how to implement reusable api-calling component in vuejs? - api

I'm developing a simple vuejs app where I have a few identical APIs serving content that is parsed in a similar way. I would like to make the code to fetch the content common across the various API calls, and only have a need to pass the API endpoint to what fetches the content.
Here's my code
var content = new Vue({
el: '#story',
data: {
loaded: [],
current: 0,
errors: []
mounted() {
.then(response => {
this.loaded = this.loaded.concat(
this.hasMore =
this.nextItems =
}).catch(e => {
methods: {
fetchNext: function() {
.then(response => {
this.loaded = this.loaded.concat(
this.hasMore =
this.nextItems =
}).catch(e => {
//TODO CLEAR errors before pushing
next: function() {
if (this.current+1 < this.loaded.length) {
} else {
prev: function() {
this.current = (this.current-1 >= 0) ? this.current-1 : 0
delimiters: ['[{', '}]']
Right now, I've replicated the above object for stories, poems, and many other things. But I would ideally like to combine them into one. Strategies I tried to search for included having a parent component as this object, but I think I'm probably thinking wrong about some of this.
Really appreciate the help!

I went with mixins. This is the solution I implemented.
apiObject.js (Reusable object)
var apiObject = {
data: function() {
return {
loaded: [],
current: 0,
hasMore: "",
nextItems: "",
errors: []
methods: {
fetchContent: function(apiEndpoint) {
.then(response => {
this.loaded = this.loaded.concat(;
this.hasMore =;
this.nextItems =;
.catch(e => {
fetchNext: function() {
.then(response => {
this.loaded = this.loaded.concat(;
this.hasMore =;
this.nextItems =;
this.current += 1;
.catch(e => {
//TODO CLEAR errors before pushing
next: function() {
if (this.current + 1 < this.loaded.length) {
this.current += 1;
} else if (this.hasMore == true) {
prev: function() {
this.current = this.current - 1 >= 0 ? this.current - 1 : 0;
story.js (Specific usage)
var storyComponent = Vue.extend({
mixins: [apiObject],
created() {
new Vue({
el: "#story",
components: {
"story-component": storyComponent
delimiters: ["[{", "}]"]
and then, you could either define the template in the component itself, or use the inline-template way of creating the template in the html file, which is what I did
output.html with all js files included
<div id="story">
<story-component inline-template>

There are many ways to tackle this, but perhaps once you reach this level of complexity in the model of the components/application state, the most sensible strategy would be to use a central state store.
See the State Management chapter of the vue guide and possibly the excellent vuex.
There you could factor the common logic in suitable local classes/functions and call them from store actions (for async operations you have to use actions, which will commit mutations with respective state changes at completion of the asynchronous operations.


Vuejs, components and cache

i was looking for a way to 'cache' some API fetched data in my application, and find out it can simply be done with localStorage (or even sessionsStorage)
While it works fine, i'm looking for a way to have all the cached data in one localStorage entry (in JSON)
The problem is i can't figure out how to build the JSON tree without overriding previous item. Let me explain :
On my dashboard, I have two components, one that load categories, the other loading last articles. Each component uses a different endpoint.
this is how i set cache (for categories) :
methods: {
async getCategories() {
let response = await fetch('', {
method: 'GET',
headers: zendeskHeaders,
if (response.status === 200) {
let data = await response.json();
this.categories = data.categories
// Build cache
let cacheData = []
sessionStorage.setItem('zhc_db_cat_cache', JSON.stringify(cacheData))
else {
console.log("Something went wrong (" + response.status + ")");
return Promise.reject(response);
setUrl(url) {
return decodeURI(url.substring(url.indexOf('-') + 1))
for articles :
methods: {
async getArticles() {
let response = await fetch('', {
method: 'GET',
headers: zendeskHeaders,
if (response.status === 200) {
let data = await response.json();
this.articles = data.articles
// Build cache
let cacheData = []
sessionStorage.setItem('zhc_db_art_cache', JSON.stringify(cacheData));
else {
console.log("Something went wrong (" + response.status + ")");
return Promise.reject(response);
setUrl(url) {
return decodeURI(url.substring(url.indexOf('-') + 1))
this results in two entries in the sessionStorage :
I want only one item, let's say 'zhc_cache', in which i can update data while components load..
for example : dashboard: {
categories: {
articles: {
I think there's something going on with the async function, but i can't figure it out,
any help will be appreciated :)
If i understand it correctly, you just want one JSON object with categories AND data?
In that case, i think you should create an object ("zn_cache"), in which you add categories and articles
//If you want to keep both functions, just set vuejs data variables (categories and articles) and affect them the data you fetched from the api
this.categories = data.categories
this.articles = data.articles
Then you can create a global object with both (check the syntax I'm not 100% sure)
let dashboard = { 'categories' : this.categories, 'articles' : this.articles}
Then you can store this bad boy
works like a charm ;)
here is the dashboard now
const zendeskConfig = {
categoriesEndpoint: '',
articlesEndpoint: ''
import Categories from '/skin/frontend/carreblanc/revamp/js/zendesk/hc/components/dashboard/categories.js'
import Recents from '/skin/frontend/carreblanc/revamp/js/zendesk/hc/components/dashboard/recent-activity.js'
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
categories: [],
articles: [],
methods: {
getData() {
fetch(zendeskConfig.categoriesEndpoint).then(res => res.ok && res.json() || Promise.reject(res)),
fetch(zendeskConfig.articlesEndpoint).then(res => res.ok && res.json() || Promise.reject(res))
]).then(([resCategories, resArticles]) => {
this.categories = resCategories.categories
this.articles = resArticles.articles
let cacheData = { dashboard: { 'categories' : this.categories, 'articles' : this.articles} }
sessionStorage.setItem('zhc_db_cache', JSON.stringify(cacheData))
created() {
template: `
<div class="row">
<div class="col col-12">
<Categories :categories=this.categories />
<div class="col col-12">
<Recents :articles=this.articles />
and the result :
I have to reconfigure the other views, but it should be easy now
Thanks again !

