batch file to start Catalina.bat file - apache

I want to create batch file to start/stop catalina.bat file on window server.
#echo off
cd D:\apache-tomcat-7.0.75-windows-x86\apache-tomcat-7.0.75\bin
catalina.bat start
this is what I create but not working.

If you type CD /? at the command prompt you'll note it has a /D option for changing drives.
You could therefore try:
#Echo Off
CD /D "D:\apache-tomcat-7.0.75-windows-x86\apache-tomcat-7.0.75\bin"
catalina.bat start <args>
If you don't need to have your working directory as the \bin location you could just use:
#Echo Off
"D:\apache-tomcat-7.0.75-windows-x86\apache-tomcat-7.0.75\bin\catalina.bat" start <args>
To stop it, repeat the last line, ending it with stop instead of start
If you really do need to use it, and given that you said the Call command works, you could use…
#Echo Off
Rem start it
Call "D:\apache-tomcat-7.0.75-windows-x86\apache-tomcat-7.0.75\bin\catalina.bat" start <args>
Rem Do some other stuff
Timeout 120 >Nul
Rem stop it
Call "D:\apache-tomcat-7.0.75-windows-x86\apache-tomcat-7.0.75\bin\catalina.bat" stop
#Echo Off
Rem Make \bin directory current
CD /D "D:\apache-tomcat-7.0.75-windows-x86\apache-tomcat-7.0.75\bin"
Rem start it
Call catalina.bat start <args>
Rem Do some other stuff
Timeout 120 >Nul
Rem stop it
Call catalina.bat stop

If you want to create a .bat file to start your Tomcat, then here it goes:
Declare the JAVA_HOME & CATALINA _HOME path in the system environment variables.
Create a file in Notepad with the .bat extension and put the following code within the respective Tomcat directory:
set JPDA_TRANSPORT=dt_socket
cd C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0 //Enter Your Tomacat Path
call .\bin\catalina jpda start
Check out the image attached for more detailed explanation.


"Echo is OFF" text always inserted into batch file when SET variable is written to a batch file IF the file is made by another batch program

I am trying to create a batch file using another batch program using:
#echo {code here}>>batch-program.bat, but whenever I try to write code to write the contents of a SET variable to a text file, the batch program does not write the code into the other batch file, but instead writes "Echo is OFF."
Code is here:
#echo off
#echo #echo off>>apt.bat
#echo color 2A>>apt.bat
#echo echo example-batch>>apt.bat
#echo cd C:/Users/Default/apt/assets>>apt.bat
#echo mkdir cmdInput>>apt.bat
#echo cd C:/Users/Default/apt/assets/cmdInput>>apt.bat
#echo set /p cmdInput= cmd->>apt.bat
#echo %cmdInput%>>used-cmdInput.txt>>apt.bat
#echo pause>>apt.bat
This should have created a batch file named apt.bat, and written into the batch file:
#echo off
echo color 2A
echo example-batch
cd C:/Users/Default/apt/assets
mkdir cmdInput
cd C:/Users/Default/apt/assets/cmdInput
set /p cmdInput= cmd-
but the 9th line (%cmdInput%>>used-cmdInput.txt)
is instead converted into the text line "Echo is OFF".
Have I done anything wrong, or is it just a really weird bug?
EDIT: I found another problem in the program, that because mkdir cmdInput is always run when apt.bat is run, so it displays a error message because of apt.bat trying to create the directory cmdInput though it already exists. apt/assets. So I have changed the code a bit, so that the directory cmdInput is created in the first "creation" batch file (the program that was used to create apt.bat). mkdir cmdInput has been removed from apt.bat.
You need to escape > with ^ but you need to escape % with %
#echo %%cmdInput%%^>^>used-cmdInput.txt>>apt.bat
unless you want to output the contents of cmdinput where you need
#echo %cmdInput%^>^>used-cmdInput.txt>>apt.bat
You can add 2>nul to the end of a md command to suppress the error message generated if the directory already exists.
You should use backslashes \ in directorynames, not forward slashes /. In winbat, the forward slash is often used for command switches. Sometimes forward slashes will work for directorynames, but backslashes always work.
You just have to "escape" the percent-signs with another % and other special chars like > with a caret) to prevent evaluation of your variable %cmdInput% (which probably is empty - therefore the Echo is off).
Also a single #echo off is sufficient. No need to add a # to every line.
#echo off
echo #echo off>>apt.bat
echo color 2A>>apt.bat
echo echo example-batch>>apt.bat
echo cd C:/Users/Default/apt/assets>>apt.bat
echo mkdir cmdInput>>apt.bat
echo cd C:/Users/Default/apt/assets/cmdInput>>apt.bat
echo set /p cmdInput= cmd->>apt.bat
echo %%cmdInput%%^>^>used-cmdInput.txt>>apt.bat
echo pause>>apt.bat
A more elegant way is to use only a single redirection (cmdhas to open the file for writing just once):
#echo off
echo #echo off
echo color 2A
echo echo example-batch
echo cd C:/Users/Default/apt/assets
echo mkdir cmdInput
echo cd C:/Users/Default/apt/assets/cmdInput
echo set /p cmdInput= cmd-
echo %%cmdInput%%^>^>used-cmdInput.txt
echo pause

