HIve/Impala Converting String into Lower case before using in hql - hive

I need to convert the name of the table into lower before passing it for the query.
Irrespective of which case in pass the value for parameter $1 i need it to be converted into lower case before executing the below query.
show tables like '$1';
I have tried something like
show tables like 'lower($1)';
But this doesn't work.
please help.
Your response would be highly appreciated

Impala identifiers are always case-insensitive. That is, tables named
t1 and T1 always refer to the same table, regardless of quote
characters. Internally, Impala always folds all specified table and
column names to lowercase. This is why the column headers in query
output are always displayed in lowercase.
Impala Documentation
All the below queries will give same result as internally impala converts to lowercase.
show tables like 'test*';
show tables like 'TeSt*';
show tables like 'TEST*';


PostgreSQL is it possible to parameterize the table name used in a query?

In PostgreSQL, is it possible to parameterize the table name used in a query?
Think of parameters as a replacement for scalar values only. Use one parameter in the place where you could use one string literal or numeric literal.
You cannot use parameters for other parts of an SQL query:
Identifiers like table names, column names, etc.
SQL keywords
Lists of values, such as in an IN (...) predicate. Each value in the list would need an individual parameter.
All those parts of the SQL query must be fixed by the time the query is parsed during prepare(). If a client library supports "parameters" for identifiers, it's really doing string-interpolation into the SQL query before the query is parsed.

Convert a comma separated string into differents rows in a single query in InfluxDB

I have a table in InfluxDB which, for optimization, contains a field that can either come only as it would be for example "FR204" or it can come in a string concatenated by commas as would be the case with "FR204, FR301".
The fact is that I would like to be able to do exactly what is reflected in this case:
Is it possible to do this in InfluxDB? Thanks.

Convert all selected columns to_char

I am using oracle SQL queries in an external Program (Pentaho Data Integration (PDI)).
I need to convert all columns to string values before I can proceed with using them.
What i am looking for is something that automatically applies the
select to_date(col1), to_date(col2),..., to_date(colN) from example_table;
to all columns, so that you might at best wrap this statement:
select * from example_table;
and all columns are automatically converted.
For explanation: I need this because PDI doesn't seem to work fine when getting uncasted DATE columns. Since I have dynamic queries, I do not know if a DATE column exists and simply want to convert all columns to strings.
Since the queries vary and since I have a long list of them as an input, I am looking for a more generic method than just manually writing to_char() infront of every column.
If you are looking for a solution in PDI, you need to create a job (.kjb) where in you take 2 transformations. First .ktr will rebuild the query and the Second .ktr will execute the new query.
1. First Transformation: Rebuild the query
Read the columns in the Source Table Step (use Table Input step in your case). Write the query select * from example_table; and limit the rows to either 0 or 1. The idea here is not to fetch all the rows but to recreate the query.
Use Meta Structure Step to get the meta-structure of the table. It will fetch you the list of columns coming in from the prev. step.
In the Modified JavaScript step, use a small snip of code to check if the data type of column is Date and then concat to_Char(column) to the rows.
Finally Group and Set the variables into a variable.
This is the point where the fields are recreated for you automatically. Now the next step is to execute this field with the new query.
2. Second Transformation: Using this set variable in the next step to get the result. ${NWFIELDNAME} is the variable you have set with the modified column in the above transformation.
Hope this helps :)
I have placed the code for the first ktr in gist here.
select TO_CHAR(*) from example_table;
You should not use * in your production code, it is a bad coding practice. You should explicitly mention the column names which you want to fetch.
Also, TO_CHAR(*) makes no sense. How would you convert date to string? You must use proper format model.
In conclusion, it would take a minute or two at max to list down the column names using a good text editor.
I can so not immagine an application that does not know about the actual data types but if you really want to automa(gi)cally convert all columns to strings, I see two possibilities in Oracle:
If your application language allows you to specify the binding type, you simply bind all your output variables to a string variable. The Oracle driver than takes care to convert all types to strings and this is for example possible with jdbc (Java).
If (as it seems) your application language does not allow the first solution, the best way I could think of, is to define a view for each select you want to use with the appropriate TO_CHAR convertions already and then select from the view. Those views could eventually also be generated automatically from the table repository (user_table) with some PL/SQL.
Please also note, that TO_CHAR will convert your columns acccording to the NLS settings of your session and this might lead to unwanted results, so you might also want to always specify how to convert:
using these 2 tables, you could write a procedure with looks at the columns on each table and then performs the appropriate TO_CHAR depending on the current datatype
select * from user_tab_columns
select * from user_tables
psuedo code
loop on table -- user_tables
loop on column -- user_tab_columns
if current data_type = DATE then
lnewColumn = TO_CHAR(oldColumn...(
elsif current data_type = NUMBER then

pentaho database join error to match input data

I have an input.csv file in which I have field "id" .
I need to do a database lookup with below logic.
I need to search whether the "id" is present in the field "supp_text"and extract the field "loc_id".
id = 12345.
and, in my supp_text, I have the value "the value present is 12345".
I am using "Database join" function to do this.
*select loc_id from SGTABLE where supp_text like '%?%';*
and, i am passing "id" as a parameter.
I get the below error when I run.
"Couldn't get field info from [select LOC_ID from SGTABLE WHERE SUPP_TEXT like '%?%']"
offending row : [ID String(5)]
all inputs are string, and table fields are "VARCHAR".
I tried with "database lookup option too. But it does not have an option to match substring within a string.
Please help.
The JDBC driver is not replacing the parameter within the string. You must make the wildcard string first and pass the whole thing as a parameter. Here is a quick transform I threw together that does just that:
Note that in the Database Join step the SQL does not have '' quotes around it. Note also that unless used properly, the Database Join step can be a performance killer. This however, looks to be a reasonable use of it if there are going to be a lot of different wildcard values to use (unlike in my transform).

VB.NET BindingSource filter for Datagridview

In MSSQL I can filter a query on a phone number like this:
where replace(phone,'-','') Like '%480555%'
I am trying to figure out how to do this on a Datasource. A normal query looks like this:
Dim stringFilter As String = String.Empty
String.Format("phone Like '%480555%'")
ViewCustomersBindingSource.Filter = stringFilter
However, this will not find any results because the datasource has the values with hyphens in it. REPLACE is not a valid argument for filtering.
My initial thought was to update the MSSQL View to strip the hyphens. However, for display, I would want to display the hyphens. I can not assume they will all look the same as some phone numbers might be a different country than the US.
Is there another way to filter on a telephone number and ignore the hyphens?
I dont think you can directly set a filter that ignores the hyphens (as in your first query) on your binding source. There is no String operations possible in the filter expression column. From this the only string operation allowed is +.
But you can keep and display the original column which contains the hyphens, and add another column (without the hyphens) that you do not display, but that you use just for filtering.
With MSSQL, you can for example add a computed column that uses the REPLACE function.
Here is somes links that could help you to create a computed column:
How to replace double quotes in derived column transformation?.
How to create a calculated column in a SQL Server 2008 table
Hope this helps.