How to fetch data with slot in Vue?

I have a code block like this.
<template slot="name" slot-scope="row">{{row.value.first}} {{row.value.last}}</template>
Also I have a header.
{ isActive: true, age: 38, name: { first: 'Jami', last: 'Carney' } },
{ isActive: false, age: 27, name: { first: 'Essie', last: 'Dunlap' } },
{ isActive: true, age: 40, name: { first: 'Thor', last: 'Macdonald' } },
This code is running clearly but I want to show data from my API. Which terms do I need to know? I used Axios before in React. Where can I define Axios method? Do I need to change the template slot instead of :v-slot ?
Although you can make API calls directly from inside the component code, it does not mean that you should. It's better to decouple API calls into a separate module.
Here's a good way to do it which properly follows Separation of Concern (SoC) principle:
Create a directory services under src if it's not already there.
Under services, create new file named api.service.js.
import axios from 'axios';
const baseURL = 'http://localhost:8080/api'; // Change this according to your setup
export default axios.create({
Create another file peopleData.service.js
import api from './api.service';
import handleError from './errorHandler.service'; // all the error handling code will be in this file, you can replace it with console.log statement for now.
export default {
fetchPeopleData() {
return api.get('/people')
.catch((err) => handleError(err));
// All other API calls related to your people's (users'/customers'/whatever is appropriate in your case) data should be added here.
addPerson(data) {
return'/people', data)
.catch((err) => handleError(err));
Now you can import this service into your component and call the function.
... Template code
import peopleDataService from '#/services/peopleData.service';
export default {
data() {
return {
rows: [],
mounted() {
peopleDataService.fetchPeopleData().then((res) => {
if (res && res.status == 200) {
this.rows =;
You haven't given us any idea about your current setup. If you're using Vue-Router, it's better to fetch data in navigation guards, especially if your component is relying on the data: Data Fetching
Simply shift the code from mounted() into a navigation guard. this may not be available, so you will have to use next callback to set rows array, it's explained in the link above.
You can use Axios in methods or mounted.
this.loading = true;
.get(`${this.backendURL}/api/v1/pages/layouts` , authHeader())
.then(response => (this.layouts =
methods: {
* Search the table data with search input
this.selectedAll = false
onFiltered(filteredItems) {
// Trigger pagination to update the number of buttons/pages due to filtering
this.totalRows = filteredItems.length;
this.currentPage = 1;
handlePageChange(value) {
this.currentPage = value;
.get(`${this.backendURL}/api/v1/pages?per_page=${this.perPage}&page=${this.currentPage}` , authHeader())
.then(response => (this.pagesData = convert(,
this.pagesDataLength =;
handlePerPageChange(value) {
this.perPage = value;
this.currentPage = 1;
.get(`${this.backendURL}/api/v1/pages?per_page=${this.perPage}&page=${this.currentPage}` , authHeader())
.then(response => (this.pagesData = convert(,
this.pagesDataLength =;
this.loading = true
if (!roleService.hasDeletePermission(this.pageIdentity)){
.delete(`${this.backendURL}/api/v1/pages/${}` , authHeader())
.then(response => ( =,
.get(`${this.backendURL}/api/v1/pages?per_page=${this.perPage}&page=${this.currentPage}` , authHeader())
.then(response => (this.pagesData = convert(,
this.pagesDataLength =,
alertBox(`Page deleted succesfully!`, true)
.finally(() => {
this.loading = false

