The DHIS2 documentation mentions that it supports mysql (, however thats the last point mysql is ever mentioned.
Does the current version really support mysql? If it does, will GIS still work?
From direct dhis2 support email...
Up until and including version 2.28, mysql should work.
However, from version 2.29 we require PostgreSQL as the database platform, together with the PostGIS spatial extension. This means that MySQL is no longer supported.
The minimum version required is PostgreSQL 9.1. However we recommend upgrading to a later version as we plan to take advantage of some of the useful features part of PostgreSQL 10 such as logical replication and native partitioning in future versions of DHIS 2.
First of all it is recommended to use postgres.
Secondly most of the testing and QA is done on instances with postgres.
Thirdly POST GIS extension is available only in postgres , which can cause a hurdle for you at later stage.
Fourthly , the GIS data points and boundaries are stored in a format which is better handled in postgres db structure.
Therefore please go with postgres and chill
we are just starting to use Google Analytics data in BigQuery and previously used just the MSSQL Server in the work environment. We would like to move some of the analysis to the GCP and BigQuery, but could not decide on what is the better option to use - standard or legacy SQL?
In both cases we would have to adjust to the new language version, but the real question is what is the best choice when it comes to Google Analytics data analysis? Is there something that from the technical point of view should make us choose legacy over standard, or the other way around?
It is very misleading for us that there are two versions, because legacy seems to be more developed now, but perphaps standard will be the main version for SQL in the future in BQ?
BigQuery Standard SQL is the way to go. It has much more features than Legacy SQL.
Note: it is not binary choice. You always can use Legacy SQL - if there is something that you will find easier to express with it. From my experience it is mostly opposite - with very few exceptions. Most prominent (for me for example being) - Table Decorators - Support for table decorators in standard SQL is planned but not yet implemented.
I would recommend looking into Migrating from legacy SQL - not from migration point of view as you are the new to BigQuery - but because it is a good place to see and compare features of both dialects in one place.
Also I recommend to check BigQuery Issue Tracker so you can get some extra insight
Standard SQL is the preferred SQL dialect for use in BigQuery, as stated in the migration guide. While legacy SQL has been around for quite some time--and is still the default at the time of this writing--there is no active development work on it. If you are evaluating which to use, you should pick standard SQL, since in addition to being more similar to T-SQL (SQL Server's dialect) it is more expressive, has fewer surprising edge cases, and generally has more features.
Go with Standard SQL, as that's on the longterm roadmap.
From experience some queries are faster under Legacy SQL, but this is changing as Standard SQL is the one that is actively developed.
The Madlib website suggests it is compatible with Postgresql. Amazon Redhift is based on Postgresql. Can install Madlib on Redshift?
The Madlib library suggests it is compatible with postgres, but the full advantage of MADlib you will take when you will start using it with a MPP Database( Massively Parallel Database ) and also uses some internal pyhton libraries which are similar in both and which may not be the case in Amazon Redshift, it will be good if you use it with greenplum which is also an opensource now and is totally based on Postgres otherwise you will not be able to get the most out of it.
My Rails app relies on match making algorithms, for which I found Neo4j DB to be a great candidate. One issue is that I need to switch to JRuby in order to integrate Neo4j. Another gem called Neography doesn't need JRuby, but doesn't cover all the features of Neo4j. I'm not that happy switching to Java and JBoss.
Should I rely only on Neo4j, or should I have SQL (mySql or PostGRE) to store all my data and use Neo4G just for match making?
If yes to the second, how hard would it be to integrate both databases, how hard would it be to use Neo4j only for the match making, and what should I take into consideration?
Another issue is keeping both DBs synchronized.
Neography supports all features of Neo4j that you would need.
There is no need to go with jruby and neo4j.rb if you don't want to.
Shouldn't be too hard to synchronize the two db's. Just write consistently to both.
In Neo4j you probably just want to keep the data needed for the matchmaking queries.
I have access to a remote Oracle database with a schema consisting of may tables but no data. I'd like to recreate this schema on my local database system for testing purpose. How would I go about this? Are there any utilities that can help with this?
Also, if the 2 Oracle database versions are different would that be a cause of any concern?
Use exp to export it, and imp to import it.
As Paul stated, use exp/imp to perform the operation.
As for your question concerning different DB versions, yes, this is a possible concern. I assume you're copying the schema from an older version to a newer one? Make sure you use the exp utility for the older database, as imp is backward compatible. You might run into problems trying to go from a newer version to an older one, as you'd have to use the exp utility from the older version on the newer DB, and that might be problematic.
As stated, exp/imp will work and these should already be on your machine. I just wanted to add that if you use any third party tools (for example, I use TOAD) your tool might contain some common operations such as "Compare Schemas" or "Create Sync Script" etc.
Does anyone know if it's good solution to use SQLite in multi-thread environment.
I want to replace SQL Server with more simple and built-in database as there is no need to feed such big server DB. The supposed max size of DB would be 4 gigabyte after 4-5 years of usage. Is it normal for built-in DB? Could it affect performance?
It depends on the type of queries you would use. If the queries are simple selects with plain joins, then SQLite could do fine but I think you would still be better off with e. g. Firebird 2.5 when the stable release gets out (RC3 is available now). You would have somewhat richer SQL to work with. I don't know how much bulk loads are important for you, but neither SQLite nor Firebird are very strong in this area. If you need good bulk insert performance and low cost, then you should look at PostgreSQL or MySQL. There is also a very interesting looking database I happened to stumble upon recently called CUBRID. I have only installed it so far, so I can't tell how good or bad it is but it certainly seems worth a look.
You might also want to look at this wikipedia article:
I don't know which distro you're talking about here. I've only used SQLite.NET and I know it works well on multithreaded applications.
It can also be deployed on client-server systems so you need not worry at all.
Considering Vinko's statement of 'real' databases, you can ignore him. SQLite is really worth it's salt.
If you're working with .NET, you might find this link useful:
According to the documentation SQLite is thread safe but there are caveats.
You can use SQLite in a multithreaded environment, but if and only if you build a special version of it (and find out if the library you'll be using it supports it and tweak it if it doesn't.) So, assuming your library supports multithreaded SQLite, if you really need a high level of concurrency to the database you may prefer to use a 'real' database. Be it MSSQL or any other falls out of the scope of the question.
Consider MySQL and SQL Server Express, for example.
If your concurrency level is low, SQLite can cope with it.
I would also suggest you to take a look at the CUBRID database. It has nice optimizations for Web applications and it is easy to learn.