VBA offset within loop - vba

I'm having issues combining the VBA offset function within a loop. Essentially I am trying to extract multiple sets of values from a column of data based on a search term (survey value). I can get this to work for a single term, but I was hoping to create a macro that would extract all the values for all terms at once.
The set up of the data is a column (c6:c50) of raw data (indicators), and then 13 columns (j6:j50, m6:m50 etc) (output) where the extracted values should appear. columns K and L (and so on between the initial 13 columns) contain formulas based on the values of column J. the search term for each of the 13 columns is in the cell directly above the range (J5, M5 etc.).
The code below is where I have got to. The aim was to have a loop that extracts the values from column C into column J (the 'i'-based loop) and then a second loop ('j'-based loop) that offsets across the columns.
What happens when this is run is that the firstcell value in cell J6 fills, followed by the correct value in J7. Then all subsequent extracted values overwrite what was in J7. Once the loop for the first term is complete, it offsets by 3 columns, extracts the same value in J6 to M6 (presumably because the search term 'survey' is not offsetting?) but then goes back to overwriting cell J7.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Sub indicator_charts()
Dim indicators As Range
Dim survey As String
Dim surveyrng As Range
Dim output As Range
Dim survey2 As String
Dim firstcell As Range
Set indicators = Worksheets("Indicator Summary").Range("C6:C50")
Set output = Worksheets("Indicator Summary").Range("j5:j50")
Set surveyrng = Worksheets("Indicator Summary").Range("J5")
Set firstcell = Worksheets("Indicator Summary").Range("J6")
survey = surveyrng.Value
For j = 0 To 36 Step 3
output.Offset(0, j) = output
surveyrng.Offset(0, j) = surveyrng
firstcell.Offset(0, j) = firstcell
For i = 1 To 46
If InStr(1, indicators.Cells(i, 1).Value, survey) Then
survey2 = indicators.Cells(i, 1).Value
If IsEmpty(firstcell) Then
firstcell.Value = survey2
output.End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).Value = survey2
End If
End If
Next i
Next j
End Sub

I modified your code a bit. Should do what you want now.
Sub indicator_charts()
Dim indicators As Range
Dim survey As String
Dim surveyrng As Range
Dim output As Range
Dim survey2 As String
Dim firstcell As Range
Dim OutputVar As Variant
Dim SurveyRngVar As Variant
Dim FirstCellVar As Variant
Set indicators = Worksheets("Indicator Summary").Range("C6:C50")
Set output = Worksheets("Indicator Summary").Range("j5:j50")
Set surveyrng = Worksheets("Indicator Summary").Range("J5")
Set firstcell = Worksheets("Indicator Summary").Range("J6")
For j = 0 To 36 Step 3
Set OutputVar = output.Offset(0, j)
Set SurveyRngVar = surveyrng.Offset(0, j)
Set FirstCellVar = firstcell.Offset(0, j)
survey = SurveyRngVar.Value
For i = 1 To 46
If InStr(1, indicators(i, 1).Value, survey) Then
survey2 = indicators(i, 1).Value
If IsEmpty(FirstCellVar) Then
FirstCellVar.Value = survey2
OutputVar.End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).Value = survey2
End If
End If
Next i
Next j
End Sub


Excel / VBA - get first normal form (1NF) [duplicate]

I have values in column B separated by commas. I need to split them into new rows and keep the other data the same.
I have a variable number of rows.
I don't know how many values will be in the cells in Column B, so I need to loop over the array dynamically.
ColA ColB ColC ColD
Monday A,B,C Red Email
ColA ColB ColC ColD
Monday A Red Email
Monday B Red Email
Monday C Red Email
Have tried something like:
colArray = Split(ws.Cells(i, 2).Value, ", ")
For i = LBound(colArray) To UBound(colArray)
Next i
Try this, you can easily adjust it to your actual sheet name and column to split.
