How to send communication to parent component from child component? - angular5

I have split up the components only for the reason the base or the parent component code is growing in size and for code organization. so split the components based on the sections of the parent component.
So the each child component are the each section of the same parent component. But my question how to access the child component objects from parent component? Because most of the examples i see are based on the click event from parent component to view the child component (like dialog) and the value is passed back to the parent html click event and captures the values using emitter and output parameter.
Whereas in my case there is no such click action to trigger the child component. So how to communicate the values from child component to parent component?

In parent component
onDocumentSelect( documentData: IDocument) {
<app-document [showDocument] = 'displayDocument' (selectDocument)=onDocumentSelect($event)></app-document>
In Child component:
#Output() selectDocument: EventEmitter<e.IDocument>;
#Input() showDocument: boolean;
I am triggering emit in the function where the data for the DocumentSource is computed.
here this.DocumentSource is the dataTable which has value in Child component, that needs to be accessed in parent component.
Apart from this I have similar data for another field of different type needs to be passed to parent component from child component.
I get the below error while page loads
TypeError: Cannot read property 'subscribe' of undefined

In the above code snippet, by changing the type to any solved the issue.
On child component:
#Output() public selectDocument: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter<any>();
On parent component:
onDocumentSelect( documentData: any) {


Vue 2. How get child value throuth v-model binding

I'm using v-model in custom component, but when I try to get the data(value props) of the child component in the parent component, then I get the old value, although the data in the parent has changed. If I get the data of the child component through setTimeout, then I get the data I need. How do I synchronize the v-model #input event and the data I receive from the child element in the parent?
This is the logic: there are AppForm(parent) component and AppSelect(child) component. I'm binding v-model on AddSelect, and I follow the changes through watch() { v-model-data }. Then v-model data has changed I call method, which iterates through the list of children and gets the value prop of AppSelect component, but this value is old.
Short example:
You're trying to get the child component's prop inside a watcher watching the data property that the prop is bounded to. Of course, the watcher triggers first, then the data is passed onto the child component and the prop is updated. Its not a good design if you are relying on the order that Vue events and functions are fired, but if you must, you can use vm.$nextTick() function to get values after everything is synced.
watch: {
selectData(newV, oldV) {
alert("Select data from parent component: " + newV);
this.$nextTick(() => {
alert("Show select data after 2sec");
}, 2000);
Although, I'd suggest you shift the watcher inside the child component and access the data prop there.

Call grandchild function from a child - vue.js

I have 4 components in vue, I want to call a grandchild function('refreshArtifact') from a child component, any idea how can I do it?
So here is my component hierarchy:
Parent : TeamManagment.vue
Children :TeamPlatform.vue & ManagementArtifcts.vue
GrandChild : TeamAction.vue (TeamPlatform.vue child)
i want to call the 'refreshArtifact' function in TeamAction.vue from the ManagmentArtifact.vue component.
In my opinion, you can't right now directly call a child function of a brother. So, with your code, you can't directly call a function of a component A, from a component B which is the brother of the A one.
But, you can do that with the grandparent component.
So, when the ManagmentArtifact.vue component need to call refreshArtifact function, you can emit an event. The TeamManagment.vue listen that event, and then pass use ref of TeamPlatform.vue component to call the function.
ManagmentArtifact.vue: this.$emit('callRefresh')
TeamManagment.vue: <ManagmentArtifact #callRefresh='refreshArtifact' />
<TeamPlatform ref='team' />
methods: { refreshArtifact(){ this.$ } }
You can read the doc here.

Notify parent component as soon as event occurs in child event?

