Debugging CommonServiceLocator.ActivationExeption in MVVMLight -

I'm trying to use Ioc in MVVMLight.
SimpleIoc works fine with my ViewModel, but not the NavigationService.
I've drawn a blank googling the error, but suspect the problem might be in my conversion of various C# snippets to ?

Not exactly solving your problem, but: You are using service locator technique, which is considered anti-pattern and it is against MVVM principles. Correct way is to get INavigationService instance in view model's constructor parameter. Maybe you will get somewhere by doing it like I am saying.


Best way of handling Jackson bi-directional references

I'm trying to build rest APIs for our core components using Jackson, and I had issues with some of the objects getting this exception: com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException: Infinite recursion (StackOverflowError)
After searching I came out to know about several ways how to solve it.
and I used the #JsonIdentityInfo which is working fine for me, but the question is WHAT IS THE BETTER WAY TO DO IT?
In this post:
Infinite Recursion with Jackson JSON and Hibernate JPA issue
There is a claim that need to use the #JsonIdentityInfo in caution cause it can cause problems:
In this case you've got to be careful, since you could need to read your object's attributes more than once (for example in a products list with more products that share the same seller), and this annotation prevents you to do so. I suggest to always take a look at firebug logs to check the Json response and see what's going on in your code.
I reached this article as well:
I understood that #JsonIdentityInfo is newer approach in Jackson 2.
Advantage that it requires minimum code change (just to put this annotation in the problematic Object Model and no need to handle it from the other side.
A drawback is explained
It requires to change more classes rather than just annotating the base one, and I'm not sure how it will will work if I have more than one class inheriting from that object model.

Implementing .Net DI Compile Time Proxies?

I'm not so much seeking a specific implementation but trying to figure out the proper terms for what I'm trying to do so I can properly research the topic.
I have a bunch of interfaces and those interfaces are implemented by controllers, repositories, services and whatnot. Somewhere in the start up process of the application we're using the Castle.MicroKernel.Registration.Component class to register the classes to use for a particular interface. For instance:
Recently I became interested in creating an audit trail of every class and method call. There's a few hundred of these classes so writing a proxy class for each one by hand isn't very practical. I could use a template to generate the code but I'd rather not blow up our code base with all that.
So I'm curious if there's some kind of on the fly solution. I know nHibernate creates proxy classes at some point which overlay all the entity classes. Can someone give me some guidance on how I might be able to do something similar here?
Something like:
Obviously that won't work because I can only use generics to generalize the types of methods but not the methods themselves. Is there some tricky reflection approach I can use to do this?
You are looking for what Castle Windsor calls interceptors. It's an aspect-oriented way to tackle cross-cutting concerns -- auditing is certainly one of them. See documentation, or an article about the approach:
Aspect oriented programming is an approach that effectively “injects” pieces of code before or after an existing operation. This works by defining an Inteceptor wrapping the logic being invoked then registering it to run whenever a particular set/sub-set of methods are called.
If you want to apply it to many registered services, read more about interceptor selection mechanisms: IModelInterceptorsSelector helps there.
Using PostSharp, things like this can be even done at compile time. This can speed the resulting application, but when used correctly, interceptors are not slow.

