Unsure whether function breaks backpropagation - tensorflow

I have been tinkering around a lot with tensorflow in the past few days however I am quite unsure whether a function I wrote would break the backpropagation in a Neural network. I thought I'd ask here before I try to integrate this function in a NN. So the basic setup is I want to add two matricies with
op = tf.add(tfObject, tfImageBackground)
where tfImageBackground is some constant image. (i.e. an RGBA image of size 800, 800 with R = G = B = A = 0) and the tfObject is again a matrix with the same dimenstion however we get that with the function I am unsure about
def getObject(vector):
objectId = vector[0]
x = vector[1]
y = vector[2]
xEnd = baseImageSize-(x+objectSize)
yStart =baseImageSize- (y+objectSize)
padding = tf.convert_to_tensor([[x, xEnd], [yStart, y],[0,0]])
RTensor = tfObjectMatrix[objectId,:,:,0:1]
GTensor = tfObjectMatrix[objectId,:,:,1:2]
BTensor = tfObjectMatrix[objectId,:,:,2:3]
ATensor = tfObjectMatrix[objectId,:,:,3:4]
paddedR = tf.pad(tensor = RTensor,
paddings= padding,
generates padding for every channel
finalTensor=tf.concat([paddedR, paddedG, paddedB, paddedA], 2)
return finalTensor
The tfObjectMatrix is a list of images which never change.
I did check wether I was able to generate a tf.gradient from the op, which turned out to work. I am unsure if that is sufficient for backpropagation to work though.
Thanks for you time and effort. Any input at all would be greatly appreciated.

TensorFlow will backpropagate to everything by default. As per your code, everything will receive gradients with a training operation from an optimizer. So to answer your question, backpropagation will work.
The only thing to consider, is that you say tfObjectMatrix is a list of images that will not change. So you might not want it to receive any gradients. Therefore you might want to look into tf.stop_gradient() and maybe use it like OM = tf.stop_gradient( tfObjectMatrix ) and work with that OM in your function.


How do I get value function/critic values from Rllib's PPO algorithm for a range of observations?

Goal: I want to train a PPO agent on a problem and determine its optimal value function for a range of observations. Later I plan to work with this value function (economic inequality research). The problem is sufficiently complex so that dynamic programming techniques no longer work.
Approach: In order to check, whether I get correct outputs for the value function, I have trained PPO on a simple problem, whose analytical solution is known. However, the results for the value function are rubbish, which is why I suspect that I have done sth wrong.
The code:
from keras import backend as k_util
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
# Define framework to use
choices=["tf", "tf2", "tfe", "torch"],
help="The DL framework specifier.",
def get_rllib_config(seeds, debug=False, framework="tf") -> Dict:
def get_value_function(agent, min_state, max_state):
policy = agent.get_policy()
value_function = []
for i in np.arange(min_state, max_state, 1):
model_out, _ = policy.model({"obs": np.array([[i]], dtype=np.float32)})
value = k_util.eval(policy.model.value_function())[0]
print(i, value)
return value_function
def train_schedule(config, reporter):
rllib_config = config["config"]
iterations = rllib_config.pop("training_iteration", 10)
agent = PPOTrainer(env=rllib_config["env"], config=rllib_config)
for _ in range(iterations):
result = agent.train()
values = get_value_function(agent, 0, 100)
resources = PPO.default_resource_request(exp_config)
tune_analysis = tune.Tuner(tune.with_resources(train_schedule, resources=resources), param_space=exp_config).fit()
So first I get the policy (policy = agent.get_policy()) and run a forward pass with each of the 100 values (model_out, _ = policy.model({"obs": np.array([[i]], dtype=np.float32)})). Then, after each forward pass I use the value_function() method to get the output of the critic network and evaluate the tensor via keras backend.
The results:
True VF (analytical solution)
VF output of Rllib
Unfortunately you can see that the results are not that promising. Maybe I have missed a pre- or postprocessing step? Does the value_function() method even return the last layer of the critic network?
I am very grateful for any help!
It's not part of your script, but I assume that you have trained the policy before you attempt to get useful values out of it.
You are correct in assuming that the value_function() returns the output of the last layer of the critic network in RLlib's implementations.
Have a look at the value function metrics to see if it's actually learning anything (RLlib logs .../learner_stats/vf_loss and .../learner_stats/vf_explained_var)!
After training the model, I'd also try to query the model directly. If that looks better, something is likely off with the code you posted here.

