I am scripting for an application in which there is a search to be done and when search is hit after entering required parameters the request is sent to the server after 20 sec the request is passes with 200 response code and automatically send same request again every 20sec until actual response is received. Does anyone came across this kind of application. Please let me know.
I have long operation, which called via Web API. Status code 102 says to us:
An interim response used to inform the client that the server has
accepted the complete request, but has not yet completed it.
This status code SHOULD only be sent when the server has a reasonable
expectation that the request will take significant time to complete.
As guidance, if a method is taking longer than 20 seconds (a
reasonable, but arbitrary value) to process the server SHOULD return a
102 (Processing) response. The server MUST send a final response after
the request has been completed.
So, I want to return 102 status code to client, then client waits response about result of operation. How to implement it on .NET?
I read this thread: How To Return Http 102 Processing in Asp.Net Web Api?
This thread has good explanation what is necessary, but no response. I don't understand how it implement on .NET, not theory...
Using HTTP 102 requires that the server send two responses for one request. ASP.NET (Core or not) does not support sending a response to the client without completely ending the request. Any attempt to send two responses will end up in throwing an exception and just not working. (I tried a couple different ways)
There's a good discussion here about how it's not actually in the HTTP spec, so implementing it isn't really required.
There are a couple alternatives I can think of:
Use web sockets (a persistent connection that allows data to be sent back and forth), like with SignalR, for example.
If your request takes a long time because it's getting data from elsewhere, you can try pulling in that data via a stream and send it to the client via a stream. That will send the data as it's coming in, rather than loading it all into memory first before sending it. Here's an example of streaming data from a database to the response: https://stackoverflow.com/a/45682190/1202807
I'm using MS-provided bot sample with Teams messaging extensions feature. Only posted my Azure AD creds, no more changes. Running it locally...
When a user clicks messaging extension button in Teams request arrived on Microsoft.BotBuilderSamples.Controllers.BotController.PostAsync() method. If this method works longer than 25 seconds, Teams show to the user error message. Docs say that it should be only 15 seconds, but it seems Teams became more tolerant these days, okay.
But in this case the second request arrives in this method after first one (it takes place even if method works 16 seconds, not 26)! It's with same body and headers besides Authorization header (it contains new token).
So...What does it mean? What is this behavior created for? How to prevent it?
And who does this second request after all? I look in fiddler and see only one request to MS server from my desktop Teams client. When I'm make similar request from Postman, it arrives only one time.
Copying answer from comments for better understanding:
From a scenario it is the best if the bot responds within 5 seconds. We are waiting for more, but that should not be something that the we should rely on. Also as #subba reddi said If there is no response from bot controller within 15 seconds, Teams service retry once. So, you will see double calls in your controller. So, make sure your bot respond within 15 seconds.
Is there a module or a built-in function in apache which I can use/activate to send information how long it took to retrieve/process a resource?
For example the resource http://dom.net/resource is accessed. The response header will include the total time it took to wait for the resource to be ready before it gets sent back to the client.
Apache doesn't really 'wait' until the resource is ready before sending the response back to you - it streams data back to the client as and when it receives it.
Depending on what you're interested in measuring, you could record the time taken for the client to receive the first byte/last byte back from Apache, or measure the time taken for Apache to receive the first byte from the (remote?) resource like so. The time taken for Apache to receive the entire response back from the remote resource is not something you can send in the headers, as the headers will have been sent to the client before the remote response is fully received. This information could trivially be written to the Apache logs, however.
We are sending a HTTP WCF request to a 3rd party system hosted on our servers and were experiencing a significant delay between sending the request and getting the response. The 3rd party are claiming that they complete their work in a few seconds but in fiddler I can see a significant gap between the ServerBeginResponse and the GotResponseHeaders.
Now I'm not sure what could account for this delay? Could someone explain what the ServerBeginResponseand the GotResponseHeaders timers in Fiddler actually mean?
The timers mean pretty much exactly what they say-- The ServerGotRequest timer is set when Fiddler is done transmitting the HTTP request to the server. The GotResponseHeaders timer is set when Fiddler has read the complete set of response headers from the server.
In your screenshot, there's a huge delay between ServerBeginResponse (which is set when the first byte of the server's response is returned) and GotResponseHeaders which suggests that the server spent a significant amount of time in completing the return of the HTTP response headers.
If you send me (via Help > Send Feedback) a SAZ capture of this traffic, I can take a closer look at it.
My app has an API that users can request data. Sometimes that data takes time to process and is breaking my code.
I need a solution for this and I was thinking in using delayed_job but I'm not sure how this works. If the user makes a request, I need to give him an answer. Even if I process the data in background, the call still needs to wait until the job returns.
What is the solution for this? I am not sure how to do it.
Heroku has a 30 second timeout, which is why your requests are failing (Probably H12 or H13 in your heroku logs).
There are three methods to work around this.
Keep the connection open by sending blank data.
You'll need to respond within the first 30 seconds and every 55 seconds after that. Use the time in between to process the data. Sending spaces should not affect the ability of the browser to read the response.
Have the user provide a callback URL in the initial request. When you finish processing the data, hit the callback url with your response.
As suggested by Codeglot, you can provide the user with a key. To check on their request, they can ping your server with that key.
Tell the user that their data is being processed and will be available shortly. Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook, Twitter, they all do this.