Is it possible to use
in Hive?
I know it's possible to alias DB.TABLE as follows
But, is there any way in Hive to select a column fully qualified by its database and table name, as shown in the first query above? I've done this before in MySQL but I don't know if there's a way to make Hive work this way.
No, that is not possible in Hive, you will get an exception:
SemanticException [Error 10004]: Line 1:7 Invalid table alias or column reference 'DB': (possible column names are: col)
And your second select sentence is valid.
To specify a database, either qualify the table names with database names ("db_name.table_name" starting in Hive 0.7) or issue the USE statement before the query statement (starting in Hive 0.6).
See language manual here: LanguageManual+Select
I am trying to convert a SQL Code into Pyspark SQL.
While selecting the columns from a table , the Select Statement has something as below :
Select a.`(column1|column2|column3)?+.+`,trim(column c) from Table a;
I would like to understand what
expression resolves to and what it actually implies? How to address this while converting the sql into pyspark?
That is a way of selecting certain column names using regexps. That regex matches (and excludes) the columns column1, column2 or column3.
It is the Spark's equivalent of the Hive's Quoted Identifiers. See also Spark's documentation.
Be aware that, for enabling this behavior, it is first necessary to run the following command:
spark.sql("SET spark.sql.parser.quotedRegexColumnNames=true").show(false)
I have a table that has an SQL instruction as a column name. I have tried the standard SQL solutions with "limit" or [limit] but they don't work.
To use reserved SQL instruction words as column name, use them in backticks. Or write the table name in front:
select tbl.limit, `limit`
(select 1 as `limit`) tbl
I have multiple tables with very similar schema except one column, which can have different names.
I want to make some complicated calculations using Hive and would like to have one code for all tables with possible parametrisation. For some reasons, I can't parametrise queries using language like Python, Scala etc, so decided to go with pure Hive SQL.
I want to conditionally select appropriate column, but it seems, that Hive evaluates all parts of conditional expression/statement regardless of condition.
What did I wrong?
CREATE TABLE `so_sample` (
`app_version` string
if (true, app_version, software_version) AS firmware
FROM so_sample
Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10004]: Line 2:25 Invalid table alias or column reference 'software_version': (possible column names are: app_version) (state=42000,code=10004)
Try to use regex to select the column with different names, for more information see manual and don't forget
I am trying to select a single column in my data table using raw SQL in a postgresql database from the psql command line. I am getting an error message that says the column does not exist. Then it gives me a hint to use the exact column that I referenced in the select statement. Here is the query:
SELECT insider_app_ownershipdocument.transactionDate FROM insider_app_ownershipdocument;
Here is the error message:
ERROR: column insider_app_ownershipdocument.transactiondate does not exist
SELECT insider_app_ownershipdocument.transactionDate FROM in...
HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "insider_app_ownershipdocument.transactionDate".
I have no idea why this is not working.
(Postgres) SQL converts names automatically to lower case although it support case-sensitive names. So
SELECT insider_app_ownershipdocument.transactionDate FROM insider_app_ownershipdocument;
will be aquivalent to:
SELECT insider_app_ownershipdocument.transactiondate FROM insider_app_ownershipdocument;
You should protect the column name with double quotes to avoid this effect:
SELECT insider_app_ownershipdocument."transactionDate" FROM insider_app_ownershipdocument;
I am a newbie in Oracle SQL, though I have experience in SQL Server.
In SQL Server, to select the rows from a table with a particular column in front:
select columnName,* from tableName
In Oracle:
select columnName,* from tableName
gives error ORA-00936: missing expression, as below:
Please guide.
I can't view images, but here's what I think you need:
select t.column_name, t.*
from table_name t
i.e. you should prefix that particular column name with a table alias ("t"), and then use the same alias with the asterisk ("t.*") to retrieve all table columns.
In Oracle, if you need to view a column but also all columns, you need to define an alias for the table.
Select columnName, A.*
from tableName A;
few things we need to keep it in mind
Alias name in sql - used to derive the individual column name via select query
When you are going to use *[select all] you don't have to worry about the alias name
But when you try to pull all the columns and some specific fields you want to filter then you should go for "Alias"
Alias its object key to refer the inter column
select stu.studentName,stu.* from student stu;