I added a macro to copy a worksheet to another worksheet, so that any changes made after that point can be compared to the original. However, my macro copies over formulas instead of just the values, so when something changes, both sheets change, and the copy serves no purpose. What I have is:
Worksheets("First Sheet").Cells.Copy _
Destination:=Worksheets("Second Sheet").Cells
Is there an easy way to fix this? Thanks!
You need to use Copy >> PasteSpecial and paste only values, this is a 2-line syntax:
Worksheets("First Sheet").Cells.Copy
Worksheets("Second Sheet").Cells.PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
After your macro, you can write this one:
With Worksheets("First Sheet")
Worksheets("Second Sheet").Range(.UsedRange.Address).Cells.Value2 = .UsedRange.Value2
End With
It takes the values of the first sheet and it puts them to the second sheet. The trick with UsedRange is needed, because Worksheets(2).Cells.Value2 = Worksheets(1).Cells.Value2 goes above the usual resources of a normal PC.
This will skip all formula cells in the first sheet:
Sub KopyKat()
Dim r As Range, addy As String
For Each r In Worksheets("First Sheet").Cells.SpecialCells(2)
addy = r.Address
r.Copy Destination:=Worksheets("Second Sheet").Range(addy)
Next r
End Sub
This is simple in concept but hard for me to do in practice.
Ive got information on Sheet Separate range A6 to M65 and trying to paste all in information on Sheet Final into the first blank row without transferring all the formulas from Separate.
Moves all information to final
Worksheets("Seperate").Range("A6:K100").Copy Worksheets("Final").Range("A6")
Use PasteSpecial function. Read on MSDN details. You need to pass (probably) xlPasteValues as parameter.
Worksheets("Final").Range("A6").PasteSpecial <put_here_parameters>
This code only copy value of range.
Sub test()
Dim vDB As Variant
Dim Target As Range
Set Target = Worksheets("Final").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)(2)
vDB = Worksheets("Seperate").Range("A6:K100")
Target.Resize(UBound(vDB, 1), UBound(vDB, 2)) = vDB
End Sub
Alright I'm a beginner with VBA so I need some help. Assuming this is very basic, but here are the steps I am looking at for the code:
-Use Vlookup to find the value "Rec" in column C of Sheet1, and select that row's corresponding value in column D
-Then copy that value from column D in Sheet1 and paste it into the first blank cell in column B of another worksheet titled Sheet2
I've got a basic code that uses Vlookup to find Rec as well as it's corresponding value in column D, then display a msg. The code works fine, and is the following:
Sub BasicFindGSV()
Dim movement_type_code As Variant
Dim total_gsv As Variant
movement_type_code = "Rec"
total_gsv = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(movement_type_code,Sheet1.Range("C2:H25"), 2, False)
MsgBox "GSV is :$" & total_gsv
End Sub
I also have another one that will find the next blank cell in column B Sheet2, it works as well:
Sub SelectFirstBlankCell()
Dim Sheet2 As Worksheet
Set Sheet2 = ActiveSheet
For Each cell In Sheet2.Columns(2).Cells
If IsEmpty(cell) = True Then cell.Select: Exit For
Next cell
End Sub
Not sure how to integrate the two, and I'm not sure how to make the code paste the Vlookup result in Sheet2. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
So for being a beginner you're off to a good start by designing two separate subroutines that you can confirm work and then integrating. That's the basic approach that will save you headache after headache when things get more complicated. So to answer your direct question on how to integrate the two, I'd recommend doing something like this
Sub BasicFindGSV()
Dim movement_type_code As Variant
Dim total_gsv As Variant
movement_type_code = "Rec"
total_gsv = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(movement_type_code, Sheet1.Range("C2:H25"), 2, False)
AssignValueToBlankCell (total_gsv)
End Sub
Sub AssignValueToBlankCell(ByVal v As Variant)
Dim Sheet2 As Worksheet
Set Sheet2 = ActiveSheet
For Each cell In Sheet2.Columns(2).Cells
If IsEmpty(cell) = True Then cell.Value2 = v
Next cell
End Sub
That being said, as Macro Man points out, you can knock out the exact same functionality your asking for with a one liner. Keeping the operational steps separate (so actually a two liner now) would look like this.
Sub FindGSV()
AssignValueToBlankCell WorksheetFunction.VLookup("Rec", Sheet1.Range("C2:H25"), 2, False)
End Sub
Sub AssignValueToBlankCell(ByVal v As Variant)
Sheet3.Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Value2 = v
End Sub
Like I said, if you plan to continue development with this, it's usually a good idea to design your code with independent operations the way you already have begun to. You can build off of this by passing worksheets, ranges, columns, or other useful parameters as arguments to a predefined task or subroutine.
