VB How to Clear existing items in listview - vb.net

I am trying to search the information from the sql server then show at the listview. Everytime I click search it won't clear the existing records based on the past time searching. I've tried item.clear, it will only show me the new search but it won't clear all the existing records. Can someone help please?
Private Sub btnSearch_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSearch.Click
Dim strNameSource As String
Dim strPhoneSource As String
Dim strBothSource As String
If OpenConnect() = True Then
If ChkCustName.Checked = True Then
strNameSource = "SELECT TCI.strLastName + ', ' + TCI.strFirstName AS strName,TCI.strPhoneNumber,CONVERT(VARCHAR,TCI.dtmCheckIn, 101),CONVERT(VARCHAR,TCI.dtmCheckOut,101),TRT.strRoomType,TR.strRoom FROM TCheckInInfo AS TCI,TRoom AS TR,TRoomType AS TRT WHERE TCI.intRoomID = TR.intRoomID AND TR.intRoomTypeID = TRT.intRoomTypeID AND intCheckInStatusID = 1 AND TCI.strLastName ='" & txtLastName.Text & "'"
ElseIf ChkPhoneNumber.Checked = True Then
strPhoneSource = "SELECT TCI.strLastName + ', ' + TCI.strFirstName AS strName,TCI.strPhoneNumber,CONVERT(VARCHAR,TCI.dtmCheckIn, 101),CONVERT(VARCHAR,TCI.dtmCheckOut,101),TRT.strRoomType,TR.strRoom FROM TCheckInInfo AS TCI,TRoom AS TR,TRoomType AS TRT WHERE TCI.intRoomID = TR.intRoomID AND TR.intRoomTypeID = TRT.intRoomTypeID AND intCheckInStatusID = 1 AND TCI.strPhoneNumber ='" & txtPhoneNumber.Text & "'"
ElseIf ChkCustName.Checked = True And ChkPhoneNumber.Checked = True Then
strBothSource = "SELECT TCI.strLastName + ', ' + TCI.strFirstName AS strName,TCI.strPhoneNumber,CONVERT(VARCHAR,TCI.dtmCheckIn, 101),CONVERT(VARCHAR,TCI.dtmCheckOut,101),TRT.strRoomType,TR.strRoom FROM TCheckInInfo AS TCI,TRoom AS TR,TRoomType AS TRT WHERE TCI.intRoomID = TR.intRoomID AND TR.intRoomTypeID = TRT.intRoomTypeID AND intCheckInStatusID = 1 AND TCI.strPhoneNumber ='" & txtPhoneNumber.Text & "' AND TCI.strLastName ='" & txtLastName.Text & "'"
End If
Catch excError As Exception
'End program
End Try
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SearchReservation(ByVal strSource As String)
Dim itemcollection(100) As String
Dim Row As Integer
Dim Column As Integer
Dim ListViewItem As New ListViewItem
cmd = New OleDb.OleDbCommand(strSource, cnn)
Adapter = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(cmd)
Adapter.Fill(Ds, "Table")
'Now adding the Items in Listview
If Ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count = 0 Then
' Something went wrong. warn user
MessageBox.Show(Me, "Could not find the Customer", "Customer finding Error", _
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)
For Row = 0 To Ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1
For Column = 0 To Ds.Tables(0).Columns.Count - 1
itemcollection(Column) = Ds.Tables(0).Rows(Row)(Column).ToString()
ListViewItem = New ListViewItem(itemcollection)
End If
Catch excError As Exception
'End program
End Try
End Sub

Lots of issues with your code, but I'll focus on your immediate issue.
You keep filling the DataSet with new tables, but you keep using the original table that is still in position zero of the DataSet.
