NPM install error? Vulnerabilities found - npm

Recently, I have been getting this error and do not know how to fix. I never gotten this error before.
npm install
42 vulnerabilities found
I tried using npm audit and ran the npm update _____, but it didn't resolve vulnerabilities. What causing this and how do i fix?

you can fix this by running command npm audit fix this will try to fix all issues (mostly by updating packages).
the problem is that npm update only updates some minor versions (and package.lock.json) so if issue is fixed in major version than npm update wont fix this. you can use npm-check to quickly update all your dependencies.


Trouble installing Ganache on fresh WSL

I'm new to coding. I'm using Windows10 and just installed a WSL. I want to install Ganache using the command npm install -g ganache-cli but it says it has 8 vulnerabilities (7 moderate,1 high)
When I write npm audit fix or npm audit fix --force it says that there are no vulnerabilities. I don't understand where the problem is.
My NPM version is 8.3.0
There's no real reason to be alarmed about the vulnerabilities npm report, especially for a new project. Most of the time, these vulnerabilities won't actually affect your project. Be careful using npm audit fix especially npm audit fix --force because it can upgrade or downgrade packages, affecting functionality. If you do use it and it says 0 vulnerabilities after, that means it fixed all of them.
Packages are open-sourced so the community would spot any damaging or sneaky code, especially popular packages such as ganache-cli.
Read more here:

"npx create-react-app ..." audit comes with 3 high severity issues. How can I fix this?

I have a few react projects that were started using "npx create-react-app" and if I run "npm audit" they come back with:
# npm audit report
immer <8.0.1
Severity: high
Prototype Pollution -
fix available via `npm audit fix --force`
Will install react-scripts#2.0.5, which is a breaking change
react-dev-utils >=6.0.6-next.9b4009d7
Depends on vulnerable versions of immer
react-scripts >=2.0.6-next.9b4009d7
Depends on vulnerable versions of react-dev-utils
3 high severity vulnerabilities
To address all issues (including breaking changes), run:
npm audit fix --force
I have tried running npm audit fix and that doesn't fix the issue.
I have tried running npm audit fix --force which results in even more errors.
I have tried running npm i immer#8.0.1 which also does not work.
I am using nvm with node version 14.15.5 and npm version 7.5.4. I recently updated nvm to the latest version (0.37.2) and changed the default to the latest node lts (14.15.5), so I believe this may be the culprit but I can't figure out how to fix these 3 vulnerabilities.
A possibility is that there's an issue with me having not moved my global packages to the newer version of node.
Any help is much appreciated.
The issue has now been fixed. Just run npm audit fix.

What does "npm audit fix" exactly do?

npm audit fix is intended to automatically upgrade / fix vulnerabilities in npm packages. However, I haven't found out what it exactly does to fix those vulnerabilities.
I assumed that npm audit fix would upgrade dependencies and dependencies' dependencies to the latest versions that are allowed by the semver-definitions of the packages – effectively the same as rm package-lock.json; npm install. However npm audit fix still performs a lot of changes after lock file removal + reinstall.
What exactly does npm audit fix do? Does it for example install versions of dependencies newer than those allowed by the corresponding package.json (but still semver-compatible)?
From NPM's site on their audit command:
npm audit fix runs a full-fledged npm install under the hood
And it seems that an audit fix only does semver-compatible upgrades by default. Listed earlier in the document:
Have audit fix install semver-major updates to toplevel dependencies, not just semver-compatible ones:
$ npm audit fix --force
As for the lock file, it is regenerated each time you run a command that changes package.json. There is more information about that in an answer here as well as in the official documentation.
In my understanding is not only "upgrading" but sometimes also downgrading in order to install the stable version that fix the issue, sometimes those issues comes in newer versions that maybe have introduced bugs or simply do not match with previous package's API etc.
E.g in my case for example npm install have upgrade react-script to 5.0.0 that has some issue and after have run:
npm audit fix --force
The force flag does : To address all issues (including breaking changes), run: npm audit fix --force
it installed the 3.0.1 with following message:
npm WARN audit Updating react-scripts to 3.0.1,which is a SemVer major change.
So it does the upgrade to the stable version of that package that fix the issue.
On top, though docs state "is running npm install under the hood" but not in the sense of installing newest version of a dependency, but could be useful also to check what happens with npm ci What is the difference between "npm install" and "npm ci"?

Not modify package.json when doing npm audit fix

I've updated my npm version, and I think npm audit is a new feature. When I run npm audit fix some of my packages versions are changed from package.json. I just want keep the packages as same as my coworkers
To answer the original question, if you really want to skip auditing completely when installing (for whatever reason, in my case I wanted to troubleshoot an exception when installing) you can use --no-audit flag:
npm install --no-audit
npm audit fix is not must to get your app up and running. I use this command when I want to make sure that there is no potential security vulnerability so that git hub won't have any object against my project. In case you still want to use audit fix without changing rest files, try this commands
Run audit fix without modifying node_modules, but still updating the pkglock:
$ npm audit fix --package-lock-only
Skip updating devDependencies:
$ npm audit fix --only=prod
Do a dry run to get an idea of what audit fix will do, and also output install information in JSON format:
$ npm audit fix --dry-run --json
Check out this link for your future reference:

How to figure out why does the npm hang?

I'm suffering from the infamous npm install (update) hanging problem.
So far I found following recipes:
cleaned the cache: npm cache clean
deleted npm_modules in my project
set the registry to plain http ( npm config set registry
used --loglevel=verbose flag with npm install
increased number of connections as described here:
Increasing the maximum number of tcp/ip connections in linux
Yet it still hangs. The position at which it hangs seems to be random. It can be
npm verb get saving gulp-traceur to /home/me/.npm/; or when installing npm verb afterAdd /home/me/.npm/q/0.9.7/package/package.json the last package downloaded is really random.
The versions are:
npm info using npm#2.7.5
npm info using node#v0.12.0
So the question is if there is anything else I can do about it?
I don't know if you have the same problem as I did but I can't make a comment to your question because I have not enough reputation.
Today somebody found solution to my similar problem. You can check it here:
Sometimes you need to use --force command to make sure the cache is cleaned:
npm cache clean --force.
Maybe related to this issue.
I tried all the above. I use homebrew and had to uninstall node / npm.
This worked for me:
brew install nvm
nvm install node
Afterwards npm started working again for me.