Using Google Cloud ecosystem vs building your own microservice architecture - google-bigquery

Building in the Google Cloud ecosystem is really powerful. I really like how you can ingest files to Cloud Storage then Data Flow enriches, transforms and aggregates the data, and then finally stored in BigQuery or Cloud SQL.
I have a couple of questions to help me have a better understanding.
If you are to build a big data product using the Google services.
When a front-end web application (might be built in React) submits a file to Cloud storage it may take some time before it completely processes. The client might want to view the status the file in the pipeline. They then might want to do something with the result on completion. How are front-end clients expected know when a file has completed processed and ready? Do they need to poll data from somewhere?
If you currently have a microservice architecture in which each service does a different kind of processing. For example one might parse a file, another might processes messages. The services communicate using Kafka or RabbitMQ and store data in Postgres or S3.
If you adopt the Google services ecosystem could you replace that microservice architecture with Cloud storage, dataflow, Cloud SQL/Store?

Did you look at Cloud Pub/Sub (topic subscription/publication service).
Cloud Pub/Sub brings the scalability, flexibility, and reliability of enterprise message-oriented middleware to the cloud. By providing many-to-many, asynchronous messaging that decouples senders and receivers, it allows for secure and highly available communication between independently written applications.
I believe Pub/Sub can mostly substitute Kafka or RabitMQ in your case.
How are front-end clients expected know when a file has completed processed and ready? Do they need to poll data from somewhere?
For example, if you are using dataflow API to process the file, Cloud dataflow can publish the progress and send the status to a topic. Your front end (app engine) just needs to subscribe to that topic and receive update.

Dataflow does not offer inspection to intermediary results. If a frontend wants more progress about an element being processed in a Dataflow pipeline, custom progress reporting will need to be built into the Pipline.
One idea, is to write progress updates to a sink table and output molecules to that at various parts of the pipeline. I.e. have a BigQuery sink where you write rows like ["element_idX", "PHASE-1 DONE"]. Then a frontend can query for those results. (I would avoid overwriting old rows personally, but many approaches can work).
You cand do this by consuming the PCollection in both the new sink, and your pipeline's next step.
Is your Microservice architecture using a "Pipes and filters" pipeline style approach? I.e. each service reads from a source (Kafka/RabbitMQ) and writes data out, then the next consumes it?
Probably the best way to do setup one a few different Dataflow pipelines, and output their results using a Pub/Sub or Kafka sink, and have the next pipeline consume that Pub/Sub sink. You may also wish to sink them to a another location like BigQuery/GCS, so that you can query out these results again if you need to.
There is also an option to use Cloud Functions instead of Dataflow, which have Pub/Sub and GCS triggers. A microservice system can be setup with several Cloud Functions.


Replaying Kafka events stored in S3

I might be thinking of this incorrectly, but we're looking to set up a connection between Kafka and S3. We are using Kafka as the backbone of our microservice event sourcing system and may occasionally need to replay events from the beginning of time in certain scenarios (i.e. building a new service, rebuilding a corrupted database view).
Instead of storing events indefinitely in AWS EBS storage ($0.10/GB/mo.), we'd like to shift them to S3 ($0.023/Gb/mo. or less) after seven days using the S3 Sink Connector and eventually continually move them down the chain of S3 storage levels.
However, I don't understand that if I need to replay a topic from the beginning to restore a service, how would Kafka get that data back on demand from S3? I know I can utilize a source connector, but it seems that is only for setting up a new topic. Not for pulling data back from an existing topic.
The Confluent S3 Source Connector doesn't dictate where the data is written back into. But you may want to refer the storage configuration properties regarding topics.dir and topic relationship.
Alternatively, write some code to read your S3 events and send them into a Kafka producer client.
Keep in mind, for your recovery payment calculations that reads from different tiers of S3 cost more and more.
You may also want to follow the developments of Kafka native tiered storage support (or similarly, look at Apache Pulsar as an alternative)

Is there a way to get Splunk Data to BigQuery?