I would venture a guess that you need to clear the rows of your DataTable:
If Ds.Tables.Contains("Table") Then
End If
of just clear any tables there:


Winforms Textbox Autocomplete Crash Application

Sometimes the program crashes when I write in the textbox. I can't find the solution. It is very weird situation. Why is program crashes sometimes. Here codes:
Private Sub CreateProductNameAutoCompleteSource(ByVal tamamlamaturu As Byte)
Dim sql_ProductName As String
Dim gorkemDAL As New Aktuel.Data.SqlClient(cns_ScalaConnectionString)
Dim dtbl_ProductName As DataTable
Dim X As New AutoCompleteStringCollection
Dim parcakodu
If tamamlamaturu = tamamlamatipi.talepedilenparca Then parcakodu = txt_talepedilenparca.Text
If tamamlamaturu = tamamlamatipi.gonderilenparca Then parcakodu = txt_gonderilenparca.Text
sql_ProductName = "select distinct urunkodu from urunler where urunkodu like '" & parcakodu & "%' order by urunkodu asc"
dtbl_ProductName = gorkemDAL.ExecuteTable(sql_ProductName)
For Each row As DataRow In dtbl_ProductName.Rows
If tamamlamaturu = tamamlamatipi.talepedilenparca Then
txt_talepedilenparca.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource
txt_talepedilenparca.AutoCompleteCustomSource = X
txt_talepedilenparca.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.Suggest
End If
If tamamlamaturu = tamamlamatipi.gonderilenparca Then
txt_gonderilenparca.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource
txt_gonderilenparca.AutoCompleteCustomSource = X
txt_gonderilenparca.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.Suggest
End If
End Sub
And Textchange event :
Private Sub txt_talepedilenparca_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles txt_talepedilenparca.TextChanged
End Sub
And I found error message in event viewer:
Error Message
Error Message
The code looks pretty clean, I can't see anything too obvious but I would make sure that parcakodu doesn't contain any sql terminating speech marks:
sql_ProductName = "select distinct urunkodu from urunler where urunkodu like '" & parcakodu & "%' order by urunkodu asc"
sql_ProductName = "select distinct urunkodu from urunler where urunkodu like '" & parcakodu.Replace("'", "''") & "%' order by urunkodu asc"
(you may want to copy & paste as hard to see what I've done there)
I would also wrap your ForEach statement in a null check - could it be you're trying to access dtbl_ProductName when it's null? Accessing the property .Rows will raise an exception if the object is null itself is Nothing.
Try something like:
If (dtbl_ProductName IsNot Nothing)
For Each row As DataRow In dtbl_ProductName.Rows
End If
Failing that - check if you can make it crash every time by using a known search string that has caused it to crash in the past. Is there a character in the string sql doesn't like, or is the result set of your sql query empty?
In your reply to the question about the error you're receiving you said the program is just closing.
Thus, the first step is to wrap your code in a Try...Catch block in order to get a meaningful error message without getting the program to close.
Private Sub CreateProductNameAutoCompleteSource(ByVal tamamlamaturu As Byte)
Dim sql_ProductName As String
Dim gorkemDAL As New Aktuel.Data.SqlClient(cns_ScalaConnectionString)
Dim dtbl_ProductName As DataTable
Dim X As New AutoCompleteStringCollection
Dim parcakodu
If tamamlamaturu = tamamlamatipi.talepedilenparca Then
parcakodu = txt_talepedilenparca.Text
ElseIf tamamlamaturu = tamamlamatipi.gonderilenparca Then
parcakodu = txt_gonderilenparca.Text
Exit Sub
End If
sql_ProductName = "select distinct urunkodu from urunler where urunkodu like '" & parcakodu.Replace("'", "''") & "%' order by urunkodu asc"
dtbl_ProductName = gorkemDAL.ExecuteTable(sql_ProductName)
If (dtbl_ProductName IsNot Nothing) Then
For Each row As DataRow In dtbl_ProductName.Rows
End If
If tamamlamaturu = tamamlamatipi.talepedilenparca Then
txt_talepedilenparca.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource
txt_talepedilenparca.AutoCompleteCustomSource = X
txt_talepedilenparca.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.Suggest
End If
If tamamlamaturu = tamamlamatipi.gonderilenparca Then
txt_gonderilenparca.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource
txt_gonderilenparca.AutoCompleteCustomSource = X
txt_gonderilenparca.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.Suggest
End If
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show(String.Format("The following error has occured:{0}{1}", vbCrLf, ex.Message), "An error has occured")
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub txt_talepedilenparca_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles txt_talepedilenparca.TextChanged
If txt_talepedilenparca.Text.Length >= 3 Then
End If
End Sub
This will give a clear idea about what's happening before tackling the main issue.
