Fetch _id of last created document of given type in Sanity - sanity

In Sanity, for a given document type named message, how can I get the _id of the newest message document?

You can actually do that in a single query in GROQ (Sanity's query language):
*[_type == 'message'] | order(_createdAt desc) [0] ._id
Query Explanation
This query has five parts.
*[_type == 'message']: select all documents of type 'message'.
|: pipe the messages (so we can perform the rest of the operations)
order(_createdAt desc): order the messages from newest to oldest (_createdAt is set automatically by Sanity when a document is created)
[0]: select the first message from the list (which is also the newest)
._id: select the _id of the newest message
To fetch another property, multiple properties or the entire message object, replace the last part of the query.


Count how often logs with dynamic field value that is the same gets emitted?

I don't think this is possible, but wanted to ask anyway -- is there a way in Cloudwatch Insights where I can find the count of how often a log with a dynamic value is emitted with the same value from distinct logs? The use case I have is we want to compare log statements from two different code paths, so we attach the same requestID to both log statements. So to illustrate what might happen, two logs may get emitted
Log 1:
message: "SPECIAL_LOG_EMITTED Operation1_Emitted"
requestID: "123456"
message: "SPECIAL_LOG_EMITTED Operation2_Emitted"
requestID: "123456"
So ideally I could do something like
fields #timestamp, #message, requestID
| filter #message like "SPECIAL_LOG_EMITTED"
| parse #message '*_Emitted' as operation
| stats count(*) as all, sum (operation LIKE 'Operation1') as Op1, sum (operation LIKE 'Operation2') as Operation2 by bin(5m)
And then from this find out where the requestID is matching. The requestID is dynamic, though, so I can't just hard-code it -- I want to find how often logs are emitted with matching requestIDs.
I've considered looking into count_distinct but that seems like the wrong approach (correct me if I'm wrong)

BigQuery Java API to read an Array of Record : "Retrieving field value by name is not supported" exception

My current table in BigQuery has a column that uses complex types. The "family" column is actually a list ("repeated" feature) of records (with 2 fields: id & name).
When I try to get the 1st "id" value of 1 row with the following syntax:
FieldValueList c = qr.getValues().iterator().next();
I get the exception:
Method threw 'java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException' exception.
Retrieving field value by name is not supported when there is no fields schema provided
This is a bit annoying because my table has a clearly defined schema. And when I do the "read" query with the same Java call, I can also see that this schema is correctly found:
[Field{name=id, type=INTEGER, mode=NULLABLE, description=null}, Field{name=name, type=STRING, mode=NULLABLE, description=null}]
Due to this exception, the workaround that I have found is to pass the "index" of the record field instead of giving it its name
However, this seeks awkward to pass an index instead of a name.
Is there a better way to get the value of a field in a record inside an array (if my column is only a record, without array, then I don't get the exception) ?
Is this exception normal?
You can wrap the unnamed FieldValueList with a named one using the "of" static method:
FieldList subSchema = qr.getSchema().getFields().get("family").getSubFields();
FieldValueList c = qr.getValues().iterator().next();
The "of" method takes a FieldValueList (returned by getRecordValue() in this case) and a FieldList (subSchema here), and returns the same FieldValueList but with named access.

How can I show the most recent events per user with Keen IO?

Suppose you have a Keen IO collection called "survey-completed" that contains events matching the following pattern:
keen.id: <unique autogenerated id>
keen.timestamp: <autogenerated overridable timestamp>
userId: <hex string for user>
surveyScore: <integer from 1 to 10>
How would you create a report of only the most up-to-date satisfaction score for each user that responded to one or more surveys within a given amount of time (such as one week)?
There isn't a really elegant way to make it happen, but for a given userId you could successfully return your the most up-to-date event create a count query with a group_by on [surveyScore, keen.timestamp] and an order_by on the keen.timestamp property. You will want to set limit=1 to select only the most recent surveyScore.
If you'd like to use an extraction, the most straight forward way would be to run an extraction with property_names set to ["userId","keen.timestamp","surveyScore"]. Once you receive the results you can then do some client-side post processing. This is probably the best way if you want to take a look at all of your userIds.
If you're interested in a given userId and want to use an extraction, you can run an extraction with a filter on the userId eq X, define the optional parameter latest set to latest=1. The latest property is an integer containing the number of most recent events to extract. Note: The use of latest will call upon the keen.created_at timestamp instead of keen.timestamp (https://keen.io/docs/api/#the-keen-object).

Retrieve a document class-description symbolicName without fetching

I'm triying to retrieve a ClassDescription symbolicName of an IDocument object. It seems that i have to fetch its ClassDescription even if I just want the symbolicName.
Is there a way to do it ? I just want to avoid doing a fetch for every browsed document...
(Also IDocument.GetClassName doesn't help, it returns "Document")
I finally found a way, by making an SQL SELECT request retrieving the classDescription ID (which is not the symbolicName ID, but rather an "internal" one) :
Select This, d.Id, d.ClassDescription
From Document d
where d.Id = ID
It seems to be lighter than a line like document.fetch(classDescription) (pseudo call) cause it should just retrieves the ID.
I thought it worth mentioning a problem regarding the accepted answer.
There are times that doing a query would be "lighter" however I believe you are missing something involving fetching a document.
FileNet's fetchInstance command can take in a PropertyFilter.
In your case you could do something along the lines of:
PropertyFilter pf = new PropertyFilter();
pf.AddIncludeProperty(new FilterElement(null, null, null, "ClassDescription", null));
doc = Factory.Document.FetchInstance(os, new Id("doc.ID()"), pf);
You would probably want to look at your original fetch of this document and make sure to specify the full list of property filters at that point.
See Working With Documents

splunk search query returns entries with a variable value greater than some number

I've this log entry:
"2014-11-22 02:42:10,545 .. - average:2.74425 , min:1.43 , max:4.007..."
i want to create a search query that returns all log entries with "average > 5"
i want to select the date of the log entry and the average value,
can this be done? how can i do this?
It is quite simple to do in Splunk and you'll have to do it in two steps:
Parse your log to get each of the fields in your log files. To do this use the props.conf and transforms.conf files on your indexer server or on your client if you are using the heavy forwarder. Another option is to send you fields using the key=value format that Splunk knows how to parse by default. Example: "2014-11-22 02:42:10,545 .. - average=2.74425 min=1.43 max=4.007..."
After getting your fields in Splunk just search for average>5 and you'll get all these search results easily.
Answer from splunk:
Did you already extract the average field?
If not, go to Settings -> Fields -> Field Extractions -> New, enter "average" as name, fill in your sourcetype, and use this as inline extraction:
it worked. :)