django and row sql - sql

What is the best way to import sql to python code:
I use django, but sometimes I write row sql, and sometimes this code is big. My question is how can I import examle.sql to my
SELECT id FROM users_user
row_sql = <this string>
user_ids = RowSqlManager(row_sql).execute()
if I name my example.sql with name it is easy, but I want separate python code and sql. Is there to do it? Or it is better to rename example.sql to


How to filter Socrata API dataset by multiple values for a single field?

I am attempting to create a CSV file using Python by reading from this specific api:
Where I'm running into trouble is that I would like to specify multiple values of "loc_admin_zip" to search for at once. For example, returning a CSV file where the zip is either "10001" or "10002". However, I can't figure out how to do this, I can only get it to work if "loc_admin_zip" is set to a single value. Any help would be appreciated. My code so far:
import pandas as pd
from sodapy import Socrata
client = Socrata("", None)
results = client.get("5jp2-pgaw",loc_admin_zip = 10002)
results_df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(results)

Is there a way to execute text gremlin query with PartitionStrategy

I'm looking for an implementation to run text query ex: "g.V().limit(1).toList()" while using the PatitionStrategy in Apache TinkerPop.
I'm attempting to build a REST interface to run queries on selected graph paritions only. I know how to run a raw query using Client, but I'm looking for an implementation where I can create a multi-tenant graph ( and query only selected tenants using raw text query instead of a GLV. Im able to query only selected partitions using pythongremlin, but there is no reference implementation I could find to run a text query on a tenant.
Here is tenant query implementation
connection = DriverRemoteConnection('ws://megamind-ws:8182/gremlin', 'g')
g = traversal().withRemote(connection)
partition = PartitionStrategy(partition_key="partition_key",
partitioned_g = g.withStrategies(partition)
x = partitioned_g.V.limit(1).next() <---- query on partition only
Here is how I execute raw query on entire graph, but Im looking for implementation to run text based queries on only selected partitions.
from gremlin_python.driver import client
client = client.Client('ws://megamind-ws:8182/gremlin', 'g')
results = client.submitAsync("g.V().limit(1).toList()").result().one() <-- runs on entire graph.
Any suggestions appreciated? TIA
It depends on how the backend store handles text mode queries, but for the query itself, essentially you just need to use the Groovy/Java style formulation. This will work with GremlinServer and Amazon Neptune. For other backends you will need to make sure that this syntax is supported. So from Python you would use something like:
g.withStrategies(new PartitionStrategy(partitionKey: "_partition",
writePartition: "b",
readPartitions: ["b"])).V().count()')

Python Error when querying a SQL query (not all arguments converted during string formatting)

I have the below python code that tries to pull some data from a SQL query. I however am getting an error
TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting
Given below is the code I am using
import pandas as pd
import psycopg2
from psycopg2 import sql
import xlsxwriter
def func(input):
db_details = conn.cursor() # set DB Cursor
db_details.execute(sql.SQL("""select name from store where name = (%s)"""), (input))
names = dwh_cursor.fetchall()
df = pd.DataFrame(names,columns=[desc[0] for desc in dwh_cursor.description])
Could anyone guide me where am I going wrong. Thanks
If i recall correctly you need to pass to sql query a name included in single quotes, so your query need to be ...where name = '{}' """.format(variablename)

UUID to NUUID in Python

In my application, I get some values from MSSQL using PyMSSQL. Python interpret one of this values as UUID. I assigned this value to a variable called id. When I do
print (type(id),id)
I get
<class 'uuid.UUID'> cc26ce03-b6cb-4a90-9d0b-395c313fc968
Everything is as expected so far. Now, I need to make a query in MongoDb using this id. But the type of my field in MongoDb is ".NET UUID(Legacy)", which is NUUID. But I don't get any result when I query with
client.db.collectionname.find_one({"_id" : id})
This is because I need to convert UUID to NUUID.
Note: I also tried
client.db.collectionname.find_one({"_id" : NUUID("cc26ce03-b6cb-4a90-9d0b-395c313fc968")})
But it didn't work. Any ideas?
Assuming you are using PyMongo 3.x:
from bson.binary import CSHARP_LEGACY
from bson.codec_options import CodecOptions
options = CodecOptions(uuid_representation=CSHARP_LEGACY)
coll = client.db.get_collection('collectionname', options)
coll.find_one({"_id": id})
If instead you are using PyMongo 2.x
from bson.binary import CSHARP_LEGACY
coll = client.db.collectionname
coll.uuid_subtype = CSHARP_LEGACY
coll.find_one({"_id": id})
You have to tell PyMongo what format the UUID was originally stored in. There is also a JAVA_LEGACY representation.

From within a grails HQL, how would I use a (non-aggregate) Oracle function?

If I were retrieving the data I wanted from a plain sql query, the following would suffice:
select * from stvterm where stvterm_code > TT_STUDENT.STU_GENERAL.F_Get_Current_term()
I have a grails domain set up correctly for this table, and I can run the following code successfully:
def a = SaturnStvterm.findAll("from SaturnStvterm as s where id > 201797") as JSON
return false
In other words, I can hardcode in the results from the Oracle function and have the HQL run correctly, but it chokes any way that I can figure to try it with the function. I have read through some of the documentation on Hibernate about using procs and functions, but I'm having trouble making much sense of it. Can anyone give me a hint as to the proper way to handle this?
Also, since I think it is probably relevant, there aren't any synonyms in place that would allow the function to be called without qualifying it as schema.package.function(). I'm sure that'll make things more difficult. This is all for Grails 1.3.7, though I could use a later version if needed.
To call a function in HQL, the SQL dialect must be aware of it. You can add your function at runtime in BootStrap.groovy like this:
import org.hibernate.dialect.function.SQLFunctionTemplate
import org.hibernate.Hibernate
def dialect = applicationContext.sessionFactory.dialect
def getCurrentTerm = new SQLFunctionTemplate(Hibernate.INTEGER, "TT_STUDENT.STU_GENERAL.F_Get_Current_term()")
dialect.registerFunction('F_Get_Current_term', getCurrentTerm)
Once registered, you should be able to call the function in your queries:
def a = SaturnStvterm.findAll("from SaturnStvterm as s where id > TT_STUDENT.STU_GENERAL.F_Get_Current_term()")