Is it possible to build cmake projects directly using MSBuildTools - cmake

Currently we are planning to use VS2017 with a cmake project. Inside Visual Studio this works quite like a charm.
Now want to run our builds as part of CI on a dedicated build master running MSBuildTools.
Is it possible to directly run the build using the msbuild command, without creating solution files with cmake? Optimally, I would even use the CMakeSettings.json used from VS2017.

Use the build-tool-mode of CMake for this. It uses the underlying default build tool which is MSBuild for Visual Studio Generators.
From the build directory call:
cmake --build . --target ALL_BUILD --config Release -- /nologo /verbosity:minimal /maxcpucount
and you get a fast, nearly quiet build. To install use INSTALL target, for running your tests if configured use RUN_TESTS target.

Is it possible to directly run the build using the msbuild command, without creating solution files with cmake?
Is it possible to directly run the build using the msbuild command, without creating solution files with cmake?
As far as I know, CMake produces Visual Studio Projects and Solutions seamlessly. So you can produce projects/solutions.
The only tricky part is to remember to make any changes in the cmake files, rather than from within Visual Studio.
In particular, each CMake project will create a Visual Studio solution (.sln file), while all of the CMake targets belonging to that CMake project will appear as Visual Studio projects within the corresponding solution.
CMake Visual Studio
project <-> Solution (.sln)
Target <-> Project (.vcxproj)
You can check cmake-and-visual-studio for more details.
Since MSbuild can build both solution files and project files, so you could also call msbuild INSTALL.vcxproj
Is it possible to even use the CMakeSettings.json used in VS2017?
The answer is yes, check the blog for details.
If your CMake project requires additional settings to configure the
CMake cache correctly, you can customize these settings by creating a
CMakeSettings.json file in the same folder with the root
CMakeLists.txt. In this file you can specify as many CMake
configurations as you need – you will be able to switch between them
at any time.
You can create the CMakeSettings.json file by selecting the Project >
Edit Settings > path-to-CMakeLists (configuration-name) menu entry.


How to use MsBuild.exe to build a fortran/c mixed project?

1. Background
I have a project which is managed by cmake, I then generate the solution files by Visual Studio 2019 geneartor. The folder strucutre looks like:
- main.sln
- fotran_proj.vfproj (output a static lib libfortran.lib)
- C_proj.vcxproj (dependent on libfortran.lib)
- ALL_BUILD.vcxproj
It contains both fortran and c projects, and c project is dependent on fortran project.
I want to build the whole solution from commandline by msbuild.exe.
2. Environment
I use VS2019 with Intel Fortran Compiler on win10.
3. Question
When I try to use msbuild.exe to build it:
MSBuild.exe /t:build ALL_BUILD
It simply build the vcxproj part and ignore the vfproj parts. Why? How can I achieve this?
To the best of my knowledge, you can't do this. Intel Fortran's build system isn't recognized by msbuild, though that integration might happen sometime in the future.
What you can do is use devenv from the command line to build your mixed-language solution. From an Intel Fortran command prompt window (or one where you have established the Intel environment), type devenv /? to see the usage and options. For example, I built a mixed-language solution as follows:
devenv C_calls_F.sln /build "Debug|Win32"