I've also escaped the string value being passed to the query so it doesn't create an SQL injection if the user entered a single quote in the text boxes.
I've also limited the function not trigger but until the textbox has at least 3 letters.
If the program still closes without an error message, then the issue is happening elsewhere, but if you got an error message, then we can take it from there.
Try to use this trick:
Private Sub txt_talepedilenparca_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles txt_talepedilenparca.TextChanged
Dim sql_ProductName As String
Dim gorkemDAL As New Aktuel.Data.SqlClient(cns_ScalaConnectionString)
Dim dtbl_ProductName As DataTable
Dim X As New AutoCompleteStringCollection
sql_ProductName = "select distinct urunkodu from urunler where urunkodu order by urunkodu asc"
dtbl_ProductName = gorkemDAL.ExecuteTable(sql_ProductName)
If txt_talepedilenparca.lenght >= 3 and txt_talepedilenparca.lenght mod 3 = 0 then
For Each row As DataRow In dtbl_ProductName.select("urunkodu like '*" & parcakodu & "*'")
if x.count > 0
txt_talepedilenparca.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource
txt_talepedilenparca.AutoCompleteCustomSource = X
txt_talepedilenparca.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.Suggest
end if
End If
catch ex as exception
end try
End Sub

UltraWinGrid deletes top record rather than the selected one

I've got an ultrawingrid that I can select rows on, and need to be able to delete the highlighted row. At the moment, it calls the database SQL query that I wrote but instead of deleting the record in the row I selected, it deletes the record in the top row instead. Can anybody work out why?
Private Sub btnDeleteIncident_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnDeleteIncident.Click
Dim rowValue = ugHistory.Selected.Rows
Dim rowToDelete = ugHistory.Rows(0).Cells(0).Value.ToString
Dim removeIncident As MsgBoxResult
removeIncident = MsgBox("Are you sure you wish to delete this incident?", MsgBoxStyle.Question + MsgBoxStyle.YesNo, "Confirm")
If removeIncident = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then
txtClientSave.Text = ""
rtbProblem.Text = ""
rtbSolution.Text = ""
dtpStart.Value = Date.Today
dtpEnd.Value = Date.Today
dtpStartTime.Value = DateTime.Now
dtpEndTime.Value = DateTime.Now
cboxSolved.Checked = False
ElseIf removeIncident = MsgBoxResult.No Then
End If
Catch Ex As Exception
MsgBox("No incidents to delete")
End Try
End Sub
Database SQL query;
Public Shared Sub deleteIncident(ByVal supportID As Integer)
Dim Dc As New OleDbCommand
Dc.Connection = Con
Dc.CommandText = "DELETE * FROM tblIncidents WHERE([supportID] = " & supportID & ")"
End Sub
You are taking the value for rowToDelete from the first row of the grid not from the current active row
I suggest you to change this line
Dim rowToDelete = ugHistory.Rows(0).Cells(0).Value.ToString
Dim rowToDelete = ugHistory.ActiveRow.Cells(0).Value.ToString
Also, it is always better to follow a safe approach when handling reference objects like 'ActiveRow', so before running your code add a test for a valid
if ugHistory.ActiveRow Is Nothing Then
End If
Dim rowToDelete = ugHistory.ActiveRow.Cells(0).Value.ToString

SELECT Query WHERE multiple values from checkboxlist are used

I was wondering if it was possible to filter down data from a table using multiple values from a checkboxlist? (or any other way) I have a checkboxlist and a gridview and when you check on of the boxes it does show the right data in the gridview but the problem arises when I try to check multiple values. It seems to search for the first checked value and then ignores the rest. You'd think it'd be simple! Perhaps it is. Here is my attempt below.