Sub splitByColB()
Dim r As Range, i As Long, ar
Set r = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B999999").End(xlUp)
Do While r.row > 1
ar = Split(r.value, ",")
If UBound(ar) >= 0 Then r.value = ar(0)
For i = UBound(ar) To 1 Step -1
r.Offset(1).value = ar(i)
Set r = r.Offset(-1)
End Sub
You can also just do it in place by using a Do loop instead of a For loop. The only real trick is to just manually update your row counter every time you insert a new row. The "static" columns that get copied are just a simple matter of caching the values and then writing them to the inserted rows:
Dim workingRow As Long
workingRow = 2
With ActiveSheet
Do While Not IsEmpty(.Cells(workingRow, 2).Value)
Dim values() As String
values = Split(.Cells(workingRow, 2).Value, ",")
If UBound(values) > 0 Then
Dim colA As Variant, colC As Variant, colD As Variant
colA = .Cells(workingRow, 1).Value
colC = .Cells(workingRow, 3).Value
colD = .Cells(workingRow, 4).Value
For i = LBound(values) To UBound(values)
If i > 0 Then
.Rows(workingRow).Insert xlDown
End If
.Cells(workingRow, 1).Value = colA
.Cells(workingRow, 2).Value = values(i)
.Cells(workingRow, 3).Value = colC
.Cells(workingRow, 4).Value = colD
workingRow = workingRow + 1
workingRow = workingRow + 1
End If
End With
This will do what you want.
Option Explicit
Const ANALYSIS_ROW As String = "B"
Const DATA_START_ROW As Long = 1
Sub ReplicateData()
Dim iRow As Long
Dim lastrow As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim iSplit() As String
Dim iIndex As Long
Dim iSize As Long
'Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
With ThisWorkbook
.Worksheets("Sheet4").Copy After:=.Worksheets("Sheet4")
Set ws = ActiveSheet
End With
With ws
lastrow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, ANALYSIS_ROW).End(xlUp).Row
End With
For iRow = lastrow To DATA_START_ROW Step -1
iSplit = Split(ws.Cells(iRow, ANALYSIS_ROW).Value2, ",")
iSize = UBound(iSplit) - LBound(iSplit) + 1
If iSize = 1 Then GoTo Continue
ws.Rows(iRow).Resize(iSize - 1).Insert
For iIndex = LBound(iSplit) To UBound(iSplit)
ws.Cells(iRow, ANALYSIS_ROW).Offset(iIndex).Value2 = iSplit(iIndex)
Next iIndex
Next iRow
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
'Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
A formula solution is close to your requirement.
Cell G1 is the delimiter. In this case a comma.
Helper E1:=SUM(E1,LEN(B1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(B1,$H$1,"")))+1
You must fill the above formula one row more.
Fill this formula to the right.
Fill this formula to the right and then down.
Fill down.
Numbers will be converted to Text. Of course you can remove the &"" at the end of the formula, but blank cells will be filled with 0.
Given #A.S.H.'s excellent and brief answer, the VBA function below might be a bit of an overkill, but it will hopefully be of some help to someone looking for a more "generic" solution. This method makes sure not to modify the cells to the left, to the right, or above the table of data, in case the table does not start in A1 or in case there is other data on the sheet besides the table. It also avoids copying and inserting entire rows, and it allows you to specify a separator other than a comma.
This function happens to have similarities to #ryguy72's procedure, but it does not rely on the clipboard.