After quantisation in neural network, will the output need to be scaled with the inverse of the weight scaling

I'm currently writing a script to quantise a Keras model down to 8 bits. I'm doing a fairly basic linear scaling on the weights, by assuming a normal distribution of weights and biases, and then interpolating all the values within 2 standard deviations of the mean, to the range [-128, 127].
This all works, and I run the model through inference, but my image out is crazy bad. I know there will be a small performance hit, but I'm seeing roughly 10x performance degradation.
My question is, after this scaling of the weights, do I need to do the inverse scaling operation to my output? None of the papers I've been reading seem to mention this, but I'm unsure why else my results would be so bad.
The network is for image demosaicing. It takes in a RAW image, and is meant to output an image with very low noise, and no demosaicing artefacts. My full precision model is very good, with image PSNRs of around 40-43dB, but after quantisation, I'm getting 4-8dB, and incredibly bad looking images.
Code for anyone who's bothered to read it
for i in layer_index:
count = count+1
layer = model.get_layer(index = i);
weights = layer.get_weights();
weights_act = weights[0];
bias_act = weights[1];
std = np.std(weights_act)
if (std > max_std):
max_std = std
mean = np.mean(weights_act)
mean_of_mean = mean_of_mean + mean
mean_of_mean = mean_of_mean / count
max_bound = mean_of_mean + 2*max_std
min_bound = mean_of_mean - 2*max_std
print(max_bound, min_bound)
for i in layer_index:
layer = model.get_layer(index = i);
weights = layer.get_weights();
weights_act = weights[0];
bias_act = weights[1];
weights_shape = weights_act.shape;
bias_shape = bias_act.shape;
new_weights = np.empty(weights_shape, dtype = np.int8)
new_biass = np.empty(bias_shape, dtype = np.int8)
for a in range(weights_shape[0]):
for b in range(weights_shape[1]):
for c in range(weights_shape[2]):
for d in range(weights_shape[3]):
new_weight = (((weights_act[a,b,c,d] - min_bound) * (127 - (-128)) / (max_bound - min_bound)) + (-128))
new_weights[a,b,c,d] = np.int8(new_weight)
#print(new_weights[a,b,c,d], weights_act[a,b,c,d])
for e in range(bias_shape[0]):
new_bias = (((bias_act[e] - min_bound) * (127 - (-128)) / (max_bound - min_bound)) + (-128))
new_biass[e] = np.int8(new_bias)
new_weight_layer = (new_weights, new_biass)
You dont do what you think you are doing, I'll explain.
If you wish to take pre-trained model and quantize it you have to add scales after each operation that involves weights, lets take for example the convolution operation.
As we know convolution operation is linear in my explantion i will ignore the bias for the sake of simplicity (adding him is relatively easy), Let's assume X is our input Y is our output and W is the weights, convolution can be written as:
where '*' represent the convolution operation, what you are basically doing is taking the weights and multiple them by some scalar (lets call it 'a') and shift them by some other scalar (let's call it 'b') so in your model you use W' where: W'= Wa+b
So if we return to the convolution operation we get that in your quantized network you basically do the next operation: Y' = W'*X = (Wa+b)*X
Because convolution is linear we get: Y' = a(W*X) + b*X'
Don't forget that in your network you want to receive Y not Y' at the output of the convolution therefore you must do shift + re scale to get the correct answer.
So after that explanation (which i hope was clear enough) i hope you can understand what is the problem in your network, you do this scale and shift to all of weights and you never compensate for it, I think your confusion is because your read papers that trained models in quantized mode from the beginning and didn't take pretrained model quantized it.
For you problem i think tensorflow graph transform tool might help, take a look at:
If you wish to read more about quantizing pre trained model you can find more information in (for more academic info just go to scholar.google.com:

When forward using MXNet, how to do with varying 'batch size' in data_shapes?