Missing libcrypto.lib in CMake build of Poco project

The Poco Libraries can be really powerful and useful... but also stubbornly hard to build :-( I am now several days into a process of trying to upgrade from:
Poco 1.9.0, win32 build, including NetSSL_OpenSSL and Data/MySQL, on Windows 7, using MS Visual Studio 2015 successfully built via buildwin.cmd script from Windows Explorer since April 2018
Poco 1.10.1, win32 and x64 builds, including NetSSL_OpenSSL and Data/MySQL (32-bit) or Data/PostgreSQL (64-bit), on Windows 10, using MS Visual Studio 2019, built via any means at all.
So far I cannot make the build process budge in any significant direction from my old build to my new target via any means... except possibly via CMake.
Since CMake appears to be the preferred way to build Poco, and nothing else (e.g. buildwin.cmd) works as expected, I am trying to rebuild the 32-bit DLLs so I can test with older proven components in my application. It looks promising. But the crypto build complains:
LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libcrypto.lib' [S:\3rdparty\Poco-build32\Crypto\Crypto.vcxproj]
That's strange: in the entire Crypto.vcxproj file, there is no mention of libcrypto.lib at all, only libcrypto32MD.lib and libcrypto32MDd.lib. Why is it even looking for libcrypto.lib? Even so, if it is supposed to be finding libcrypto.lib, why doesn't it succeed when it is freshly installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenSSL-Win32\lib and OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR is set to C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenSSL-Win32? What am I missing? I got to this point via:
cmake -HS:\3rdparty\Poco -B S:\3rdparty\Poco-build32 -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A win32
cmake --build s:\3rdparty\Poco-build32 --config RelWithDebInfo
UPDATE: in case I modified anything while trying to make it build in other ways (buildwin.cmd, Batch Build in Visual Studio), I set the entire Poco file structure aside, and unzipped a fresh copy. The OpenSSL install is also fresh and untouched. The x64 build produces the identical error...
There is a hidden readme file I'm quoting:
Through the Poco/Crypto/Crypto.h and Poco/Net/NetSSL.h header files,
Visual C++ will automatically link the libcrypto.lib and libssl.lib
libraries. If your OpenSSL libraries are named differently, compile
with the macro POCO_EXTERNAL_OPENSSL defined and edit the project
files accordingly.
You can try to re-compile with the POCO_EXTERNAL_OPENSSL macro set accordingly (see Foundation/include/Poco/Config.h). (source)
Or what I did. Edit the file Crypto/include/Poco/Crypto/Crypto.h, remove all if-else logic around pragmas and leave only libraries that use have:
#pragma comment(lib, "libcrypto64md.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "libssl64md.lib")
This is not a direct answer - it is an alternative build path that has been confirmed to produce viable DLLs. Try:
Start command line tool from Visual Studio
Invoke vcvars32.bat or vcvars64.bat to ensure environment is correct for Win32 or x64 build.
I found these scripts in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build
Ensure the Poco buildwin.cmd script is configured to specify location of OpenSSL include and lib sub-folders
you will likely have to modify the script between builds if building both 32- and 64-bit builds since openSSL-Win32 and openSSL-Win64 are separate installations
specify include and lib paths for other components the same way (e.g. MySQL and/or PostgreSQL, etc)
Edit the Poco "components" file to eliminate any components not required that will stop build
Invoke buildwin, e.g.:
buildwin 160 shared both Win32 samples notests
buildwin 160 shared both x64 samples notests

Google GMOCK build libgmock.a under windows

I try to build the gmock library from google under windows, avialable on github from here:
I tried to use cmake in the cygwin console, but I could not build it.
cmake C:\Users\Username\Downloads\googlemock-master\googlemock-master\googlemock
"CMake Error: The source directory "C:UsersSETDownloadsgooglemock-mastergooglemock-mastergooglemock" does not exist.
Specify --help for usage, or press the help button on the CMake GUI."
Then I installed visual studio 2017 and opened the gmock.sln file, but also this build failed.
"Error C1083: "gtest/internal/gtest-linked_ptr.h": No such file or directory gmock C:\Users\Username\Downloads\googlemock-master\googlemock-master\googlemock\include\gmock\internal\gmock-port.h"
Does anyone have an idea how I could build this library under windows 10?
Edit: Ok, for cmake the path needs to have /../ and not ..\, but i still don't get which path I need to include in cmake
Very simple:
Under the googlemock folder, create a new folder, named build (for example);
cd build && cmake ..
Basically, you're creating a new folder for the build (preferably inside the project tree, but not necessary), cd into it, and run cmake <dir>, where <dir> is the path to CMakeLists.txt, which contains the recipe for generating the build.
That's it. Now you'll have a generated gmock.sln, which you could build with Visual Studio.
For CMake to generate Visual Studio projects, you should have the Visual Studio binaries and Windows SDK reachable from your PATH.
Finally, you need to specify a generator, using CMake's -G parameter, for telling CMake which Visual Studio version you'd like projects to be generated for.
Example of putting this together:
set PATH="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin";"c:\Program Files\Windows Kits\8.1\bin\x86";%PATH%
cd build
cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015" ..
For additional instructions, you may refer to googletest github page:

specify a custom build tool in CMake

I have a simple CMakeLists.txt
add_executable(myexecutable test.cpp)
I don't intend to use CMake to actually indirectly be responsible for building the program. I intend to use it so I can use CLion and have a nice IDE experience for working on my c++ program.
If I hit build in CLion, or cmake --build on the commandline, I want it to invoke my real buildtool. How can I specify a buildtool to run instead of the normal build cmake/clion would do? I have only been able to find add_custom_command which can be run before/after the normal cmake/clion build.
You need some fake target to let CLion understand which files are there in the project. Then you can add add_custom_target with your own build commands. So if you avoid building fake target, but instead run custom targets via run configuration by name (after CMake reload CLion will automatically create run configurations for such targets), they will call build for you.

CMake: How to build projects in a cross-platform manner?

I'm trying to build a project in a cross-platform manner.
I'm using CMake to generate project files on the fly, but it's not clear how to then compile those project files in a cross-platform way. I found try_compile but it's not clear whether this will do what I want. Any ideas?
For example, say I am using Visual Studio 2010 against project foo. I am expecting CMake to generate foo.sln, and then build it (generate the binaries). I know how to automate the first part, but how do I automate the second?
From the CMake docs:
"CMake is a cross-platform build system generator."
So in other words, once CMake has generated the project files, it's work is really done.
You can invoke the native build tool via CMake using the --build flag, e.g.
cmake --build . --config Release --target install -- /M:4
See here for further info.