Using SQL LIKE predicate in Db2 comand line processor CLP - sql

I am trying to use the CLP to call an SQL query that uses LIKE:
With DB2 CLP, i run per the IBM documentation:
db2 "SELECT NAME, PLACE, ANIMAL from ZOOTABLE where NAME like 'TIG\%' or NAME like 'LIO\%'";
I get this error:
SQL0104N An unexpected token "%" was found following "where NAME like
TIG". Expected tokens may include: "". SQLSTATE=
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Why not just use the syntax, the statement without any escaping...? Also remove the semicolon after the closing quote or put it before the ending quote. The Db2 error comes from the attempted escaping (\%).
db2 "SELECT NAME, PLACE, ANIMAL from ZOOTABLE where NAME like 'TIG%' or BNAME like 'LIO%'"

I was never able to make this work, with Escape or anything else. However, i did manage to export the output to a CSV (Excel) file and that gave me the output i needed:
Logged in as DB2 user:
#!/bin/bash -xv
set -vx
export Host=$1
export sid=$2
sed -n '/TIG/p' /tmp/db2select.csv | tee /tmp/zooselect.csv
sed -n '/LIO/p' /tmp/db2select.csv | tee -a /tmp/zooselect.csv
This gave me the base output i needed and i then could manipulate the Excel file as needed


How to use "%" character in sql query on linux shell?

I am trying to pull all the jdk packages installed on set of hosts by sending a sql select statement to osquery on linux shell via pssh .
Here is the query:
pssh -h myhosts -i 'echo "SELECT name FROM rpm_packages where name like '%jdk%';"| osqueryi --json'
but usage of "%" is giving me below error.
Error: near line 1: near "%": syntax error
I tried to escape % ,but the error remains same. Any ideas how to overcome this error?
You aren't getting this error from your shell but from the query parser, and it's not actually caused by the % character, but to the ' that immediately precedes it. Look at where you have quotes:
'echo "SELECT name FROM rpm_packages where name like '%jdk%';"| osqueryi --json'
^----------------------------------------------------^ ^-------------------^
These quotes are consumed by the shell when it parses the argument. Single quotes tell the shell to ignore any otherwise-special characters inside and treat what is within the quotes as part of the argument -- but not the quotes themselves.
After shell parsing finishes, the actual, verbatim argument that gets sent to pssh looks like this:
echo "SELECT name FROM rpm_packages where name like %jdk%;"| osqueryi --json
Note that all of the single quotes have been erased. The result is that your query tool sees the % (presumably modulus) operator in a place that it doesn't expect -- right after another operator (like) which makes about as much sense to the parser as name like * jdk. The parser doesn't understand what it means to have two consecutive binary operators, so it complains about the second one: %.
In order to get a literal ' there, you need to jump through this hoop:
^^^^- start quoting again
|\+-- literal '
\---- stop quoting
So, to fix this, replace all ' instances inside the string with '\'':
pssh -h myhosts -i 'echo "SELECT name FROM rpm_packages where name like '\''%jdk%'\'';"| osqueryi --json'
osqueryi accepts a single statement on the command line. Eliminating the echo can make quoting a bit simpler:
osqueryi --json "SELECT * FROM users where username like '%jdk%'"
You will, however, need the quotes to pass through your pssh command line.
While osqueryi is great for short simple things, if you're building a frequent polling service, osqueryd with scheduled queries is generally simpler.

SQLCMD use LIKE '%#%'

I'm trying to run a query using SQLCMD.EXE and have trouble with the LIKE portion.
WHERE email LIKE '%%#%%'
I think it is an error with cmd prompt rather then SQLCMD.EXE since I get the error:
Syntax error "#%'"
I am running this via Notepad++ (NppExec) pointing to the bat file like so:
H:\scripts\SQL.bat "$(CURRENT_WORD)"
This causes the query to be wrapped in double quotes before being used by the SQLCMD.EXE call. The SQLCMD.EXE call then runs in the bat file like so:
SQLCMD.EXE -U user -P %pass% -S %server% -Q %sql% -d %table%
It works perfect on any query I use aside from this LIKE '%%#%%' part.
I've done a few more tests and think I have narrowed it down to being a problem with the % and the #.
So queries like these work fine:
SELECT name FROM table WHERE name LIKE 'test'
SELECT name FROM table WHERE name LIKE 'test%'
SELECT name FROM table WHERE name LIKE '%%test'
But these will cause errors:
SELECT name FROM table WHERE name LIKE '%test'
SELECT name FROM table WHERE name LIKE '%test%'
This is fine since I am ok with doubling the % in my queries, but I've tried %%#% and %%#%% and they throw errors. Syntax error "#'"" or Syntax error "#%'"", respectively.
Also, the reason for the variables is that I included some logic so it can detect table names and run for different servers and databases.
Here is the bat file
set sql=%1
iff %#index[%sql%,sur_] GT -1 THEN
SET SERVER=server1
SET table=tablename
SET pass=password
SET SERVER=server2
SET table=tablename
SET pass=password
SQLCMD.EXE -U usr -P %pass% -S %server% -Q %sql% -d %table%
The reason for the weird syntax is due to the command being run through TCC/LE (see here)
I'm not quite sure what your reasoning is for doubling up the %s, but it looks like your intent is to find values in the email column that contain #. If so, you can try rewriting the clause as such:
WHERE CHARINDEX('#', email) > 0
If it's the # symbol that is tripping things up, use CHAR(64) instead.
WHERE CHARINDEX(CHAR(64), email) > 0
When run query with sqlcmd, i found that % symbol will be removed. Let's say your query is :
SELECT name FROM table WHERE name LIKE 'test%'
The sqlcmd will read your query as
SELECT name FROM table WHERE name LIKE 'test'
So sqlcmd will not filter your result. Please use %% for query
SELECT name FROM table WHERE name LIKE 'test%%'
and you will get result
SELECT name FROM table WHERE name LIKE 'test%'
I have tested this on SQLServer 2005 & 2008