Function SplitRows(ByRef dataRng As Range, ByVal splitCol As Long, ByVal splitSep As String, _
Optional ByVal idCol As Long = 0) As Boolean
SplitRows = True
Dim oldUpd As Variant: oldUpd = Application.ScreenUpdating
Dim oldCal As Variant: oldCal = Application.Calculation
On Error GoTo err_sub
'Modify application settings for the sake of speed
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
'Get the current number of data rows
Dim rowCount As Long: rowCount = dataRng.Rows.Count
'If an ID column is specified, use it to determine where the table ends by finding the first row
' with no data in that column
If idCol > 0 Then
With dataRng
rowCount = .Offset(, idCol - 1).Resize(, 1).End(xlDown).Row - .Row + 1
End With
End If
Dim splitArr() As String
Dim splitLb As Long, splitUb As Long, splitI As Long
Dim editedRowRng As Range
'Loop through the data rows to split them as needed
Dim r As Long: r = 0
Do While r < rowCount
r = r + 1
'Split the string in the specified column
splitArr = Split(dataRng.Cells(r, splitCol).Value & "", splitSep)
splitLb = LBound(splitArr)
splitUb = UBound(splitArr)
'If the string was not split into more than 1 item, skip this row
If splitUb <= splitLb Then GoTo splitRows_Continue
'Replace the unsplit string with the first item from the split
Set editedRowRng = dataRng.Resize(1).Offset(r - 1)
editedRowRng.Cells(1, splitCol).Value = splitArr(splitLb)
'Create the new rows
For splitI = splitLb + 1 To splitUb
editedRowRng.Offset(1).Insert 'Add a new blank row
Set editedRowRng = editedRowRng.Offset(1) 'Move down to the next row
editedRowRng.Offset(-1).Copy Destination:=editedRowRng 'Copy the preceding row to the new row
editedRowRng.Cells(1, splitCol).Value = splitArr(splitI) 'Place the next item from the split string
'Account for the new row in the counters
r = r + 1
rowCount = rowCount + 1
On Error Resume Next
'Resize the original data range to reflect the new, full data range
If rowCount <> dataRng.Rows.Count Then Set dataRng = dataRng.Resize(rowCount)
'Restore the application settings
If Application.ScreenUpdating <> oldUpd Then Application.ScreenUpdating = oldUpd
If Application.Calculation <> oldCal Then Application.Calculation = oldCal
Exit Function
SplitRows = False
Resume exit_sub
End Function
Function input and output
To use the above function, you would specify
the range containing the rows of data (excluding the header)
the (relative) number of the column within the range with the string to split
the separator in the string to split
the optional (relative) number of the "ID" column within the range (if a number >=1 is provided, the first row with no data in this column will be taken as the last row of data)
The range object passed in the first argument will be modified by the function to reflect the range of all the new data rows (including all inserted rows). The function returns True if no errors were encountered, and False otherwise.
For the range illustrated in the original question, the call would look like this:
SplitRows Range("A2:C2"), 2, ","
If the same table started in F5 instead of A1, and if the data in column G (i.e. the data that would fall in column B if the table started in A1) was separated by Alt-Enters instead of commas, the call would look like this:
SplitRows Range("F6:H6"), 2, vbLf
If the table contained the row header plus 10 rows of data (instead of 1), and if it started in F5 again, the call would look like this:
SplitRows Range("F6:H15"), 2, vbLf
If there was no certainty about the number of rows, but we knew that all the valid rows are contiguous and always have a value in column H (i.e. the 3rd column in the range), the call could look something like this:
SplitRows Range("F6:H1048576"), 2, vbLf, 3
In Excel 95 or lower, you would have to change "1048576" to "16384", and in Excel 97-2003, to "65536".

Excel VBA looping: reshape column into table

I have not used VBA for sometime so am very rusty... What I have is a number of records stored vertically (in a single column) and I want to use VBA to stack them side by side (into a table).
My general thoughts about how this would flow:
Start at first range
Copy data
Paste data in cell B3 of output page (just named Sheet2)
Loop back to previous range and offset by 51 rows
Copy data
Paste data in cell C3 of output page (offset by 1 column each time)
My attempt so far:
Sub Macro1()
FiftyOne = 51 ' Offset by 51 rows for every chunk
StartRange = "L262:L303" ' Start at this range of data to copy, each chunk is identical in size
OutputRange = B3 ' Paste in output at B3, but need to offset by one column each time
Range(StartRange).Offset(FiftyOne, 0).Select
Range("B3").Offset(0, 1).Select
End Sub
I know this is a rather lame attempt to tackle this flow, but I am really struggling with how to loop through this. I would appreciate some advice on how to do this, or a better approach to the general flow.
Edit after accepting Wolfie's answer:
I want to assign column headings, by getting the values from C258 and looping down (in a similar way to before) 51 rows at a time, to paste into row 2 of sheet2 (B2, C2, ...).
