iText 7 pdfSweep and JPX encoded composite image (MRC compressed PDF) - pdf

I have a MRC compressed PDF (images are JPX encoded) which I can not get redacted with iText 7 pdfSweep as the ImageReadException is thrown.
Caused by: org.apache.commons.imaging.ImageReadException: Can't parse this format.
at org.apache.commons.imaging.Imaging.getImageParser(
at org.apache.commons.imaging.Imaging.getImageInfo(
at org.apache.commons.imaging.Imaging.getImageInfo(
at com.itextpdf.pdfcleanup.PdfCleanUpFilter.processImage(
... 13 more
Do you know any workaround or solution for this issue? An obvious workaround would be to replace the jp2 (jpx) in the PDF with some other image format and perform the redaction on this modified PDF, however, in this case the benefits of MRC compression are lost, not to mention the overall speed of such conversion and then redaction.

(iText developer here)
As you can see, iText uses org.apache.commons to handle the images.
In the past we have had some problems with known bugs in this external library.
A possible solution is to fork the org.apache.commons project, implement a fix, and submit your pull request.
This way, everyone benefits, and the change would automatically be included in iText as well.
Of course, should you be a paying customer, then reporting this problem through the iText support board might trigger us to do the pull request instead.
As for a workaround, I think you've already suggest the appropriate idea.
process all images
convert them to a different format (if needed)
feed the modified document into pdfSweep
More detailed (step 1 and 2)
using IEventListener you can obtain the underlying BufferedImage of a given resource, and you can then use a ByteArrayOutputStream and ImageIO to re-encode your image into standard jpg or png. You can then use iText to change the dictionary entry for this particular resource.


How to read out the properties of the Symbol Dictionary used by the JBIG2 algorithm in my pdf?

I have a PDF that contains a long list numbers, that was compressed using the JBIG2 algorithm.
When I look up the the internal file structure of my file I can find, that my pages are being built with two different XObjects:
(Pictured is Adobe Acrobat Preflight -> Internal structure.)
I can easily look at the specifics of the first one called "XIPLAYER0" (not pictured) it even gives me the information bit by bit if I want to. The second one is the one I am interested in tho. In it I can see that the image is built using 2 "Symbol Dictionaries" (first one marked grey). Is it possible to see the different entries in this dictionary? Or maybe even get some metadata for just one of them?
Sample PDF(Outside link)
This is not really about PDF, PDF is just the container for the JBIG2 format and its symbols dictionary, which is what you're really interested in.
But, as a first step, you'll need to get the JBIG2 images out of the PDF:
Extract images from PDF, how to handle JBIG2 encoded
That SO mentions poppler, and poppler does have a Python binding/wrapper:
Once you get those JBIG2 files, maybe this can help:
The bigger project has a command-line util which has a "dump" option, but the source says it's not implemented^1:
case dump:
fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, segment dump not yet implemented\n");
So if you're just curious/this is an academic question, the answer looks like "not really". If you need to read the text, how about OCR?

Convert text-based pdf to image-based pdf

Sometimes your nicely formatted (TeX'ed) pdf is converted to Microsoft Word because of the default process at some company. This can badly mangle the layout (and fonts?) of your pdf, potentially rendering it unusable. A possible solution to this problem is to convert the pdf from text-based to image-based to thwart the bad conversion to Word.
This question is about ways to convert a text-based pdf to an image-based pdf.
Your question is very broad, but you do point out a basic incompatibility between PDF and any structured document format. If you are looking for a programatic answer to your question, the general approach is to create an image drawing context instead of a PDF context, and render all the elements of your pages to that context. The result is an image which you then draw into a PDF context.
Now I do have an answer that seems to work, but I wonder about alternatives. My solution also has a shortcoming in that internal or external links are destroyed. In theory it should be possible to keep links intact. Finally, my solution works well for a single page document, but may not work (well) for other documents.
pdftoppm -r 300 text.pdf | convert -page A4 - text.pdf.ppm.pdf
This converts to a pixel-based format and increases file size significantly (10x for my test case).

