In Accurev CLI, how do I view my workspace stale files - accurev

Using the GUI, there's an option to view incoming and outgoing files. Using the CLI, you can use stat to view outgoing files (member, modified, missing, external), but I didn't find an option to view incoming files (stale):
accurev stat --outgoing *

The "accurev update -i" is the equivalent of the GUI "Incoming filter". The command will list files that have newer versions in the backing stream.
As an alternate, you could use "accurev stat" and pipe the output to "grep", searching for the word "stale" but this is more cumbersome than simply using the first command.
[Edited for clarity]


Create repository in non-empty remote folder

It's been 14 years since I last worked with svn and appearently I have forgotten everything...
I have an existing web-project, consisting of a bunch of php, html, js and other files in a directory tree on a V-Server. Now I want to take these folders under version control and create a copy on my local machine using svn. So I installed subversion according to these instructions:
Using the already-present apache2.
But now I kinda hit a roadblock. If I try svnadmin create on the existing folder, it tells me that is is not empty and does nothing really. All the questions and answers I find here and elsewhere are either
a) focussing on an already existing folder on the local machine
b) assuming more prior knowledge than I have right now aka I don't understand them.
Is there a step-by-step guide for dummies anywhere on how to do this? Or can anyone tell me in laymans terms how to do this?
I can't believe this case never comes up or that it is really very complicated.
At the risk of failing to understand your exact needs, I think you can proceed as follows. I'll use this terms:
Code: it's the unversioned directory at V-Server where you currently have the bunch of php, html, js and other files
Repository: it's the first "special" directory you need to create in order to store your Subversion history and potentially share it with others. There must be one and there can only be one.
Working copy: it's the second "special" directory you need to create in order to work with your php, html, js... files once they are versioned and it'll be linked to a given path and revision of your repository. At a given time there can be zero, one or many of them.
Your code can become a working copy or not, that's up to you, but it can never become a repository:
$ svnadmin create /path/to/code
svnadmin: E200011: Repository creation failed
svnadmin: E200011: Could not create top-level directory
svnadmin: E200011: '/path/to/code' exists and is non-empty
Your repository requires an empty folder but it can be located anywhere you like, as long as you have access to it from the machine you're going to use in your daily work. Access means it's located in your PC (thus you use the file: protocol) or it's reachable through a server you've installed and configured (svn:, http: or https:).
$ svnadmin create /path/to/repo
$ 😎
Your working copies can be created wherever you need to work with your IDE. It can be an empty directory (the usual scenario) or a non-empty one. The checkout command retrieves your files from the repo and puts them in the working copy so, at a later stage, you're able to run a commit command to submit your new and changed files to the repository. As you can figure out it isn't a good idea to create a working copy in random directories because incoming files will mix with existing files. There's however a special situation when it can make sense: when the repository location is new and is still empty. In that case you can choose between two approaches:
If you want code to become a working copy, you can check out right into in and then make an initial commit to upload all files:
$ svn checkout file://path/to/repo /path/to/code
Checked out revision 0.
$ svn add /path/to/code --force
A code/index.php
$ svn commit /path/to/code -m "Import existing codebase"
$ Adding /path/to/code/index.php
$ Transmitting file data .done
$ Committing transaction...
$ Committed revision 1.
If you don't care about code once it's stored in the repository or you want your working copy elsewhere, you can import your files from code and create a working copy in a fresh directory:
$ svn import /path/to/code file://path/to/repo -m "Import existing codebase"
Adding code/index.php
Committing transaction...
Committed revision 1.
$ svn checkout file://path/to/repo fresh
A fresh/index.php
Checked out revision 1.

