How to use <ios> or <android> elements in Nativescript Vue - vue.js

I would like to do this
text="Go Back"
#tap="$refs.drawer.nativeView.showDrawer()" />
What is the best way to go about it ?

As posted here
You can use these elements like you did, but the ActionBar is a bit different (hence why it doesn't work as you'd expect). What I've done in a project was to add
// main.js
import { isAndroid, isIOS } from 'tns-core-modules/platform';
Vue.prototype.$isAndroid = isAndroid;
Vue.prototype.$isIOS = isIOS;
In template
<ActionBar android.icon="ic_home" class="action-bar" title="Home">
text="Go Back"
#tap="$refs.drawer.nativeView.showDrawer()" />


Can I use BottomNavigation with components?

I'm trying to display a bottom navigation, in which the TabContent comes from components. Now, with the following code I can't get the tab content to show, and I don't get any errors.
<BottomNavigation selectedIndex="1" class="tab__container" #loaded="loaded">
<TabStripItem class="tab">
<Label :text="text.groups" />
<TabStripItem class="tab">
<Label :text="text.mail" />
<GroupsScreen />
<MailScreen />
<script >
import GroupsScreen from './GroupsScreen';
import MailScreen from './MailScreen';
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
text: {
groups: 'Groepen',
mail: 'Berichten',
<Frame #loaded="loaded">
<ActionBar :title="text.groups" />
<StackLayout class="page">
<Label v-if="groupsLoading" text="Loading"></Label>
Is this even possible, or am I trying to do something that should be done in another way?
The hierarchy is always,
Content (Layouts, ScrollView etc.,)
A Frame can only host a Page, it can not directly host Content. You need Frame only if you want to navigate within that particular container.
So your primary issue was not wrapping your BottomNavigation with a Page element.
Updated Playground

How to add Font-awesome icon to tabview in Nativescript Vue platform

I'm trying to use font-awesome icon inside the TabView item. I am able to use this same code elsewhere in the page and it works fine. It just wont show any icon inside the tabview.
In my main.js:
import {TNSFontIcon, fonticon} from 'nativescript-fonticon';
TNSFontIcon.debug = true;
TNSFontIcon.paths = {
'fa': './assets/css/font-awesome.css',
'ion': './ionicons.css'
Vue.filter('fonticon', fonticon);
In App.vue:
<TabView class="tab-view" :selectedIndex="selectedIndex" androidTabsPosition="bottom">
<TabViewItem class="fa" :text="'fa-plane' | fonticon" >
<Label text="Content for Tab 1"/>
<TabViewItem title="Tab 2">
<Label text="Content for Tab 2" #tap="pretextsTap()" />
I'm using Nativescript Vue platform and couldn't find the example of using font-awesome icon inside the tabview item. In the first TabViewItem, I was trying to add fa-plane icon to see if I got it right. It didn't. I look forward to your tip.
Tab view items have a title property, not text.
Give :title="'fa-plane' | fonticon" a shot.

Routing from outside of a Route component

I have an app where i'm using react router and I can't figure out how to change the route in this use case. Here's how my code is structured:
import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Link } from "react-router-dom";
<Panels />
<Route path="/view" render={()=> <MyComponent />} />
<Route path="/about" render={()=> <MyOtherComponent />} />
Inside <Panels> are some tabs I have that I would like to change the route.
<Tabs defaultActiveKey="1" onChange={}>
<TabPane tab="Tab 1" key="1" >
<Somecomponent />
<TabPane tab="Tab 2" key="2">
Test me
These are antd tabs so they don't have a clickable component that I can put a <Link> into, and <Panels> is outside of a <Route> so I'm not sure if I'm able to access history object otherwise. I could put the panels in each <Route> but that would be really bad.
What way should I go about this?
Figured this one out finally.
import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom'
<Tabs defaultActiveKey="1" onChange={(key)=> this.props.history.push(`/${key}`)}>
<TabPane tab="Tab 1" key="1" >
<Somecomponent />
<TabPane tab="Tab 2" key="2">
Test me
export default withRouter(Panels);
wrapping the export with withRouter give the component access to the history object to push and read routes. I saw this solution initially but couldn't get it to work. Turns out it was because I was importing withRouter from react-router and not react-router-dom, so I was loading in the wrong history.

SAPUI5 - Responsive sap.m.Table

I created a sap.m.table with its header headerToolbar.
In the header, I put the title and two SelectList separated by a ToolbarSpacer.
The problem is that when the screen size is small the elements on the headerToolbar don't go back to the next line and are truncated ...
On a large screen:
On a small screen:
I want the header to be responsive, that is the elements should go to the next line if there is no sufficient space.
Here is the code:
<headerToolbar height="auto">
<Toolbar height="auto">
<Title id="tableHeader" text="..."/>
<ToolbarSpacer />
<Label text="..." lableFor="sl1"/>
<SelectList id="sl1"
<core:Item key="..." text="..." />
<core:Item key="..." text="..." />
<ToolbarSpacer />
<Label text="..." lableFor="sl2"/>
<SelectList id="sl2"
<core:Item key="..." text="..." />
<core:Item key="..." text="..." />
<ToolbarSpacer />
Why you don't use OverflowToolbar instead of Toolbar?
Is the official responsive Toolbar
If you don't like it and want this "pop-in" behaviour you have described, I guess you can put a FlexBox inside your Toolbar and set the direction property depending on the "device" model.
Using expression binding will be something like this:
new sap.m.FlexBox({
direction: "{= ${device>/isPhone} ? 'Column' : 'Row' }",
items: [
//Your content goes here
More here:
You can enable horizontal table scrolling in the css:
.enableTableScrolling {
overflow-x: scroll;
After that table will not be truncated.

Flex List Component with Checkbox

I am trying to add a checkbox to a List component in my application and everything works seeming well until I scroll through my data.
As I scroll vertically in my List, any checks I may have added start to get added to other items in my List, sometimes the original item I checked is not even checked anymore.
For example, my List height is enough to see 5 items, I check Item 1, scroll down and every 5th item starts to get checked.
It's really odd and I have not been able to figure out why it is doing this. I looked at some examples online, and I'm not doing anything any different as far as I can tell.
I ran some traces and the Checkbox datachange event fires as I scroll through my list, but again, I am not sure why.
Here is the mxml test page for my List.
Any help is appreciated, thanks.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute">
<mx:Array id="arr">
<mx:Object label="One" />
<mx:Object label="Two" />
<mx:Object label="Three" />
<mx:Object label="Four" />
<mx:Object label="Five" />
<mx:Object label="Six" />
<mx:Object label="Seven" />
<mx:Object label="Eight"/>
<mx:Object label="Nine" />
<mx:Object label="Ten" />
<mx:Object label="Eleven" />
<mx:Object label="Twelve" />
width="100%" fontSize="10"
dataProvider="{ arr }">
your putting an object to a list dataprovider, dataprovider supports text only
try this
private var arr:Array = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g"];
width="100%" fontSize="10"
dataProvider="{ arr }">
<mx:CheckBox change="trace('change')"