I'm trying to make a clickable "star" icon using font-awesome with bulma, switching between regular and solid styles (fas and far) in Vue, to achieve this I have the following component:
<span v-if="isStarred" class="icon starred config-icon clickable-text" #click="unstar">
<i class="far fa-star" title="Unstar Ranking"/>
<span v-else class="icon unstarred config-icon clickable-text" #click="star">
<i class="fas fa-star" title="Star Ranking"/>
The value isStarred is being updated properly and the span elements are updating accordingly. However the i element with the icon doesn't update until I fully reload the page.
I was able to make this work with v-show instead of v-if but I don't understand why this wouldn't work.
Vue tries to render elements as efficiently as possible, often re-using them instead of rendering from scratch. This isn’t always desirable though, so Vue offers a way for you to say, “These two elements are completely separate - don’t re-use them.” Add a key attribute with unique values:
<i class="far fa-star" title="Unstar Ranking" key="unstared"/>
<i class="fas fa-star" title="Star Ranking" key="stared"/>
Now those i elements will be rendered from scratch each time you toggle.
You can also update your classes with class binding:
<span v-if="isStarred" v-bind:class="{starred: isStarred, unstarred: !isStarred}" class="icon config-icon clickable-text" #click="toggleStar">
<i v-bind:class="{far: isStarred, fas: !isStarred}" class="fa-star" v-bind:title="title"/>
I switched the [fontawesome/js/all.js] to [fontawesome/css/all.css], and it solved the problem. I guess the fontawesome js is rendered after the vue.
I'm trying to autoclick this button with greasemonkey. I tried to find a reference to this button with document.getElementsBy[ClassName/Name/TagName] with ClassName i find buttons but not the one i need. Any ideas how i can automate his click-event?
<button type="button" class="ml-2 mt-2 v-btn v-btn--depressed theme--light v-size--default amber darken-1 white--text ">
<span class="v-btn__content">
<i aria-hidden="true" class="v-icon notranslate v-icon--right material-icons theme--light">
Screenshot from Firefox Inspector with Click Function
Thanks in Advance!
Just use xpath for element searching:
document.evaluate(XPATH, document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;
You can use class parameter instead id or name:
xpath: //button[#class='ml-2 mt-2 v-btn v-btn--depressed theme....']
If you do not need to use all value, you can use contains keyword:
//button[contains(#class, 'ml-2 m2-2')]
button[class*='ml-2 m2-2']
Of course, this value must be unique.
You can search child element and return back to the parent:
You can use text for searching (bad practics if location possible to change)
I have been using the bootstrap datetimepicker quite frequently in my project, but for some reason inside a bootstrap panel, the formatting does not work, and displays as a calendar. I have been trying to fix this for almost a day now, and am still really confused
My code is as follows....
<div data-input="{{ key }}" class="panel-heading"><h3 class="panel-title">{{key}}<a style="padding-left: 6px;">
<span class="panel-time-picker"><input hidden type="text" value="" name="{{ key }}"><i class="icon-clock"></i></span></a></h3>
<div class="actions pull-right">
<a><i class="fa fa-trash delete-panel-btn"></i></a>
<a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" class="fa fa-chevron-down"></a>
format: 'LT'
I have the same exact JavaScript code elsewhere in my project, which turns the datepicker into a timepicker. I am wondering if this has something to do with being inside of a bootstrap accordion/panel?
This should display a time/clock, but still shows a month/day calendar? Any help here would be greatly appreciated!
I am having this issue and I can not find my way around it without duplicating lots of code.
I have an array of entries coming from an axios request. Everything will go in an ul.
If I am doing it like this, everything is ok:
<li v-for="entry in entries" :key="entry.id" >
<a :href="entry.links.show">
<x-button-icon color="gray-400">
<span class="ml-3">{{ __('View') }}</span>
<a :href="entry.links.edit">
<x-button-icon color="gray-400">
<span class="ml-3">{{ __('Edit') }}</span>
However, in case I want to try to extract some of that stuff in different components, the details I am sending from Vue no longer get passed to the component.