Difference between iTextSharp 4.1.6 and 5.x versions

We are developing a Pdf parser to be used along with our system.
The requirement is such that, we store all the information on any pdf documents and should be able to reproduce the document as such (with minimal changes from original document).
We did some googling and found iTextSharp be the best mate for our purpose.
We are developing our project using .net.
You might have guessed as i mentioned in my title requiring comparisons for specific versions of iTextSharp (4.1.6 vs 5.x). We know that 4.1.6 is the last version of iTextSharp with the LGPL/MPL license . The 5.x versions are AGPL.
We would like to have a good comparison between the versions before choosing the LGPL version or we buy the license for AGPL (we dont like to publish our code).
I did some browsing through the revision changes in the iTextSharp but i would like to know if any content exist, making a good comparison between the versions.
Thanks in advance!
I'm the CTO of iText Software, so just like Michaƫl who already answered in the comment section, I'm at the same time the most authoritative source as well as a biased source.
There's a very simple comparison chart on the iText web site.
This chart doesn't cover text extraction, so allow me to list the relevant improvements since iText 5.
You've probably also found this page.
In case you wonder about the bug fixes and the performance improvements regarding text parsing, this is a more exhaustive list:
5.0.0: Text extraction: major overhaul to perform calculations in user space. This allows the parser to correctly determine line breaks, even if the text or page is rotated.
5.0.1: Refactored callback so method signature won't need to change as render callback API evolves.
5.0.1: Refactoring to make it easier for outside users to interact with the content stream processor. Also refactored render listener so text and image event listening occurs in the same interface (reduces a lot of non-value-add complexity)
5.0.1: New filtering functionality for text renderers.
5.0.1: Additional utility method for previewing PDF content.
5.0.1: Added a much more advanced text renderer listener that can reconstruct page content based on physical location of text on the page
5.0.1: Added support for XObject Form processing (text added via PdfTemplate can now be parsed)
5.0.1: Added rudimentary support for XObject Image callbacks
5.0.1: Bug fix - text extraction wasn't correct for certain page orientations
5.0.1: Bug fix - matrices were being concatenated in the wrong order.
5.0.1: PdfTextExtractor: changed the default render listener (new location aware strategy)
5.0.1: Getters for GraphicsState
5.0.2: Major refactoring of interface to text extraction functionality: for instance introduction of class PdfReaderContentParser
5.0.2: CMapAwareDocumentFont: Tweaks to make processing quasi-invalid PDF files more robust
5.0.2: PdfContentReaderTool: null pointer handling, plus a few well placed flush calls
5.0.2: PdfContentReaderTool: Show details on resource entries
5.0.2: PdfContentStreamProcessor: Adjustment so embedded images don't cause parsing problems and improvements to EI detection
5.0.2: LocationTextExtractionStrategy: Fixed anti-parallel algorithm, plus accounting for negative inter-character offsets. Change to text extraction strategy that builds out the text model first, then computes concatenation requirements.
5.0.2: Adjustments to linesegment implementation; optimalization of changes made by Bruno to text extraction; for example: introduction of the class MarkedContentInfo.
5.0.2: Major refactoring of interface to text extraction functionality: for instance introduction of class PdfReaderContentParser
5.0.3: added method to get area of image in user units
5.0.3: better parsing of inline images
5.0.3: Adding an extra check for begin/end sequences when parsing a ToUnicode stream.
5.0.4: Content streams in arrays should be parsed as if they were separated by whitespace
5.0.4: Expose CTM
5.0.4: Refactor to pull inline image processing into it's own class. Added parsing of image data if there is no filter applied (there are some PDFs where there is no white space between the end of the image data and the EI operator). Ultimately, it will be best to actually parse the image data, but this will require a pretty big refactoring of the iText decoders (to work from streams instead of byte[] of known lengths).