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Partial Class Default2
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Dim strSQL As New System.Text.StringBuilder
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Page.IsPostBack Then
Dim i As Integer, c As Integer = 0
Dim strParams As String = ""
For i = 0 To Me.CheckBoxList1.Items.Count - 1
If CheckBoxList1.Items(i).Selected Then
c += 1
If c = 1 Then
strParams = "(Keyword.Keyword = '" & CheckBoxList1.Items(i).Text & "')"
strParams &= " AND (Keyword.Keyword = '" & CheckBoxList1.Items(i).Text & "')"
End If
End If
strSQL.Append("SELECT Project.*")
strSQL.Append(" FROM Keyword INNER JOIN Project ON Keyword.ProjID = Project.ProjID")
strSQL.Append(" WHERE" & strParams)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub FillGridView()
Dim strMyConn As String = "Data Source=(LocalDB)\v11.0;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\FYPMS_DB.mdf;Integrated Security=True"
Using MyConn As New SqlClient.SqlConnection(strMyConn)
Dim cmd As New SqlClient.SqlCommand(strSQL.ToString, MyConn)
cmd.Connection = MyConn
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
Using dr As SqlClient.SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader
Dim dt As New DataTable
Me.GridView1.DataSource = dt
End Using
If Me.GridView1.Visible = False Then Me.GridView1.Visible = True
Catch ex As Exception
Me.GridView1.Visible = False
End Try
End Using
End Sub
Protected Sub CheckBoxList1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim i As Integer, c As Integer = 0
Dim strParams As String = ""
For i = 0 To Me.CheckBoxList1.Items.Count - 1
If CheckBoxList1.Items(i).Selected Then
c += 1
If c = 1 Then
strParams = "(Keyword.Keyword = '" & CheckBoxList1.Items(i).Text & "')"
strParams &= " AND (Keyword.Keyword = '" & CheckBoxList1.Items(i).Text & "')"
End If
End If
If c <> 0 Then
strSQL.Append("SELECT Project.*")
strSQL.Append(" FROM Keyword INNER JOIN Project ON Keyword.ProjID = Project.ProjID")
strSQL.Append(" WHERE" & strParams)
End If
End Sub
End Class
Refactor this section to create a WHERE IN statement so it checks to see if the value is found among any item checked
Dim strParams As String = ""
For i = 0 To Me.CheckBoxList1.Items.Count - 1
If CheckBoxList1.Items(i).Selected Then
c += 1
If c = 1 Then
strParams = "(Keyword.Keyword = '" & CheckBoxList1.Items(i).Text & "')"
strParams &= " AND (Keyword.Keyword = '" & CheckBoxList1.Items(i).Text & "')"
End If
End If
Dim params As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder()
For i = 0 To Me.CheckBoxList1.Items.Count - 1
If CheckBoxList1.Items(i).Selected Then
If i < Me.CheckBoxList1.Items.Count Then
params.Append("',") // don't append a comma if it's the last item
End If
End If
strSQL.Append("SELECT Project.* FROM Keyword INNER JOIN Project ON Keyword.ProjID = Project.ProjID WHERE Keyword.Keyword in (")
strSQL.Append(params.ToString()) // append comma delimited values that make up where in statement
strSQL.Append("')") // close where in statement

multiple SQL queries stored as vb.net variable

I know there are a few other posts about putting sql results into a vb.net variable but I just couldn't wrap my head around how they did it and how I could do it in my project.
