Dropping or emptying tables on SSDT publish - sql

I may just be stupid and missing something simple, but how do I make it so when I publish my SSDT project, it either empties or drops the tables in my DB without actually setting the 'CreateNewDatabase' setting to true in my publishing profile.
I have some post deploy inserts that run every time i publish which results in duplicate rows every time.

Just to clarify, every time you deploy you want to clear out the contents of all tables as you have a load of insert statements in the post-deploy scripts to create the data you want and so you want the tables to be empty?
If that is right then that isn’t the way ssdt is normally used, typically the important bit in a database is the data so you wouldn’t want to clear every table on publish so there isn’t anything built in, other than create new database.
That being said if you don’t need any data then you are in a great position, most problems we have is trying to make sure we don’t delete any data by accident :)
There are a couple of approaches, you could change your insert statements to merge statements, there is a proc called sp_generate_merge that you can get from github which generates a merge statement that you can use, this will make your tables look like the data in your post-deploy scripts and is my preferred.
If tables have more than around 2,000 rows then merge statements might not be right so I would just do a delete of truncate table before inserting my data.
Hope I got the question right :)


Refreshing Oracle database tables after initial copy is made

I have a production and development database (on different systems of course). Many months ago, I copied the production database to the development system. I used exp/imp at the time. Since then there has been quite a few changes in the production database I would like to copy down to the development database. I'd rather not wipe out the development database and start over because of data I've had to add to the development database.
My original thought was to use MERGE INTO to copy the new records. But this apparently requires me to do this for tables, and list all fields of all tables. We're talking hundreds of tables and thousands of fields here. Not a pretty solution.
Is there an easier way?
Why not use the TABLE_EXISTS parameter of impdp to append the new data to the existing tables? Duplicate keys will error off but the rest of the data should still import. The results will be a bit messy. Prior to running TRUNCATE any tables in test where you can just bring the entire production table. Disable FK. Re-enable after import.
- -
Another option create a database link and generate INSERT/SELECT into all tables where data not in existing test table. You probably also want to disable FK prior to running and re-enable when done.

Include but not Delete SQL Schema Compare

I am attempting to use SQL Schema Compare in Visual Studio 2013/15 and am running into the problem that discluding tables from delete removes them from being processed at all.
The issue is that the tables it is trying to delete are customer made tables, so when we sync our version against their databases it asks to delete them. We do not want to delete them, but some of their tables have constraints on ours so when it attempts to CCDR it fails due to table constraints. Is there a way to add the table to be (re-created? like the rest of them?), without writing scripts for each client to do what SQL Schema Compare already does just for those few tables?
Red-Gate's SQL Compare does this somehow, but it's hidden from us so not quite sure how it's achieved. Discluding doesn't delete, but does not error on the script either.
The option "Drop constraints not in source" does not appear to work correctly. It does drop some, however there are others that it just does not drop the constraints. In red-gate's tool, when we compared I found how to get the SQL from it, and their product doesn't say the table needs to be updated at all, while Visual Studio's does. They seem to work almost identical, but the tables that fail are the ones that shouldn't be update at all (read below)
Update 2:
Another problem I've found is "Ignore column collation" also doesn't work correctly, as tables that shouldn't be getting dropped are being told they need to be updated even though it's only order of column changes, not actual column or data changes, which makes this feel like more of a bug report than anything.
My suggestion with these types of advance data calculations is to not use Visual Studio. Put the logic on the Sql engine and write the code for this in Sql. Due to the multi user locking issues of a Sql engine these types of processes are prone to fail when the wrong combinations of user actions happen at the same time. The Visual Studio tool can not interface with the data locking issues due to records changing that the Sql engine can. If you even get this to work it will only be safe to run if you are in single user mode.
It is a nice to use tool, easier than writing Sql but there are huge reliability and consistency risks for going down this path.
I don't know if this will help but I've found this paragraph
on the following page:
The update will fail because our change involves changing a column
from NOT NULL to NULL and as a result causes data loss. If you want to
proceed with the update, click on the Options button (the fifth one
from the left) on the toolbar for the Schema Compare and uncheck the
block incremental deployment if data loss option.