5.0.4: Handle multi-stage filters; Correct bug that pulled whitespace as first byte of inline image stream.
5.0.4: Applying stream filters to inline images.
5.0.4: PdfReader: Expose filter decoder for arbitrary byte arrays (instead of only streams)
5.0.6: CMapParser: Fix to read broken ToUnicode cmaps.
5.0.6: handle slightly malformed embedded images
5.0.6: CMapAwareDocumentFont: Some PDFs have a diff map bigger than 256 characters.
5.0.6: performance: Cache the fonts used in text extraction
5.1.2: PRTokeniser: Made the algorithm to find startxref more memory efficient.
5.1.2: RandomAccessFileOrArray: Improved handling for huge files that can't be mapped
5.1.2: CMapAwareDocumentFont: fix NPE if mapping doesn't get initialized (I'd rather wind up with junk characters than throw an unexpected exception down the road)
5.1.3: refactoring of how filters are applied to streams, adjust parser so it can handle multi-stage filters
5.1.3: images: allow correct decoding of 1bpc bitmask images
5.1.3: images: add jbig2 streams to pass through
5.1.3: images: handle null and indirect references in decode parameters, throw exception if unable to decode an image
5.2.0: Better error messages and better handling zero sized files and attempts to read past the end of the file.
5.2.0: Removed restriction that using memory mapping requires the file be smaller than ~2GB.
5.2.0: Avoid NullPointerException in RandomAccessFileOrArray
5.2.0: Made a utility method in pdfContentStreamProcessor private and clarified the stateful nature of the class
5.2.0: LocationTextExtractionStrategy: bounds checking on string lengths and refactoring to make code easier to read.
5.2.0: Better handling of color space dictionaries in images.
5.2.0: improve handling of quasi improper inline image content.
5.2.0: don't decode inline image streams until we absolutely need them.
5.2.0: avoid NullPointerException of resource dictionary isn't provided.
5.3.0: LocationTextExtractionStrategy: old comparison approach caused runtime exceptions in Java 7
5.3.3: incorporate the text-rise parameter
5.3.3: expose glyph-by-glyph information
5.3.3: Bugfix: text to user space transformation was being applied multiple times for sub-textrenderinfo objects
5.3.3: Bugfix: Correct baseline calculation so it doesn't include final character spacing
5.3.4: Added low-level filtering hook to LocationTextExtractionStrategy.
5.3.5: Fixed bug in PRTokeniser: handle case where number is at end of stream.
5.3.5: Replaced StringBuffer with StringBuilder in PRTokeniser for performance reasons.
5.4.2: Added an isChunkAtWordBoundary() method to LocationTextExtractionStrategy to check if a space character should be inserted between a previous chunk and the current one.
5.4.2: Added a getCharSpaceWidth() method to LocationTextExtractionStrategy to get the width of a space character.
5.4.2: Added a getText() method to LocationTextExtractionStrategy to get the text of the current Chunk.
5.4.2: Added an appendTextChunk(() method to SimpleTextExtractionStrategy to expose the append process so that subclasses can add text from outside the text parse operation.
5.4.5: Added MultiFilteredRenderListener class for PDF parser.
5.4.5: Added GlyphRenderListener and GlyphTextRenderListener classes for processing each glyph rather than processing chunks of text.
5.4.5: Added method getMcid() in TextRenderInfo.
5.4.5: fixed resource leak when many inline images were in content stream
5.5.0: CMapAwareDocumentFont: if font space width isn't defined, use the default width for the font.
5.5.0: PdfContentReader: avoid exception when displaying an empty dictionary.
There are some things that you won't be able to do if you don't upgrade. For instance, you won't be able to do the things described in these slides.
If you look at the roadmap for iText, you'll see that we'll invest even more time on text extraction in the future.
In all honesty: using the 5 year old version wouldn't only be like reinventing the wheel, it would also be like falling in every pitfall we've fallen in in the last 5 years. I can assure you that buying a license will be less expensive.