Hi,I have a question that, how can I make predict with unfixed input data? I will try to describe in detail clear:
I use MTCNN for face detection(it's ok unfamiliar with that), and it employs 3 networks: PNet, RNet, ONet. PNet detects a mass of proposal face bounding boxes, then these boxes are coarse-to-fine by the rest net one after another, finally get precise face bbox(s). When taking an image as input to PNet, image's size is unfixed, and the output proposal box number from PNet is also unfixed, so as RNet, ONet. Reference to another MTCNN code I set a large data_shapes(e.g., image size, batch size) when I bind the module, and initialize all to zero,then make predict. That works though, Isn't that a redundant calculation? (Question 1)
sym, arg_params, aux_params = mx.model.load_checkpoint(‘det1’, 0)
self.PNets = mx.mod.Module(symbol=sym, context=ctx,label_names=None)
self.PNets.bind(data_shapes=[(‘data’, (1, 3, max_img_w, max_img_h))],for_training=False)
sym, arg_params, aux_params = mx.model.load_checkpoint(‘det2’, 0)
self.RNet = mx.mod.Module(symbol=sym, context=ctx,label_names=None)
self.RNet.bind(data_shapes=[(‘data’, (2048,3, 24, 24))],for_training=False)
sym, arg_params, aux_params = mx.model.load_checkpoint(‘det3’, 0)
self.ONet = mx.mod.Module(symbol=sym, context=ctx,label_names=None)
self.ONet.bind(data_shapes=[(‘data’, (256, 3, 48, 48))],for_training=False)
And I try mx.mod.Module.reshape before predict, which will adjust data'shape according to last network's output, but I get this error:(Question 2)
AssertionError: Shape of unspecified array arg:prob1_label changed. This can cause the new executor to not share parameters with the old one. Please check for error in the network. If this is intended, set partial_shaping=True to suppress this warning.
One more thing is that The MTCNN code (https://github.com/pangyupo/mxnet_mtcnn_face_detection) primary use deprecated function to load models:
self.PNet = mx.model.FeedForward.load(‘det1’,0)
One single line to work with arbitrary data_shapes, why this function be deprecated..?(Question 3)
I found a little difference that after load model, FeedFroward takes 0MB memory before make one predict, but mx.mod.Module takes up memory once loaded, and increase obviously after making one prediction.
You can use MXNet imperative API Gluon and that will let you use different batch-sizes.
If like in this case, your model was trained using the symbolic API or has been exported in the serialized MXNet format ('-0001.params', '-symbol.json' for e.g), you can load it in Gluon that way:
ctx = mx.cpu()
sym = mx.sym.load_json(open('det1-symbol.json', 'r').read())
PNet = gluon.nn.SymbolBlock(outputs=sym, inputs=mx.sym.var('data'))
PNet.load_params('det1-0001.params', ctx=ctx)
Then you can use it the following way:
# a given batch size (1)
data1 = mx.nd.ones((1, C, W, H))
output1 = PNet(data1)
# a different batch size (5)
data2 = mx.nd.ones((5, C, W, H))
output2 = PNet(data2)
And it would work.
You can get started with MXNet Gluon with the official 60 minutes crash course

Reinforcement learning a3c with multiple independent outputs

I am attempting to modify and implement googles pattern of the Asynchronous Advantage Actor Critic (A3C) model. There are plenty of examples online out there that have gotten me started but I am running into a issues attempting to expand the samples.
All of the examples I can find focus on pong as the example which has a state based output of left or right or stay still. What I am trying to expand this to is a system that also has a separate on off output. In the context of pong, it would be a boost to your speed.
The code I am basing my code on can be found here. It is playing doom, but it still has the same left and right but also a fire button instead of stay still. I am looking at how I could modify this code such that fire was an independent action from movement.
I know I can easily add another separate output from the model so that the outputs would look something like this:
self.output = slim.fully_connected(rnn_out,a_size,
self.output2 = slim.fully_connected(rnn_out,1,
The thing I am struggling with is how then do I have to modify the value output and redefine the loss function. The value is still tied to the combination of the two outputs. Or is there a separate value output for each of the independent output. I feel like it should still only be one output as the value, but I am unsure how I them use that one value and modify the loss function to take this into account.
I was thinking of adding a separate term to the loss function so that the calculation would look something like this:
self.actions_1 = tf.placeholder(shape=[None],dtype=tf.int32)
self.actions_2 = tf.placeholder(shape=[None],dtype=tf.float32)
self.actions_onehot = tf.one_hot(self.actions_1,a_size,dtype=tf.float32)
self.target_v = tf.placeholder(shape=[None],dtype=tf.float32)
self.advantages = tf.placeholder(shape=[None],dtype=tf.float32)
self.responsible_outputs = tf.reduce_sum(self.output1 * self.actions_onehot, [1])
self.responsible_outputs_2 = tf.reduce_sum(self.output2 * self.actions_2, [1])
#Loss functions
self.value_loss = 0.5 * tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(self.target_v - tf.reshape(self.value,[-1])))
self.entropy = - tf.reduce_sum(self.policy * tf.log(self.policy))
self.policy_loss = -tf.reduce_sum(tf.log(self.responsible_outputs)*self.advantages) -
self.loss = 0.5 * self.value_loss + self.policy_loss - self.entropy * 0.01
I am looking to know if I am on the right track here, or if there are resources or examples that I can expand off of.
First of all, the example you are mentioning don't need two output nodes. One output node with continuous output value is enough to solve. Also you should't use placeholder for advantage, but rather you should use for discounted reward.
self.discounted_reward = tf.placeholder(shape=[None],dtype=tf.float32)
self.advantages = self.discounted_reward - self.value
Also while calculating the policy loss you have to use tf.stop_gradient to prevent the value node gradient feedback contribution for policy learning.
self.policy_loss = -tf.reduce_sum(tf.log(self.responsible_outputs)*tf.stop_gradient(self.advantages))

