I am working on a project using kotlinjs for nodejs and I start to learn coroutines and integrate them into my code to say goodbye to the callback hell.
I managed to get coroutines working, my code can be compiled and executed, everything seems fine.
...except: The IDE still shows me errors. It seems to be confused by the additional libraries I added in order to get coroutines running.
I am currently fiddling around with the library dependencies, sometimes some errors go away, but then some code gets red which was okay before...
This is what I see:
Case 1:
Cannot access class 'kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.CoroutineContext'. Check your module classpath for missing or conflicting dependencies
Case 2:
Unresolved reference: JsModule
Modifier 'external' is not applicable to 'class'
You see, launch is recognized when I add the stdlib, but then the IDE complains with the other two errors.
Again, please note: In both cases, actual compilation is successful!
I am using IntelliJ 2018.1 with Kotlin Plugin 1.2.41.
Thanks to Alexander Chernikov at youtrack.jetbrains I could resolve my problem.
I cite his explanation:
The issue is that JavaScript libraries should be marked with special attribute to be recognized.
When they are imported from pom.xml or build.gradle, this mark is set, so the feature works.
In your project they are not marked.
At the moment, to correct the libs manually, please open .idea/libraries/org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin_stdlib_js_1_2_41.xml and .idea/libraries/org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx_coroutines_core_js_0_22_5.xml.
In both files find type="repository" and replace it with type="kotlin.js".
Make sure IDEA sees the change. (You can exit IDEA, make the change and restart.)
Then you can keep only these two libs in dependencies. The editor should work.
Here is the issue link:
There I have also attached a sample project with the problem.
Hi everyone I am new to IntelliJ in general and especially to Gradle and I feel like a total noob. :D
Im not sure if this is a Kotlin DSL thing or if I just do it the wrong way and it wouldn't work in Groovey either.
After hours of trial and error and reading other SO posts I'm still not able to install a simple dependency... it can't be that hard...
Currently I am playing around with Jetpack Compose for Desktop even though it's still in alpha and it works but for the love of god I am not able to add a dependency.
So here is my Problem:
I try to install the dependency like they say I should in
and yes I know it's an android package so it may not compile or it may crash during runtime but shouldn't it at least find and download the dependency???
So... if I add
to my build.gradle.kts
And try to compile it I get an exception during the build process:
What I tried so far:
I checked if the repository maven("https://maven.pkg.jetbrains.space/public/p/compose/dev")
who is configured in my build.gradle.kts repositories-section and in my settings.gradle.kts pluginManagement-section contains the package that I want.
The site https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/androidx.navigation/navigation-compose?repo=space-public-compose-dev tells me, that the repository contains the package that I need.
I checked the error log itself.
But I don't relly know what it tries to say.
I use Java SDK16, since I expect downward compatibility and the fact that the dependency is still in alpha I assume it should be compatible.
I use Kotlin 1.5....
that's it.
Thanks for reading all that :) I really appreciate your time... If I forgot some crucial information let me know and I will add it as soon as I can.
the problem which I feel is, is you are basically opening the wrong file. (I don't use jetpack compose so the answer might differ)
on the top left corner in the image, where there is project dropdown, open it and select android.
now there will be a different set of files in the Gradle folder, in fact, there will be 2 different files in that folder.
build.gradle (project: <project_name>)
build.gradle (Module: <project_name>.app)
open the second file and there will be dependencies copy + paste implementation code there.
the file which you have opened is actually the first file.
Well... here I am back again answering my own question.
After I switched to the terminal in IntelliJ Idea (which to be honest I could have thought of that prior to posting my question) there was highlighted text that gave me the necessary insight, why it wasn't working.
And after some searching the web in order to find out what an "aar" file is and why I didn't get a jar file like I expected it turns out that android has it's own little file format for android applications and that those cannot be used in regular java/kotlin projects.
I read somewhere, that 'aar' files contain a jar file and some other stuff and extracting the jar file from the aar file may be a way to get it working, but it didn't fix anything, maybe because the dependencies of the navigation package are aar files as well and therefor I'd need those packages as well and extract the jar file from those as well and it all seems like this isn't the right way...
