In the book Design Patterns : Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, It says:
"The composite design pattern composes objects into tree structures to represent part-whole hierarchies."
In wikipedia the composite design pattern is defined as :
"The composite pattern describes a group of objects that is treated the same way as a single instance of the same type of object. The intent of a composite is to "compose" objects in to tree structures to represent part-whole hierarchies."
Picture of composite design pattern:
If my Composite stores components as directed acyclic graph( for example it only stores components which are sources of DAC in queue data structure and those sources have references to another components and so on... ) which is not tree because it violates some tree structure condition. Can I still say that I have used composite design pattern?
You can store your components in any data structure you like. The point is that each of your components can also be treated as “whole”.
The easiest example is a CompositeView object which contains subviews. CompositeView is a View and its subview objects are also Views. So you have a common interface/abstract class for your objects. It doesn’t matter at all what data structure is used to store subviews.
In the mentioned tree-like structure your list/set/dag/whatever... of components defines a set of child nodes for a given parent node.
Another example could be with Brick, Wall, House, Block. A Wall is composed by many Bricks; in same way an House is composed by four Walls (for the example leave me say that an House doesn't have a roof) and a Block is composed by many Houses. Brick in the Composite pattern represents a Leaf, instead Wall,House,Block are specialisations of Composite, but all can be considered as ConstructionComponents (or ConstructionEntities).
Say I had three types of vehicle, which are all related by some similar attributes.
What is the best way to show these relationships?
In traditional entity-relationship diagrams such a relation between attributes is not shown. This notation is exclusively reserved for foreign keys to primary keys relationships. For example if you would have a Manufacturer entity with a (unique) Id attribute, you could then relate a new attribute Car manufacturer id to it to show to what entity it refers.
In an enhanced ERD, you could use the IsA relationship and move the common attributes to a separate entity called Vehicle. The IsA relationship would then mean that the same attributes are inherited by the inheriting entities. But your example is not straight forward, since a Boat has no Number of wheels. So you'd need to further add a Rolling vehicle entity, making the diagram very complex.
Very pragmatically, you could:
Use the same attribute name for the same kind of information.
Use a data dictionary describing each unique attribute in a generic way applicable to all teh entities that use it.
Or graphically use some dotted connector between common attributes (instead of the plain lines which are confusing)
Or, if the similar entities are close on the diagram, draw colored horizontal boxes surrounding groups of identical attributes.
Composition: A class can have references to objects of other classes as members. This is called composition and is sometimes referred to as a has-a relationship.
By Deitel P.J., Deitel H.M. - Java How to Program 9th Edition.
This viewpoint is discussed in this topic:
Prefer composition over inheritance?
Composition: Composite aggregation (composition) is a "strong" form of aggregation with the following characteristics:
*it is binary association,
*it is a whole/part relationship,
*a part could be included in at most one composite (whole) at a time, and
*if a composite (whole) is deleted, all of its composite parts are "normally" deleted with it.
Found on
(actually, Deitel presents UML examples following this idea, in the same book, but did not bother to explain the difference).
This viewpoint is discussed in this topic:
What is the difference between association, aggregation and composition?
Fine, BOTH ARE CORRECT. And this introduces the problem of homonym concepts.
For instance: don't draw a UML model with composition arrows to exemplify the first definition: In UML, any association is a composition by Deitels' the first definition.
Here are some aspects of my question that may help in the correct answer:
How I can say (and know) which composition are we talking about?
Where we draw the line between the two definitions (in contextual terms)?
Can I say that the first is object oriented programming and the second is software engineering/modeling?
Is the UML composition a model-only concept/jargon?
Is the UML composition an UML exclusive thing? or is also applied in the programming field?
How to avoid miscommunication of "what composition are we talking about" in a team?
Please, answer with references, evidences, it is not a philosophical/opinion problem, it is a "scope" problem that I´m trying to address.
And it is not "what is composition" question.
Edit: I´m thinking if the distinction is verb x adjective: "to compose" a class (first def.) and "a composite relation" (second def.).
I found it hard to explain the difference between UML association and implementation references without explaining at least a little bit what UML associations actually are, and what they can do, so here we go.
Association & Link
Lets start by looking at what a UML Association and a link (Association's instance) are.
[] An Association specifies a semantic relationship that can occur between typed instances.
