Does perl6 have a class method equivalent to the MAIN sub? - raku

Or similar to java's main() method? In other words a method that executes first, with the possibility of reading one or more parameters from the terminal.

Yes, and it's called MAIN and it has autoparsing for terminal parameters. Futhermore, it can even be a multi sub (supporting different signatures), have defaults, mark as required and do type validation, e.g.:
#|(optional description for USAGE message)
sub MAIN( Int :$length = 24,
:file($data) where { .IO.f // die "file not found in $*CWD" } = 'file.dat',
Bool :v(:$verbose) #`( -verbose, --verbose, -v or --v ) )
say $length if $length.defined;
say $data if $data.defined;
say 'Verbosity ', ($verbose ?? 'on' !! 'off');
exit 1;


Idiomatic way to implement standard Unix behaviour of using STDIN if no files are specified on the command line?

Is there a more elegant way of processing input coming from either the command line arguments or STDIN if no files were given on the command line? I'm currently doing it like this:
sub MAIN(*#opt-files, Bool :$debug, ... other named options ...) {
# note that parentheses are mandatory here for some reason
my $input = #opt-files ?? ([~] .IO.slurp for #opt-files) !! $*IN.slurp;
... process $input ...
and it's not too bad, but I wonder if I'm missing some simpler way of doing it?
I would probably go for a multi sub MAIN, something like:
multi sub MAIN(Bool :$debug)
multi sub MAIN(*#opt-files, Bool :$debug)
process-input($_.IO.slurp) for #opt-files;
I'd probably do two things to change this. I'd break up the ?? !! onto different lines, and I'd go for a full method chain:
sub MAIN(*#opt-files, Bool :$debug, ... other named options ...) {
my $input = #opt-files
?? #opt-files».IO».slurp.join
!! $*IN.slurp;
... process $input ...
You can also map it by using*.IO.slurp).join
Edit: building on ugexe's answer, you could do
sub MAIN(*#opt-files, Bool :$debug, ... other named options ...) {
# Default to $*IN if not files
#opt-files ||= '-';
my $input = #opt-files».IO».slurp.join
... process $input ...
Something that I might expect to work is to set #*ARGS to the list of file names in the signature.
And then just use $*ARGFILES.
sub MAIN( *#*ARGS, Bool :$debug, ... other named options ...) {
my $input = slurp; # implicitly calls $*ARGFILES.slurp()
... process $input ...
It doesn't work though.
You could get Rakudo to update $*ARGFILES by nulling it with a low-level null before you use it.
sub MAIN( *#*ARGS, Bool :$debug, ... other named options ...) {
{ use nqp; $*ARGFILES := nqp::null }
my $input = slurp;
... process $input ...
But that is using an implementation detail that may change in the future.
A better way is to just directly create a new instance of IO::ArgFiles yourself.
You can even store it in $*ARGFILES. Then slurp on its own would slurp in all of the file contents.
sub MAIN( *#opt-files, Bool :$debug, ... other named options ...) {
my $*ARGFILES = #opt-files || $*IN );
my $input = slurp;
... process $input ...
Note that IO::ArgFiles is just an empty subclass of IO::CatHandle.
So you could write #opt‑files || $*IN ) instead.