Data binding without a ViewModel

I am doing something I have never tried before. I am trying to create dynamic UI and bind it to a dynamic model. In other words, my web service is going to send back a small metadata description of my UI and the raw data to bind to it. Therefore, at build time, I don't know what UI I will be constructing and I don't know what my model will be. Binding them together seems VERY difficult if not impossible.
Mvx allows me to bind UI directly to a model WITHOUT it being an MvxViewModel. However, if I bind directly to the Model returned by the web service, I lose the ability to RaisePropertyChanged() since that only comes from MvxViewModel.
Normally, I would write a ViewModel that wraps the Model and have all the wrapped setters call RaisePropertyChanged(). However, in this case, my model is dynamic so I can't wrap it with a ViewModel at compile time since I don't know what it is until runtime.
Is there some cool trick I can use to construct a ViewModel that can wrap any C# model class and send out property changed events without knowing what properties the model class has until runtime?
I just discovered the DLR and the DynamicObject which seems to be perfect, but due to Apple restrictions, it will not work on Xamarin.iOS.
Without teasing DynamicObject into life on iOS, the main approaches that think of are:
You could change your webservice generation code so that it produces INotifyPropertyChanged - I've used libraries that do this - e.g. - and if you can't change the webservice code generation itself, you might still be able to wrap or pervert the generated code using some kind of t4 or other templating trick.
You could investigate some kind of code that maps the web service objects to some kind of observable collection (Kiliman has suggested this in comments)
You could look at some kind of valueconverter (or maybe valuecombiner) which does the binding - I can fairly easily imagine a valueconverter which takes a wrapped model object and a string parameter (the property name) and which uses those two together (with some reflection) to work out what to do. I'm not as sure how this one would work with nested model objects... but even that could be possible...
You could look at some kind of custom binding extension for MvvmCross. This isn't as scary as it sounds, but does require some reflection trickery - to understand what might be involved take a look at the FieldBinding plugin -
During the actual data-binding process, the plugin will be called via IMvxSourceBindingFactoryExtension - that would be your opportunity to hook into some other custom change event (rather than INotifyPropertyChanged). It might take a little experimentation to get this right... especially if you have nested objects (which then require "chaining" within the binding)... but I think it should be possible to produce something this way.
I am not sure if what I finalized on supports all possible functionality, but so far, it seems to satisfy everything that I need.
I really liked the idea of writing my own IMvxSourceBindingFactoryExtension. However, in investigating how to do that, I started playing with the functionality that already exists within MvvmCross. I already knew that MvvmCross would honor an ObservableCollection. What I didn't know was that I could use [] in my binding expressions AND that not only would integer indexers work, but also string indexers on a Dictionary. I discovered that MvvmCross sample code already has an implementation of ObservableDictionary within its GIT repo. It turns out, that is all that I needed to solve my problem.
So my model contains static properties AND an ObservableDictionary<string,object> of dynamic properties where the key is the name of the dynamic property and the value is the value of the property.
My ViewModel wraps this model class to send out PropertyChanged notifications on the static properties. Since the Dictionary of dynamic properties is observable, MvvmCross already handles changes to members of that dictionary, including 2-way.
The final issue is how to bind to it in my binding expression. That is where the [] comes in. If my ObservableDictionary property name is called UserValues and it contains a value at key user1, then I can 2-way bind to it by using: UserValues[user1] and everything seems to work perfectly.
One issue I see is that I am now requiring my dynamic data source to return an ObservableDictionary to me instead of just a Dictionary. Is that asking too much?

ViewModels or ViewBag?

I'm fairly new to MVC4, EF5 and ASP.Net, and I don't seem to be able to find a good answer anywhere.
Basically, Should everything be done through the viewmodel or is it Ok to also incorporate viewbag?
Say I have a method which populates a drop down list, and I am using a viewmodel to represent the output for the view.
Am I ok to use Viewbag.DropDown = PopulateDropdown(); or would it be better to incorporate
this into the ViewModel, by creating a property to hold the List<SelectListItem> created by PopulateDropdown(); ?
I know how handy ViewBag is, but I'm yet to see any solid reason as to not use it? If anyone could also offer me some more insight, that would be fantastic.
Basically, Should everything be done through the viewmodel or is it Ok
to also incorporate viewbag?
Everything should be done inside a view model. That's what a view model is. A class that you specifically define to meet the requirements of your view. Don't mix ViewBags with ViewModels. It is no longer clear for the view where is the information coming from. Either use only a view model (approach that I recommend) or only use ViewBags. But don't mix the 2.
So in your particular example you would have a property on your view model which is of type IENumerable<SelectListItem> and inside your view you will use the strongly typed version of the Html.DropDownListFor helper to bind to the model:
#Html.DropDownListFor(x => x.ProductId, Model.Products)
Obviously those are only my 2 cents. Other people will say that mixing ViewModels and ViewBags is fine and I respect their opinion.
Prefer ViewModels over the ViewBag wherever you can. Create Strongly typed views. It makes your code cleaner, less fragile, less error-prone, and easy to maintain.
ViewBags are just dictionaries of dynamically typed objects so you lose:
Compile time checking
The ability to refactor with confidence (you lose the support of the tools)
IDE support - such as the ability to navigate to all usages
For bonus points making extensive use of the ViewBag also misses the point of using the MVC pattern
I get the impression ViewBags were created to solve an edge-case problem in and people use them instead of creating view models as was originally intended in the design of the platform, to the detriment of their work.
with thanks to Why not to use ViewBag heavily?

Ninject using "In SCOPE"

I want to implement IoC in my application, I've few queries regarding that
While binding Interfaces to Classes, i want to specify the scope of the object
While resolving the class object, i want it to resolve all the dependencies automatically
While passing the vaue type arguments to my binding, how could i use factory methods to pass the value as i don;t want to use constructor arguments for the same
I am using IoC in my WCF application, if i am doing something wrong please suggest some better approch to get best results
First of all, be sure to look at Ninject.Extensions.Wcf including the examples and the fact that you put a custom factory in the .svc file.
Then just issue Bind<>().To<>().InXyzScope().WithConstructrorArgument(...)calls in your Module Load.
You havent asked a structured question though so I doubt anyone else is going to be able to make a better stab at an answer than this, which probably isnt going to make you happy...