Mark a Table as obsolete in Sql Server

Recently we have decided to Tune the database of our Online Application. The database is big and having lot of unwanted objects. So as a first step in Cleaning up the Database, we decided to remove the Obsolete/Unwanted tables. We have got the list of unwanted tables in DB. Now we have to test the application run as previous only with the required tables. For that we need to make sure that the application not referring any of the obsolete/Unwanted tables. Is there any way to mark the tables as obsolete, so that application wont refer them?
One way of achiving your perpose ,i can think of , is renaming tables(add _Old to the name of table) which you want to remove. Once you run your application you can see where all its breaking. You will get a chance to decide whether to use the table or not. Once you revert the name of the table (remove _Old) it will work as earlier.
You can revoke permissions on them so the queries fail. If you have stored procedures you can look at the dependencies.
By revoking permissions to a certain table, everytime the application tries to access the obsolete table, an exception will be thrown. And there should be a record of this in the database and application logs.

How do I reconstruct a database schema from hundreds of separate scripts?

I requested that a client send me a copy of their current MS SQL database. Instead of being given a database backup, or small set of scripts I could use to recreate the database, I was provided with hundreds upon hundreds of individual SQL scripts, and no instructions on the order in which they'd need to be run.
The scripts cannot simply be executed in one batch operation, as there are foreign key dependencies between tables. It appears as though they've limited these scripts to creating a single table or stored procedure per script.
Normally, I'd simply ask a client to provide the information in a more usable format, but they're not known for getting back to us in a timely manner, and our project timeline is already in jeopardy due to delays on their end.
Are there any tools I can use to recreate the database from this enormous set of scripts?
This may sound a bit arcane, but you can do the following, iteratively:
Put all the scripts into a list of "scripts to be run"
Run all the scripts in the "to be run" scripts
Remove the successful runs
Repeate 2-3 until no scripts are left
The scripts with no dependencies will finish in the first round. The ones that depend on them in the next round, and then so on and so on.
I would suggest that you operate all this from a metascript, that uses a database table to store the names of the available scripts.
Good luck.
If you set your folder of scripts as a data source in Red Gate SQL Compare, and specify a blank database as the target, it should allow you to compare and deploy to the target database. This is because the tool is able to read all SQL creation scripts recursively from the folder you specify. This is available as a fully functional 14-day trial, so you can easily test it in your scenario.
The quickest (and by far the dirtiest) way of (maybe) doing this is to concatenate all of the scripts together, ensuring that you have a GO statement in between each one. Make sure there are no DROP statements in your scripts, or this technique won't work.
Run the concatenated script repeatedly for... I don't know, 10 or so iterations. Chances are you will have their database recreated properly in your test system.
If you're feeling more rigorous, go with Gordon's suggestion. I'm not really aware of a tool which will be able to reconstruct the dependencies, but you may want to take a look at Red-Gate's SQL Compare, which you can get a demo of for free, and can do some pretty magical things.
You can remove all the foreign keys constraints. Then, organize the scripts so that it first creates all the tables, then add back all the foreign keys. Finally create indexes.
Building on Gordon.
Split them up into one table each.
Count the number of FK and sort starting with least first.
Then remove the scripts that run as Gordon suggests.
Another potential problem is that is creates the table and fails on the FK and leaves the table.
You come back later to create the take and the table is already there so it fails.
If you parse them out with Table FKs
Start with Tables with no FK in a list
Then loop thru Tables with FK
Only add to the List if all the FK are already in the List.
If you know .NET then a class with string property table, sting property script, and a property List String of FK property names.
They should parse out pretty clean regex.

Bulk Translation Of Table Contents

I'm currently performing a migration operation from a legacy database. I need to perform migration of millions of originating rows, breaking the original content apart into multiple destination parent / child rows.
As it's not a simple 1 to 1 migration and the the resulting rows are parent / children row based on identity generated keys, what's the best mechanism for performing the migration?
I'm assuming that I can't use bulk insert as the identity values for the child rows cannot be determined at the point of generating the script content? The only solution I can currently think of is to set the identity explicitly and then have a predetermined starting point for the import.
If anyone else has any input I'd appreciate the feedback.
This is my standard approach:
create your new data model
pull the data into the new DB unchanged
write (and run) a SQL script to perform the migration
(optional) drop the tables with the legacy data
You can get a long way towards migrating the data with plain SQL. For the case you described, you might not need to deal with a single Cursor to get it across.
Running the process in Query Analyzer (or an analog in your dbms), you'll have the advantage that you can wrap everything in a Transaction so that you can roll back if anything goes wacky along the way. Write it in little bits and test it in chunks, on your dev database. Once everything is working correctly, set the script loose on your production database.
Thanks for the suggestion but I'd prefer to produce a programmatic solution. I'm currently using Nant / CruiseControl to automate the tests and need something I can recreate on the fly based on the current live legacy content.