How to print an object, type in nqp

How to print an object in NQP ? (For debugging purposes)
It is easy in Raku:
say that is calling gist in its short loop code
dd The tiny Data Dumper as shown in this post
class Toto { has $.member = 42; }
class Titi { has $.member = 41; has $.toto = }
my $ti =;
say $ti;
# => 41, toto => => 42))
dd $ti;
# Titi $ti = => 41, toto => => 42))
It seems more complicated in NQP
class Toto { has $!member; sub create() {$!member := 42}};
class Titi { has $!member; has $!toto; sub create() {$!member := 41; $!toto :=; $!toto.create; }}
my $ti :=;
Cannot stringify this object of type P6opaque (Titi)
Of course, no .gist method, the code calls nqp::encode which finally expects a string.
Reducing the problem to an MRE:
class foo {}
say(; # Cannot stringify ...
Simplifying the solution:
class foo { method Str () { 'foo' } }
say(; # foo
In summary, add a Str method.
This sounds simple but there's a whole lot of behind-the-scenes stuff to consider/explain.
nqp vs raku
The above solution is the same technique raku uses; when a value is expected by a routine/operation to be a string, but isn't, the language behavior is to attempt to coerce to a string. Specifically, see if there's a Str method that can be called on the value, and if so, call it.
In this case NQP's NQPMu, which is way more barebones than raku's Mu, doesn't provide any default Str method. So a solution is to manually add one.
More generally, NQP is a pretty hostile language unless you know raku fairly well and have gone thru A course on Rakudo and NQP internals.
And once you're up to speed on the material in that course, I recommend you consider the IRC channels #raku-dev and/or #moarvm as your first port of call rather than SO (unless your goal is specifically to increase SO coverage of nqp/moarvm).
Debugging the compiler code
As you will have seen, the NQP code you linked calls .say on a filehandle.
That then calls this method.
That method's body is $str ~ "\n". That code will attempt to coerce $str to a string (just as it would in raku). That's what'll be generating the "Cannot stringify" error.
A search for "Cannot stringify" in the NQP repo only matched some Java code. And I bet you're not running Rakudo on the JVM. That means the error message must be coming from MoarVM.
The same search in the MoarVM repo yields this line in coerce.c in MoarVM.
Looking backwards in the routine containing that line we see this bit:
/* Check if there is a Str method. */
MVMROOT(tc, obj, {
strmeth = MVM_6model_find_method_cache_only(tc, obj,
This shows the backend, written in C, looking for and invoking a "method" called Str. (It's relying on an internal API (6model) that all three layers of the compiler (raku, nqp, and backends) adhere to.)
Customizing the Str method
You'll need to customize the Str method as appropriate. For example, to print the class's name if it's a type object, and the value of its $!bar attribute otherwise:
class foo {
has $!bar;
method Str () { self ?? nqp::coerce_is($!bar) !! }
say(>42)); # 42
Despite the method name, the nqp say routine is not expecting a raku Str but rather an nqp native string (which ends up being a MoarVM native string on the MoarVM backend). Hence the need for nqp::coerce_is (which I found by browsing the nqp ops doc). is another example of the way nqp just doesn't have the niceties that raku has. You could write the same code in raku but the idiomatic way to write it in raku is self.^name.
Currently, what I have is a list and hash discriminator. It does not work on object.
sub print_something ($value, :$indent = 0, :$no-indent=0) {
if nqp::ishash($value) {
print_hash($value, :$indent);
} elsif nqp::islist($value) {
print_array($value, :$indent);
} else {
if $no-indent {
} else {
say_indent($indent, $value);
sub print_indent ($int, $string) {
my $res := '';
my $i := 0;
while $i < $int {
$res := $res ~ ' ';
$i := $i + 1;
$res := $res ~ $string;
sub print_array (#array, :$indent = 0) {
my $iter := nqp::iterator(#array);
say_indent($indent, '[');
while $iter {
print_value(nqp::shift($iter), :indent($indent+1));
say_indent($indent, ']');
sub print_hash (%hash, :$indent = 0) {
my $iter := nqp::iterator(%hash);
say_indent($indent, '{');
while $iter {
my $pair := nqp::shift($iter);
my $key := nqp::iterkey_s($pair);
my $value := nqp::iterval($pair);
print_indent($indent + 1, $key ~ ' => ');
print_value($value, :indent($indent+1), :no-indent(1));
say_indent($indent, '}');

Can I capture the returned value of a routine used in RUN-MAIN?