[] A link is a tuple of values that refer to typed objects. An Association classifies a set of links, each of which is an instance of the Association. Each value in the link refers to an instance of the type of the corresponding end of the Association.
So the following is a valid implementation of a limited association.
class Brain { }
class Head { }
a = new Brain;
b = new Head;
link = (new Array).add(a).add(b);
[9.5.3] When a Property is owned by a Classifier other than an Association via ownedAttribute, then it represents an attribute of the Classifier.
(Note: Class is a subclass of a Classifier.)
[] An end Property of an Association that is owned by an end Class or that is a navigableOwnedEnd of the Association indicates that the Association is navigable from the opposite ends; otherwise, the Association is not navigable from the opposite ends. Navigability means that instances participating in links at runtime (instances of an Association) can be accessed efficiently from instances at the other ends of the Association. The precise mechanism by which such efficient access is achieved is implementation specific. If an end is not navigable, access from the other ends may or may not be possible, and if it is, it might not be efficient.
Why are those concepts relevant? Imagine the following example.
We see that brain is an attribute of Head class (the black dot signifies ownership by the opposite Class), and that it is navigable (the arrow).
We also see that head is NOT an attribute of Brain (no black dot ⇒ not owned by the Brain class ⇒ not an attribute of Brain), however it is still navigable. This means that in UML the head Property is held by the association itself.
The implementation could, for example, look like this (the association itself is represented by a tuple of two references (see link description earlier)).
class Head {
public Brain brain;
class Brain {
h = new Head;
b = new Brain;
h.brain = b;
link = (new Array).add(h).add(b);
So as you hopefully start to see, UML association is not such a simple concept as a has-a relationship.
Lets add another piece, composition.
[] A binary Association may represent a composite aggregation (i.e., a whole/part relationship). Composition is represented by the isComposite attribute
[9.9.17] The value of isComposite is true only if aggregation is composite.
With the aggregation being
none - Indicates that the Property has no aggregation semantics.
shared - Indicates that the Property has shared aggregation semantics. Precise semantics of shared aggregation varies by application area and modeler.
composite -- Indicates that the Property is aggregated compositely, i.e., the composite object has responsibility for the existence and storage of the composed objects
Again we see, that a UML association is explicitly specifying concepts that are hard to perceive from implementation (e.g. who is responsible for object management/destruction).
Model Composition vs Object Implementation Composition
So from the description above we can construct a more precise description of what an implementation composition (has-a relationship) would be.
[Deteils] Composition: A class can have references to objects of other classes as members. This is called composition and is sometimes referred to as a has-a relationship.
McConnell [Code Complete 2, 6.3] also refers to has-a relationship as a Containment.
Neither of them however talk about HOW the objects (container-contained, composer-composite) are related to one another, who is responsible for lifecycles, or whether the contained element knows about the container.
So just by saying that objects have a has-a relationship (and call it composition), you could actually mean any of these (and several more)
So if you call something composition in programming, you can mean pretty much any relationship/reference (or rather not an inheritance), so the word by itself is not very useful.
In UML on the other hand you are trying to capture all such information about how the objects are related to one another. Therefore there's a focus on giving terms a more precise meaning. So when you call something composition in UML you have in mind a very specific has-a relationship, where the container is responsible for the lifecycle of the contained items.
Implementation of UML associations
All those extra concepts information mean that there is really no precise way how to even implement associations. This makes sense as the implementation would depend on the target programming language or environment (e.g. executable models, where the UML concepts are used as the final product).
As an example I can recommend a paper describing UML association implementation in Java with enforced concepts such as multiplicity, navigability, and visibility Implementing UML Associations in Java.
More subquestions
How I can say (and know) which composition are we talking about?
By context, or you can just ask (which is always a good thing to do when unsure). Personally I've heard the use of composition as "has-a relationship" only when differentiating from inheritance; and in the rest in terms of UML. But then again I am in academia, so my view is biased.
Where we draw the line between the two definitions (in contextual terms)?
As the "programming" term composition doesn't actually mean anything (only that it is has-a), I'd recommend drawing the line yourself and pushing others to use more precise terminology.
Can I say that the first is object oriented programming and the second is software engineering/modeling?
More or less, with all the nuances mentioned in this answer.
Is the UML composition a model-only concept/jargon?
