Can we execute/trigger selenium automation scripts through UFT - selenium

Using Webdriver, I have automated web based Application in eclipse and using QTP, I have automated Power Builder application(like desktop App).
Now both become depended module for me, from PB data's are flowing to web base application.
so, how can I achieve this. please someone provide me how to proceed with situation and give me some strategy to proceed

We have exactly the same situation where powerbuilder application is integrating with the web application, below is the solution we have followed
We are using jenkins for executions, but this can be done without jenkins also.
We have one jenkins job which executes a UFT test first and then executes the selenium test if UFT test is successfull.
At the end of test execution UFT test will generate a file with the information required by selenium test and then jenkins will trigger selenium test, selenium test will read this file to gather any required information.
Results are interpreted in the following way
If UFT test fails then jenkins will not trigger the selenium test. If the whole jenkins job is executed successfully then integration is working, if the UFT part failed then Powerbuilder is having issue and if selenium part failed then web application is having issue.


Run Automation UI Testing through Selenium and Coded UI Without Build from TFS

Our web application codes are stored on SVN instead with TFS. We are trying to set up our automated UI testing.
These are following tools our team are considered to use.
- Microsoft Test Manager (Create Test cases associate with User stories)
- Coded UI (Connect to TFS and Microsoft Test Manager)
- Selenium (Automated UI coded)
- Team Foundation Server 2015 (Test cases and User stories)
Web Application with URL
We only want to configure automated UI testing for our website. Is there any way to run the set up the automated testing without build through TFS?
Thank you and any feedback is appreciated.
So here is the thing,
Coded Ui is not a connector to TFS & MTM it by itself an automation
framework/tool like selenium
You don't need both Selenium & Coded UI for your automation. You only need either of it
If all you want is to get started with automation for your application, you can do it just with a version of visual studio which has Coded Ui. (The latest supporting version is Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise edition)
See this like to know How to create Coded Ui Tests , see this link to know how to Run a Coded Ui Test
It's based on your workflow. Whether your app/code is on-premises or in the cloud, you can automate build-deploy-test workflows and choose the technologies and frameworks, then test your changes continuously in a fast, scalable, and efficient manner. And just as Prageeth said, Coded Ui is an automation framework/tool just like selenium.
In TFS either code ui or selenium test more like continuous testing. The workflow is such as bleow:
First make sure that your app still works after every check-in and
build using TFS. Find problems earlier by running tests
automatically with each build. When your build is done, review your
test results to start resolving the problems that you find.
Add some related tutorials for your reference:
How to run Code UI in TFS: Executing Automated tests in Build vNext
using Test Plan, Test Suites
How to run Selenium in TFS: Get started with Selenium testing in a
continuous integration pipeline
If you insist on without building from TFS, you could also use the Code UI function with VS on local.
You can setup Test controller and Test Agent VMs in MTM test lab. This will allow you to execute your automated tests on Test Agent directly in MTM. Otherwise, you can execute Coded UI tests locally in Visual Studio.

Jenkins - Trigger Selenium test after deployment

I'm new to Jenkins, so please go easy!
I have a web application which we are developing, and we've started automating our release using Jenkins.
I also have a standalone Selenium WebDriver script which will perform a Smoke test on our web app. We usually run this manually each time there's a new deployment.
I heard Jenkins can automatically trigger Selenium tests. So what I did was to create a batch file, which will in turn call the Selenium script. I added a Build Step which will call this batch file.
What's happening now is Jenkins first Builds the WAR file, executes the batch (for selenium) and then deploys it to the target Tomcat.
But I was wondering if I could change the order to Build WAR --> Deploy to Tomcat --> Call the Batch file that executes Selenium Test. I want to do this as Jenkins Tests before deploying, which means my Selenium test still runs on the old build. This makes little sense, as I would rather run the Selenium test on the new build.
In short, is there a way I can execute the Batch file as part of a Post Build Step rather than a Build Step?
Thank you Würgspaß !!
I solved my problem by creating a separate Selenium Job which gets triggered automatically if my Build is successful. This way, I can create any number of downstream jobs to be triggered for a successful build.

What is the use of jenkins with Selenium WebDriver?

What is the use of selenium webdriver with jenkins?
Is it ok to integrate jenkins in webdriver even if we are not using jenkins in project integration.
I directly get URL of website to automate, Is jenkins help anything me in webdriver?
Jenkins is a job scheduler. You can use jenkins to configure your tests to run on a schedule (eg: every hour, every day at noon, etc), or every time you check in code. Jenkins also has features to allow you to run jobs on multiple machines, set dependencies between jobs, and many other features.
WebDriver is a library for writing tests that exercise websites using a browser.
You can use jenkins to run your WebDriver-based tests if you want your tests to run automatically. If you run your tests by hand, jenkins doesn't help you at all.
Jenkins won't help you anything in automating Applications. Its continues integration tools which helps in running bunch of automated test case by scheduling different jobs.
WebDriver is an web automation API that helps to mimic user navigation.
Lets say you want to test search in google. You can use WebDriver to write a code which performs the below
Launch a google page
Identify search box on it and enter text into it
Click on search button
WebDriver driver = new FireFoxDriver();
Once you have written above code, you may want to run it everyday, or every 5 hours. Instead of you going and manually running it. You can use Jenkins to schedule execution of your scripts as a maven build(pom.xml).
Also you can configure to run your functional test cases through Jenkins automatically after code is deployed and build successfully.

Using selenium grid to execute remote code

We looking to use Selenium grid to parallelize our tests but some of our tests need to run java code local to the testing machine. In other words as well as automating the browser we also need to run some java code on the test machine. Are there hooks in Selenium Grid that will allow us to do this?
PS we are also looking at Jenkins to setup our environment.
EDIT: To be clearer, the java code I need to execute does a get from the web application, downloading pdf files that we cannot do with selenium alone. It then does some processing on those PDF files. I suppose the processing could be done on the server hub but the downloading can't. Unless someone can explain how to download a pdf using selenium and save it to a given location?
Selenium cannot execute your java code in the remote control machine. It will get executed only in the hub machine. However, taking screenshot, deal with popup, uploading the files in a specific path can be taken care by Grid.

how to integrate hudson and selenium-rc

I am using Selenium RC(Java) with TestNg. I run the script using TestNG. Now i want to integrate selenium with Hudson. So that whenever Hudson deploy the build into test server Dev team wants to perform Regression Testing using Hudson.
Simplest way is to use ant task to start/stop selenium before/after executing your test. Another way is starting server from code if required. You can use ISFW where server started by framework if required.