So what I'm trying to do is query my database for 4 different values and then display each value in a certain part of the form. I was going to store the each value into a variable and then do an textbox1.text = i
Updated code for 10/5/2014
Private Sub LBmembers_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles LBmembers.SelectedIndexChanged
Dim i As String = LBmembers.SelectedItem
Dim dbProvider = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;"
Dim dbSource = "Data Source= C:\members.mdb "
Dim SqlQuery As String = "SELECT StartTime, EndTime, ShipCode, CycleTime, WorkPercent, Share FROM tblMembers WHERE Member = #ID;"
Using con = New OleDb.OleDbConnection(dbProvider & dbSource)
Using cmd = New OleDb.OleDbCommand(SqlQuery, con)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#ID", OleDb.OleDbType.VarWChar).Value = i
Using reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
If reader.Read() Then
TBtimestart.Text = reader.ToString(0)
TBtimeend.Text = reader.ToString(1)
Dim j = Convert.ToInt32(reader.ToString(2))
TBtimecycle.Text = reader.GetInt32(3).ToString
TBmemberpercent.Text = reader.GetInt32(4)
TBmembershare.Text = reader.GetInt32(5)
If j = 1 Then
RBpro.Checked = True
ElseIf j = 2 Then
RBret.Checked = True
ElseIf j = 3 Then
RBcov.Checked = True
ElseIf j = 4 Then
RBskiff.Checked = True
ElseIf j = 5 Then
RBmack.Checked = True
ElseIf j = 6 Then
RBhulk.Checked = True
RBpro.Checked = False
RBret.Checked = False
RBcov.Checked = False
RBskiff.Checked = False
RBmack.Checked = False
RBhulk.Checked = False
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End Using
End Using
End Using
End Sub
The exception
InvalidCastException was unhandled Specified cast is not valid.
Pops up on the line TBtimecycle.text = reader.GetInt32(3).ToString
The reader is also reading "System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader" when I insert the test code "TBgrossisk.Text = reader.ToString()" into the using statement
If you look carefully to the syntax of the SELECT statement you will see that you can request any column of the table with just one query.
Private Sub ListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles LBmembers.SelectedIndexChanged
if string.IsNullOrWitheSpace(ListBox1.SelectedItem.ToString()) Then
MessageBox.Show("Select an item from the Listbox")
End If
Dim member As String = ListBox1.SelectedItem
Dim dbProvider = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;"
Dim dbSource = "Data Source= C:\members.mdb "
Dim SqlQuery As String = "SELECT StartTime, EndTime, ShipCode, CycleTime " & _
"FROM tblMembers WHERE Member = #ID;"
Using con = New OleDb.OleDbConnection(dbProvider & dbSource)
Using cmd = New OleDb.OleDbCommand(SqlQuery, con)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#ID", OleDb.OleDbType.VarWChar).Value = member
Using reader = cmd.ExecuteReader
if reader.Read() Then
TextBox1.Text = reader.GetString(0)
TextBox2.Text = reader.GetString(1)
Dim j = reader.GetInt32(2)
If j = 1 Then
Radio1.Checked = True
ElseIf j = 2 Then
Radio2.Checked = True
ElseIf j = 3 Then
Radio3.Checked = True
ElseIf j = 4 Then
Radio4.Checked = True
ElseIf j = 5 Then
Radio5.Checked = True
ElseIf j = 6 Then
Radio6.Checked = True
Exit Sub
End If
TextBox4.Text = reader.GetInt32(3).ToString()
MessageBox.Show("The search for '" & member & "' doesn't find any data")
End If
End Using
End Using
End Using
End Sub
Instead of using ExecuteScalar that returns just the first column of the first row retrieved you could use an OleDbDataReader returned by the method ExecuteReader. This object allows to access the various column in the current record using an index (or the column name). Read more about OleDbDataReader in MSDN

VB.Net Global DataSets inside a public function

I am having some problem with a function that I hope you can help.
My Application is a simple one, it uses an Access database to load employee information and creates letters and financial breakdown sheet from word templates that users can then print and save back to the database.
I started by creating a dataset containing several datatables for each form subroutine but it resulted in literally hundreds of lines of repeated code. But it worked.
What I want to do, is have one dataset containing all the information needed about an employee and be able to reference it over several forms at the same time. So i created a public module that looks like this:
Public Module Datasets
Public update As String
Dim pCn As OleDb.OleDbConnection
Public Function CSofwareDataSet() As DataSet
'open new connection to database
pCn = New OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=G:\CGI Project\CorrespondenceSoftware\Database1.accdb; Persist Security Info=False;")
Call pCn.Open() 'opens the connection
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show("Could not open a database connection! 1")
End Try
CSofwareDataSet = New DataSet
Dim daOPG As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Overpayment WHERE PayNumber='" & Main.tbPayNumber.Text & "' AND Gross=1", pCn) 'get all data from Overpayment Details table
Dim daOPN As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Overpayment WHERE PayNumber='" & Main.tbPayNumber.Text & "' AND Net=1", pCn) 'get all data from Overpayment Details table
Dim daOPR As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM OvpReasons", pCn) 'get overpayment reasons
Dim daREC As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM TaxYear", pCn) 'get recovery date options
Dim daEMP As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM EmployeeDetails WHERE PayNumber='" & Main.tbPayNumber.Text & "' AND Active=1 ", pCn) 'get all data from Employee Details table
Dim daCON As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Consultant", pCn) 'get all data from Consultant Details table
Dim daSET As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Settings", pCn) 'get all data from Consultant Details table
'Find the primary key (if missing)
daOPG.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey
daOPN.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey
daOPR.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey
daREC.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey
daEMP.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey
daCON.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey
daSET.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey
'setup prefixes
Dim cbOPG As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(daOPG)
cbOPG.QuotePrefix = "["
cbOPG.QuoteSuffix = "]"
Dim cbOPN As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(daOPN)
cbOPG.QuotePrefix = "["
cbOPG.QuoteSuffix = "]"
Dim cbOPR As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(daOPR)
cbOPG.QuotePrefix = "["
cbOPG.QuoteSuffix = "]"
Dim cbREC As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(daREC)
cbOPG.QuotePrefix = "["
cbOPG.QuoteSuffix = "]"
Dim cbEMP As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(daEMP)
cbEMP.QuotePrefix = "["
cbEMP.QuoteSuffix = "]"
Dim cbCON As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(daCON)
cbEMP.QuotePrefix = "["
cbEMP.QuoteSuffix = "]"
Dim cbSET As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(daSET)
cbEMP.QuotePrefix = "["
cbEMP.QuoteSuffix = "]"
If CSofwareDataSet.HasChanges Then
daEMP.Update(CSofwareDataSet, "EmployeeDetails")
daOPG.Update(CSofwareDataSet, "OverPaymentGross")
daOPN.Update(CSofwareDataSet, "OverPaymentNet")
daSET.Update(CSofwareDataSet, "Settings")
MessageBox.Show("Success! Records updated.")
update = "0"
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show("Oops - something went wrong and it didn't update")
update = "0"
End Try
ElseIf CSofwareDataSet.Tables.Count = 0 Then
daOPG.Fill(CSofwareDataSet, "OverPaymentGross")
daOPN.Fill(CSofwareDataSet, "OverPaymentNet")
daOPR.Fill(CSofwareDataSet, "OverPaymentReasons")
daREC.Fill(CSofwareDataSet, "RecoveryDates")
daEMP.Fill(CSofwareDataSet, "EmployeeDetails")
daCON.Fill(CSofwareDataSet, "ConsultantDetails")
daSET.Fill(CSofwareDataSet, "Settings")
End If
'If update = "1" Then
' Try
' daEMP.Update(CSofwareDataSet, "EmployeeDetails")
' daOPG.Update(CSofwareDataSet, "OverPaymentGross")
' daOPN.Update(CSofwareDataSet, "OverPaymentNet")
' daSET.Update(CSofwareDataSet, "Settings")
' MessageBox.Show("Success! Records updated.")
' update = "0"
' Catch ex As Exception
' MessageBox.Show("Oops - something went wrong and it didn't update")
' update = "0"
' End Try
' End If
End Function
End Module
On each form, it gets referenced like this (as an example):
Imports WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking
Imports Word = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word
Imports CorrespondenceSoftware.Datasets
Public Class GrossInput
Dim loading = "1"
Dim NewEmployee = "0" 'sets the default new employee flag to 0
Private pCn As OleDb.OleDbConnection
Private Sub GrossInput_Load(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If CSofwareDataSet.Tables("EmployeeDetails").Rows.Count > 0 Then
For i As Integer = 0 To CSofwareDataSet.Tables("EmployeeDetails").Rows.Count - 1
cbTitle.Text = CSofwareDataSet.Tables("EmployeeDetails").Rows(i)(2)
tbFName.Text = CSofwareDataSet.Tables("EmployeeDetails").Rows(i)(3)
tbLName.Text = CSofwareDataSet.Tables("EmployeeDetails").Rows(i)(4)
tbAddress1.Text = CSofwareDataSet.Tables("EmployeeDetails").Rows(i)(5)
tbAddress2.Text = CSofwareDataSet.Tables("EmployeeDetails").Rows(i)(6)
tbAddress3.Text = CSofwareDataSet.Tables("EmployeeDetails").Rows(i)(7)
tbAddress4.Text = CSofwareDataSet.Tables("EmployeeDetails").Rows(i)(8)
tbPostcode.Text = CSofwareDataSet.Tables("EmployeeDetails").Rows(i)(9)
tbWorkLocation.Text = CSofwareDataSet.Tables("EmployeeDetails").Rows(i)(10)
tbWorkLocation.Enabled = False
tbPostcode.Enabled = False
tbAddress4.Enabled = False
tbAddress3.Enabled = False
tbAddress2.Enabled = False
tbAddress1.Enabled = False
tbLName.Enabled = False
tbFName.Enabled = False
cbTitle.Enabled = False
chkMSC.Enabled = False
chkOfficer.Enabled = False
chkStaff.Enabled = False
bnSaveEmp.Enabled = False
bnEditEmp.Enabled = True
End If
If CSofwareDataSet.Tables("EmployeeDetails").Rows(0)(11) = "1" Then
chkOfficer.Checked = True
chkOfficer.Checked = False
End If
If CSofwareDataSet.Tables("EmployeeDetails").Rows(0)(12) = "1" Then
chkStaff.Checked = True
chkStaff.Checked = False
End If
If CSofwareDataSet.Tables("EmployeeDetails").Rows(0)(13) = "1" Then
chkMSC.Checked = True
chkMSC.Checked = False
End If
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show("Employee not found. Ensure pay number is correct and create a new record")
NewEmployee = "1" ' tells the program to create a new record if saved
cbReference.Enabled = False
cbReference.Text = ""
bnEditEmp.Enabled = False
End Try
'display the overpayment references to the user
If CSofwareDataSet.Tables("OverPaymentGross").Rows.Count > 0 Then
For i As Integer = 0 To CSofwareDataSet.Tables("OverPaymentGross").Rows.Count - 1
End If
'display the available consultants to the user
If CSofwareDataSet.Tables("ConsultantDetails").Rows.Count > 0 Then
For i As Integer = 0 To CSofwareDataSet.Tables("ConsultantDetails").Rows.Count - 1
cbConsultant.Items.Add(CSofwareDataSet.Tables("ConsultantDetails").Rows(i)(1) & " " & CSofwareDataSet.Tables("ConsultantDetails").Rows(i)(2))
End If
'display the available Overpayment reasons to the user
If CSofwareDataSet.Tables("OverPaymentReasons").Rows.Count > 0 Then
For i As Integer = 0 To CSofwareDataSet.Tables("OverPaymentReasons").Rows.Count - 1
End If
'Load other recovery date options
If CSofwareDataSet.Tables("RecoveryDates").Rows.Count > 0 Then
For i As Integer = 0 To CSofwareDataSet.Tables("RecoveryDates").Rows.Count - 1
End If
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString) 'Show any errors to the user
End Try
loading = "0"
End Sub
