How to set max user in jitsi room - jitsi

I want to change the setting of max user limit of jitsi in one room, cause I saw there was notifyMaxUsersLimitReached in UI.js, so where should I set this value? In jicofo or videobridge? is it there:
or other place?

This value could be specified in the option org.jitsi.jicofo.MAX_SSRC_PER_USER
It could be set in /etc/jitsi/jicofo/config, in the variable JAVA_SYS_PROPS, something like :
JAVA_SYS_PROPS="-Dorg.jitsi.jicofo.MAX_SSRC_PER_USER=100 ...."


Can I remove a member from a Redis sorted set iff the member's score has **not** changed (without using Lua)?

I'm new to Redis...
Can I remove a member from a sorted set if the member's score has not changed?
Note: I know that I can do the following:
WATCH my-set
... [do some other stuff] ...
ZREM my-set my-member
But I believe this will abort the transaction (i.e. not execute ZREM) if any member of the set has changed. I'm only interested in aborting the transaction if my-member score has changed.
Can I achieve this without using server-side Lua?

Qlik sense ignore filters / selections

Using qlik sense
I have the following measure
RangeAvg(Below(Count( Distinct {1< Year=>} [OrderID]), 0, 52))
I still need when a user selects a year from the filer pane , the measure is unaffected
however using the Year= does not work
Any ideas team please?
The set identifier of 1 represents "the full set of all the records in the application, irrespective of any selections made." If you want all user selections to be accounted for except for Year, simply change the set identifier to $ (assuming you've not set up and used any other alternate states). The $ set identifier refers to the default state; the one that selections are made in by default when the user selects something in the interface.
If you want to ignore all filters but the year you can try this following code:
RangeAvg(Below(Count(Distinct{1<Year = p(Year)>} [OrderID]), 0, 52))
p function mean all possible values
For more information, you can read this help section from the Qlik site

Setting Multiple Variables in SQL in one Query?

I have the following line of code.
UPDATE account
SET BlockMessage='$BlockMessage', SET BlockAdmin='$AdminUsername', Status=2
As you can see in trying to set a "BlockMessage, BlockAdmin and Status" in 1 single query. The Infomation is correctly displayed if I echo the 3 individual Variables. however, when running the SQL String it only updates the Block Message row.
Any Ideas?
You have an extra SET. Update should be something like this:
UPDATE account
You need use the keyword SET only once like
SET BlockMessage='$BlockMessage',

redis how to autogenerate next key number

I'm crash coursing right now in redis, using 'the little redis book'.
What's not clear to me is how I can autogenerate key values.
So for example, the book uses this set statement:
set users:9001 '{"id":9001, "email":""}'
How can i set things up so that the system keeps track of the next available id? In this case... 9002?
I know there is a INCR function... But I don't know how to incorporate both of these functions together.
So for example, let's say i do this using the redis-cli:
set mykey 1
set users:mykey '{"id":mykey, "email":""}'
This works on the command line, but I need a way to do this programmatically. I'm thinking I would:
get mykey
INCR mykey
set users:mykey ....
Does this seem right? is there another way to do this? Also how do I programmatically using phpredis?
Yes, that is the right way to do it. But a small change in your approach,
When you do INCR you will get a incremented value returned by redis. you can use it directly in the next command. So it is simply,
var counter = INCR key
set users:counter . . .
So here you start from the index 1. ie, users:1, users:2 and so on.
Hope this is clear.

Clearbox Radius attributes through SQL statement?

I authenticate users through Radius, and I have the option to assign Radius attributes through SQL statements, but I can't for the life of me find any documentation on this. Anyone know the proper syntax?
Okay, I figured it out, and for anyone else who ends up having this problem:
Under the Authorization tab, in the Response List:
When adding an attribute from an SQL query, the first selected variable from the query is the attribute and the second is the value.
SELECT 'attribute', value FROM table WHERE username ='$u'
For a more specific example:
SELECT 'Ascend-Data-Rate', hsbrate.rate FROM hsbrate, customer WHERE = AND username='$u'
This statement will basically pass the following:
(assuming 1024000 is the rate value stored in the database)
NOTE: $u is an understood variable in Clearbox Radius that denotes the current-active user being authenticated.
kylex, try these links and see if they help. Specifically the first one