Is the UML composition an UML exclusive thing? or is also applied in the programming field?
No, you can use it in programming to mean the same thing as it means in UML, but you might need to state it more obviously. E.g. "This class is a composite for those classes, because it manages their lifecycle.".
The point is to teach people to differentiate between regular-old has-a relationships, and relationships that have more precise semantics.
How to avoid miscommunication of "what composition are we talking about" in a team?
This is a very broad question that you could apply to any term to which you want attach special meaning (what even is software engineering?), and there is no best way. Have a team-shared vocabulary (you are probably already having a lots of specific terms in your domain), and guide people to use more precise terminology.
numbered quotes refers to sections in UML 2.5 Specifications.
To cite the UML 2.5 specification on page 110:
Sometimes a Property is used to model circumstances in which one instance is used to group together a set of instances; this is called aggregation. To represent such circumstances, a Property has an aggregation property, of type AggregationKind; the instance representing the whole group is classified by the owner of the Property, and the instances representing the grouped individuals are classified by the type of the Property. AggregationKind is an enumeration with the following literal values:
none: Indicates that the Property has no aggregation semantics.
shared: Indicates that the Property has shared aggregation semantics. Precise semantics of shared aggregation varies by application area and modeler.
composite: Indicates that the Property is aggregated compositely, i.e., the composite object has responsibility for the existence and storage of the composed objects (see the definition of parts in 11.2.3).
Personally I see it the way that notion of a composite aggregation is about object lifetime, not about static relation. A composite aggregation kills aggregate members when their parent dies. None leaves this open. And shared aggregation is a bastard that OMG should not have introduced at all since it's semantics is domain dependent.
Can composition be bidirectional in a way that both classes are aware of each other?
And if not, what is the default direction of composition?
You should distinguish navigability and aggregation. Arrow and diamond.
Arrow A->B means only that B is reachable from A in some simple way. If A contains a composition of B, it means that
the composite object has responsibility for the existence and storage
of the composed objects (parts).
(citation from OMG Unified Modeling Language TM (OMG UML) - p.109)
So, can composition have bi-directional navigability?
Yes. It is quite normal.
If, for example, you have decided to destroy B in some of its functions, you MUST reach A and destroy it from there. So, composition has bi-directional navigability often enough. Notice, that bi-directional navigability, according to both current and coming UML standards, is shown as line without arrows on both sides. Both-sided arrow is deprecated. THAT is the reason you won't see it often.
Can the composition itself be bi-directional? Can we see black diamonds on both sides of an association?
No, of course this sort of association cannot be mutual, for it is impossible for B to be created in A only and, simultaneously, for A to be created in B only.
What is interesting, the shared aggregation (empty diamond) cannot be mutual, too, but here the limitation is not inherent, it is simply forbidden by UML standard.
Yes, Composition does not add constraints with regards to the navigability of the association.
More info on the difference between Accociation, Composition and Aggregations can be found here: UML Composition vs Aggregation vs Association
Bidirectional associations are the default associations between two classes and are represented by a straight line between two classes. Both classes are aware of each other and of their relationship with each other. In the example above, the Car class and RoadTrip class are interrelated. At one end of the line the Car takes on the association of "assignedCar" with the multiplicity value of 0..1 which means that when the instance of RoadTrip exists, it can either have one instance of Car associated with it or no Cars associated with it. In this case, a separate Caravan class with a multiplicity value of 0..* is needed to demonstrate that a RoadTrip could have multiple instances of Cars associated with it. Since one Car instance could have multiple "getRoadTrip" associations-- in other words, one car could go on multiple road trips--the multiplicity value is set to 0..*
In the past I had the same opinion as Gangnus with
So, can composition have bi-directional navigability?
But following some recent discussion I had a more detailed look into the UML specs. And simply, that statement is not true (only partially). Let's look into the UML 2.5 specs. On p. 110 it is stated
Sometimes a Property is used to model circumstances in which one instance is used to group together a set of instances; this is called aggregation. To represent such circumstances, a Property has an aggregation property, of type AggregationKind; the instance representing the whole group is classified by the owner of the Property, and the instances representing the grouped individuals are classified by the type of the Property. AggregationKind is an enumeration with the following literal values:
[omitting shared aggregation]
composite: Indicates that the Property is aggregated compositely, i.e., the composite object has responsibility for the existence and storage of the composed objects (see the definition of parts in 11.2.3).
