Onsen + VueJS: Call back from child component (using onsNavigatorProps) - vuejs2

Per documentation here
If page A pushes page B, it can send a function as a prop or data that modifies page A’s context. This way, whenever we want to send anything to page A from page B, the latter just needs to call the function and pass some arguments:
// Page A
this.$emit('push-page', {
extends: pageB,
onsNavigatorProps: {
passDataBack(data) {
this.dataFromPageB = data;
I am following this idea. Doing something similar with this.$store.commit
I want to push AddItemPage and get the returned value copied to this.items
pushAddItemPage() {
this.$store.commit('navigator/push', {
extends: AddItemPage,
data() {
return {
toolbarInfo: {
backLabel: this.$t('Page'),
title: this.$t('Add Item')
onsNavigatorProps: {
passDataBack(data) {
this.items = data.splice() //***this*** is undefined here
this.$attrs.passDataBack(this, ['abc', 'xyz']) // passDataBack() is called, no issues.
Only problem is this is not available inside callback function.
So i can't do this.items = data.splice()

current context is available with arrow operator.
Correct version:
onsNavigatorProps: {
passDataBack: (data) => {
this.items = data.splice()


Returning Apollo useQuery result from inside a function in Vue 3 composition api

I'm having some issues finding a clean way of returning results from inside a method to my template using Apollo v4 and Vue 3 composition API.
Here's my component:
export default {
components: {
setup() {
const showNewAssetModal = ref(false);
const onSubmitAsset = (asset) => {
// how do I access result outside the handler function
const { result } = useQuery(gql`
query getAssets {
assets {
return {
The onSubmitAsset is called when user clicks on a button on the page.
How do I return useQuery result from the setup function to be able to access it in the template? (I don't want to copy the value)
You can move the useQuery() outside of the submit method, as shown in the docs. And if you'd like to defer the query fetching until the submit method is called, you can disable the auto-start by passing enabled:false as an option (3rd argument of useQuery):
export default {
setup() {
const fetchEnabled = ref(false)
const { result } = useQuery(gql`...`, null, { enabled: fetchEnabled })
const onSubmitAsset = (asset) => {
fetchEnabled.value = true
return { result, onSubmitAsset }

Redo the api call everytime I change the data value on VueJs

I'm trying to update a request of an axios.get
I have a method that adds 1 to the param data (the default value is 1), but even thought I'm updating the param value, the page won't change the content because it's not updating the get requisition
I know there something similar in react with componentDidUpdate method
Here's my code
Api request
async created() {
const {
data: {
data: { items, pagination },
} = await this.$axios.get(`/faq?page=${this.param}`)
methods: {
next() {
this.param = this.param + 1
So is it possible to redo the create() everytime i use the method next?
created() hook is called only once during a lifecycle, you can use watcher instead in order to listen to variable changes
watch: {
param: {
immediate: true,
handler(newVal, oldVal) {
if (newVal !== oldVal) {
await this.$axios.get(`/faq?page=${newVal}`)
For more info, please take a look at: https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/guide/computed.html#Computed-vs-Watched-Property

Setting intial local data from Vuex store giving "do not mutate" error

I thought I understood the correct way to load inital state data from Vuex into the local data of a component, but why is this giving me “[vuex] do not mutate vuex store state outside mutation handlers.” errors! I am using a mutation handler!
I want my component data to start empty, unless coming back from a certain page (then it should pull some values from Vuex).
The component is using v-model=“selected” on a bunch of checkboxes. Then I have the following:
// Template
// Script
export default {
data() {
return {
selectedProxy: {
regions: [],
parties: [],
computed: {
selected: {
get() {
return this.selectedProxy
set(newVal) {
this.selectedProxy = newVal
// If I remove this next line, it works fine.
this.$store.commit("SET_LEADER_REGIONS", newVal)
mounted() {
// Restore saved selections if coming back from a specific page
if (this.$store.state.referrer.name == "leaders-detail") {
this.selectedProxy = {...this.$store.state.leaderRegions }
// Store mutation
SET_LEADER_REGIONS(state, object) {
state.leaderRegions = object
OK I figured it out! The checkbox component (which I didn't write) was doing this:
updateRegion(region) {
const index = this.value.regions.indexOf(region)
if (index == -1) {
} else {
this.value.regions.splice(index, 1)
this.$emit("input", this.value)
The line this.value.regions.push(region) is the problem. You can't edit the this.value prop directly. I made it this:
updateRegion(region) {
const index = this.value.regions.indexOf(region)
let regions = [...this.value.regions]
if (index == -1) {
} else {
regions.splice(index, 1)
this.$emit("input", {
And then I needed this for my computed selected:
selected: {
get() {
return this.selectedProxy
set(newVal) {
// Important to spread here to avoid Vuex mutation errors
this.selectedProxy = { ...newVal }
this.$store.commit("SET_LEADER_REGIONS", { ...newVal })
And it works great now!
I think the issue is that you can't edit a v-model value directly, and also you also have to be aware of passing references to objects, and so the object spread operator is a real help.

