App Update Notification from Play Store After Once Ignored - react-native

I published my recent react native app apk to the play store.
Some users may have neglected the app update notification from play store and still using the previous one unknowingly. How to remind them to update it?

As suggested by #riwu, a push notification is a great way to inform your user to update the app. It would be more interactive if you could put an alert in the app saying something like "Newer version of this app is available, Please update for better services" when the user receives a push notification .
You can also restrict the user if he isn't using the latest version app, and you don't want the previous version to be used. (A mandatory update)


React Native Push Notifications doesn't receive notification

I have a React Native app (testing on iOS) and am trying to incorporate Push notifications. I am using the following module:
I tried running example app code and am able to obtain
a (1) message token and (2) successfully obtain permissions from my device.
I am trying to send a test notification from Firebase and am using my device's token. However, nothing happens upon triggering a test notification. Any tips? I believe I followed the key upload instructions correctly (
I hope you have uploaded pem/p8 file on firebase console at "Cloud Messaging" in Project settings. Check this image
I figured it out! Although I thought I had done this in the past, I did not have Remote notification enabled in background modes, nor did I have Push notifications checked in the Signing & Capabilities section of project setting on Xcode. Thank you!

How to Send Push Notification to Xamarin Android app?

I need to implement push notification to our Android App using Xamarin. Here is the process. We have web version which used by the Manager. The Manager creates and assign job to the driver. The App version is used by the Driver where it shows the list of jobs and processes of job until its complete. So, when the Manager assigned the Job to the Driver in the Web version, it will then notified to the Driver in the App version that "new job is assigned". Basically, both the web and app uses same database then we created an api(REST API in MVC C#) to connect and get data from the db to be used in the mobile app.
Can someone recommend to me which Push notification plugin(a plugin or nuget) should I use to do this? Currently, I have set up Push Notifications through App center & Firebase but not sure how this work.
Thank you.
I need to implement push notification to our Android App using Xamarin.
I would suggest you use Firebase for mobile push notifications for Android as it is a product by Google, and was made for mobile applications. For push notifications, you will be using Firebase Cloud Messaging also known as FCM. See to it that you are well versed on how it works before you start coding anything read the documents it answers most of your questions there itself.
The Manager creates and assign job to the driver. The App version is used by the Driver where it shows the list of jobs and processes of a job until its complete. So, when the Manager assigned the Job to the Driver in the Web version, it will then notified to the Driver in the App version that "new job is assigned". Basically, both the web and app use the same database then we created an API(REST API in MVC C#) to connect and get data from the DB to be used in the mobile app.
For this, you will have to check on how to work with Firebase using Rest-API. Once you configure the Rest-API and then apply your business logic to it things will be quite easier than you might have imagined.
Can someone recommend to me which Push notification plugin(a plugin or NuGet) should I use to do this?
My recommendation is quite simple, Do not use any sort of a firebase push notifications plugin!. I have had a very bad past with plugins and ever since then I never recommend fellow developers to use plugins until it is a well-maintained one. I would rather ask you to simply configure Firebase on the basis of the guides that are available online. Like the following Xamarin.Android guide for FCM. It is detailed contains everything that you are looking for and what else I would suggest is you check firebase related answers on SO and you will find that almost everything that is not available in docs is covered around here and in detail. Like the following:
How to handle Firebase Notification i.e. Notification Messages and Data Messages
Push Notification in android with firebase get token
How to send device to device messages using Firebase Cloud Messaging?
Receive push notifications on one android app from two Firebase projects

react native how run code if uninstall app

Is there a way to run code (for example call an api to delete some data automatically) if I delete the app?
To be more specific, to make a call to an api to delete push information if the user delete the app without loging out
According to this post comment:
Sorry, this is not possible. It's not a limitation of React Native - neither Apple or Google give you this metric. You can track your app install numbers in Google Analytics and iTunes Connect, but I believe neither will give you a simple answer either.

Detecting Installation Source with react-native-fbsdk

I'm facing a problem with react-native-fbsdk. I'd like to know whether the user has installed the app by coming through Facebook Ads or has he/she installed it organically from store (App Store, Play Store). Is this even possible with React Native?
The reason is, I need to log events for analytics restricted only on installations done via Facebook. There are pre-defined events, like App Installs and App Launches tracked, but my events are custom events.
I have assumption that either AccessToken.getCurrentAccessToken() or AppEventsLogger.getUserID() would return something when the installation is performed through FB. On dev environment, both returns null which is kind of expected. However these ideas could only be tested on production and this isn't an option.
So the actual question is: "How do I detect whether the user is coming through Facebook advertisement link?"

Automatically update iOS app for beta testers?

How do I notify and/or force a beta tester to update their installed version if a newer version has been uploaded / distributed?
Using either Crashlytics (aka or HockeyApp, this should be possible. At the moment, I only see a way to do it via email notifications, but I have seen others do it via an in-app notification.
On HockeyApp, when integrating the SDK, the app will automatically notify the user with an alert if an update is available and the user can then update from within the app. In addition you can set a new version as being "mandatory" in the web interface, then the user will then be forced to update from within the app and can not skip the update.