I have some app data which is currently stored in Splunk. But i am looking for a way where I can input the Splunk data directly to BigQuery. My target is to analyze the app data on BigQuery and perhaps create Data Studio dashboards based on the BigQuery.
I know there are a lot of third party connectors that can help me with this, but I am looking for a solution where I can use features from Splunk or BigQuery to conncet both of them together and not rely on third party connectors.
Based on your comment indicating that you're interested in resources to egress data from Splunk into BigQuery with custom software, I would suggest using either tool's REST API on either side.
You don't indicate whether this is a one-time or a recurring asking - that may impact where you want the software to run that performs this operation. If it's a one-time thing and you've got a fair internet connection yourself, you may just want to write a console application from your own machine to perform the migration. If it's a recurring operation, you might instead look at any of the various "serverless" hosting options out there (e.g. Azure Functions, Google Cloud Functions, or AWS Lambda). In addition to development experience, note that you may have to pay an egress bandwidth cost for each on top of normal service charges.
Beyond that, you need to decide whether it makes more sense to do a bulk export from Splunk out to some external file that you load into Google Drive and then import into Big Query. But maybe it makes more sense to download the records as paged data via HTTPS so you can perform some ETL operation on top of it (e.g. replace nulls with empty strings, update Datetime types to match Google's exacting standards, etc.). If you go this route, it looks as though this is the documentation you'd use from Splunk and you can either use Google's newer, and higher-performance Storage Write API to receive the data or their legacy streaming API to ingest into BigQuery. Either option supports SDKs across varied languages (e.g. C#, Go, Ruby, Node.js, Python, etc.), though only the legacy streaming API supports plain HTTP REST calls.
Beyond that, don't forget your OAuth2 concerns to authenticate on either side of the operation, though this is typically abstracted away by the various SDKs offered by either party, and less of something you'd have to deal with the ins and outs of.

Apache Airflow or Apache Beam for data processing and job scheduling

I'm trying to give useful information but I am far from being a data engineer.
I am currently using the python library pandas to execute a long series of transformation to my data which has a lot of inputs (currently CSV and excel files). The outputs are several excel files. I would like to be able to execute scheduled monitored batch jobs with parallel computation (I mean not as sequential as what I'm doing with pandas), once a month.
I don't really know Beam or Airflow, I quickly read through the docs and it seems that both can achieve that. Which one should I use ?
The other answers are quite technical and hard to understand. I was in your position before so I'll explain in simple terms.
Airflow can do anything. It has BashOperator and PythonOperator which means it can run any bash script or any Python script.
It is a way to organize (setup complicated data pipeline DAGs), schedule, monitor, trigger re-runs of data pipelines, in a easy-to-view and use UI.
Also, it is easy to setup and everything is in familiar Python code.
Doing pipelines in an organized manner (i.e using Airflow) means you don't waste time debugging a mess of data processing (cron) scripts all over the place.
Nowadays (roughly year 2020 onwards), we call it an orchestration tool.
Apache Beam is a wrapper for the many data processing frameworks (Spark, Flink etc.) out there.
The intent is so you just learn Beam and can run on multiple backends (Beam runners).
If you are familiar with Keras and TensorFlow/Theano/Torch, the relationship between Keras and its backends is similar to the relationship between Beam and its data processing backends.
Google Cloud Platform's Cloud Dataflow is one backend for running Beam on.
They call it the Dataflow runner.
GCP's offering, Cloud Composer, is a managed Airflow implementation as a service, running in a Kubernetes cluster in Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).
So you can either:
manual Airflow implementation, doing data processing on the instance itself (if your data is small (or your instance is powerful enough), you can process data on the machine running Airflow. This is why many are confused if Airflow can process data or not)
manual Airflow implementation calling Beam jobs
Cloud Composer (managed Airflow as a service) calling jobs in Cloud Dataflow
Cloud Composer running data processing containers in Composer's Kubernetes cluster environment itself, using Airflow's KubernetesPodOperator (KPO)
Cloud Composer running data processing containers in Composer's Kubernetes cluster environment with Airflow's KPO, but this time in a better isolated fashion by creating a new node-pool and specifying that the KPO pods are to be run in the new node-pool
My personal experience:
Airflow is lightweight and not difficult to learn (easy to implement), you should use it for your data pipelines whenever possible.
Also, since many companies are looking for experience using Airflow, if you're looking to be a data engineer you should probably learn it
Also, managed Airflow (I've only used GCP's Composer so far) is much more convenient than running Airflow yourself, and managing the airflow webserver and scheduler processes.
Apache Airflow and Apache Beam look quite similar on the surface. Both of them allow you to organise a set of steps that process your data and both ensure the steps run in the right order and have their dependencies satisfied. Both allow you to visualise the steps and dependencies as a directed acyclic graph (DAG) in a GUI.
But when you dig a bit deeper there are big differences in what they do and the programming models they support.
Airflow is a task management system. The nodes of the DAG are tasks and Airflow makes sure to run them in the proper order, making sure one task only starts once its dependency tasks have finished. Dependent tasks don't run at the same time but only one after another. Independent tasks can run concurrently.
Beam is a dataflow engine. The nodes of the DAG form a (possibly branching) pipeline. All the nodes in the DAG are active at the same time, and they pass data elements from one to the next, each doing some processing on it.
The two have some overlapping use cases but there are a lot of things only one of the two can do well.
Airflow manages tasks, which depend on one another. While this dependency can consist of one task passing data to the next one, that is not a requirement. In fact Airflow doesn't even care what the tasks do, it just needs to start them and see if they finished or failed. If tasks need to pass data to one another you need to co-ordinate that yourself, telling each task where to read and write its data, e.g. a local file path or a web service somewhere. Tasks can consist of Python code but they can also be any external program or a web service call.
In Beam, your step definitions are tightly integrated with the engine. You define the steps in a supported programming language and they run inside a Beam process. Handling the computation in an external process would be difficult if possible at all*, and is certainly not the way Beam is supposed to be used. Your steps only need to worry about the computation they're performing, not about storing or transferring the data. Transferring the data between different steps is handled entirely by the framework.
In Airflow, if your tasks process data, a single task invocation typically does some transformation on the entire dataset. In Beam, the data processing is part of the core interfaces so it can't really do anything else. An invocation of a Beam step typically handles a single or a few data elements and not the full dataset. Because of this Beam also supports unbounded length datasets, which is not something Airflow can natively cope with.
Another difference is that Airflow is a framework by itself, but Beam is actually an abstraction layer. Beam pipelines can run on Apache Spark, Apache Flink, Google Cloud Dataflow and others. All of these support a more or less similar programming model. Google has also cloudified Airflow into a service as Google Cloud Compose by the way.
*Apache Spark's support for Python is actually implemented by running a full Python interpreter in a subprocess, but this is implemented at the framework level.
Apache Airflow is not a data processing engine.
Airflow is a platform to programmatically author, schedule, and
monitor workflows.
Cloud Dataflow is a fully-managed service on Google Cloud that can be used for data processing. You can write your Dataflow code and then use Airflow to schedule and monitor Dataflow job. Airflow also allows you to retry your job if it fails (number of retries is configurable). You can also configure in Airflow if you want to send alerts on Slack or email, if your Dataflow pipeline fails.
I am doing the same as you with airflow, and I've got very good results. I am not very sure about the following: Beam is machine learning focused and airflow is for anything you want.
Finally you can create a hive with kubernetes +airflow.