Here is my current attempt:
Sub NameToTable()
' Assign first block to range, using easily changable parameters
' Remember to "Dim" all of your variables, using colon for line continuation
Dim blocksize As Long: blocksize = 51
Dim firstrow As Long: firstrow = 258
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("C" & firstrow & blocksize - 1)
' tablestart is the upper left corner of the "pasted" table
Dim tablestart As Range: Set tablestart = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2").Range("B2")
Dim i As Long ' Looping variable i
Dim nblocks As Long: nblocks = 10 ' We're going to loop nblocks number of times
For i = 0 To nblocks - 1
' Do the actual value copying, using Resize to set the number of rows
' and using Offset to move down the original values and along the "pasted" columns
tablestart.Offset(0, i).Resize(blocksize, 1).Value = _
rng.Offset(blocksize * i, 0).Value
Next i
End Sub
Your logic seems alright, this code will create a 51 x n table, lining up each vertical block of 51 cells in its own column.
Note, it's much quicker to assign the .Value than copying and pasting, if you need formats too then you could copy/paste or similarly set format properties equal.
Sub ColumnToTable()
' Assign first block to range, using easily changable parameters
' Remember to "Dim" all of your variables, using colon for line continuation
Dim blocksize As Long: blocksize = 51
Dim firstrow As Long: firstrow = 262
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("L" & firstrow & ":L" & firstrow + blocksize - 1)
' tablestart is the upper left corner of the "pasted" table
Dim tablestart As Range: Set tablestart = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2").Range("B3")
Dim i As Long ' Looping variable i
Dim nblocks As Long: nblocks = 10 ' We're going to loop nblocks number of times
For i = 0 To nblocks - 1
' Do the actual value copying, using Resize to set the number of rows
' and using Offset to move down the original values and along the "pasted" columns
tablestart.Offset(0, i).Resize(blocksize, 1).Value = _
rng.Offset(blocksize * i, 0).Value
Next i
End Sub
Set the nblocks value to suit your needs, this is the number of resulting columns in your output table. You could get it dynamically by knowing the number of rows in the original column. Or you could use some while logic, careful to make sure that it does eventually exit of course!
Dim i As Long: i = 0
Do While rng.Offset(blocksize*i, 0).Cells(1).Value <> ""
tablestart.Offset(0, i).Resize(blocksize, 1).Value = rng.Offset(blocksize * i, 0).Value
i = i + 1
Edit: to get your column headings, keep in mind that the column headings are only 1 cell, so:
' Change this:
Set rng = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("C" & firstrow & blocksize - 1)
' To this:
Set rng = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("C" & firstrow)
Tip: + is used for adding numerical values, whilst & is used for concatenating stings.
Now when you're looping, you don't need the Resize, because you are only assigning 1 cell's value to 1 other cell. Resulting sub:
Sub NameToTable()
Dim blocksize As Long: blocksize = 51
Dim firstrow As Long: firstrow = 258
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("C" & firstrow)
Dim tablestart As Range: Set tablestart = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2").Range("B2")
Dim i As Long: i = 0
Do While rng.Offset(blocksize*i, 0).Value <> ""
tablestart.Offset(0, i).Value = rng.Offset(blocksize * i, 0).Value
i = i + 1
End Sub
When dealing with your worksheets in excel, each time you reference them adds overhead and slows down the code, what you want to do is take all of the info off your spreadsheet into an array then use Application.Transpose to transpose it for you.
You can then use 'Resize' to make sure your destination range is the same size and set the values.
Sub CopyAndTransRange(src As Range, dest As Range)
Dim arr As Variant 'Needs to be a variant to take cell values
arr = Application.Transpose(src.Value) 'Set to array of values
On Error GoTo eh1dim 'Capture error from vertical 1D range
dest.Resize( _
UBound(arr, 1) - LBound(arr, 1) + 1, _
UBound(arr, 2) - LBound(arr, 2) + 1 _
) = arr 'Set destination to array
Exit Sub
dest.Resize( _
1, _
UBound(arr) - LBound(arr) + 1 _
) = arr 'Set row to 1D array
End Sub
Note, Application.Transpose will fall over with some arrays in weird circumstances like if there is more than 255 characters in a string in the given array, for those situations you can write your own Transpose function to flip the array for you.
When you feed a vertical 1-dimensional range and transpose it, VBA converts it to a 1-dimensional array, I've rewritten so it captures the error when this happens then adjusts accordingly.
Just made this example which has values 1 through 7 populated on the first 7 rows of column A. This code effectively loops through each of the values, and transposes horizontally so all values are on a single row (1).