I want a script to run a subroutine exported from a module, with the exported sub to be run as MAIN in the script. The subroutine does all that I want, except that it returns the result instead of printing it.
RUN-MAIN seems to achieve most of what I'm aiming for, but I'm not sure how to grab the returned value of the routine.
Is there a way I can capture the output of the routine given to RUN-MAIN to be printed? Is RUN-MAIN the right approach for this sort of thing?
You could use the function composition operator infix:<∘> or infix:<o>
sub foo ($name, Int $n=1) {
"Hello $name\n" xx $n
RUN-MAIN &say o &foo, Nil; #or &foo Ro &say
but unfortunately, it is changing the signature
sub foo ($name, Int $n=1) {
"Hello $name\n" xx $n
say &foo.signature;
say (&foo Ro &say).signature;
so default USAGE message does not work.
The following seems to accomplish what I intended (where foo is the target sub).
RUN-MAIN( &foo, Nil );
sub MAIN ( |c --> Nil ) {
EDIT: Unfortunately this solution is not ideal, as it runs &foo twice.
Redispatch can be used within a wrapped routine to call the original. say can then be used on the result of the redispatch within the wrap. This will also generate usage from the original routine.
sub foo (
$input #= The data we want
) {
return $input;
&foo.wrap( sub (|) { callsame.say } );
RUN-MAIN &foo, Nil;
$ raku filename.raku
filename.raku <input>
<input> The data we want

In Perl 6, is there a way to get the Pod declarator block that is attached to a specific multi sub candidate?

Perl 6 has a cool feature which allows one to get any Pod declarator block that is attached to a subroutine (or class, role, etc.), using the WHY method:
#|(Some enlightening words about myfunc.)
sub myfunc (Int $i) { say "You provided an integer: $i"; };
#=(Some more words about myfunc.)
say &myfunc.WHY;
This displays:
Some enlightening words about myfunc.
Some more words about myfunc.
Unfortunately, when one has multiple candidates for a subroutine, one can't just invoke .WHY on the subroutine name:
#|(myfunc accepts an integer.)
multi myfunc (Int $i) { say "You provided an integer $i"; };
#|(myfunc accepts a string.)
multi myfunc (Str $s) { say "You provided a string $s"; };
say &myfunc.WHY;
The result:
No documentation available for type 'Sub'.
Perhaps it can be found at
Is there a way to get the Pod declarator block that is attached to a specific multi sub candidate? Is there a way to do so for all a subroutine's candidates?
You look up the multi with candidates or cando.
When initially posted I couldn't find a canned method for looking up a multi sub by signature but Christoph remedied that.
#| Initiate a specified spell normally
multi sub cast(Str $spell) {
say "casting spell $spell";
#= (do not use for class 7 spells)
#| Cast a heavy rock etc in irritation
multi sub cast(Str $heavy-item, Int $n) {
say "chucking $n heavy $heavy-item";
say "doc for cast spell";
say &cast.candidates[0].WHY;
say "doc for throwing rocks";
say &cast.candidates[1].WHY;
say "find doc for throwing things";
for &cast.candidates {
if .signature ~~ :( Str, Int ) {
say .WHY;
# more advanced
say &cast.cando(\(Str, Int))>>.WHY; # thanks to Christoph
&cast.candidates.first: { .signature ~~ :(Str, Int) } andthen .WHY.say;
doc for cast spell
Initiate a specified spell normally
(do not use for class 7 spells)
doc for throwing rocks
Cast a heavy rock etc in irritation
find doc for throwing things
Cast a heavy rock etc in irritation
... repeated for variants ...
Get all documentation via candidates:
Get documentation of narrowest matching candidate via cando:
This does not really answer your question, but tries to explain why using WHY on a multi does not work; it's mainly because it points to the proto of the multi
#|(my-multi-func accepts either an integer or a string)
proto my-multi-func (|) {*}
#|(myfunc accepts an integer.)
multi my-multi-func (Int $i) { say "You provided an integer $i"; };
#|(myfunc accepts a string.)
multi my-multi-func (Str $s) { say "You provided a string $s"; };
say "my-multi-func is a {&my-multi-func.perl} and does {&my-multi-func.WHY}";
I attach the {&my-multi-func.perl} here because that is what gave me the hint. If you don't define a proto, it returns
my-multi-func is a sub my-multi-func (;; Mu | is raw) { #`(Sub|59650976) ... }
, which is none of the defined multis, ergo the proto. Of course if you want to access those particular definitions of the candidates, #Christopher Bottoms answer is just perfect.
This is a little indirect, but ...
You can store each multi myfunc in a variable and call WHY on that variable, yet still call myfunc as before:
#!/bin/env perl6
#|(myfunc accepts an integer.)
my $func_int = multi myfunc (Int $i) { say "You provided an integer $i"; }
#=(More about Int version of myfunc)
#|(myfunc accepts a string.)
my $func_string = multi myfunc (Str $s) { say "You provided a string $s"; }
#=(More about Str version of myfunc)
myfunc(10); # myfunc works as normal
say $func_int.WHY; # show POD declarator block
say ''; # Blank line to separate output into two groups
say $func_string.WHY;
Resulting in this output:
You provided an integer 10
myfunc accepts an integer.
More about Int version of myfunc
You provided a string bar
myfunc accepts a string.
More about Str version of myfunc
This is using Rakudo Star 2018.01 on CentOS 6.7.