How to full state before going throw script in component vue

Mey be it is simple, but I'm new in frontend. I have a page component. And I need to fetch data before component calculated.
import {mapActions, mapGetters} from 'vuex'
export default {
name: "notFoundPage",
methods: {
computed: {
subCategories() {
// doing some calculations with already updated SUBCATEGORIES in store
return result;
created() {
> **// from here we go to store**
mounted() {
let store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {
categories: [],
subcategories: []
mutations: {
SET_CATEGORIES_TO_STATE: (state, categories) => {
state.categories = categories;
SET_SUBCATEGORIES_TO_STATE: (state, subcategories) => {
state.subcategories = subcategories;
actions: {
return axios('http://localhost:3000/categories',
method: "GET"
But here compiler returns to component. I do not have any idea, why it is not finishing this action. And after calculating the computed block in component it returns to this point. But I need 'SET_CATEGORIES_TO_STATE' already updated
.then((categories) => {
return categories;
}).catch((error) => {
return error;
this.dispatch('GET_CATEGORIES_FROM_API').then(categories => {
let subs = {
return {
return subs
getters: {
return state.categories;
return state.subcategories;
if you have difficulties with timings and async tasks, why don't you use async/await?
you want to wait in a async function (for example calling a backend for data) till the data is fetched. then you want to manipulate/delete/change/add, do what ever you want with that data and display the result on screen.
the point is, Vue is a reactive Framework, which means it rerenders (if the setup is correct made) the content by itself after what ever calculation is finished. so don't worry about something like that.
to be honest, the question is asked really weird. and your code is hard to read. sometimes moving two steps back and try a other way isn't false as well.

VueJS $set not making new property in array of objects reactive

In my VueJS 2 component below, I can add the imgdata property to each question in the area.questions array. It works - I can see from the console.log that there are questions where imgdata has a value. But despite using $set it still isn't reactive, and the imgdata isn't there in the view! How can I make this reactive?
var componentOptions = {
props: ['area'],
data: function() {
return {
qIndex: 0,
mounted: function() {
var that = this;
methods: {
init: function() {
var that = this;
if (that.area.questions.length > 0) {
that.area.questions.forEach(function(q) {
Util.HTTP('GET', '/api/v1/photos/' + + '/qimage').then(function(response) {
var thisIndex = (that.area.questions.findIndex(entry => ===;
var thisQuestion = (that.area.questions.find(entry => ===;
thisQuestion.imgdata =;
that.$set(that.area.questions, thisIndex, thisQuestion);
console.log("area.questions", that.area.questions);
Since area is a prop, you should not be attempting to make changes to it within this component.
The general idea is to emit an event for the parent component to listen to in order to update the data passed in.
For example
export default {
name: "ImageLoader",
props: {
area: Object
data: () => ({ qIndex: 0 }), // are you actually using this?
mounted () {
methods: {
async init () {
const questions = await Promise.all( q => {
const res = await Util.HTTP("GET", `/api/v1/photos/${encodeURIComponent(}/qimage`)
return {
this.$emit("loaded", questions)
And in the parent
<image-loader :area="area" #loaded="updateAreaQuestions"/>
export default {
data: () => ({
area: {
questions: [/* questions go here */]
methods: {
updateAreaQuestions(questions) {
this.area.questions = questions
Here that variable has a value of this but it's bound under the scope of function. So, you can create reactive property in data as below :
data: function() {
return {
qIndex: 0,
questions: []
Props can't be reactive so use :
that.$set(this.questions, thisIndex, thisQuestion);
And assign your API output to directly questions using this.questions.

