Copying report fields in ms access report vba - vba

I want to create button that copies fields in a report which comes from a form but I cant figure how to write the VBA behind button in VBA . I am sure its pretty simple but cant figure it out. I appreciate if you can help me.

To convert an Access 2007 form to a report, follow these steps:
Open the database containing the form.
Click the name of the form in the Navigation pane.
Click the Microsoft Office button.
Point to Save As and then click Save Object As.
Click in the Save "Form_Name" To text box and enter a name for your report.
Click the drop-down arrow in the As text box and select Report from the list, then click OK.
No VBA required.


How do I make a userform appear on demand in Microsoft Word?

I can make it popup on opening the document, but what if I close the userform and want to it to show up again in the same document? I know in excel you can add a button onto a worksheet directly and make it show the userform on click, but this button is unavailable for microsoft Word. Is there a solution besides initiating the script by hand?
To display a VBA userform, you can trigger it from a macrobutton field, from a form field, from a shape, from a QAT button or from an ActiveX button. There are probably a couple of other methods I'm not remembering at the moment. Each is a little different in the exact steps, but all will run the command:

Check macro in Access 2010

Im trying to fix old MS Access file and i have to change popup menu, called by right click. Ive try to find some code in VBA, but i found there only the name of Macro which insert text from popup to form.
When I go to Macro menu i only found name of this macro, but cant change it.
What I should do to see where macro catch text data?
OP discovered the name of the table in the SQL sentence, but was not able to locate it. This was because it was hidden.
To hide/unhide elements in the Nav Pane, you can read:
View and manage objects by using the Navigation Pane

How to add button to word 2007 document, and handle click event with VBA?

How do I:
add button to my ms word 2007 document (i would say this would be trivial task, but can't even figure THIS out)
handle click event of this button in my VBA script
set text of my text control (with tag "text1")
I don't know if it is what you intended, but to add a button in the document, open the Developer tab. Click the Legacy tools folder (in the Controls group) and click the Command Button (Active X Control). This will put a button in the document and make Word go into design mode.
Double-click the new button and you will enter the VBA editor in the event handler for the button.
Enter code to manipulate the text in TextBox1:
TextBox1.Text = "Hi there, VBA master!"
Click the design mode button to exit design mode, and you're good to go; click the new button to set the text.
If you meant to add a button in the ribbon? A little more complicated, but not that hard. Leave a comment, and I'm sure we can work it out as well.

How do I launch a Word VBA Application from a Form (not a document)?

I created a Word Application using VBA. At present, I launch it from the IDE associated with a particular document. When my app launches, I click a Command Button on a Form to begin processing my data.
Question: How do I launch this application directly from the Form? Perhaps I can fashion my Word document to look like my Form.
If you don't need a form to collect information from the user, you can run macros directly from Word. Go to the View Ribbon tab and click the Macros button on the far right (or press Alt-F8).

In Excel, is there a way to determine the method being called by a password protected 3rd-party ribbon button?

I'm looking to automate a simple process in VBA and need to "click" a ribbon button. It makes the most sense to just call the button's underlying method. Is there a way to figure out what it is?
We are using Excel 2007 and 2010.
If it's Excel 2003 or earlier, you can use the CommandbarControl.Execute method. For instance:
Application.Commandbars("3rd Party Toolbar").Controls("Button to Push").Execute
There are two ways you can do this.
Right click on the toolbar and select Customise. If you right click on the button there may be details somewhere of what Macro the button is associated with.
If you record a macro and click the button. Then you can look at the VBA workspace and view the code that is generated to run your macro (which is just clicking the button you want). This will show you what method the macro clicks.