Is it possible to to filter the gitlab project api by date. An example of this would be to identified all the projects that were modified last week.
I reviewed the documentation but could not see this called out.
Does anyone have an idea of a way to accomplish this other than file tracking?
From the document you linked, it looks like you can Get /projects and then add the attribute order_by. So you can add something like:
GET /projects?order_by=last_activity_at
I am looking into improving the workflow my colleague and myself are using for BitBucket. Something that is often forgotten is the documentation for the feature we are working on therefore I thought I good way to 'don't forget' would be to add a Task as soon as a Pull request is created for a particular branch.
The first think a developer should do after creating the Pull Request would be:
- Add a comment, something like WIP (Work in Progress)
- Create a task underneath, something like 'Add documentation'
In this way, we won't be able to 'Merge' the branch into 'Develop' if All tasks are not completed (this is how it is currenly configured).
Rather than having the developer to do so, it would be good if we can have the system to do so as soon as we create the Pull Request.
Is that possible?
I had searchd on Internet, to be honest I didn't understand if taht functionality comes with like the Premium package or if it is an Add-On...who knows.
Thanks :)
Atlassian recently added a 'Default Pull Request Tasks' feature to Bitbucket Cloud.
The same functionality was previously available as a Bitbucket app, but it was removed in May 2020. It's now a native feature.
Product announcement:
Feature details:
You can try this. It is free for 30 days.
I did not find any free solutions.
i was trying to get the list of projects in my gitlab using Git api. for that i was following Git lab api instruction.
they said i can access the list of project by this link:
but unfortunately with the above link i got bunch of information, which is not mine at all. i got the information which is owned by other users.
In that case how am i able the get my own projects information?
Nevertheless, the respond JSON has so many attribute. is there anyway that i can achieve the attribute according to my desire?
You can use owned=true to get only project which you are owner and simple=true to have limited field, check this :
I'm using swaggydoc plugin on my grails application to document the REST APIs. I have two versions of API, v0 and v1 and corresponding controllers with same name, one for each version like:
directory structure
and i have the Url mapping like "/my2api/v1"(controller:"api",namespace:'v1')
"/myapi/v0" (controller:"api", namespace:'v0')
and getting both versions of the API endpoints listed as /myapi/v0/activeContracts like here.
So my question is, how can I get the API end point listed with correct URLs with corresponding versions like /myapi/v0/activeContracts & /myapi/v1/activeContracts as i mentioned I've tried the mapping but it ill just pickup the first the last mapping and assign it to both versions.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
For people facing the same prob, I couldn't find a solution using swaggyDocs and also came across some post suggesting it doesn't support API versioning so ended up switching to Grails RestApiDoc which provides a lot more control (changing the API conf by just editing the json) than I was able to get on swaggyDocs. But please do post if someone knows a way to work it out in swaggyDoc.
I'm writing a REST client to look at project information available from several gitlab servers at the same time in one consolidated place. I understand REST and am able to pull the project details I need except one: the tags.
I'm not talking about git repository tags, those I'm able to get to just fine. I'm referring to the tags that are set under Project Settings. These are tags that, from what i can tell, are meant to be a form of describing the project, not referencing a particular commit hash.
I submitted a merge request back to the Gitlab folks, if accept, any REST call that involves a Project class will include a "tag_list" field with all the project labels.
The merge request is available here:
EDIT: This was merged in Gitlab version 7.10.0 so now you can just run a GET on the Project and the tag_list will be included with the JSON response.
Try this:{str}/repository/tags?private_token=yourtoken"
Note that in #{str} variable, if you using a group/repository structure, you must replace the dash to %2F, for example, you must set:"
The response to your request will be the body. So you can console log response.body to retrieve the tags.
Not possible: ACCEPTING MERGE REQUEST at: , so feel free to implement it if you need it.
Should be simple: just return the project.tag_list (see: as a JSON list from
Always check the request tracker first for features ;) True, in this case you may have done it an not found because of label vs tag keyword confusion, I think it was renamed at some point, so always search for both.
For Tasks assigned to me, I see how I can do
curl -u <api_key>: ""
I am trying to make a quick page that breaks down my current tasks and links to Asana for me, so I can have my own quick dashboard.
I have my API Key
It lists all Workspaces I am a part of.
If I click a Workspace it shows all Projects inside of that space
If I click a Project I want to see only the Tasks that have been assigned to me inside of that Project.
If I add the Project ID to that above call, it sends me back every item in the Project, not just those assigned to me.
If I leave the Project ID out, it returns all tasks assigned to me, even those outside of the project.
Did I miss something?
Thanks for any help!
Note: I would add the Asana tag, but it doesn't appear to exist yet.
It seems that in the current version of the API the assignee parameter is ignored when specified for projects. Regardless of what I put below, I get the same result: all tasks.
curl -u <api-key>: "<pid>/tasks?assignee=here-it-can-be-anything"
I'm having trouble with this too - it seems you can't expand projects when querying tasks - and you can't get tasks by project... The former is actually preferred since you could provide a task list by project if you could expand on project.
As it is, you can get a list of tasks, then loop through and get the full task by task-id, but that takes a while...