how to create and export dynamic operators

I have some classes (and will need quite a few more) that look like this:
use Unit;
class Unit::Units::Ampere is Unit
method TWEAK { with self {
.si = True;
# m· kg· s· A ·K· mol· cd
.si-signature = [ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ];
.singular-name = "ampere";
.plural-name = "ampere";
.symbol = "A";
sub postfix:<A> ($value) returns Unit::Units::Ampere is looser(&prefix:<->) is export(:short) {
return :$value );
sub postfix:<ampere> ($value) returns Unit::Units::Ampere is looser(&prefix:<->) is export(:long) {
I would like to be able to construct and export the custom operators dynamically at runtime. I know how to work with EXPORT, but how do I create a postfix operator on the fly?
I ended up basically doing this:
return %(
"postfix:<A>" => sub is looser(&prefix:<->) {
#do something
which is disturbingly simple.
For the first question, you can create dynamic subs by returning a sub from another. To accept only an Ampere parameter (where "Ampere" is chosen programmatically), use a type capture in the function signature:
sub make-combiner(Any:U ::Type $, &combine-logic) {
return sub (Type $a, Type $b) {
return combine-logic($a, $b);
my &int-adder = make-combiner Int, {$^a + $^b};
say int-adder(1, 2);
my &list-adder = make-combiner List, {(|$^a, |$^b)};
say list-adder(<a b>, <c d>);
say list-adder(1, <c d>); # Constraint type check fails
Note that when I defined the inner sub, I had to put a space after the sub keyword, lest the compiler think I'm calling a function named "sub". (See the end of my answer for another way to do this.)
Now, on to the hard part: how to export one of these generated functions? The documentation for what is export really does is here:
Half way down the page, they have an example of adding a function to the symbol table without being able to write is export at compile time. To get the above working, it needs to be in a separate file. To see an example of a programmatically determined name and programmatically determined logic, create the following MyModule.pm6:
unit module MyModule;
sub make-combiner(Any:U ::Type $, &combine-logic) {
anon sub combiner(Type $a, Type $b) {
return combine-logic($a, $b);
my Str $name = 'int';
my $type = Int;
my package EXPORT::DEFAULT {
OUR::{"&{$name}-eater"} := make-combiner $type, {$^a + $^b};
Invoke Perl 6:
perl6 -I. -MMyModule -e "say int-eater(4, 3);"
As hoped, the output is 7. Note that in this version, I used anon sub, which lets you name the "anonymous" generated function. I understand this is mainly useful for generating better stack traces.
All that said, I'm having trouble dynamically setting a postfix operator's precedence. I think you need to modify the Precedence role of the operator, or create it yourself instead of letting the compiler create it for you. This isn't documented.