Generate CRT & KEY ssl files from Let's Encrypt from scratch - ssl

I'd like to generate a CRT/KEY couple SSL files with Let's Encrypt (with manual challenge).
I'm trying something like this :
certbot certonly --manual -d
But I only get these files in my /etc/letsencrypt/live/ folder :
Did I missed something?

I'm the author of Greenlock, a certbot-compatible Let's Encrypt v2 client, so I've had to learn the ins and outs of all these things as well.
Hopefully this helps:
privkey.pem is the "key" file
Sometimes it is improperly named as cert.key or
fullchain.pem is your "crt" file.
Sometimes it is improperly named as
CRT/KEY Bundle
bundle.pem would be made like so: cat fullchain.pem privkey.pem > bundle.pem
HAProxy is the only server that I know of that uses bundle.pem.
cert.pem contains ONLY your certificate, which can only be used by itself if the browser already has the certificate which signed it, which may work in testing (which makes it seem like it may be the right file), but will actually fail for many of your users in production with a security error of untrusted certificate.
However, you don't generally use the cert.pem by itself. It's almost always coupled with chain.pem as fullchain.pem.
chain.pem is the intermediary signed authority, signed by the root authority - which is what all browsers are guaranteed to have in their pre-built cache.
Checking certs
You can inspect the cert only like so:
openssl x509 -in cert.pem -text -noout
There's a list of useful commands here:


Enabling SSL for an MQ queue manager on the HP Nonstop

I have an existing MQ MQI connection (Server-Connection) between an HP Nonstop and a Windows server. I am working on configuring the queue manager for SSL on the Nonstop.
I have followed a couple sources available on net closely but am still confused about a few things.
The Stash.sth file, I have not gotten the following command to work:
openssl pkcs12 -export -in cert.pem -inkey server_key.pem -out personal_cert.p12 -passin pass:certkey -password pass:certkey -chain -CAfile trust.pem
I get an "Error unable to get local issuer certificate chain."
The SSLUpdate.pdf document that is delivered with MQ mentions creating the Stash.sth file using:
amqrsslc -s cert (cert being the trusted certificate store), and this DOES work for me.
However, it also says "The amqrsslc command will prompt for the private key pass phrase used when creating the certificate/key pair and will write a masked copy of that pass phrase to the Stash.sth file"
If I should have specified the same pass phrase earlier, where should I have done that?
When I created the private key? Should I have specified a -passin or -passout parameter? All I used was openssl genrsa -out privatekey.pem 2048 -sha256
Or, when I generated the certificate request? There is a prompt to enter an optional password.
Or neither? Is the pass phrase used when creating the Stash.sth file completely arbitrary?
Thanks for any help!
The error usually means the list of trusted certificates is not complete.
I think you need to be sure you certificate chain is complete.
Here is from the technote:
If the certificate request is signed by an intermediate certificate, the
certificate chain for the signed personal certificate will need to be
added to the trust.pem file. You need to add the root certificate and
the intermediate to the trust.pem file. Review
script for the syntax.
I also think this presentation document may be helpful to you.

HTTPS issue "Your connection is not private", Ngnix

I'm trying to get HTTPS work on all subdomains using"Nginx", but receive:
This server could not prove that it is; its security certificate is not trusted by your computer's operating system. This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection.
Can any one inform what missing?
edit: I followed this instructions:
Nginx doesn't send the correct list of intermediate certificates:
Create the correct bundle:
You want to create Comodo Bundle this way (replacing your_cert with actual name of your file):
cat your_cert.crt COMODORSADomainValidationSecureServerCA.crt COMODORSAAddTrustCA.crt AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt >
Get the new ca-bundle onto your server
Once that is done copy this to your server as in the Nginx set it this way:
ssl_certificate /your/ssl/path/;
ssl_certificate_key /your/ssl/path/your_cert_privateKey.key;
Verify the cert and key are matching after they have been copied (compare md5 hashes).
openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in certificate.crt | openssl md5
openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in privateKey.key | openssl md5
Test the config (need to run as sudo):
sudo nginx -t
If no errors, reload nginx and re-run you SSLlabs check:

Problems verifying SSL certificate

For school we are currently studying SSL certificates.
For this week's assignment we had to install Fedora Workstation on VirtualBox and do some SSL-stuff.
One of the assignments was the following:
generate a public/private keypair and a CSR with the openssl command.
I generated a public/private keypair using the following command:
openssl genrsa -out Desktop/mykey.key 2048
After I generated the keypair I had to verify it. But how do you verify a key? What is really meant by that? Just get out the public key and check if it matches the private key? This is the first question.
I generated the CSR using the following command:
openssl req -new -key Desktop/mykey.key -out Desktop/myCSR.csr
This is the right way, right?
Checking/verifying the CSR file was done using this command:
openssl req -text -noout -verify -in Desktop/myCSR.csr
I think that's the right way too.
This was the "easy" part, now comes the harder part:
We had to use xca to create a database and a CA Root Certificate. Then we had to import the csr from above question and sign it. I signed it by right clicking on it and choosing sign. Then we had to export both the CA and the signed key and verify it. But what do they mean exactly? My guess is to verify that the certificate is signed by the CA, but I'm having problems with that.
We have to use openssl x509 for that, but it just isn't working.
When I right click the signed key and export it as a PEM file, in that file is the following:
while the assigment says: export the signed certificate. But is this even a certificate?
And how do I verify it?
I used many commands, like
openssl x509 -in Desktop/exported.pem -text -noout
But the output I get is always something like this:
I have tried all sorts of commands and read all google pages, but nothing helps.
this is the second question
Hope you all can help, Thanks!
When you verify a certificate, you are checking whether it's CA is recognised, and it matches the CA's fingerprint. It doesn't look like you are providing the CA cert to the openssl command. Try specifying -CA <your CA cert file:
$ openssl x509 --help
-CA arg - set the CA certificate, must be PEM format.