I need that when a user clicks a button on the child component the parent component receives cart.lenght to be assigned the count property of an element.
Child component code
<q-btn flat round color="faded" icon="fas fa-shopping-cart" #click="cart("/>
cart: function (Id) {
let cart = []
this.$q.localStorage.set('cart', cart)
How do I display the cart.length value in the count property that is in the parent component?
Parent component code
icon="fas fa-cart-plus"
As per the vue event documentation, we want to emit an event from the child component to the parent component. You are correct with the this.$emit method, but it can take two parameters in order to pass data, like so:
this.$emit("name", data);
So, let's emit a count of the number of items in the cart from the first child:
this.$emit("cartUpdate", cart.length);
Now we need to handle this in the parent. We'll first need a data property to keep track of the totalCartItems in the parent:
data: function () {
return {
totalCartItems: null
Assuming that both of your code snippets are in different children of the same parent, and that the first child (the one that emits cartUpdate) has the component name first-child:
<first-child #cartUpdate="cartUpdate"></first-child>
This will call the cartUpdate() method in the parent component whenever the child emits an event called cartUpdate (using the # shorthand for v-on). The method is very simple, only updating the totalCartItems data property in the parent:
cartUpdate: function (totalCartItems) {
this.totalCartItems = totalCartItems;
Finally, let's ensure this gets updated in the second child component by binding it to the data value:
icon="fas fa-cart-plus"

Broadcasting event from parent to child fires all parent's children in Vue.js

I have a parent component and a child component.
In my parent component I have an event on a span:
<span #click="toggle(" class="open-folder">[{{open ? '-' : '+'}}]</span>
which fires the toggle function
methods: {
toggle: function(id_epic) { = !;
this.$broadcast('loadTasks', id_epic);
in this function I call the loadTasks method from the child component with id_epic parameter.
The parent can have n children linked to it, but I only want to fire the first child method not all.
When I click on the span it fires the event for all n children of the parent's tree.
EDIT: The parent and it's children are generated recursively, so the child can also be a parent on it's own.(Like a folder structure)
How can I fix this ?
Thank you.
$broadcast is used to send event to child components. In your parent component you're triggering the event loadTasks from the toggle method. This is good.
You're sending a parameter along in the event, in your case id_epic
Now in your child component, you will need something like this. You need to get the id you're sending in your child component.
events : {
'loadTask' : function(param) {
//check for the id_epic here
EDIT: The parent and it's children are generated recursively, so the child can also be a parent on it's own.(Like a folder structure)
You should also re-think that part, if you have too many nested components, things can get easily out of hand.
You should be able to stop the propagation of an event by using a second parameter in the child listener. The second parameter is passed the event object to which you can can call stopProgation() and prevent additional children from also receiving the broadcasted event.
Consider adding the following code to your child listener.
'loadTask': function(param,event){
// Handle the param as needed.
Of course this system of event handling is only for Vue.js 1.0 as in Vue.js 2.0+ event broadcasting and dispatching has been depreciated in favor of a data store such as Vuex. So you may want to consider using a method which will upgrade compatible.
You can try using this.$children[0].$emit() to send the event to the first child instance. though it would probably be better to use a more explicit scheme and have children register handlers with the parent or vice versa.

Modifying a component's state from another component

I'm trying to set the instance variable of a child component from it's parent component inside a callback. Using the debugger I can see that the instance variable is set correctly in the callback, but on rendering the child component, the child component does not reflect the changes made.
So, is it illegal to modify a component's state from another component in seaside or am I doing something else wrong?
Example code:
MyParentComponent>> initialize
super initialize.
child := MyChildComponent new.
MyParentComponent>> renderContentOn: html
html render: child.
html anchor
callback: [
child property: 'Something'.
] ; with 'Navigate'.
MyParentComponent>> children
^ Array with: child
You miss some super initialize in the parent component I guess.
I also suggest you don't work this way.
Do a MyParentComponent>>child with
^ child ifNil: [ child := MyChildComponent new ]
Also, don't do a html render: child but html render: self child.
That way you'll be able to swap components easily.
That way you are sure that child has been properly initialized.
After a little experimenting, I found the problem. In one of the rendering methods, I was creating a new component each time the page was rendered instead of reusing the one created in the initialize method.
That other component was used for navigation, where I set which main component was to be displayed based on the menu chosen.
So apparently, modifying state is not illegal in Seaside.