Dim rng As Range
Dim crng As Range
Static value As Integer
Set rng = ActiveSheet.Range("A1", Range("A1").End(xlDown))
For Each crng In rng.Cells
ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Offset(0, value).value = crng.value
If value <> 0 Then
crng.value = ""
End If
value = value + 1
Next crng
First we grab the required range and then iterate through each cell. Then using the offset method and an incrementing integer, we can assign their values horizontally to a single row.
It's worth noting that this would work when trying to transpose both vertically and horizontally. The key is the offset(column, row).
Just adjust where you place your incrementing Integer.
Hope this helps.

Gather data tidy in Excel using VBA

What the case is:
So I got a "results sample" in excel format that needs filtering and reshaping to look nice. It is a result that will be not identical all the time but it follows similar rules. I have to filter it further and make it a little more tidy. I have figured out the filtering part, but I am not sure how to sort the remaining data, in a tidy way.
What the situation is:
There are six columns involved.
Notice: Real deal is not THAT simple, but what I need can be demonstrated using such a simple example and then I can manage more complex stuff myself I suppose.
For our example we use columns from B to G
The data are set as pairs of a "title" and a value.
For instance, if you look the first example picture I provide, The first detais the pair B3 and C3.
As you can see, looking at the same picture, D3 and E3 is an empty pair.
Same goes for D4 - E4 and F4 - G4 and so on until a last one at B11 - C11.
Starting data example:
What I want to achieve:
I would like, using Visual Basic for Applications, to sort the data, starting from let's say for our example B3 (see second picture) and fill three SETS of two columns, (BC, DE, FG) if there are no data inside those cells.
Notice: If a cell like D3 is null then SURELY E3 will be null too so there can be just only one check. I mean we can check either value columns or title columns.
Notice2: The B,D,F or C,E,G columns DON'T have to be sorted. I just want all the not-null values of B,D,F and their respective values from C,E,G gathered together neat so printing will not need 30 pages but just a few (too many spaces between is causing it and I try to automate the cleanup)
Here's something to start with. The first double loop populates a VBA Collection with Range variables that refer to the Cells that contain the titles.
The associated values are obtained by using an offset. The middle double loop performs a bubble sort on the latter (highly inefficient - you might want to replace it with something else). The next if statement creates a 2nd sheet if it doesn't exist on which to write out the results (last loop).
Option Explicit
Sub GatherData()
Dim lastRow As Integer, lastCol As Integer
Dim r As Integer, c As Integer
Dim vals As Collection
Set vals = New Collection
With Sheets(1)
lastCol = .UsedRange.Columns(.UsedRange.Columns.Count).Column
lastRow = .UsedRange.Rows(.UsedRange.Rows.Count).row
For c = 1 To lastCol Step 2
For r = 1 To lastRow
If (Trim(Cells(r, c).Value) <> "") Then
vals.Add .Cells(r, c)
End If
End With
' Bubble Sort
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim vTemp As Range
For i = 1 To vals.Count - 1
For j = i + 1 To vals.Count
If vals(i).Value > vals(j).Value Then
Set vTemp = vals(j)
vals.Remove j
vals.Add vTemp, vTemp, i
End If
Next j
Next i
Dim sht2 As Worksheet
If ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Count = 1 Then
Set sht2 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add(After:=ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1))
Set sht2 = Worksheets(2)
End If
With sht2
r = 3
c = 2
For i = 1 To vals.Count
.Cells(r, c).Value = vals(i).Value
.Cells(r, c + 1).Value = vals(i).Offset(, 1).Value
c = c + 2
If c = 8 Then
r = r + 1
c = 2
End If
End With
End Sub
Here is a method using the Dictionary object. I use early binding which requires setting a reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime. If you are going to be distributing this, you might want to convert this to late-binding.
We assume that your data is properly formed as you show it above. In other words, all the titles are in even numbered columns; and the results are in the adjacent cell.
We create the dictionary using the Title as the Key, and the adjacent cell value for the Dictionary item.
We collect the information
Transfer the Keys to a VBA array and sort alphabetically
create a "Results Array" and populate it in order
write the results to a worksheet.