How does the browser deal with missing intermediate certs

I've come across the site, this site is only providing its own site certificate. Because of this I can't access the site properly with cURL as the cacerts used are only root certsificates.
The site is accessible in Firefox however. How exactly is Firefox able to verify the site's identity where as cURL isn't?
Browsers will cache intermediate certificates. So if the missing certificate was already provided by another site the browser will have it already and will use it. But, if you use a fresh browser profile you might get the same problems as you get with curl, because the intermediate certificate is not cached.
This is at least how it works with Firefox. Other browsers might look into the Authority Information Access section of the certificate and if they find the URL issuer certificate they will download the certificate to continue with the chain verification.
Most browsers are using the AIA information embedded in the certificate (see comment on browsers exceptions).
To expose the URL of the CA Issuer with openssl:
openssl x509 -in "YOUR_CERT.pem" -noout -text
There is a section Authority Information Access with CA Issuers - URI which would be the "parent" certificate (intermediate or root certificate).
This can be reproduced up to the root CA.
In a gist:
# first, get the endpoint cert
echo | openssl s_client -showcerts -connect $ssl_endpoint 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform PEM > endpoint.cert.pem
# then extract the intermediate cert URI
intermediate_cert_uri=$(openssl x509 -in endpoint.cert.pem -noout -text | (grep 'CA Issuers - URI:' | cut -d':' -f2-))
# and get the intermediate cert (convert it from DER to PEM)
curl -s "${intermediate_cert_uri}" | openssl x509 -outform PEM -inform DER > intermediate.cert.pem

Couldn't able to connect to APNS Sandbox server

I am trying to connect to Apple APNS server with the following observations:
1)port 2195 is open 2)With Valid key passphrase for APNS_SSLCertificate_Key.pem 3)Entrust certificate (2048) downloaded from
4)With the successful telnet response as below :
$ telnet 2195 Trying
Connected to Escape
character is '^]'.
But when i run the following openssl command in my server to test the APNS connectivity :
openssl s_client -connect -cert APNS_SSLCertificate_Key.pem -debug -showcerts -CAfile server-ca-cert.pem
I am getting error as follows:
unable to load certificate 57013:error:0906D06C:PEM
routines:PEM_read_bio:no start
So please suggest how to resolve this problem
Thanks in advance ......
I ran into this same issue; what eventually resolved the error was to re-export the Entrust certificate from System Roots of OS/X Keychain Access application.
To be complete, I'll give a complete explanation of how I created the key/cert files (something which should have been in Apple's TechNote 2265:
Creating your APN-cert-and-key:
Run Keychain Access; select "login" Keychain and "My Certificates" category
Select the certificate with the name format of "Apple Development IOS Push Services: ..."
Export the certificate (in the menu, under "File" .. "Export Items")
Export to .p12 format.
This now contains your certificate and private key in an encrypted interchange format. The next step is to convert it to a passphrase protected .pem file
Using terminal, execute the following command (using your own filenames, of course):
openssl pkcs12 -in PushCertKey.p12 -out PushCertKey.pem
(You will need to enter the password for the .p12 file and provide another passphrase for the .pem file.)
If you really really really don't want a passphrase on the .pem file, try:
openssl pkcs12 -in PushCertKey.p12 -out PushCertKeyNoCrypt.pem -nodes
Creating CA Certificate file:
List item
Run Keychain Access application
Go to System Roots
Export the certificate named " Certification Authority (2048)" to a .pem file.
Note: My Roots container has four Entrust certificates; two of them with the name " Certification Authority (2048)" (but with different certificate extensions, via Get Info). Both of the " Certification Authority (2048)" certificates where effective in validating the trust chain; the other two Entrust certificates did not work. More significantly, the Entrust certificate pointed at by the Apple TechNote 2265 also does not work.
Make sure you export to .pem format; the default is .cer and this step is easy to miss.
Run the verification command:
openssl s_client -connect -cert PushCertKey.pem -debug -showcerts -CAfile " Certification Authority (2048).pem"
This server and process assume that your are connecting to Apple's Dev sandbox APN server; if you are trying to use the production APN server, you will need to use the correct server and port.
For more information on openssl, I suggest the following pages:
SSL problems: Step wise fix.
Most of the problems are due to the private key issues, which can be resolved as follows.
Follow the following commands and create the .p12 using openssl.
You will need
developer_identity.cer <= download from Apple
mykey.p12 <= Your private key
Run these commands in your terminal where openssl is configured,installed or working:
openssl x509 -in developer_identity.cer -inform DER -out developer_identity.pem -outform PEM
openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in mykey.p12 -out mykey.pem
openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey mykey.pem -in developer_identity.pem -out iphone_dev.p12
Final p12 that you will require is iphone_dev.p12 file and the passphrase that you had set.
Try again, hope your problem is fixed, as it always does for me. :)