CockroachDB and Microsoft Entity Framework - orm

Does CockroachDB work with Microsoft Entity Framework? If not which ORM would work?

Yes, it should work with an external driver and we suggest using
Specifically their Entity Framework nuget package:
If you encounter any issues, please open issue on either or


How to add support for Cosmos db in .Net framework v4.8 Web Api project?

I have a project built in .net framework v4.8 and I have to add support for Cosmos DB to perform CRUD operations. How to achieve that as Microsoft.Azure.DocumentDB package is deprecated now?
Yes, the Nuget package Microsoft.Azure.DocumentDB is deprecated and the Alternate for this is Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos
Please refer Generic CRUD Operations For CosmosDB for more information
There are lots of public guides about creating applications, including the scenario you are describing:
If you already have an application using the V2 SDK (Microsoft.Azure.DocumentDB), you can use the migration guide to migrate it to V3 (Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos):

ASP.NET Core ConfigurationProvider from database

I wonder if there is implemented ConfigurationProvider for ASP.NET Core which loads options from Database. EF or Dapper.
It's fairly easy to implement ourselves, but I wonder if there is ready solution, and if this really a good idea.
According to your description, I suggest you could try to use EfConfigurationProvider, you could directly use by installing through nuget package.
Install-Package EfConfigurationProvider -Version 0.2.1
More details about how to use it ,you could refer to this article.
If this doesn't match your requirement, I suggest you could create the custom provider by yourself, like this blog shows.

CRUD for dapper dot net using dot net 3.5

I want to use an existing CRUD extension for dapper-dot-net, but I have to use .net 3.5 for my project.
So far I have tried the following nuget packages:
DapperExtensions - wouldn't compile.
Dapper.Rainbow - wouldn't install.
Dapper.SimpleCRUD - wouldn't install.
Dapper.contrib - wouldn't compile.
Is there any other CRUD extension for dapper out there? Or is there a way to make one of those work with .net 3.5?
I'm not sure what features you are looking to use, but Insight.Database is similar to dapper, and we just released Insight.Database v3.1, with .NET 3.5 support.
Ignore this if you are committed to dapper. :)
It looks like Dapper has a .NET 3.5 build version available according to the repository on Google Code:
Dapper NET35.csproj
Try downloading the source and compiling the 3.5 version of the project, then reference that in your solution and see if it works.
EDIT: Sorry, I see you meant that the extensions won't work with earlier versions of Dapper. Maybe try downloading the source to the one with the longest project history and compiling against Dapper inside the same project to see if you can make it work?

dotConnect mobile and fluent nhibernate in compact framework 3.5

We are using dotConnect mobile for connecting to Oracle DB.
I know that dotConnect can be used with NHibernate and Fluent Nhibernate ORM on the desktop but can the combination also be used with the Compact Framework (version 3.5)?
NHibernate cannot be used under the Compact Framework because the Compact Framework does not provide support for some of the fundamental classes (specifically Reflection.Emit) that NHibernate uses.
NHibernate uses Reflection.Emit, which does not exist in the Compact Framework.
Because of #1, NHibernate can't be compiled for the Compact Framework.
Becasue of #2, we know that there are no Compact Framework compatible NHibernate assemblies.
You cannot use desktop assemblies with the Compact Framework. Only assemblies compiled for the CF can be used.
So following this logic we know that anything that uses NHibernate will not work under the Compact Framework.
Seems like NHibernate doesn't support .NET Compact Framework due to usage of some Reflection classes.

Using nHibernate 3.x with Jet driver (Microsoft Access)

I'm working on an nHibernate project that uses an Access Database as the datasource (unfortunately). I'm having issues getting it working because I can't find a Jet driver that supports nHibernate 3.x.
I've downloaded the source from the trunk and compiled it, but it turns out it is still for nHibernate 2.x. Are there any ideas on where to find a new version, or how to get the older one to work with nHibernate 3.x?
Did you try to rebuild NHibernate.JetDriver agains NHibernate 3 or just use this?