I will leave formatting and header generation to you.
By the way, there is a constant in the code for the number of Title/Value pair columns. I have set it to 3, but you can vary that.
Option Explicit
Option Compare Text 'If you want the sorting to be case INsensitive
'set reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime
Sub TidyData()
'Assume Titles are in even numbered columns
'Assume want ColPairs pairs of columns for output
'Use dictionary with Title as key, and Value as the item
Dim dctTidy As Dictionary
Dim arrKeys As Variant
Dim wsSrc As Worksheet, wsRes As Worksheet, rRes As Range
Dim vSrc As Variant, vRes As Variant
Dim LastRow As Long, LastCol As Long
Dim I As Long, J As Long, K As Long, L As Long
Dim V As Variant
'in Results
Const ColPairs As Long = 3
'Set Source and results worksheet and range
Set wsSrc = Worksheets("sheet1")
Set wsRes = Worksheets("sheet2")
Set rRes = wsRes.Cells(1, 2)
'Read source data into variant array
With wsSrc.Cells
LastRow = .Find(what:="*", after:=.Item(1, 1), _
LookIn:=xlValues, searchorder:=xlByRows, searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Row
LastCol = .Find(what:="*", after:=.Item(1, 1), _
LookIn:=xlValues, searchorder:=xlByColumns, searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Column
vSrc = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(LastRow, LastCol))
End With
'Collect the data into a dictionary
Set dctTidy = New Dictionary
For I = 1 To UBound(vSrc, 1)
For J = 2 To UBound(vSrc, 2) Step 2
If vSrc(I, J) <> "" Then _
dctTidy.Add Key:=vSrc(I, J), Item:=vSrc(I, J + 1)
Next J
Next I
'For this purpose, we can do a simple sort on the dictionary keys,
' and then create our results array in the sorted order.
arrKeys = dctTidy.Keys
Quick_Sort arrKeys, LBound(arrKeys), UBound(arrKeys)
'Create results array
ReDim vRes(1 To WorksheetFunction.RoundUp(dctTidy.Count / ColPairs, 0), 1 To ColPairs * 2)
I = 0
J = 0
For Each V In arrKeys
K = Int(I / ColPairs) + 1
L = (J Mod ColPairs) * 2 + 1
vRes(K, L) = V
vRes(K, L + 1) = dctTidy(V)
I = I + 1
J = J + 1
Next V
'write the results
Set rRes = rRes.Resize(UBound(vRes, 1), UBound(vRes, 2))
With rRes
.Value = vRes
.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
End With
End Sub
Sub Quick_Sort(ByRef SortArray As Variant, ByVal first As Long, ByVal last As Long)
Dim Low As Long, High As Long
Dim Temp As Variant, List_Separator As Variant
Low = first
High = last
List_Separator = SortArray((first + last) / 2)
Do While (SortArray(Low) < List_Separator)
Low = Low + 1
Do While (SortArray(High) > List_Separator)
High = High - 1
If (Low <= High) Then
Temp = SortArray(Low)
SortArray(Low) = SortArray(High)
SortArray(High) = Temp
Low = Low + 1
High = High - 1
End If
Loop While (Low <= High)
If (first < High) Then Quick_Sort SortArray, first, High
If (Low < last) Then Quick_Sort SortArray, Low, last
End Sub
Assuming we got all variables set and initialized properly, in this example:
Sheets("sheetname").Select ' because stupid things can happen...
For i = 3 To 13
Let newrangeT = "B" & i '
Let newrangeV = "C" & i '
If Sheets("sheetname").Range(newrangeV) <> "" Then
values(Position) = Sheets("sheetname").Range(newrangeV)
titles(Position) = Sheets("sheetname").Range(newrangeT)
Position = Position + 1
' Don't do anything if the fields are null
End If
Next i
' We then get each data from the arrays with a For loop.
' We set a columnset variable to 1.
' We set a currentrow variable to 3.
' If columnset is 1 data will enter in B and C and columnset = columnset +1
' Then if columnset is 2 we set data to DE and columnset = columnset +1
' But if columnset is 2we set data to FG and columnset = 1 and currentrow = currentrow +1
' Iterating the arrays will result in a neat setting of the data, but it will add zeros for all the nulls. Thus we need an If statement that will exclude that values checking the TITLE array (that should contain a title instead). if the value is not 0 then... we run what I describe, otherwise we do nothing.
