - What you mean by filterig messages and clear queue? Successfully consumed messages removed from the queue immediatly.
5 - You can give ttl to queue or declare queue as auto delete
6 - If consumers don't send ack to rabbit, messages stays unack as long as memory becomes full or rabbit becomes unavailable
7 - Both. A consumer can create its own queue and bind it to an exchange or it can consume from existing queue. It depends on the use case.
8 - It is hard to answer this without knowing details of what you mean by one-to-many. Direct exchange or fanout or whatelse, how many queues etc.
But, in rabbitmq, messages ordered by publish order by default.
According to link you shared, rabbitmq sends messages first to higher priority consumers until consumer prefetch count (unack messages on consumer) becomes its limits.
9 - You need to handle this case in the code. Or you can use management ui with Shovel plugin.
10 - Again, it depends on the design and use case.

RabbitMQ: dropping messages when no consumers are connected

I'm trying to setup RabbitMQ in a model where there is only one producer and one consumer, and where messages sent by the producer are delivered to the consumer only if the consumer is connected, but dropped if the consumer is not present.
Basically I want the queue to drop all the messages it receives when no consumer is connected to it.
An additional constraint is that the queue must be declared on the RabbitMQ server side, and must not be explicitly created by the consumer or the producer.
Is that possible?
I've looked at a few things, but I can't seem to make it work:
durable vs non-durable does not work, because it is only useful when the broker restarts. I need the same effect but on a connection.
setting auto_delete to true on the queue means that my client can never connect to this queue again.
x-message-ttl and max-length make it possible to lose message even when there is a consumer connected.
I've looked at topic exchanges, but as far as I can tell, these only affect the routing of messages between the exchange and the queue based on the message content, and can't take into account whether or not a queue has connected consumers.
The effect that I'm looking for would be something like auto_delete on disconnect, and auto_create on connect. Is there a mechanism in rabbitmq that lets me do that?
After a bit more research, I discovered that one of the assumptions in my question regarding x-message-ttl was wrong. I overlooked a single sentence from the RabbitMQ documentation:
Setting the TTL to 0 causes messages to be expired upon reaching a queue unless they can be delivered to a consumer immediately
It turns out that the simplest solution is to set x-message-ttl to 0 on my queue.
You can not doing it directly, but there is a mechanism not dificult to implement.
You have to enable the Event Exchange Plugin. This is a exchange at which your server app can connect and will receive internal events of RabbitMQ. You would be interested in the consumer.created and consumer.deleted events.
When these events are received you can trigger an action (create or delete the queue you need). More information here:
Hope this helps.
If your consumer is allowed to dynamically bind / unbind a queue during start/stop on the broker it should be possible by that way (e.g. queue is pre setup and the consumer binds the queue during startup to an exchange it wants to receive messages from)

How long RabbitMQ keeps the messages for disconnected consumers?

Let's say that a consumer for a queue has been disconnected for some time during which many number of messages are produced.
How long does RabbitMQ keep the messages for the disconnected consumer without durable mode?
(Will it discard the queue right after the consumer is disconnected? or will it keep the queue until the memory allows?)
Does the durable mode will give a functionality for a consumer to consume any message which is published until now? (i.e. random access to the queue, fetching messages out-of-order, or consuming from the beginning of the queue)
There are some TTL extensions.
TTL can be set for a given queue by setting the x-message-ttl argument
to queue.declare, or by setting the message-ttl policy.
No it doesn't. The messages are kept in queue until they are acknowledged, regardless of durability. (unless of course the server dies, then the messages are gone if not previously marked as durable).

ActiveMQ "freeze" message on queue consuming

ActiveMQ: 5.10.2 inside ServiceMix's Karaf OSGi
KahaDB persistence.
Default broker settings.
Default settings in connections(tcp://x.x.x.x:61616)
16 queues predefined in activemq.xml.
Two client connections to ActiveMQ. One for producer sessions, one for consumer sessions.
Producers send messages to all queues.
16 consumer sessions consumes messages.
All going ok, but:
If I reduce number of consumers to 1 (or 2 or three, I don't know where is threshold) so that messages from 1 queue are consuming and messages from another queues are storing.
While some time passing, I see this picture:
That 1 consumer stop receiving message. He think that there are no more messages.
From activemqweb I can see that message count on that consuming queue is > 0
From activemqweb I cannot see any messages in Message Browser in that consuming queue.
I can see messages from other queues in Message Browser.
If I start some other consumer(or restart activemq) to consume messages from different queue I see:
I start to see messages in first queue Message Browser(those that were sent before but haven't been seen after "freeze").
First queue continue to consuming
Second queue begin to consuming.
The "freeze" can occur again in some time and start consuming another queue will help again.
If I start all consumers I see no "message freeze".
If just stop and start consumer on "frozen" queue, nothing happens. It need to be done on "unfrozen queue" to "unfroze" "frozen queue".
It also happens if there is no active producer, only consumer.
What can it be?
Thank you.
Oups. I've found what it was.
It's just available memory exceeded.
I didn't set -Xms and -Xmx, so it run with only 512mb of max heap.
And when messages size stored and not consumed is closed to the top, I get these behavior.