Parameters in LinkedIn User Profile Image URL -

I use social authentication in my ASP.NET Core application, one of which is LinkedIn authentication.
Looks like there's been some changes in LinkedIn API and now we seem to get some parameters with user images.
Here's a dummy full/original image URL I'd get from LinkedIn API. Any idea what these parameters mean? In particular, the one that begins with t?
The reason why this is important is that when the user logs in, I compare the data that's already in the database with the new data coming from LinkedIn -- in my case, it's limited to user profile images i.e. both the smaller size image and the original one the user uploaded.
I've noticed that the image is always showing different. In closer analysis, I could see that these parameters, in particular the one that begins with t is where the difference is. This small change triggers an event in my code to update the user's images which could be a completely wasted database call. I could confirm this with my own LinkedIn login. Even though my image hasn't changed, the image URL for the original image is always different due to this difference in the t component.
The t parameter could be some type of time stamp which means it may always be different. I don't want to make that assumption, hence this questions.

I tried the below LinkedIn endpoint ''.
For me, there are two images under "pictureInfo" section, "croppedImage" and "masterImage". I have tried to replicate the problem you have mentioned and could not replicate this for sometime. At some point, I have received a different image URN for "masterImage". After a no. of tests I understood the 'masterImage' is updating once in every hour. With this I have further tried to understand the parameters in the image URN.
From these,
v=beta is clear. Earlier it was v=alpha for few.
e appears to be a timestamp which relates to some expiration.
t is changing when e changes.
Given this analysis if you are using 'masterImage' to trigger a DB call, you may put regex matching criteria to identify actual change in image.


Designing a REST API

In my application, I will have clients trying to book some slots. For this, the client will give some input and based on that input, I have to first create these slots and then return them to the client. Then after getting the slots, the user will book one of these slots. This "book" action is not creating any new resource but simply modifying 2 existing resources.
How do I design my URIs and what methods should I use?
I have 1 existing resource whose URI is: /api/v1/vehicle/id
Using the application front-end a user will fill some form data, with fields date and booking-type and submit it. Then this data will be used by the backend to "calculate" (no resource called slots exists currently) booking slots available to the user. These calculated slots will then be saved in the DB and returned as a response to the user. Out of these slots, the user will book a slot. However, this book action will not create any new resource, instead it will simply modify an existing vehicle resource (add booking related data to it) and the slots object returned by the previous request. I want to create a REST API for this.
I was thinking of doing it like this:
POST /api/v1/slot (1)
PUT/PATCH /api/v1/vehicle/id (2)
PUT/PATCH /api/v1/slot/id (3)
First, I am not sure if I should use PUT or PATCH here, in both (2) and (3). I will only be supplying partial updates to the request. Second, when the user selects a slot and clicks on book button, the front end can only send 1 request to the server. But here, I need to modify 2 resources. How do I do this? I guess I should create 1 URI like /api/v1/createbooking and use the POST method. Then in my backend call 2 different methods to update vehicle and slot objects. Is this URI structure and naming good?
How do I design my URIs and what methods should I use?
How would you do it with web pages?
It sounds like you would have the user navigate to a form which collects the date, booking type, etc. The user submits the form, and the information is sent to the server; because this is not an essentially read-only operation, we'd expect the form to indicate that the POST method should be used.
The server would make its local changes, and present to the user a new form, with the input controls presenting the available options. Once again, choosing a slot doesn't seem to have read-only semantics (we're passing information to the server), so we would see POST again.
What are the URI targets? One way to choose which resources should handle the POST requests is to consider the implications of cache invalidation; because caches know to invalidate the target-uri of a successful POST request, it can be useful to target a resource that is likely to change when the request is successful.
My guess would be that first post would go to the resource that presents the slot choices (since what we are doing is generating new choices for the customer).
For the second submission, since the representation of the vehicle is what is going to be changed by selecting a slot, it makes sense to send that POST request to the vehicle uri.
In general, think about how you read (GET) the changing information from the server; you change that information by sending some request to the same URI.
I am not sure if I should use PUT or PATCH here
PUT and PATCH are typically available together, not as distinct things. They are two different methods for sending a replacement representation of a resource.
A simple example: if you wanted to change the title of /home.html, you could either PUT the entire HTML document with the new title, or you could PATCH the HTML document by sending a patch-document in some format that the server understands.
In other words, both of these methods have remote authoring semantics; we normally would choose between them based on considerations unrelated to your domain model (if the document is small relative to the size of the HTTP headers, a client would usually choose PUT for the additional idempotent semantic guarantees. If the document is really big, but the change is small, we might prefer PATCH).
I need to modify 2 resources.
There's no rule that says a request may only modify one resource. The side effects of the changes may impact the representations of several resources (see 4.3.3 and 4.3.4 of RFC 7231).
What's tricky is telling general purpose clients (and intermediate components) which cached representations are invalidated by the change. Out of the box, we only have semantics for the effective request uri, the Location and the Content-Location. Location and Content-Location already mean something, so you can't just hijack them without the potential of introducing a big mess).
You could do it with Linked Cache Invalidation, using "well known" link relations to identify other documents that have been changed by the request. Unfortunately, LCI doesn't seem to have achieved the status of a "standard", so we may be out of luck for the time being.

LinkedIn authentication stopped returning formatted picture

My app uses LinkedIn authentication along with a couple of other social network logins.
Even though authentication is working fine, all of a sudden LinkedIn stopped returning the formatted profile picture i.e. picture-url. I do however continue to receive the original image i.e. picture-urls -- see below:
In my authentication request, I request r_basicprofile and r_emailaddress and according to this link, I should be receiving both the formatted and the original image.
Up until 10 days ago or so, I was receiving both images. I didn't make any changes to my code but for some reason, the formatted image doesn't show up anymore. Any idea why and how to fix this?
All of a sudden I started getting both images again -- without making any changes to my code.
I also noticed that the image URL has now changed and I'm seeing all types of parameters in there -- such as image size, something that looks like API version type (alpha in the example below) and possibly a time stamp indicator:{image-id}/profile-displayphoto-shrink_100_100/0?e=123456789&v=alpha&t={sometypeofid}
I don't remeber seeing any of these parameters in the image URL which is not a URL at all but what seems to be an API call that returns an image.
I don't know if LinkedIn announced such changes that I missed or just decided to make these changes without keeping developers in the loop. I hope it's not the latter and I simply missed the announcement.

Google Contacts API 404 photo upload

Using the Contact API v3 I had a working implementation for uploading a photo to an existing contact.
Since a couple of weeks this fails with 404. The implementation has not been changed when the API servers started to sent back 404s and I don't see any indication what exactly changed and would result now in the 404s.
I'm using HTTP PUT + the photo URL of the contact.
One interesting observation I made was that the contact's self-URL changes which each request (the provided details are still always the same and correct).
Did anyone notice something similar ?
Edit: Link to issue:
tried different photo formats and sizes, different content types and even photos which had been uploaded previously (when it was still working). Nothing changed the behaviour of returning 404.
w.r.t to change contact ids: the contact ID changes between API invocations. I first thought it could be related to reopened connection( no keep-alive) that contact ids change. However what speaks against this being the cause of the issue is that first retrieving a contact and then editing a contact's address is possible without any issues.
authentication does not seem to be problem as well - otherwise editing a contact's address would not work as well.
PS: I'm using the JSON output format when retrieving the contact.
PS2: s/GET/PUT in step 3 ( I tried to change PUT to GET to see if it still returns 404... which it does).
PS3: am not using any client library but implement the protocol directly (which should not be relevant for the HTTP PUT on the photo link
After hours of investigation I found out that this is particular an issue using OAuth1. Using OAuth2 the exact same photo links which had been returned when requesting a specific contact record using OAuth1 work and return the photo data on HTTP GET. I expect HTTP PUT for photo links using OAuth2 to succeed as well.
Remains open if if there's some kind of workaround for OAuth1.

phpbb3 curl registration - can't get right captcha image to show

We have a few sites that run on different CMS (Drupal, Joomla etc.). We would like these sites to share a phpbb forum (on a different domain) and for people that register on each site to have a user account automatically created on the forum as well.
For that I have writen a script that sends a php curl request that mimics phpbb's registration process.
First, I tired a simple sign up form and it worked well. But since the forum uses Captcha I needed to add a form to my script so the user could input the Captcha string. And here things did not pan out so well. After many hours of examining the phpbb code files I managed to more or less put my finger on where the problem occurs, although my limited phhbb knowledge prevents me from finding a solution so I thought I would ask for help here.
My script sends a curl request to ucp.php?mode=register to get past the "agree to terms" screen, parses the result to get the tokens and creation time and then sends another request. The returned value is the registration screen with the Captcha image. Except no image can be seen as the url to the image script is relative and so I alter the output result and make the url an absolute url.
So instead of
I alter the code to
And get a Captcha image (xxxxxxxxxxxxx is the confirm_id string that changes every time).
And this is where I hit a brick wall. The image generated is never the correct captcha string.
If I var_dump the $captcha variable in ucp_register.php I can see the correct string which is never the one in the Captcha image. I placed bits of code in the phpbb files that output certain variables to help me understand what's going on behind the scenes. Here is what I managed to gather, hoping some one could tell me why it's happening or at least point me in the right direction:
In captcha_abstract.php and captcha_gd.php the is the variable $this->confirm_code. When I dump this into a file in both cases I can see the right captcha code (same as when I output the $captcha var in ucp_register.php).
In ucp_confirm.php there is the $captcha->code var which turns out holds the string that I see when I output the Captcha image.
When I just go through the registration process normally through the browser $this->confirm_code and $captcha->code holds the same value.
So it's obvious that changing the ucp.php?mode=confirm line above is causing this, yet I can not avoid that as if I don't do it I don't get a Captcha Image.

Graph API not returning image/picture for community pages

Graph API is not returning image("picture" attribute) for objects corresponding to community pages, which used to be returned earlier. For example this does not have picture attribute whereas the corresponding page has an image.
Also the FQL query done on the "albums" connection for some objects does not have a "cover_pid" attribute for an album corresponding to type "profile", which again used to work earlier.
Does anybody know if anything has changed in Graph API corresponding to this in last couple of weeks (I am fairly confident it used to work earlier in the expected way). I looked through Facebook API release notes but could not find any changes corresponding to this. Please let me know if this not appropriate post for this forum.
picture is a connection, not an attribute. So ...
And as the docs say: Returns a HTTP 302 with the URL of the user's profile picture.
Kinda goofy? Yes, but it works exactly as the docs say it does. I suspect they implemented it this way so it could easily be used in an <IMG> tag.
It still works via FQL. In your case:
I can confirm that this PREVIOUSLY worked, but NO LONGER works. Facebook have removed the picture connection from Community Pages.
I suspect the reason is that most of these images are pulled from Wikipedia, and there was a licensing / attribution issue.
Unfortunately, Facebook is no longer a reliable source of images for entities (e.g. bands).