tensorflow is only available in virtual env in anaconda - tensorflow

I installed tensorflow-gpu in anaconda3.
The steps I followed are:
conda create -n tensorflow pip python=3.6
source activate tensorflow
pip install tensorflow_gpu-1.8.0-cp36-cp36m-linux_x86_64.whl
After these steps, I find that if I use the python and ipython in anaconda3/bin, I can't import tensorflow (no module named tensorflow)
But If I activate the environment of tensorflow or I use the python and ipython in anaconda3/env/tensorflow/bin, I can import tensorflow.
And there is also no directory for tensorflow inanaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-package
Anyone knows why?

You created a conda environment and installed Tensorflow to that environment. Therefore you can only use Tensorflow inside that environment.
If you wish to use Tensorflow outside of an environment then don't activate the environment you created and just pip install Tensorflow.


Why isn't tensorflow or pytorch recognized after I restart conda virtual environment?

Last night, I made a virtual environment and the only installs I made were as follows:
conda install jupyter
conda install notebook
pip install transformers
And I was able to run huggingface transformers perfectly, but today I reactivate my conda virtual environment and I'm met with this puzzling error:
And this is the runtime error
I even tried making a new virtual environment with the same depencies and today I got these errors upon performing pip install transformers
And this in jupyter notebook
HuggingFace Transformers need to be installed in conjunction to either Tensorflow or Pytorch. From the HuggingFace installation instructions:
First you need to install one of, or both, TensorFlow 2.0 and PyTorch.
So you should choose which machine learning platform you like more and install that too in your virtual environment.
For Tensorflow either pip install tensorflow or pip install tensorflow-gpu and for Pytorch pip install torch torchvision
For example, in a fresh environment, the following instructions should make your errors disappear (I'm assuming you have a GPU):
conda install jupyter
conda install notebook
pip install tensorflow-gpu
pip install transformers

conda install tensorflow-gpu vs conda install keras-gpu

What is the functional difference between:
conda install tensorflow-gpu
conda install keras-gpu
I created a conda environment and only used the conda install tensorflow-gpu command and now to import anything from the keras module in that environment, I have to write tensorflow.keras instead of keras.
If I use conda install keras-gpu, will I be able to use keras without the tensorflow reference? If so, are there any other differences between the two installations?

Tensorflow version different in conda env & jupyter notebook

I created a conda env and installed tensorflow 1.4
pip install tensorflow==1.4
This installed, and from within the environment, when i type
import tensorflow as tf
it prints '1.4.0'
Now, i open jupyter notebook from the same environment, and when i type the same in the notebook, it gives me 1.10.0
How is this possible? Jupyter notebook should take the same libraries within which it is running. How does it have a different version of tensorflow
And btw I'm concerned with this because i wanna use 1.4.0 in my notebook
These are the questions I ask myself in situations like this, and they usually resolve my issue:
Was the kernel of my notebook running while I pipped? Shut down and restart.
Are pip and conda sharing PATH, et cetera? I don't take it for granted that my pip is modifying my conda env. You can check with these commands.
Your conda env is created, but is it active? You list created envs with these, and you can activate/deactivate with these.
Besides checking all of these, where am I launching jupyter from? I like to install jupyter with a simply pip install jupyter and that could add jupyter to the command line globally. Anaconda navigator/command line reliably launches the jupyter that lives in your Anaconda distribution.
To add to Charles Landau:
You likely installed tensorflow in parallel with pip and with conda.
Within your env, just check with pip list tensorflow and conda list tensorflow. Most likely you will see two different versions.
To be consistent do:
pip unistall tensorflow to keep only one.

Dataset of MNIST not found from Tensorflow

I have a python script whose initial lines read
from tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist import input_data
import tensorflow as tf
When I run the script it gives this error
'no module such as tensorflow.tutorials.examples.mnist'.
I have already pip installed Tensorflow, what do i do now?
From your comment I can see that you are using Anaconda. Have you tried to install it with conda install tensorflow? Also, you could try to create an environment first, and install tensorflow afterwards with conda create -n tensorflow pip python=2.7 (or 3.x depending on your system) within it.

tensorflow installation error in Window + anaconda

i tried to install tensorflow in my anaconda by creating a virtual env
conda create -n tensorflow python=3.5
but after i type y, nothing happened. How can i fix this?
So what you did is creating an environment called tensorflow, you need to install it as well
you can do either
conda install tensorflow
pip install tensorflow