Composite aggregation is a strong form of aggregation that requires a part object be included in at most one composite object at a time. If a composite object is deleted, all of its part instances that are objects are deleted with it.
Note my emphasis on the object/instance in the above text. So UML just talks of responsibility. If A composes B it will be responsible to delete B when it is destroyed itself. Vice versa B would be responsible for A's destruction. So, if you have references in both directions (i.e. diamonds on both sides) then you will be reponsible to delete the object on the other side. This of course works only if just one of both holds a reference to the other. If both would have a reference, it would not be possible to have a directed responsibility (because it's circular).
I still think that having composite aggregation on both sides is not really a good idea. But according to the specification it is possible.
I'm reading Head First Design Patterns book, on page 382 it says:
Composite Patterns is used when you have collection of objects with Whole-Part relationships. and you want to be able to treat those objects uniformly.
Well, it's pretty straightforward - any object in a collection is a part of the whole composition and composition as a whole is a collection of parts.
Basically, the term represents the construction of larger objects based on smaller ones. In the context of Composite Pattern both large and small objects are instances of same class.
Part-whole is also related to Composite Pattern.
Composite pattern provides a mechanism for treating groups of objects the same as an individual object (this is often known as part-whole hierarchy).
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What is the difference between association, aggregation and composition?
(21 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
What is the difference between aggregation, composition and dependency?
Aggregation implies a relationship where the child can exist independently of the parent. Example: Class (parent) and Student (child). Delete the Class and the Students still exist.
Composition implies a relationship where the child cannot exist independent of the parent. Example: House (parent) and Room (child). Rooms don't exist separate to a House.
The above two are forms of containment (hence the parent-child relationships).
Dependency is a weaker form of relationship and in code terms indicates that a class uses another by parameter or return type.
Dependency is a form of association.
Aggregation and composition are almost completely identical except that composition is used when the life of the child is completely controlled by the parent.
Car -> Tires
The Tires can be taken off of the Car object and installed on a different one. Also, if the car gets totaled, the tires do not necessarily have to be destroyed.
Body -> Blood Cell
When the Body object is destroyed the BloodCells get destroyed with it.
A relationship between two objects where changing one may affect the other.
Aggregation - separable part to whole. The part has a identity of its own, separate from what it is part of. You could pick that part and move it to another object. (real world examples: wheel -> car, bloodcell -> body)
Composition - non-separable part of the whole. You cannot move the part to another object. more like a property. (real world examples: curve -> road, personality -> person, max_speed -> car, property of object -> object )
Note that a relation that is an aggregate in one design can be a composition in another. Its all about how the relation is to be used in that specific design.
dependency - sensitive to change. (amount of rain -> weather, headposition -> bodyposition)
Note: "Bloodcell" -> Blood" could be "Composition" as Blood Cells can not exist without the entity called Blood. "Blood" -> Body" could be "Aggregation" as Blood can exist without the entity called Body.
An object associated with a composition relationship will not exist outside the containing object. Examples are an Appointment and the owner (a Person) or a Calendar; a TestResult and a Patient.
On the other hand, an object that is aggregated by a containing object can exist outside that containing object. Examples are a Door and a House; an Employee and a Department.
A dependency relates to collaboration or delegation, where an object requests services from another object and is therefor dependent on that object. As the client of the service, you want the service interface to remain constant, even if future services are offered.
Aggregation and composition are terms that most people in the OO world have acquired via UML. And UML does a very poor job at defining these terms, as has been demonstrated by, for example, Henderson-Sellers and Barbier ("What is This Thing Called Aggregation?", "Formalization of the Whole-Part Relationship in the Unified Modeling Language"). I don't think that a coherent definition of aggregation and composition can be given if you are interested in being UML-compliant. I suggest you look at the cited works.
Regarding dependency, that's a highly abstract relationship between types (not objects) that can mean almost anything.
One object may contain another as a part of its attribute.
document contains sentences which contain words.
Computer system has a hard disk, ram, processor etc.
So containment need not be physical. e.g., computer system has a warranty.
Containment :- Here to access inner object we have to use outer object. We can reuse the contained object.
Aggregation :- Here we can access inner object again and again without using outer object.