Putting the data in the array is half of the trick.
Then we clear the area.
We set two string variables to declare ranges (actually cell reference) for every cell iterated in the loop. Here I demonstrated only for column set B,C
but we have to do the same for the rest of the columns.
The If statement here checks for null. You might have different needs, so changing the if statement changes the filtering. Here I check if the cells are not null. If the cells of column C contain data, put those data in values array and the respective B data on titles array but where? Position starts as 1 and we then iterate it +1 each time it adds something.
You can set data from an array using this command:
' current_row is set to the first row of the spreadsheet we wanna fill.
Sheets("sheetname").Select ' because stupid things can happen...
newrangeV = "C" & current_row
Sheets("sheetname").Range(newrangeV) = values(j)
The rest is just putting things together.
In any case, I wanna thank both of the people involved in this question, because I might didn't got the solution, but I got an idea of how to do other stuff, like accidentally learning something new. Cheers.

Why do my VBA code sometimes work and most of the times it doesn't?

Sub UpdateCSAH()
Dim S As String
Dim R As Long
Dim RR As Long
Dim CC As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim csah() As String 'an array that stores the CSAH sites
ReDim csah(1 To 100, 1 To 7)
Dim Ran As Range
Dim Ran1 As Range
Set Ran = Worksheets("Current Sites").Range("A1").CurrentRegion 'Ran is the region that has values
RR = 1 'row number in csah
CC = 1 'column number in csah
'check each value in Ran to see if its Route section has "CSAH"
For Each cell In Ran
R = cell.row
S = CStr(Cells(R, 4).value)
If InStr(S, "CSAH") > 0 Then 'check if "CSAH" is in the Route section
If CC > 7 Then 'reset the column number and go to the next row when reach the end of the column
CC = 1
RR = RR + 1
End If
csah(RR, CC) = cell.value
CC = CC + 1
End If
Next cell
Worksheets("CSAH Sites").Select
'assign each array values to cells in sheet"CSAH Sites"
i = 1
j = 1
For i = 1 To UBound(csah, 1)
For j = 1 To UBound(csah, 2)
Cells(i + 1, j) = csah(i, j)
Next j
Next i
'format the CSAH Sites values
Set Ran1 = Worksheets("CSAH Sites").Range("A1").CurrentRegion
For Each cell In Ran1
If cell.row = 1 Then
With cell.Font
.Color = -11489280
End With
ElseIf cell.row Mod 2 = 0 Then
With cell.Interior
.Color = 10092441
End With
End If
Next cell
End Sub
I have an Excel worksheet named "Current Sites" that has some data. If the 4th column has the word "CSAH", I want to store the values of that row into an array and assign those values to cells in the worksheet named "CSAH Sites". My code sometimes works (the 1st time you click), and most of times it doesn't work or doesn't work properly.
Please help me out! Thanks A Bunch!!
It looks like you want to check every row of data in the "Current Sites" sheet and if column 4 includes the "CSAH" text, then write the first 7 columns of data for that entry to the "CSAH Sites" sheet and add some colour to the even-numbered rows.
To check every row of data, you can read down just one column and use either the Offset or the Cells method to see the values of neighbouring cells. In your code you were "touching" every cell and each time you were then looking at the value in column 4 and also checking to see if the code had gone past column 7. That slows things down a lot and makes the code hard to understand.
You can also assign the values from a range of cells directly to another range of cells without using variables or an array.