Vue computed property not responding to state change

I cannot figure out why the details computed property in the following component is not updating when the fetch() method is called:
{{ haveData }} //remains undefined
export default {
props: {
group: {
type: Object,
required: true
computed: {
currentGroup() {
return this.$store.getters['user/navbar_menu_app_current_group'](
/*-- which is the following function
navbar_menu_app_current_group: state => item => {
return state.menu.find(m => {
return m.id == item
/*-- this function returns an object like so
id: 1,
label: 'kity cats',
***details --> IS NOT DEFINED. If I add it to the current group as null, my problem goes away. However, this is a previous API call that does not set the `details` parameter.
details() {
let c = this.currentGroup.details
console.log(c) // returns undefined, which makes sense, but it should be updated after this.fetch() is called
return c
haveData() {
return this.details != null
methods: {
async fetch() {
await this.$store.dispatch(
//This is setting the "details" part of the state on menu which is referred to in the computed properties above
//Previous to this there is no state "this.group.details"
//If I add a console log to the mutation the action calls, I get what is expected.
created() {
if (!this.haveData) {
If I change the array items to include details, it works:
id: 1,
label: 'kity cats',
details: null // <-- added
The unfortunate part is that the array is created from a large API call, and adding the details seems unnecessary, as it may never be needed.
How can I get the computed properties to work without adding the details:null to the default state?
Attempt 1:
// Vuex mutation
navbar_menu_app_details_set(state, vals) {
let app = state.menu.find(item => {
return item.id == vals[0] //-> The group id passing in the dispatch function
//option 1 = doesn't work
app = { app, details: vals[1] } //-> vals[1] = the details fetched from the action (dispatch)
//option 2 = doesnt work
app.details = vals[1]
//option 3 = working but want to avoid using Vue.set()
import Vue from 'vue' //Done outside the actual function
Vue.set( app, 'details', vals[1])
Attempt 2:
// Vuex action
navbar_menu_app_details_get(context, id) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
context.commit('navbar_menu_app_details_set', [
context.getters.navbar_menu_app_current(id), //-> the same as find function in the mutation above
}, 1000)
// --> mutation doesn't work
navbar_menu_app_details_set(state, vals) {
vals[0].details = vals[1]
The Vue instance is available from a Vuex mutation via this._vm, and you could use vm.$set() (equivalent to Vue.set()) to add details to the menu item:
navbar_menu_app_details_set(state, vals) {
let app = state.menu.find(item => {
return item.id == vals[0]
this._vm.$set(app, 'details', vals[1])
All Objects in Vue are reactive and are designed in a way such that only when the object is re-assigned, the change will be captured and change detection will happen.
Such that, in your case, following should do fine.
app = { ...app, details: vals[1] }

How to access nested functions in Vue.js?

Say, we have a Vue.js component built this way:
export default {
watch: {
// vars
methods: {
functionOne: function() {
function nestedFuncOne(p, q) {
// doing something
functionTwo: function() {
function nestedFuncTwo(r, s) {
// doing something
nestedFuncOne(param1, param2); // how to call it?
How should an inner function from the first method be called from inside of second method? this seems not to give desired output here.