<li v-for="entry in entries" :key="entry.id" >
<x-grid-list-item-button label="{{ __('View') }}" :href="entry.links.show">
<x-slot name="icon">
<x-grid-list-item-button label="{{ __('Edit') }}" :href="entry.links.edit">
<x-slot name="icon">
And here is the grid-list-item-button.blade.php
<a href="{{ $href }}">
<x-button-icon color="gray-400">
{{ $icon }}
<span class="ml-3">{{ $label }}</span>
I already tried:
moving the href="entry.links.show" in a named slot;
passing the data with v-bind: v-bind:href="entry.links.show";
Can someone please tell what am I doing wrong or at least point me in the right direction with this?
If I got you right: You are trying to pass data from Vue.Js to Laravel-Components. Unfortunately this is not possible. Blade gets processed on the server-side where Vue.Js is not yet available. So the variable entry.links.show do not yet exist in Laravel (only available on client-side) and therefore cannot be passed to the Laravel-Component. After the HTML got rendered by Blade and passed to the Browser, Vue.Js can pick it up and replicate your template for the v-for and generate your list. At this point your 'link'-variables get available.
You could extract your code to a Vue.Js-Component rather than a Laravel-Component. This would be interpreted on client-side.
An other solution would be to generate this list through Blade so you could use Laravel-Components.
I am using bootstrap-vue. For pagination, I used b-pagination component with the following code:
It works fine.
However, I also want to add the total row count before the pagination. The following picture is what I want to achieve.
I checked the bootstrap-vue document, there is no slot for customization. Any suggestion how to customize the b-pagination component?
Finally it seems to be a simple CSS question. The following code will combine the pagination part and the total page count part.
<div style="display: flex;margin:0;padding:0;width:400px;">
<div style="margin:0;padding:0;width:300px;">
<div style="margin:auto;text-align: left;">
<ul class="pagination">
<li class="page-item active"><a class="page-link">Total {{rows}}</a></li>
And it will generate the following pagination effect:
Link below can resolve the issue.
I currently have a website/app that displays "FeatureCard" (components) onto a "Grid" component.
The feature cards have all the basic props to pass to the parent (Grid) component, so that data can be grabbed and a v-for used to create as many "featureCards" as possible.
That is all fine and working.
The issue comes when I want a title of a Feature card to link to its on slug-route.
Here is a snippet of my "FeatureCard" component -
<div class="card-content">
<div class="row-1">
<!-- <h4 class="bold">{{ resourceTitle }}</h4> -->
<router-link :to="{ name: 'FigmaFind', params: {resource_slug: this.slug} }"><h4 class="bold">{{ resourceTitle }}</h4></router-link>
<button class="price"><h6 class="bold">{{ resourcePrice }}</h6></button>
<div class="row-2">
<a :href=creatorProfile target="_blank" >
<img :src="creatorImage">
<a :href=creatorProfile target="_blank" >
<p>By <strong>{{ creatorsName }}</strong></p>
<div class="row-3">
<a :href="downloadLink" class="btn main" target="_blank" >
<p class="light semibold" for="info" >Download Resource</p>
<a :href="resourceOriginalLink" class="btn icon" target="_blank">
<p class="material-icons light md-18">info</p>
As you can see, in "row-1" I have tried including a router-link, but obviously it doesn't work as it has not yet recieved the data for "this.slug" but essentially, that is where I want a user to click this, and be redirected to "website.com/selected-item-1"
My issue is, I do not pull the "slug" data in, until it is rendered onto the Grid component. So, until then I am not sure how to reference it for later use, I referenced the titles as "resource title" or links as ":href="resourceOriginalLink"" but no idea how to do it for a router item. I could just use ":href="resourceOriginalLink"" but I don't know how I would pass the route-info through...
any ideas?
So, I figured it out. It may be the wrong way to do it, or there may be an easier way. But here is what I have done.
I passed the data "slug" as a prop to my child component (featureCard).
I then set slug: this.resourceSlug in my data.
Then within my title section I simply set <router-link :to="{ name: 'FigmaFind', params: { resource_slug: this.slug }}"><h4 class="bold">{{ resourceTitle }}</h4></router-link>
And, it seems to be working!!
Obviously, if there is a better way please, someone let me know.
So, I figured it out. It may be the wrong way to do it, or there may be an easier way. But here is what I have done.
I passed the data "slug" as a prop to my child component (featureCard). I then set slug: this.resourceSlug in my data. Then within my title section I simply set {{ resourceTitle }}
And, it seems to be working!!
Obviously, if there is a better way please, someone let me know.