How to delete last row in output file generated by nzsql

I am trying to delete last row in the file generated by nzsql.Please find the below query.
nzsql -A -c "SELECT * FROM AM_MAS_DIVISION_DIM" > abc.out
When I execute this query the output will be generated and stored in abc.out.This will include both header columns as well as some time information at the bottom.But I don't need the bottom metadata and want to keep only my header columns. How can I do this using only nzsql.Please help me.Thanks in advance.
use -r flag in the nzsql command to avoid getting that row [assuming the metadata referred in question is the row count summary line, ex: (3 rows)]
-r Suppresses the row count that is displayed at the end of the SQL output.
Why don't you just pipe the output to a unix command to remove it? I think something like this will work:
nzsql -A -c "SELECT * FROM AM_MAS_DIVISION_DIM" | sed '$d' > abc.out
Seems to be a recommended solution for getting rid of the last line (although ed, gawk, and other tools can handle it).

Looping SQL query in Bash script

i am new to bash scripting and i was wondering if anyone could help me with the following.
I am trying to retrieve the competition name from a Oracle database using competition_id using the following statement:
select name, competition_type from competitions where competition_id=' ';
However i want to use a seperate text file whcih has a list competition_ids i want to identify, i want my script to find the name and type of all my ids and output the results in a txt file. this is what i have so far:
echo Start Executing SQL commands
cat comps_ids.txt | while read ID
sqlplus "details"
<< EOF
select name, competition_type
from competitions
where competition_id=$var;
I tried to add a done at the end but i get "unexpected line ending" error message. Can anyone solve this?
Many thanks in advance :)
I'm not sure what your command line should look like, but it's more like
sqlplus "details" <<EOF
select name, competition_type from competitions where competition_id=$val;
If your list of IDs isn't too big, it may be better idea to make a ,-separated list and single query.
function get_comp () {
sqlplus -S user/pass#database << EOF
set pagesize 0
set feedback off
set head off
select name, competition_type
from competitions
where competition_id=$1;
for id in $* ; do
get_comp $id
Put it in a file (, and then call it like this
$ ./ < comp_ids.txt > text_file_out.txt
-S makes sqlplus quieter
The other setting make it return just your data, not row headers or anything else.
Of course the database credentials will be stored in your history, and available to other users using 'ps' or 'top'.
This is also horribly inefficient because it connects to the database for each row in your original file. If you have a lot of rows, you might try using python or ruby as their database stuff is pretty easy to use.

loop sql query in a bash script

I need to loop a oracle sqlplus query using bash.
my scenario is like this. I have a set of names in a text file and i need to find out details of that names using a sqlplus query.
textfile.txt content:
bash script
while read line
/opt/oracle/bin/sqlplus -s user#db/password #query.sql $line
done < /tmp/textfile.txt
sql query: query.sql
set verify off
set heading off
select customerid from customers where customername like '%&1%';
problem is when I run the script I get errors like
SP2-0734: unknown command beginning
"robert..." - rest of line ignored.
can someone tell me how to solve this?
The way I do this all the time is as follows:
cat textfile.txt |while read Name
sqlplus -s userid/password#db_name > output.log <<EOF
set verify off
set heading off
select customerid from customers where customername like '%${Name}%'
Bash will auto magically expand ${Name} for each line and place it into the sql command before sending it into sqlplus
Do you have set define on ? Is your wildcard & ? You could check glogin.sql to know.
And yes, establishing n connections to pass n queries is probably not a good solution. Maybe it's faster for you to develop and you will do that one time, but if not, you should maybe think of crafting a procedure.