Vuex - Baffling mutation payload in new window/tab

I have a simple VueJS SPA served by Express. Express also handles API endpoints called by Vue front-end.
Express is connected to Postgres, and API endpoints interact with the database (perform basic CRUD operations).
In my database, I have a single "patient" table, with columns "first_name", "last_name", "date_of_birth", and "id".
In the created() hook of PatientList.vue component, database is queried for all patients, and this information is saved to component data, displayed using v-for loop.
My PatientList.vue code is:
import auth from '#/auth/authenticator';
import { mapMutations } from 'vuex';
export default {
components: {
name: 'PatientsList',
data() {
return {
patients: [],
computed: {
accessTokenGetter: {
get: function () {
return this.$store.getters.accessToken;
patientEditStatusGetter: {
get: function () {
return this.$store.getters.g_patientEditStatusCheck;
methods: {
cachePatientHandler(ptnt) {
console.log('PatientList.vue method cachePatientHandler', ptnt);
var patientObject = {
'date_of_birth': ptnt.date_of_birth.split('T')[0],
'first_name': ptnt.first_name,
'last_name': ptnt.last_name,
'patient': ptnt.patient,
'uid': ptnt.uid
getPatients() {
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', '');
xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', `Bearer ${this.accessTokenGetter}`);
xhr.setRequestHeader('Cache-control', 'no-cache');
xhr.onload = () => {
var data = JSON.parse(xhr.response);
for( var i=0, r = data.results; i<r.length; i++ ){
xhr.onerror = () => {
beforeCreate() {
created() {
console.log('PatientList.vue created()');
} else {
In order to edit a patient, I have router-link to edit page. Router-link has click-handler, argument passed in is iterable from v-for loop (i.e. single patient object). I have 4 mutations related to this
const mutations = {
m_startPatientEditProcess(state, trueStatus) {
console.log('Vuex patient m_startPatientEditProcess');
state.patientEditStatus = trueStatus;
m_endPatientEditProcess(state, falseStatus) {
console.log('Vuex patient m_endPatientEditProcess');
state.patientEditStatus = falseStatus;
m_clearPatientEditState(state, emptyString) {
console.log('Vuex patient m_clearPatientEditState');
state.patientDetails.date_of_birth = emptyString;
state.patientDetails.first_name = emptyString;
state.patientDetails.last_name = emptyString;
state.patientDetails.patient = emptyString;
state.patientDetails.uid = emptyString;
m_cachePatient(state, patientObj) {
console.log('Vuex patient m_cachePatient, received: ', patientObj);
state.patientDetails.date_of_birth = patientObj.date_of_birth;
state.patientDetails.first_name = patientObj.first_name;
state.patientDetails.last_name = patientObj.last_name;
state.patientDetails.patient = patientObj.patient;
state.patientDetails.uid = patientObj.uid;
Also, my PatientEdit.vue code is:
import { mapMutations } from 'vuex';
export default {
components: {
name: 'PatientEdit',
data() {
return {
patientToEdit: {
first_name: '',
last_name: '',
date_of_birth: '',
patient: '',
uid: '',
patientDetailsLoaded: false,
computed: {
patientToEditDetailsGetter: {
get: function() {
return this.$store.getters.g_patientToEditDetails;
accessTokenGetter: {
get: function() {
return this.$store.getters.accessToken;
methods: {
populatePatientEditState() {
const pDeets = this.patientToEditDetailsGetter;
this.patientToEdit.first_name = pDeets.first_name;
this.patientToEdit.last_name = pDeets.last_name;
this.patientToEdit.date_of_birth = pDeets.date_of_birth;
this.patientToEdit.patient = pDeets.patient;
this.patientToEdit.uid = pDeets.uid;
this.patientDetailsLoaded = true;
submitUpdatedPatientDetails() {
const payload = Object.assign({}, this.patientToEdit);
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'PUT', `${payload.uid}`)
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/json');
xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', `Bearer ${this.accessTokenGetter}`);
xhr.onload = async () => {
try {
await console.log(xhr.response);
await console.log('Sent patient data to update endpoint \n Ready to be redirected.');
await Promise.all([this.m_endPatientEditProcess(false), this.m_clearPatientEditState('')]);
await this.$router.push('/patients/index');
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(e);
created() {
My reasoning was to avoid unnecessary request to database.
Everything works as intended. I have a store.subscription set up to save Vuex state to localStorage (for session persistence when this application is refreshed).
Store subscription logs state and mutation, everything is normal like so:
First store output
If I open a new tab or window (cookies left untouched), and try to perform the same update operations, my store subscription freaks out, and I cannot auto-populate my PatientEdit page with patient information from Vuex.
According to the output, suddenly mutation is committing things that I never specified like so:
Store output 2
Why does this happen?
Thanks for reading.
NB: If I have missed information necessary to figure this behaviour out, please let me know.
Edit 1:
Vuex store:
import Vue from 'vue';
import Vuex from 'vuex';
import session from './modules/session';
import patient from './modules/patient';
const store = new Vuex.Store({
modules: {
mutations: {
initStore(state) {
console.log('Vuex root state checking for local snapshot');
if (localStorage.getItem('store')) {
console.log('Snapshot found, hydrating...');
this.replaceState(Object.assign(store, JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('store'))));
store.subscribe((mutation, state) => {
console.warn('Subscription detected');
console.log('mutation: ', mutation);
console.log('state: ', state);
localStorage.setItem('store', JSON.stringify(state));
export default store;
You end up with a "cannot stringify circular JSON" error, because you are turning the state, but also the getters, mutations and actions into a string. These contain references to the object you are trying to stringify, which results in an infinite loop.
This is not a problem in your first run, because your localStorage is still empty then. You correctly stringify your state, but when you reload the following line runs:
this.replaceState(Object.assign(store, JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('store'))));
This line replaces your state with your store, extended with what you have in localStorage. If you replace store with state things should work much better.