See if this does what you want:
Sub UpdateCSAH()
Dim currentSitesRange As Range
Dim thisSiteRange As Range
Dim outputCell As Range
Dim numRowsOfData As Long
Const NUM_COLUMNS_OF_DATA As Integer = 7
Set currentSitesRange = Worksheets("Current Sites").Range("A1")
numRowsOfData = currentSitesRange.CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
Set currentSitesRange = currentSitesRange.Resize(RowSize:=numRowsOfData) 'currentSitesRange is the region that has values
Worksheets("CSAH Sites").Range("A2:G100").ClearContents
Set outputCell = Worksheets("CSAH Sites").Range("A2")
For Each thisSiteRange In currentSitesRange.Cells
' Look for "CSAH" in the Route section (column D)
If InStr(1, thisSiteRange.Offset(ColumnOffset:=3).Value, "CSAH", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
' Found "CSAH" so write NUM_COLUMNS_OF_DATA columns of data to CSAH Sites sheet
outputCell.Resize(ColumnSize:=NUM_COLUMNS_OF_DATA).Value = thisSiteRange.Resize(ColumnSize:=NUM_COLUMNS_OF_DATA).Value
' Format the even-numbered rows
If outputCell.Row Mod 2 = 0 Then
With outputCell.Resize(ColumnSize:=NUM_COLUMNS_OF_DATA).Interior
.Color = 10092441
End With
End If
Set outputCell = outputCell.Offset(RowOffset:=1)
End If
Next thisSiteRange
End Sub

Fastest way to check if two ranges are equal in excel vba [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to compare two entire rows in a sheet
(11 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
Imagine you have two sets of data and the number of rows and columns are the same. Now you want check if data in cells in one set is equal to data in cells with the same relative address in the other set. If thats true for all cells of a row, remove the row from both sets. I can code this very easily by comparing each cell and that's not good for large data sets. See code below for two columns where the two sets of data happen to be in the same sheet side by side with 300 in column offset between them.
Dim RngOb As Range
Dim c As Range
Range("A1", "B1").Select
set RngOb = Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown))
For Each c In RngOb.Rows
If c.Cells(1,1).Value = c.Offset(0, 300).Cells(1,1).Value Then
If c.Cells(1,2).Value = c.Offset(0, 300).Cells(1,2).Value Then
End If
End If
My actual data has more than 100 columns and different number of columns from day to day. I'm looking for a smart, fast way to do this for large data sets. I highly appriciate answers, feedback and criticism. :D
Here is a simple way to compare two rows in isomorphic ranges.............in this example row #5 of each range:
Sub RowCompare()
Dim ary1() As Variant
Dim Range1 As Range, Range2 As Range, rr1 As Range, rr2 As Range
Set Range1 = Range("B9:F20")
Set Range2 = Range("I16:M27")
Set rr1 = Range1.Rows(5)
Set rr2 = Range2.Rows(5)
ary1 = Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(rr1))
ary2 = Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(rr2))
st1 = Join(ary1, ",")
st2 = Join(ary2, ",")
If st1 = st2 Then
MsgBox "the same"
MsgBox "different"
End If
End Sub
If you have embedded commas in the cells, then choose another character in the JOIN
If I understand your problem correctly, the following code should allow you to do what you want. Within the code, you select the range you wish to process; the first column of each data set, and the number of columns within each data set.
It does assume only two data sets, as you wrote, although that could be expanded. And there are ways of automatically determining the dataset columns, if there is no other data in between.
Option Explicit
Option Base 0
Sub RemoveDups()
Dim I As Long, J As Long
Dim rRng As Range
Dim vRng As Variant, vRes() As Variant
Dim bRng() As Boolean
Dim aColumns, lColumns As Long
Dim colRowsDelete As Collection
'vRng to include from first to last column to be tested
Set rRng = Range("f1", Cells(Rows.Count, "F").End(xlUp)).Resize(columnsize:=100)
vRng = rRng
ReDim bRng(1 To UBound(vRng))
'columns to be tested
'Specify First column of each data set
aColumns = Array(1, 13)
'num columns in each data set
lColumns = 3
For I = 1 To UBound(vRng)
bRng(I) = vRng(I, aColumns(0)) = vRng(I, aColumns(1))
For J = 1 To lColumns - 1
bRng(I) = bRng(I) And (vRng(I, aColumns(0) + J) = vRng(I, aColumns(1) + J))
Next J
Next I
'Rows to Delete
Set colRowsDelete = New Collection
For I = 1 To UBound(bRng)
If bRng(I) = True Then colRowsDelete.Add Item:=I
Next I
'Delete the rows
If colRowsDelete.Count > 0 Then
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For I = colRowsDelete.Count To 1 Step -1
Next I
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub