What about redis EVAL atomicity regarding keys with TTL? - redis

As I know redis is single threaded solution from client point of view.
But what about the general architecture?
Amuse we have some lua script that going to execute several commands on keys that has some TTL.
How does redis garbage collections works? Could it interrupt the EVAL execution & evict some value or internal tasks share the single thread with user tasks?

Lua is majik, and because that is the case time stops when Redis is doing Lua. Put differently, expiration stops once you start running the script in the sense that time does not advance. However, if a key expired before the script started, it will not be available for the script to use.


Scripting in Redis: atomic execution

In the documentation about scripting in redis the following is stated:
Redis guarantees the script's atomic execution. While executing the script, all server activities are blocked during its entire runtime.
Do I understand that correctly that really all server activities are blocked? In the call to EVAL you state the keys that are modified, so why would Redis not only block activities for those keys?
Thanks in advance for any clarification!
Because Redis runs commands one-by-one in a single thread. When it runs your script, i.e. EVAL, it cannot run other commands until it finishes the script.
So, NEVER run complicated Lua script, since it might block Redis for a long time, and hurt performance.

why we need the eval command in redis, if redis is single-threaded?

One way to execute commands in REDIS, is via the EVAL script.
Redis uses the same Lua interpreter to run all the commands. Also
Redis guarantees that a script is executed in an atomic way: no other
script or Redis command will be executed while a script is being
Since redis is single threaded, why do we need EVAL to offer atomicity? I would expect that this is implied by the one running thread.
Am I missing something? Apologies if my question is pretty simple, I am quite new to redis
Every (data path) command in Redis is indeed atomic. EVAL allows you to compose an "atomic" command with a script that can include many Redis commands, not to mention control structures and some other utilities that are helpful to implement server-side logic. To achieve the similar "atomicity" of multiple commands you can also use MULTI/EXEC blocks (i.e. transactions) by the way.
Without an EVAL or a MULTI/EXEC block, your commands will run one after another, but other clients' commands may interleave between them. Using a script or transaction eliminates that.
Redis uses a single thread to execute commands from many different clients. So if you want a group of commands from one client to be executed in sequence, you need a way to direct Redis to do that. That's what EVAL is for. Without it, Redis could interleave the execution of commands from other clients in with yours.

What happens if Elasticache decides to reshard while my script is running?

I have some scripts that touch a handful of keys. What happens if Elasticache decides to reshard while my script is running? Will it wait for my script to complete before it moves the underlying keys? Or should I assume that it is not the case and design my application with this edge case in mind?
One example would be a script that increment 2 keys at once. I could receive a "cluster error" which means something went wrong and I have to execute my script again (and potentially end up with one key being incremented twice and the other once)
Assuming you are talking about a Lua script, for as long as you're passing the keys in the arguments (and not hardcoded in the script) you should be good. It will be all or nothing. If you are not using a Lua script - consider doing so
From EVAL command:
All Redis commands must be analyzed before execution to determine
which keys the command will operate on. In order for this to be true
for EVAL, keys must be passed explicitly. This is useful in many ways,
but especially to make sure Redis Cluster can forward your request to
the appropriate cluster node.
From AWS ElastiCache - Best Practices: Online Cluster Resizing:
During resharding, we recommend the following:
Avoid expensive commands – Avoid running any computationally and I/O
intensive operations, such as the KEYS and SMEMBERS commands. We
suggest this approach because these operations increase the load on
the cluster and have an impact on the performance of the cluster.
Instead, use the SCAN and SSCAN commands.
Follow Lua best practices – Avoid long running Lua scripts, and always
declare keys used in Lua scripts up front. We recommend this approach
to determine that the Lua script is not using cross slot commands.
Ensure that the keys used in Lua scripts belong to the same slot.

Redis: Using lua and concurrent transactions

Two issues
Do lua scripts really solve all cases for redis transactions?
What are best practices for asynchronous transactions from one client?
Let me explain, first issue
Redis transactions are limited, with an inability to unwatch specific keys, and all keys being unwatched upon exec; we are limited to a single ongoing transaction on a given client.
I've seen threads where many redis users claim that lua scripts are all they need. Even the redis official docs state they may remove transactions in favour of lua scripts. However, there are cases where this is insufficient, such as the most standard case: using redis as a cache.
Let's say we want to cache some data from a persistent data store, in redis. Here's a quick process:
Check cache -> miss
Load data from database
Store in redis
However, what if, between step 2 (loading data), and step 3 (storing in redis) the data is updated by another client?
The data stored in redis would be stale. So... we use a redis transaction right? We watch the key before loading from db, and if the key is updated somewhere else before storage, storage would fail. Great! However, within an atomic lua script, we cannot load data from an external database, so lua cannot be used here. Hopefully I'm simply missing something, or there is something wrong with our process.
Moving on to the 2nd issue (asynchronous transactions)
Let's say we have a socket.io cluster which processes various messages, and requests for a game, for high speed communication between server and client. This cluster is written in node.js with appropriate use of promises and asynchronous concepts.
Say two requests hit a server in our cluster, which require data to be loaded and cached in redis. Using our transaction from above, multiple keys could be watched, and multiple multi->exec transactions would run in overlapping order on one redis connection. Once the first exec is run, all watched keys will be unwatched, even if the other transaction is still running. This may allow the second transaction to succeed when it should have failed.
These overlaps could happen in totally separate requests happening on the same server, or even sometimes in the same request if multiple data types need to load at the same time.
What is best practice here? Do we need to create a separate redis connection for every individual transaction? Seems like we would lose a lot of speed, and we would see many connections created just from one server if this is case.
As an alternative we could use redlock / mutex locking instead of redis transactions, but this is slow by comparison.
Any help appreciated!
I have received the following, after my query was escalated to redis engineers:
Hi Jeremy,
Your method using multiple backend connections would be the expected way to handle the problem. We do not see anything wrong with multiple backend connections, each using an optimistic Redis transaction (WATCH/MULTI/EXEC) - there is no chance that the “second transaction will succeed where it should have failed”.
Using LUA is not a good fit for this problem.
Best Regards,
The Redis Labs Team

Scheduled Post implemantation in Redis

-User can prepare Post to be published for future.
Post.PostState is PostState.Scheduled.
Post.PublishDate is FutureDate
When futuredate comes PostState will be PostState.Published.
How can I implement this in Redis.
Sorry for duplication: I found that Delayed execution / scheduling with Redis?
Delayed execution / scheduling with Redis?
It seems an answer will be more related with code than db, so
c# reliable delayed/scheduled execution best practice
There is no scheduling as such, but you could set the values for both keys and put an expire on the scheduled date. Always lookup both keys and prefer the first. When the schedule expires, you will get back the actual as the first (and only) result.
You could also hide all that behind a lua script.
Sorry but using REDIS key expiration for scheduling won't work.
expiration can happen before, or very far in the future (eg. depending on available memory).
I think you might want to use another tool for delayed execution depending on you development platform. (eg. polling a REDIS queue, linux cron, timers, etc.)