How to pass the default language to the Registration page? -

Is there a way to pass a specific UI language to the registration page? This is coming from the website and I want it to be the defaut option.

you can send the culture with these headers
and for MVC use culture parameter like below
must be the first parameter of the query string
and last option; you can always override AbpUserRequestCultureProvider
According to the implementation it accepts query string parameters as culture like below

If you look at the request headers sent by the browser, it includes "Accept-Language". It can look something like this:
Generally, the preference runs in descending order, so here, the browser is saying it prefers U.S. english before anything else. More here about what the q values mean: What is q=0.5 in Accept* HTTP headers?
You can access this value through in the controller.


Dojo dStore Rest dGrid sort parameter

When I fetch from a dStore the URL looks something like this
which works fine. If I then click in the header of the dGrid the sent URL looks like this.
Shouldn't it send &sort=+id&limit=25? I am using Java and Spring for the backend and it expects the parameters to be formatted this way. Right now I can not receive the extra parameters. Is there a way to get it to send the parameters the way Spring is expecting them?
sort(...) and limit(...) are the default behaviors of dstore/Request (which Rest extends), but these can be customized via sortParam for sort, and useRangeHeaders or rangeStartParam and rangeCountParam for range.
For example, to result in &sort=+id&limit=25 as you requested, you could set up your store as follows:
var store = new Rest({
target: '...',
sortParam: 'sort',
rangeStartParam: 'offset',
rangeCountParam: 'limit'
I've additionally assumed above that offset is the GET parameter you'd want to use to indicate what record to start at when requesting ranges. Generally if you're not using range headers (useRangeHeaders defaults to false) and you want to set a count GET parameter, you'll also need to set a start GET parameter.
These properties are listed in the Request Store documentation.

How do I use the query parameters in the Dark Sky Forecast API ?(

I'm using the Dark Sky Forecast API to retrieve some weather information.
When I read the official doc, I found that the "option" section describes the usage of query parameters.
For example,
The API request may optionally be modified through the use of query parameters. It will respond to the following:
callback=[callback]: Return the API response as JSONP. Please use
caution when using this, since exposing your API key to the public is
a security hazard and, if abused, will result in the revokation of
your API key. However, if developing a personal- or internal-use app,
this is a convenient method of doing so.
units=[setting]: Return the
API response in units other than the default Imperial units. In
particular, the following settings are possible:
us: The default, as outlined above.
si: Returns results in SI units. In particular, properties now have the following units:
I know how to get the weather information by take advantages of the call,LONGITUDE
But I don't know how to combine the query parameters with it.
Any ideas?
2015/10/23 UPDATE
Thank to Logan Kearns, using ? parameter solved my question. Make sure the query parameters are in lowercase.,LONGITUDE?lang=zh-tw&units=si
This is how you change the units. I assume that other query parameters would be set in a similar manner, using the '?' to separate them.,LONGITUDE?UNITS=us
Just an update, since url changed and with few other parameters:
You can add units to mention the type of unit conversion required
You can add exclude for excluding certain data in the response like hourly updates.,LONG?units=si&exclude=minutely,hourly,daily,alerts

MVC multiple parameter routing

I've been trying to pull the parameters passed into a page so I can post it back in Context.
So far,
ViewBag.Message = string.Format("{0}::{1}::{2}",
works with anything simple like "66" or "tt" but anything more complex like "?name=blargh?viewId=66" and it fails.
I've tried a bunch of different ways to see if I could strike gold but nothing seems to work so does anybody have any idea what I'm missing/doing wrong/should be doing instead?
" but anything more complex like "?name=blargh?viewId=66" and it fails.
This doesn't seem to be routing information but query string which you should retrieve from the Request.QueryString bag.
If the {id} parameter is part of your route (as the default routes {controller}/{action}/{id}) I hope you realize that this id cannot be anything you like just because there are rules for an url. For example it cannot contain ? because this symbol has an entirely different meaning in an url - it represents the query string separator.

How to specify multiple values on siteSearch in google custom search api?

I'm using the google custom search api and want to create a search using the siteSearch:
and it works fine (returns all the result only from the given site).
Then I want to specify TWO sites to search so I tried to change the :
but none of these works.
hope someone can help here, thanks:)
Currently I don't believe you can specify more site through the query param siteSearch.
nevertheless you can configure your Custom Search Engine here:
in the "Site to search" area.
This also works for excluding, as you can read here:
You cannot do this with the as_sitesearch parameter as that only accepts a single value. But you can achieve what you want with the as_q parameter, setting it to some value like: " OR" - that will work in a similar way to this search.
The as_q parameter is documented here as:
The as_q parameter provides search terms to check for in a document.
This parameter is also commonly used to allow users to specify
additional terms to search for within a set of search results.
Examples q=president&as_q=John+Adams
Use "space" as seperator
Below is sample PHP code which works for me
Ojal Suthar

Preventing YQL from URL encoding a key

I am wondering if it is possible to prevent YQL from URL encoding a key for a datatable?
The current guardian API works with IDs like this:
item_id = "environment/2010/oct/29/biodiversity-talks-ministers-nagoya-strategy"
The problem with these IDs is that they contain slashes (/) and these characters should not be URL encoded in the API call but instead stay as they are.
So If I now have this query
SELECT * FROM guardian.content.item WHERE item_id='environment/2010/oct/29/biodiversity-talks-ministers-nagoya-strategy'
while using the following url defintion in my datatable
then this results in this API call
Instead the guardian API expects the call to look like this:
So the problem is really just that the / characters gets encoded as %2F which I don't want to happen in this case.
Any ideas on how this can be achieved?
You can also check the full datatable I am using:
The URI-template expansions in YQL (e.g. {item_id}) only follow the version 3 spec. With version 4 it would be possible to simply (only slightly) change the expansion to do what you want, but alas not currently with YQL.
So, a solution. You could bring a very, very basic <execute> block into play: one which adds the item_id value to the path as needed.
response.object = request.path(item_id).get().response;
Finally, see the diff against your table (with a few other, minor tweaks to allow the above to work).