Now! the problem that I'm having is that, this does work and run without any errors BUT every time the CSSoftwareDataSet function runs it populates the tables correctly and returns the expected results but it then deletes the datatable data so every time the function is referenced from a winform it needs to haul all the data from the access database from scratch, severely impacting on the performance of the program. The tables wont update properly because its not storing the datatable information and as soon as its inserted its forgotten but again, produces no errors. An example of my update script looks like this:
Else 'create a new record
'create a new reference
Dim REFRowCount = CSofwareDataSet.Tables("OverPaymentGross").Rows.Count + 1 'count the number of rows in table and add 1
Dim NewREF = "OVPG" & Main.tbPayNumber.Text & "-" & REFRowCount
'Find todays date and reply dates
Dim TodayDatedate = Format(Now.Date(), "dd/MM/yyyy")
Dim ReplyDatedate = Format(Now.Date.AddDays(21), "dd/MM/yyyy")
'Create a new row
Dim OPNew As DataRow = CSofwareDataSet.Tables("OverPaymentGross").NewRow() 'create a variable to contain the new row
OPNew.Item(1) = Main.tbPayNumber.Text
OPNew.Item(2) = NewREF
OPNew.Item(3) = tbOverpaymentAmount.Text.ToString
OPNew.Item(4) = tbMonRec.Text
OPNew.Item(5) = tbTaxP.Text
OPNew.Item(6) = TodayDatedate
OPNew.Item(7) = ReplyDatedate
OPNew.Item(8) = tbMoRep.Text
OPNew.Item(9) = cbStartRecovery.Text
OPNew.Item(10) = "1" 'Set as gross
OPNew.Item(11) = "0" 'do not set as net
OPNew.Item(12) = cbReason.Text
OPNew.Item(13) = tbAI.Text
OPNew.Item(14) = dtpStart.Value.Date
OPNew.Item(15) = dtpFinish.Value.Date
OPNew.Item(16) = cbConsultant.Text
OPNew.Item(17) = tbPosition.Text
Call CSofwareDataSet.Tables("OverPaymentGross").Rows.Add(OPNew) 'fill the new row and insert the data
There must be a solution to this. To create a dataset that holds its data in session while you open other winforms until it is reset. I'm out of ideas because i really don't want to go back to repeating all this code for practically every subroutine in my program.
I hope I've explained it OK .. Any help here will be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks,
You can declare the DataSet globally, populate it in a function (sub), which is called just at the start, and retrieve the information by accessing the variable rather than by calling the function over and over. Your code uses a somehow ambiguous approach (same name for function and for variable) which, together with the VB rules (functions might not include a Return statement but a variable with the function's name) does not play to your favor.
Sample code converting the DataSet into a public variable and renaming the function (and converting it into a sub: what is the point of a function now?):
Public CSofwareDataSet As DataSet
Public Sub populateDS()
'open new connection to database
pCn = New OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=G:\CGI Project\CorrespondenceSoftware\Database1.accdb; Persist Security Info=False;")
Call pCn.Open() 'opens the connection
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show("Could not open a database connection! 1")
End Try
CSofwareDataSet = New DataSet
'Remaining code
End Sub
Call this sub just once (right at the start of your application; or every time new data has to be retrieved from the DB) and continue using CSofwareDataSet as so far (although as a variable, by removing the Call bits; which, on the other hand, are not required in VB.NET at all).