Sync clients' files with server - Electron/node.js

My goal is to make an Electron application, which synchronizes clients' folder with server. To explain it more clearly:
If client doesn't have the files present on the host server, the application downloads all of the files from server to client.
If client has the files, but some files have been updated on the server, the application deletes ONLY the outdated files (leaving the unmodified ones) and downloads the updated files.
If a file has been removed from the host server, but is present at client's folder, the application deletes the file.
Simply, the application has to make sure, that client has EXACT copy of host server's folder.
So far, I did this via wget -m, however frequently wget did not recognize, that some files changed and left clients with outdated files.
Recently I've heard of zsync-windows and webtorrent npm package, but I am not sure which approach is right and how to actually accomplish my goal. Thanks for any help.
rsync is a good approach but you will need to access it via node.js
An npm package like this may help you:
But things will get slightly more difficult on windows systems:
How to get rsync command on windows?
If you have ssh access to the server an approach could be using rsync through a Node.js package.
There's a good article here on how to implement this.
You can use rsync which is widely used for backups and mirroring and as an improved copy command for everyday use. It offers a large number of options that control every aspect of its behaviour and permit very flexible specification of the set of files to be copied.
It is famous for its delta-transfer algorithm, which reduces the amount of data sent over the network by sending only the differences between the source files and the existing files in the destination.
For your use case:
If the client doesn't have the files present on the host server, the application downloads all of the files from a server to the client. This can be achieved by simple rsync.
If the client has the files, but some files have been updated on the server, the application deletes ONLY the outdated files (leaving the unmodified ones) and downloads the updated files. Use: –remove-source-files or -delete based on whether you want to delete the outdated files from the source or the destination.
If a file has been removed from the host server but is present at the client's folder, the application deletes the file. Use: -delete option of rsync.
rsync -a --delete source destination
Given it's a folder list (and therefore having simple filenames without spaces, etc.), you can pick the filenames with below code
# Get last item from each line of FILELIST
awk '{print $NF}' FILELIST | sort >weblist
# Generate a list of your files
find -type f -print | sort >mylist
# Compare results
comm -23 mylist weblist >diffs
# Remove old files
xargs -r echo rm -fv <diffs
you'll need to remove the final echo to allow rm work
Next time you want to update your mirror, you can modify the comm line (by swapping the two file arguments) to find the set of files you don't have, and feed those to wget.
rsync -av --delete my-client-xyz-directory/

bazaar relative path in branch config file

My group is developing code for use internally as well as to be provided to an external (offsite) group. A baseline version is delivered externally via tar files, but incremental changes (every week or two) are provided with bzr patch files using the "bzr send" command. I've got a bzr repository for development and when a baseline is sent out, we create a reference branch to capture the as-delivered configuration. When a patch file is generated, the reference branch is used as the target for the send command, then the patch file is sent to the external site. My problem is this.... The app I'm developing to automate this process checks consistency between the parent and submit branches as shown with the bzr info command. If the reference branches move due to disk reorganization, the path to the parent will likely not be correct because the branch.conf file uses relative paths to the parent when the branch is created. Is there a way for bazaar to save the path to the parent branch as an absolute path in the branch.conf file?
You can modify the path in branch.conf to be an absolute path (URL) and Bazaar should happily handle that.
Setting the path can either be done by editing it with your favorite editor, or using the command:
bzr config --scope=branch parent_location=URL

excluding a directory from accurev using pop command

I have 10 directories in a AccuRev depot and don't want to populate one directory using "accurev pop" command. Is there any way? .acignore is not suiting to my requirements because in another jenkins build I need that folder. Just want to save time to avoid unnecessary populate of directories.
Any idea?
I would create a stream off this stream and exclude the directories you dont want. Then you can pop this stream and only get the directories you want.
When you run the AccuRev populate command you can specify which directories to populate by specifying the directory name:
accurev pop -O -R thisDirectory
will cause the contents of thisDirectory to match the backing stream from the time of the last AccuRev update in that workspace.
The -O is for over write and the -R is for recurse. If you have active work in progress the -O will cause that work to be over written/destroyed.
The .acignore is only for (external) files and not those that are being managed by AccuRev.
David Howland

Restoring a workspace at accurev

I've foolishly deleted the content of a workspace I've worked on.
I wanted to reset it and thought I'll be able to re download it again from accurev, apparently it is more complicated than that...
So I'm pretty much stuck, I have an empty directory as a workspace, any way to fix that?
I can see the stream I want to re download in the GUI.
I've already opened a workspace for it in the past so I can see I'm connected to it.
Any way to reset this workspace?
Via the command line, from the top of your workspace you can run "accurev pop -O -R ." << don't forget the dot. This will repopulate your workspace with all the files in the backing stream. The files brought into your workspace will be from the time that you ran an AccuRev update. The -O is for Over Write and the -R is Recursive
Via the GUI, select the top most directory, right click and select Populate. In the pop-up dialog box select Overwrite and Recursive.
Any files that you had modified, but not kept will not be restored.
Any file that are active in your workspace WILL be over written.
You might want to run an AccuRev update after the re-populate command.