So I guess I have to wait until Jetpack Compose for desktop somehow is able to use aar files or until the repositories deliver the packages in a regular jar file.
I've created a gradle modules main that contains main program logic and codegen that contains annotation definitions with processors. I found that:
Please note that kapt is still not supported for IntelliJ IDEA’s own build system. Launch the build from the “Maven Projects” toolbar whenever you want to re-run the annotation processing.
on kapt page (https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/kapt.html) but I really need it. May be there is some (may be ugly) workaround for that? Terminal background worker or prebuild tasks or something else?
This can appear as duplicate question but I really didn't found working solution at the moment
At the current project we have this problem as well; we use gradle and the work around is to run gradle classes testClasses from the commandline - either in an external terminal program or in IJ's terminal (alt-F12 on macOS). This triggers kapt as well, and when this is done I do a Build/Rebuild project from IJ's menu as well.
This is enough if the code that is processed by kapt does not change too often (we just use mapstruct and querydsl).
If you are using maven a mvn compile test-compile should work as well.
Finally I found that repository that does work in Intellij IDEA without any workarounds (https://github.com/miquelbeltran/kotlin-code-gen-sample). Taken from https://medium.com/#Miqubel/hello-world-of-annotation-processing-in-kotlin-3ec0290c1fdd
I have a few import statements in my project that are displayed in RED. Intellij shows 'Cannot resolve symbol' errors, and I am not able to autocomplete these classes or their methods. However, when I run my project it runs perfectly fine. This is strange so much so, that lets say I have an import statement
import org.apache.velocity.app.Velocity
It cannot resolve the 'Velocity' class, even though when I do a ctrl+b selecting the 'app' package, it clearly shows the Velocity class:
I am lost in this and I am struggling to code like this. Any help will be appreciated.
Best Regards.
EDIT: In my project, some of the dependencies are also not resolved, although I refreshed my project multiple times. The exact same dependencies are resolved in my colleague's system, who is using the same code-branch and environment as me.
I can see that the unresolved dependencies lie inside the play.sbt package, but are still not resolved. Is there a compatibility issue between Intellij("15.0.2") and SBT("0.13.8" mentioned in build.properties of my app)?
Reimport project using option 'Import project from external model' and choose 'sbt'. In next window choose options like 'use auto-import' and download 'sources for SBT and plugins'.
I have several modules in the project with a complex dependency structure. When I want to compile and run unit tests for 1 module, I want IDEA to ignore any compilation errors in unrelated modules. How can I do that? Currently IDEA compiles everything even if I say "compile module 1".
I don't want to setup several different projects for this.
In the test Run configuration specify the corresponding module. IntelliJ IDEA will compile only this module and required dependencies, it will not try to compile other modules if this test module doesn't depend on them.
If for some reason it doesn't work as expected, please try to share a small sample to illustrate the problem.
Try checking your dependencies. I had this same issue because the Ivy plug-in had added what it thought was a needed lib which contained a class that would not compile due to a missing dependency. Once I removed it, the build ran fine.
I want to switch my python-IDE from idle to pydev (eclipse). I am using a couple of modules which I have as compiled bytecode (*.pyc) only. In idle that was never a problem and it even offers code completion for those compiled modules. But pydev gives me a lot of "undefined variable" errors - however the code is interpreted correctly.
Is there a way pydev can handle bytecode modules the way idle does? Perhaps without decompiling the files?
Try adding the modules as forced builtins.
To do that, go into Settings → PyDev → Interpreter - (Python/Jython/IronPython as approriate), select the interpeter you're using, and add it to the list on the Forced Builtins tab (look here for more details).
(Note that you may or may not have to add multiple entries for subpackages and modules; for example to get Fabric working properly one needs to add both fabric and fabric.api)
That makes PyDev load those modules into an interpreter to get code-completion and error checking data, rather than just analysing source code.
I've not tried it for .pyc files, but it works for other things like importing something that's generated dynamically by a script's __init__.py or something (ie fabric) so it might work for you.
(see also this FAQ and that one on the PyDev site)