Also, notice that I use Value2 instead of Value. I notice you're retrieving a currency value, so there's actually a small difference between the two. Value2 gives you the more accurate number behind a currency formatted value (although probably unnecessary) and is also faster (although probably negligible in this case). Just something to be aware of though.
Also, I noticed your use of worksheet objects kind of strange, so I thought it'd help to mentioned that you can select a worksheet object by it's object name, it's name property (with sheets() or worksheets()), index number (with sheets() or worksheets()), or the "Active" prefix. It's important to note that what you're doing in your one subroutine is reassigning the reference of the Sheet2 object to your active sheet, which means it may end up being any sheet. This demonstrates the issue:
Sub SheetSelectDemo()
Dim Sheet2 As Worksheet
Set Sheet2 = Sheets(1)
MsgBox "The sheet object named Sheet2 has a name property equal to " & Worksheets(Sheet2.Name).Name & " and has an index of " & Worksheets(Sheet2.Index).Index & "."
End Sub
You can view and change the name of a sheet object, as well as it's name property (which is different) here...
The name property is what you see and change in the worksheet tab in Excel, but once again this is not the same as the object name. You can also change these things programmatically.
Try this:
Sub MacroMan()
Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Value = _
WorksheetFunction.VLookup("Rec", Sheet1.Range("C2:H25"), 2, False)
End Sub
The Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp) command is the equivalent of going to the last cell in column B and pressing Ctrl + ↑
We then use .Offset(1, 0) to get the cell after this (the next blank one) and write the value of your vlookup directly into this cell.
If Both work, then good, you have two working subs and you want to integrate them. You probably want to keep them so they might be useful for some other work later. Integrating them means invoking them in some third routine.
For many reasons, it is surely better and advised to avoid as much as possible to use (select, copy, paste) in VBA, and to use rather a direct copying method (range1.copy range2).
You need to make your routines as functions that return ranges objects, then in some third routine, invoke them
Function total_gsv() as range
Dim movement_type_code As Variant: movement_type_code = "Rec"
Set total_gsv = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(movement_type_code,Sheet1.Range("C2:H25"), 2, False)
End Sub
Function FindFirstBlankCell() as Range
Dim Sheet2 As Worksheet: Set Sheet2 = ActiveSheet
For Each cell In Sheet2.Columns(2).Cells
If IsEmpty(cell) Then Set FindFirstBlankCell= cell: exit For
Next cell
End Sub
Sub FindAndMoveGsv()
total_gsv.copy FindFirstBlankCell
... 'some other work
End Sub
I have data on multiple sheets in a workbook that I want copied all to one sheet in that same workbook. When I run the macro, I would like it to start by deleting the current data in the "iPage Data Export" sheet and then replacing it with data from the other sheets.
I want the process to occur one column at a time since I may not bring over everything. Right now I am trying to learn how to do just one column.
I was able to get it to copy all of the contents of a column from one sheet, but when it moves to the next sheet, it overwrites the existing data. In the end, I only get one sheets worth of data copied.
Here are my 4 problems:
How do I make it clear the data on this sheet before running the routine?
How can I make it start each copy function at the bottom of that row (i.e. after the last cell with a value)? I have tried many of the suggestions on this and other boards without success. I will admit I am not very experienced in this.
How can I make it copy to a particular column (currently it just seems to default to A.
How can I concatenate multiple columns during the paste function? I.e. what if I want it to insert: A2&", "B2 instead of just A2
Sub CombineData()
Dim Sht As Worksheet
For Each Sht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
If Sht.Name <> "iPage Data Export" Then
Sheets("iPage Data Export").Select
End If
Next Sht
End Sub
How do I make it clear the data on this sheet before running the routine?
How can I make it start each copy function at the bottom of that row (i.e. after the last cell with a value)? I have tried many of the suggestions on this and other boards without success. I will admit I am not very experienced in this.
Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
In detail:
Rows.Count will return the number of rows in the sheet, so in the legacy style *.xls workbooks this would return the number 65,536. Therefore "C" & Rows.Count is the same as C65536
Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp) is the same as going to C65536 and pressing Ctrl + ↑ - The command End(xlDirection) tells the program to go the last cell in that range. In this case, we would end up at the last cell containing data in column C.
.Offset(1, 0) means that we want to return the range offset by an amount of rows and/or columns. VBA uses RC (Rows Columns) references, so whenever you see something like the Offset() function with two numbers being passed as the arguments, it usually relates to the row, and the column, in that order. In this case, we want the cell that is one row below the last cell we referenced.