Exit processes launched from cmd with cmd exit

I wrote a script that launches a cmd window. Cmd window further launches several processes. What I want is that on closing the cmd window manually or using exit command, all processes launched via cmd also get killed.
Technically it is not possible to change how the exit command works. What you could do is make your own custom start and exit commands by having something like this:
Start Command Batch File: (context would be start2 program.exe)
start "" "%1"
if exist onExit.txt echo %1>> onExit.txt
if not exist onExit.txt echo %1> onExit.txt
Save that as start2.bat
Exit command BatchFile: (context would just be Exit2)
for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (onExit.txt) do (taskkill /f /im "%%A"
Save that as Exit2.bat
What those scripts do is keep track of each program you start with the custom command start2 and then taskkill them on your custom exit. You could have these files in the same directory of the batch file, or you could even have your batch file create these files with echo file contents> file.bat and echo more file contents>> file.bat. This is the best you could probably do without placing the actual cmd Executable in system32, which I would certainly not recommend since many other programs use it. Hope this helps

Batch file which saves user input path with spaces to a text file. (win 7)

First of all i am a noob in programming.
I am trying to make a batch file which takes an installed directory of a program as user input when run for the first time (means it should not ask for the directory the second time it is run). By searching for various scripts, i reached till here,
#echo off
Echo =============================================
echo Directory
Echo =============================================
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
set /p mypath=Please specify install directory;
Echo %mypath% ----was what you typed
echo start>temp.txt
echo %mypath%>>temp.txt
echo \programfolder\program.exe>>temp.txt
echo -argument -argument>>temp.txt
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set FINAL=
for /f %%a in (temp.txt) do (
set FINAL=!FINAL!%%a
echo %FINAL%>input.txt
del /q temp.txt
start "<input.txt"
This saves the input path in the "input.txt" text file, and runs the program the next time it is launched.
I want the text file to have the saved path as "start driveletter:\foldername\foldername with spaces\programfolder\program.exe" -arguments
However the "start", "program folder", "program.exe" and "-arguments" are fixed.
The user input path should get saved in- %mypath%.
The does what you asked, I think:
#echo off
if exist "go.bat" go.bat
set /p "mypath=Please specify install directory; "
Echo "%mypath%" ----was what you typed
>"go.bat" echo #start "" "%mypath%\programfolder\program.exe" -argument -argument

Uninstalling IE 10 Using a batch file

I found a way to uninstall IE 10 using a batch file which below and it works great like it's suppose to. It uninstalls and restarts the computer after about a minute.
FORFILES /P %WINDIR%\servicing\Packages /M Microsoft-Windows-InternetExplorer-10..mum /c "cmd /c echo Uninstalling package #fname && start /w pkgmgr /up:#fname /norestart /quiet"
shutdown -r
But I wanted to take this further and Hide IE 10 from windows updates which will prevent windows to install this update actually in the future and to do that, Microsoft provides an executable file which you can download from here After extracting this executable, you get 3 files, IE10_Blocker.adm, IE_blocker.cmd and IE10_BlockerHelp.htm and Microsoft instructions are "In the Command Prompt, goto the folder where you have extracted these 3 files and type “ie9_blocker.cmd /B” and hit Enter to set the blocker on the machine."
I decided to make one batch file for all this so right now I got this far.
FORFILES /P %WINDIR%\servicing\Packages /M Microsoft-Windows-InternetExplorer-10..mum /c "cmd /c echo Uninstalling package #fname && start /w pkgmgr /up:#fname /norestart /quiet"
mkdir “C:\IE10”
copy /Y \file01p\Users\test\public\IE Update blocker\IE10*.* “C:\IE10”
start /d C:IE10\IE10_Blocker.cmd /b
shutdown -r
mkdir “C:\IE10” This command is suppose to create the directory called IE10 on C drive
copy /Y \file01p\Users\test\public\IE Update blocker\IE10*.* “C:\IE10” This command will copy those executable from the network public folders to their C:\IE10 which I just created in the previous step.
This script doesn't work. Only up to uninstalling IE 10 it works but it doesn't create the directory and so it doesn't copy the files from the network. How can do this?
Try running your batch as administrator.
in an administrator : command prompt it makes the directory without issue.
also, it could be that you do not have access to make the directory on C:
you could try locating it elsewhere that you are sure you have write access.

Passing CMD Results to Variable in a Batch File

I am trying to install an application and a group of services using PSTools, but I want to take into account that the computer I am trying to connect to may be turned off or on a different network, which is not reachable from the internal network.
Basically if the machine is not able to be accessed through the admin share, this is the message that I am getting:
Couldn't access MachineName:
The network path was not found.
Make sure that the default admin$ share is enabled on MachineName.
This is the syntax I am using to try to capture the "Error Message" and then report back that if installation was successful or not (depending on if it can contact the machine)
#echo off
set /p name=What is the machine name?:
psexec.exe \\%name% -u *useraccount* -p *password* \\ServerName\installation.bat
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN ('COMMAND ^| FIND "Couldn't access"') DO SET Error=%%A
If "%Error%"=="Couldn't access"
ECHO Installation Failed.
ECHO Installtion complete.
Currently it hangs right at the point it's defining the Error Variable. Can't quite figure out what I am going wrong here.
'COMMAND ^| FIND "Couldn't access"' opens a command shell, which is why it hangs. It will not proceed until that shell is exited.
You will need to look at redirecting the error messages to another file. 2>Errors.txt on the psexec line will give you a file to search in the next line.
this will make the batch file look something like this:
#echo off
set /p name=What is the machine name?:
psexec.exe \\\%name% ... \\\ServerName\installation.bat 1>Error.txt 2>&1
for /f "tokens=*" %%A in ('FIND /i error.txt "Couldn't Access"') do SET Error=%%A
If not x%ERROR:Couldn=%==x%ERROR% (
ECHO Installation Failed.
) Else (
ECHO Installtion complete.
(Also, notice the use of brackets to make a multi line IF)
the check for if will see if Couldn is part of the string, as a direct comparison will not work, as you would have to check against the whole string including the machine name