Web served image in PDF?

Does PDF and/or Adobe Reader support including an image by URL so that you can insert a dynamic images from a web server into a document?
The answer to your question is both yes and no. If you look in the PDF spec (I'm going by version 1.7) in section 7.11.5, you'll see that a stream within a PDF document can be represented by an URL. So yes, you can go ahead and specify that a PDF has, say, its image content in the specified URL.
The problem will be that when you specify an image within PDF, you are specifying a PARTICULAR image that must have a particular data length and encoding. Simply specifying dimensions, dct compression (aka jpg), and URL is not enough. Images are contained in streams of a particular length. If the stream is too long or too short, it is considered an error.
So you can have images dynamically served up, provided that they are always exactly the same byte length. I think. And I say this because the specification is somewhat ambiguous as to what happens when you set the length to 0 in the stream dictionary.
Now, is doing this practical? Maybe - you'll need a fairly strong PDF toolkit in order to be able to author these documents. And if you have that, I think you'd be better off authoring the entire PDF document that your clients want on the fly rather than trying to substitute an image at read time.
I don't believe you can place a dynamic image in a PDF document in this manner. It's possible to dynamically create an entire PDF document using web-hosted content (using PHP, Coldfusion, etc.) but changing that content later on the web server will not dynamically update previously generated PDF documents, which is what it sounds like you want to do.
As PDFs are meant to be portable by nature (PORTABLE Document Format) and thus, not always viewed online, this goes against the very principle of the document format, and is not supported as far as I know.
You could include a reference to an image at the time of generation of the PDF, but said image will embedded into the PDF, not linked.
You could use pdf.js and modify the rendering methods slightly so that you inject your image. You can find pdf.js here:
You can also use FlexPaper which has an API that allows you to overlay your document with images

Create destinations for all bookmarks in a PDF file with iText API

I'd like to write some (java) code that takes a PDF document, and creates named destinations from all of the bookmarks. I think the iText API is the easiest way of doing this, but I have never used the API before.
How would you go about writing this sort of code with the iText API? Can iText do the parsing needed to manipulate existing PDFs by itself? The kind of manipulations I am thinking of are:
Find bookmarks,
Create destinations,
Or is there a different API that would be better?
Followup: I submitted a patch to iText a few months ago (it has now been accepted and is part of HEAD) that adds text parsing capabilities to iText. PdfBox (mentioned below) has (had?) problems with reading newer PDFs that use xref streams instead of the older xref table format.
Another library that is very good at parsing existing PDF files is PdfBox It can also be used for modifying an existing PDF. FYI - this is the text parser that Lucene uses.
I will also mention that iText does have the ability to parse a PDF file, it's just not great at parsing the text content on each page. If you are looking at accessing the PDF higher level constructs (Dictionaries, etc...) that are used for storing bookmarks, etc... and you don't mind getting your hands a little dirty with reading the PDF spec, you can absolutely do what you are asking about (we do it quite a bit ourselves).
The PDF Spec is big, but readable for the most part, and you don't have to worry about the bulk of it (which is geared towards actual page content and rendering) if all you are trying to do is extract bookmarks.
I'll just warn you up front that you may be disappointed with this. iText isn't really intended to be used as a parser. It's really more for creating entirely new PDF documents, but you can take a whack at it.
To start, using iText, you won't be able to modify the existing PDF document. What you can do, though, is to make a copy with the additional features that you want. (If somebody else knows better, please let me know, this drives me crazy.)
What you will want to do is create a PdfReader object from an input stream on your source file. Then create a PdfCopy object (which is just an extended PdfWriter that makes getting data from an existing source more convenient) for your destination.
As far as I can tell, the bookmarks cannot be obtained from iText at all. Another library may be needed. I think jpedal may have the ability to extract them (it can get them as an XML document, which you may then have to parse to get what you want.) However you get them, you can then add them to a java.util.List, and set that list as outline on the PDFCopy. The bookmarks themselves are just HashMaps with a particular set of keys. I'm not sure what all of the values are, but they include "Title", "Action" (which seems to be where you'd specify that this is a named destination, though I don't know what that value would be), and "URI" (which is used if this is an external link -- I suspect that this would specify the name of the named destination that you're linking to). Again, the specifics are hard to find.
Then iterate over the pages of the reader, importing each page to the PdfCopy. this page may help you.
Sorry I'm not more helpful to you. Good luck.
P.S. If anybody else knows of a better tool that's either (L)GPL or BSD licensed, I'd love to hear about it.