All-in-all the phrase Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) means go to the last cell in column C, go up until we hit the last cell with data, and then return the cell below that - which will be the next empty cell.
How can I make it copy to a particular column (currently it just seems to default to A.
Range("C:C").Copy Destination:=Sheets("iPage Data Export").Range("A:A")
You can pass the Destination argument in the same line and actually bypass the clipboard (faster and cleaner)
How can I concatenate multiple columns during the paste function? I.e. what if I want it to insert: A2&", "B2 instead of just A2
Lets say you wanted to reference column A, B, and F - just use:
Range("A1, B1, F1").EntireColumn
To summarise, you could streamline your existing code to something like (untested):
Sub CombineData()
Dim Sht As Worksheet
For Each Sht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
If Sht.Name <> "iPage Data Export" Then
Sht.Range("C1:C" & Cells(Sht.Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp).Row).Copy Destination:=Sheets("iPage Data Export").Range("A:A")
End If
End Sub
This should do for the copying:
Sub CombineData()
Dim sheet As Worksheet
For Each sheet In Worksheets
If (sheet.Name <> "iPage Data Export") Then
Range("A1", ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell)).Select
Worksheets("iPage Data Export").Activate
Cells(1, ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Column + 1).Select
End If
End Sub
For the concatenation you need to be more specific - but I guess you should open a new question with a clearer focus if you need specific help on that.
I have an Excel workbook (1) with around 9 sheets that is pulling in and manipulating data from a second workbook (2).
After pulling in the data from workbook (2) I need to be able to replace the formulas in workbook (1) to the resulting values that the formulas have produced, from here I will then save the workbook (1) with the results.
Is there a macro that can do this for me?
On your new workbook some basic code such as:
Sub Value()
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
ws.UsedRange.Value = ws.UsedRange.Value
End Sub
While the OP is dated, I want to make note of a non-loop method that is useful. In certain scenarios, loops can really slow down the code execution. To replace formulas in a cell --without a loop-- try:
With Sheets("example").Range("A1:C1000")
.value = .value
End With
You can revise the reference as necessary, but the execution is seamless, fast, and as a bonus - prevents range highlighting that cannot be cleared if you pursued the .copy + .pastespecial xlPasteValues approach.
What seems to work for me is to use concatenate()
So, for example, the formula I have referencing a cell from another sheet is:
=arrayformula(iferror(index('To Be Processed'!X:X,small(if($A$1='To Be
Processed'!$Y2,row('To Be Processed'!X:X)),row((2:2))),"")))
and if I change to the formula to:
=concatenate(arrayformula(iferror(index('To Be
Processed'!X:X,small(if($A$1='To Be Processed'!$Y2,row('To Be
and it puts in the text value from the reference cell into my second sheet.
Which may or may not be helpful depending on how you populate your sheets--I'm not very good with VBA, though, which means I do more things manually :)
So far I have this code below; counting last cell is working fine but is copy/pasting the wrong data to wrong sheet. Should copy data and use the formula from Sheet "Parsing" cell B2, and its using the main sheet where is the VBA. Looks lile what is missing is to execute the copy/select to "parsing" sheet, but didnt manage to do it.
Sub drag_formula_original()
Dim myLastRow As Long
With Worksheets("Parsing")
myLastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
.Range("B2").Copy Destination:=.Range("B2:B" & myLastRow)
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End With
End Sub
Its solved. Thanks a lot.
The above will grab by default from the Activesheet
you have to tell it what sheet you would like it to pick that range/value from.
Edit: Just noticed your With
To actually use a with you need to use a "." e.g. your copy line would look like below
One other thing to note this:
Range("B2:B" & myLastRow).Select
Is rather inefficient, below would be better. Selecting in general is best to keep away from it is rather slow
Range("B2:B" & myLastRow).Paste
Or with your with
.Range("B2:B" & myLastRow).Paste
I just copied and pasted your code and ran it. I changed nothing in your code except for adding "Option Explicit" before your sub. (Just a personal habit)
Option Explicit
Sub drag_formula_original()
Dim myLastRow As Long
With Worksheets("Parsing")
myLastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Range("B2:B" & myLastRow).Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End With
End Sub
I did, however, use a very simple formula in cell B2. What I did was have column A go from 1 to 10 and column C go from 11 to 20. Cell B2 was =A2+C2.
After running the code I checked each cell in column B and they each had the correct formula in them, and not a hard-coded value.
A trick I do when I want to do something like this but can't figure out how is I record a macro of me dragging the cell formula down a little ways and then stop the recording and look at the code it made. From that you should be able to adjust it to do what you want.
When I did that I got this code:
Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("B2:B15"), Type:=xlFillDefault
End Sub