Dynamic scheduler on GCP

Does GCP have a job scheduling service like Azure Scheduler, where jobs can be scheduled and managed dynamically via API?
Google Cron service is set in a static file and it seems like their answer to this is to use that to poke a roll your own service backed with PubSub and a data store. Looking for Quartz-like functionality, consumable by APP engine, which can be managed and invoked via API as opposed to managing a cluster, queue, and compute instance/VM deployment of Quartz (or the like) or rolling a custom solution. Should support 50 million simultaneous jobs per day with retry / recoverability and dynamic scheduling per tenant capabilities.
This is the cheapest and easiest way I can imagine building a solution today on top of an existing AppEngine based project:
As you observed, currently there is no such API/service directly available on GCP. There is an open feature request (on GAE) for it.
But, also as you observed, it is possible to build and use a custom solution, just like the one you proposed.
Depending on the context even simpler solutions are possible. For a GAE context check out, for example, How to schedule repeated jobs or tasks from user parameters in Google App Engine?.

Is there a way to leverage Hadoop tools to mange parallel REST API calls to external sources?

I am writing software that creates a large graph database. The software needs to access dozens of different REST APIs with millions of total requests. The data will then be processed by the Hadoop cluster. Each of these APIs have rate limits that vary by requests/second, per window, per day and per user (typically via OAuth).
Does anyone have any suggestions on how I might use either a Map function or other Hadoop-ecosystem tool to manage these queries? The goal would to be to leverage the parallel processing in Hadoop.
Because of the varied rate limits, it often makes sense to switch to a different API query while waiting for the first limit to reset. An example would be one API call that creates nodes in the graph and another that enriches the data for that node. I could have the system go out and enrich the data for the new nodes while waiting for the first API limit to reset.
I have tried using SQS queuing on EC2 to manage the various API limits and states (creating a queue for each API call), but have found it to be ridiculously slow.
Any ideas?
It looks like the best option for my scenario will be using Storm, or specifically the Trident abstraction. It gives me the greatest flexibility for both workload management but process management as well