How to assign values to a subset of a tensor in tensorflow?

Two parts to this question:
(1) What is the best way to update a subset of a tensor in tensorflow? I've seen several related questions:
Adjust Single Value within Tensor -- TensorFlow
How to update a subset of 2D tensor in Tensorflow?
and I'm aware that Variable objects can be assigned using Variable.assign() (and/or scatter_update, etc.), but it seems very strange to me that tensorflow does not have a more intuitive way to update a part of a Tensor object. I have searched through the tensorflow api docs and stackoverflow for quite some time now and can't seem to find a simpler solution than what is presented in the links above. This seems particularly odd, especially given that Theano has an equivalent version with Tensor.set_subtensor(). Am I missing something or is there no simple way to do this through the tensorflow api at this point?
(2) If there is a simpler way, is it differentiable?
I suppose the immutability of Tensors is required for the construction of a computation graph; you can't have a Tensor update some of its values without becoming another Tensor or there will be nothing to put in the graph before it. The same issue comes up in Autograd.
It's possible to do this (but ugly) using boolean masks (make them variables and use assign, or even define them prior in numpy). That would be differentiable, but in practice I'd avoid having to update subtensors.
If you really have to, and I really hope there is a better way to do this, but here is a way to do it in 1D using tf.dynamic_stitch and tf.setdiff1d:
def set_subtensor1d(a, b, slice_a, slice_b):
# a[slice_a] = b[slice_b]
a_range = tf.range(a.shape[0])
_, a_from = tf.setdiff1d(a_range, a_range[slice_a])
a_to = a_from
b_from, b_to = tf.range(b.shape[0])[slice_b], a_range[slice_a]
return tf.dynamic_stitch([a_to, b_to],
[tf.gather(a, a_from),tf.gather(b, b_from)])
For higher dimensions this could be generalised by abusing reshape (where nd_slice could be implemented like this but there is probably a better way):
def set_subtensornd(a, b, slice_tuple_a, slice_tuple_b):
# a[*slice_tuple_a] = b[*slice_tuple_b]
a_range = tf.range(tf.reduce_prod(tf.shape(a)))
a_idxed = tf.reshape(a_range, tf.shape(a))
a_dropped = tf.reshape(nd_slice(a_idxed, slice_tuple_a), [-1])
_, a_from = tf.setdiff1d(a_range, a_dropped)
a_to = a_from
b_range = tf.range(tf.reduce_prod(tf.shape(b)))
b_idxed = tf.reshape(b_range, tf.shape(b))
b_from = tf.reshape(nd_slice(b_idxed, slice_tuple_b), [-1])
b_to = a_dropped
a_flat, b_flat = tf.reshape(a, [-1]), tf.reshape(b, [-1])
stitched = tf.dynamic_stitch([a_to, b_to],
[tf.gather(a_flat, a_from),tf.gather(b_flat, b_from)])
return tf.reshape(stitched, tf.shape(a))
I have no idea how slow this will be. I'd guess quite slow. And, I haven't tested it much beyond running it on a couple of tensors.